Final+Review FA
Final+Review FA
Final+Review FA
PSYC 1000
Fall 2023
Exam Procedures
• Don’t forget your fully charged laptop with Lockdown Browser
• When you arrive to Jones 102, please store your belongings at
the front of the room. Please leave a seat between you and the
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• Tulane’s Code of Academic Conduct will be enforced and any
violations will reported. If a cell phone is found in your
possession during the exam, you will receive a grade of ZERO.
Final Details
Exam Review
Ch. 1
What is
Critical Thinking
Guideline Example
Ask questions, be willing “Can I recall events from my childhood accurately?”
to wonder
“By ‘childhood,’ I mean ages 3 to 12; by ‘events,’ I mean things
that happened to me personally, like a trip to the zoo or a stay in
Define your terms
the hospital; by ‘accurately,’ I mean the event basically happened
the way I think it did.”
Analyze assumptions “I’ve always assumed that memory is like a video recorder—
and biases perfectly accurate for every moment of my life—but maybe this is
just a bias because it’s so reassuring.”
Examine the evidence “I feel like I recall my fifth birthday party perfectly, but studies
show that people often reconstruct past events inaccurately.”
Weigh conclusions I may never know for sure whether some of my childhood
memories are real or whether some of them are combinations of
accurate and inaccurate information; I’d like to see more research
studies that help identify the characteristics associated with
reliable versus unreliable memories.”
Perspective Major Topics of Study Sample Finding on Violence
Biological The nervous system, Brain damage caused by birth
hormones, brain chemistry, complications or child abuse might
heredity, evolutionary incline some people toward violence.
Social Social rules and roles, groups, People are often more aggressive in a
psychology relationships crowd than they would be on their own.
Cultural Cultural norms, values, and Cultures based on herding rather than
psychology expectations agriculture tend to train boys to be
Ch. 2
Methods in
Theory-Empirical Data Cycle
“anxiety” might be defined operationally “threatening situation” as the threat of
as a score on an anxiety questionnaire an electric shock
Other Psychological Tests are measures
of traits, states, abilities, and
Measurement values.
- Tests that are standardized,
reliable, and valid are prioritized
Tools in research.
Ch. 3
Evolution, &
The Human Genome
● Our genes, together with noncoding DNA, make up the human
○ Many genes contribute directly to a particular trait.
○ Others work indirectly by switching other genes on or off.
○ Many genes are inherited in the same form by everyone.
○ Others vary, contributing to our individuality.
○ Most human traits depend on more than one gene pair.
Heritability refers to the extent to which
differences in a trait or ability within a
group of individuals are accounted for by
genetic differences.
Nervous System,
● The CNS (brain and spinal The PNS (43 pairs of nerves): Somatic nervous system
cord): ○ transmit information to and ○ permits sensation and
from the central nervous voluntary actions
○ receives, processes, interprets,
and stores information system.
Autonomic nervous system
○ sends out messages destined for ○ Consists of the somatic
○ regulates blood vessels,
muscles, glands, and organs nervous system and
glands, and internal (visceral)
autonomic nervous system
● Spinal reflexes are automatic, organs
Separate Sensations,
Personal Perceptions
● Perception is the process by which sensory impulses are organized and
● Sensation is the detection of physical energy emitted or reflected by
physical objects.
● Sensation begins with the sense receptors, cells located in the sense organs.
○ Receptors for smell, pressure, pain, and temperature are extensions
(dendrites) of sensory neurons.
● The receptors convert the energy of a stimulus into electrical impulses that
travel along nerves to the brain.
● Although the individual senses
respond to different kinds of
stimulus energy, the overall
process of sensation is the same.
● Separate sensations in the nervous
system can be accounted for by:
○ anatomical codes (as set forth
by the doctrine of specific nerve
○ functional codes
Ch. 6
Sleep and
• During sleep, periods of rapid eye
movement (REM) alternate with non-RE
M (NREM) sleep in approximately a 90-
minute rhythm.
• Non-REM sleep is divided into stages on
the basis of characteristic brain-wave
Sleep patterns. Alpha waves gradually slow
down across NREM stages
Day Dreaming/Night Dreaming
Dreams as Thinking
● The cognitive approach holds that dreams are simply a modification of
the cognitive activity that goes on when we are awake.
● Dreams may include thoughts, concepts, and scenarios that may or
may not be related to our daily problems
● Dreams reflect thinking without sensory input and cognitive effort to
focus thoughts.
● Nighttime dreaming might be a mechanism for simulating events that
we think (or fear) might occur in the future
Ch. 7
• US→ UR
• NS→ No response
Operant Conditioning
• Operant behaviors are deliberate, intentional, not reflexive responses.
Ch. 8
Three- Box Model
In the traditional three-box model of memory, information that does not transfer out of the
sensory register or working memory is assumed to be forgotten forever. Once in long-term
memory, information can be retrieved for use in analyzing new sensory information or
performing mental operations in working memory.
Types of Information is Stored in
● Skills or habits (“knowing how”) and abstract
or representational knowledge (“knowing
● Procedural and declarative memories
○ semantic declarative memories
○ episodic declarative memories
• Long-term memory involves lasting structural
changes in the brain.
• Long-term potentiation seems to be an
important mechanism of long-term memory
-Perhaps all forms of learning and memory.
Changes in -Increase in the strength of synaptic
Neurons and
● A related strategy for prolonging retention is deep
processing, or the processing of meaning.
● Deep processing is usually a more effective retention
strategy than shallow processing.
● Retrieval practice is necessary if a memory is going to
be consolidated.
○ For students, short quizzes and repeated testing
can have large benefits.
The Manufacture of Memory
Figure 9.1
The Elements of Cognition
Cognitive Abilities
• Cognitive approaches to intelligence emphasize:
‒ several kinds of intelligence, and
‒ the strategies people use to solve problems
Variations in Motivation
● Extrinsic motivation refers to the desire to do something for
external rewards, such as money and good grades.
What you accomplish depends on the goals you set for yourself and the
reasons you pursue them.
A goal is most likely to improve your motivation and performance when three
conditions are met:
The goal is framed in terms of getting what
you want
The goal is specific. The goal is challenging but achievable.
• approach goals (desired outcomes or experiences)
• avoidance goals (avoiding unpleasant experiences)
Ch. 11
Stress, and
Amygdala and Fear
Various parts of the brain are involved in
emotional reactions to events. 1. The
amygdala scrutinizes information for its
emotional importance (“It could be a bear! Be
afraid! Run!”). 2. The cerebral cortex
generates a more complete picture; it can
override signals sent by the amygdala (“It’s
only Mike in a down coat.”)
When the Bear Comes Home Every Night:
The Chronic Stress Response
Solving Stress
• If the stress you’re experiencing can be attributed to a problem, solving the
problem can resolve stress.
• The specific steps in problem-focused coping depend on the nature of
the problem.
• Some problems cannot be solved.
Understanding Attachment and
Variation Within Attachment Behavior
Formal Operations ages 12+ ability for abstract thought and drawing logical
Attachment in Adolescent and Adult Romantic
● Similarity:
○ in looks, attitudes, beliefs, values, personality, and
Changing Transitions
to Adulthood
● Many young people 18–25 are in college and at least partly
dependent financially on their parents.
● This phenomenon has created a phase of life called emerging
● Emerging adulthood is typically a time without turmoil and
crisis, with additional supports to provide
○ psychological well-being, good health, productivity, and
community involvement
○ a time of reflection and reassessment.
Lifespan Psychosocial Development
Developmental Stage Life Period Challenges
Trust vs. Mistrust First year If a baby's basic needs of food and comfort are not met, the child may never
develop the essential trust of others.
Autonomy vs. Shame Toddler The young child is learning to be autonomous but must do so without feeling
too uncertain about his or her actions and capabilities.
Initiative vs. Guilt Preschool The child acquires new skills and goals but must also learn to control
impulses without developing guilt over wishes and fantasies.
Competence vs. Inferiority School-age Children are learning to make things and acquire the skills for adult life.
Those who fail these lessons of competence may feel inadequate.
Identity vs. Role Confusion Adolescence Teenagers must decide what they hope to make of their lives. Those who do not
resolve their identity crisis will sink into confusion.
Intimacy vs. Isolation Young After you have decided who you are, you must share yourself with another
adulthood and learn to make commitments.
Generativity vs. Stagnation Middle When you know who you are and have an intimate relationship, will you experience
adulthood generativity–creativity and renewal?
Ego Integrity vs. Despair Old age As they age, people strive to reach the ultimate goals of wisdom, spiritual
tranquility, and acceptance of their lives.
Ch. 13
Conformity and Group Think
Psychodynamic Theories
of Personality
● Psychoanalysis was the first psychodynamic
○ Psychodynamic theories emphasize
unconscious processes.
○ Childhood experiences and early
unconscious conflicts explain many
Psychodynamic Structure of
○ Id: the reservoir of unconscious
psychological energies and the
motives to avoid pain and obtain
Three major
systems that must
be kept in balance
○ Ego: a referee between the
needs of instinct and the
Id Ego Superego
demands of society.
○ Superego: the voice of
conscience, representing
morality and parental authority.
• Today, studies around the world
provide strong evidence for the Big
Five dimensions of personality:
– openness
– conscientiousness
– extraversion
– agreeableness
– neuroticism
• The Big Five do not provide a
complete picture of personality.
– mental disorders are missing
– other significant traits are missing
Heredity and Temperament
human potential
They emphasize: the strengths of human nature
Ch. 15
Diagnostic and Statistical
Manual of Mental Disorders
● The standard reference manual used to diagnose
mental disorders is the Diagnostic and Statistical
Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM).
○ The DSM is designed to provide objective criteria
and categories for diagnosing mental disorders.
○ Includes the typical age of onset, predisposing
factors, course of the disorder, prevalence of the
disorder, sex ratio of those affected, and cultural
issues that might affect diagnosis
● Major depression involves emotional, behavioral,
cognitive, and physical changes.
○ 5 or more depressive symptoms.
● Schizophrenia is the cancer of mental illness: elusive, complex, and varying in form.
Ch. 16
Psychodynamic Therapy