Mechatronics Sun Star

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| As Per New VTU Syllabus w.k.f 2015-16 _ Choice Based Credit System(CBCS) | SUNSTAR | Bini er i er Le "MECHATRONICS (Vil SEM. B.E. nyonanupe || SYLLABUS ‘Mechatronics Seventh Semester BE. Degree Examination, CCS -Model Question Paper~1 aoe Tae Tien = MECHATRONICS Tir vimeiee tw Tae = Teenie overs fey] 5 Taser o con, seri ONE oouLe + Tntredaction: Defnsion, Motidciginary Scrnaria, Eoltion of Mechatronics, Design of Lami Necture nem. Objetnen af anges and dadvanages of Mechatronics. tn. Giveas overview of mltdiscipinary tchsoloical education, (98 Marks) ‘ramsdecers ed tenors: Defcon and clacton of wansdocer, Difernce between si Secale tacial educaioa curiam ha been a eves pyramid sorte, Se clasifcaton of semors, Pinciple of working and qrranat to tadionl caching ctodsiogy as shown in Fig, On can distinguish esiches and ll Effect seniors = HO THoars Sinan te tina! apd conet era semanos which we Serarted Dcrepracemar & Microcontrollers: Inraaction, Micropocesor systems, Basi lement of reaperinely, which faker encouraged many otber branches o emerge over 8 period coos roam. Microsomes, Dikrece between Microprocessor and Microcontrollers. Ste, The present senano, however, dies fom tat ofthe recent past. The Meveprocemer Architetere: Micreprocesa ectitecture and terminology-CPU, memory Chaining Uocipincs ee ow dating intend of diverging: this bocause of the sed slaves UO and Perper devices, ALU, Instruction and Program, Assembler, Dts ‘euirment of nterdicipliary aowledge athe production place. Rapes Progen Counter Flags. Fetch cyte, write eel, sat, bus interop Ines S08SA Ft mancacturers, adoption of madem and matured techaology with improved a WH ability i paremenntin oder met thei competsivechalleages nthe echaoloy ‘marketplace Infact. new mu-dicipiaary subject inthe name of mechatronice” 3 as boen tracing ct only manafactarers buts engincers, developers esarcber, Programas ogc contre: ntradaction to PLC's, basic strate, Principle of operation, td aademicians. Wit the advent of digi techoology (Gates, timers, commer, Propammang and concept of ndéerdingram, concept of lching & selection ofa PLC. log digital converters, digial-o-anaog converters Sow cot VLSI (Very Inugraton: Ievseanice & tackprouné Advanced actuators, Poeumatc actuators, Indust Large Seale lntepatin) chips, ASIC (Application Specie lategrates Cui) oun €or pars of « Rob Control, Drive, Arm, End Efectos, Sensor & Functional eves, embeded technology, contol networking ystems (felt bus technolog) sopeccmems el rt 10Hoers tmcrocotoiers (b. 16, 32-8 foi point chips, CISC, RISC, et), industrial Compaen (PCI, Compact, VME, PCI 104, ac), information tectaology (ta eal ‘sawocks sch ab LAN, WAN, MAN, et) advanced software tools and techniques Mechanical sauaton yen: Mechanical sem, pes of matin, Cams, Gear ans, Ratchet (CADICAM, GUL and OLE, 32b4 of more, OO-tased, component model. et) A Pow be a che ves, mechanical aspects of mol teletion (ra-ine lols wd techiqns (cal dock, embeded realtime executives), Sof ‘Esra nemo rye: rcs 9 ems, Mechanical ewices, Solenoids, Relays DOAC Computing metods (Andical Newal Network, Gents: Algorithm. Fezy 1, Meso, Pcie of Sapper Maton servants 10Hosrs ‘pail immune Network), sad Agile Manafaciring Engineering (AME). the ‘ngioerng Gel is being acl aed —" ‘Terhoolopcal design hs become sigh ik endeavor due tothe lack of knowledge Pecemate mat byérostc sceaton systems: Actatig ystems, Poeumatic and hydraulic snd eapericnces on iterdscipinary sobjects and methods Advanced technological syncs, Claticsins of ates, Prasat the valves, Pressure repslating/redacing valves, Ghsigns we highly complen and itrdsipiary nature involving synergistic Cotes anes aceon, integration. of mectaroic, photonics, computronics, and commanication DOV A FOV Fringe A commande, types of iing ooo valve, solenoid operated, ‘Tecloological develope! and innovations wold thus require simeltaneous imho pm cements, components yard ym, acoso ations wis of Lrowleige of dsctte fundanetals akeady developed to. date. Syerpisic temic erm. Desig of ingle hyde cis for varions applications. 10 Haars ‘ategration is soliarily lgi-tasd itogrtioa. Combiced action and cooperation : ~ ~ ~ ~e ~ “2 “2 “2 2 2 2 2 a 2 2 2 » » VII Sem (Mechanica) Mechatronicr Fig Convergent scenario ofthe Technical disciplines In the context of prouctvi, an example i evident. In desiging an advanced vesericed actuator, based on the constant Volage frequency (VI) principle, atnwally six types of enginers would be employed: « Mecaical Engine re design the mechanical uct with the knowledge to optimize the deen ‘outncrto overcome the fet of vation adthemal deformation; Elect ‘ziner mould be bought ino esur te windings conforming [EEE (ststion eacsreal and Electronics Engineers) standards; the Electronic Engineer would eign ti atrumentation prt of the motor since the devin of highly sensing Spats encoders and ote Sexsry devices i of pramowntimportane; « Comml finer would contol the peed ilzing Wis principle sac they now abou eaeing and colli es: Communication Engineer would sugges how Fa aber within th eign order to overcome fcr loo intereen, i safety eeglatins, and finally Computer Engineer ited atunor st could be monitored and controled moma uring LAN (Local Ares Network) or WAN (Wide Area Network), Sone ‘eight old he above example ase simple ae (srt spl in reality!) Bas bandwidth imitations, an ks eee Ber BCS - Model Question Paper <1 TTwe take examples of designing wpace shuts, a at, anaomoble engines robots, emi aulowomos achinerie, other mach ‘neta are conser Mechanics platforms and ar wedi the real question st how mol in which the following ditilines act eeShen electroni ayes, infemation teeology and mecantil Wns aeriat a mechavon stems can be found evenere: i medical apolictiong wowiteT ceoic, den} machi) in veel applications aut fe (rr eclectic and verdes eek) ret A) Fay Soucy peda linc) in acsoipace (mobile roti, wat ms retin ler) im pein sytem (omc force microscope hard di aoa eniemeckanial watches, mcrrobotics) @ petoleun FANS (Gaunt machines, acted netnes fips) (Advantages of Mechatronics: “s Simpied mechanical design 1 Rapid machine setup 1 Rep development rials 1 Adaptation possibilities. 1 Optimized performance, productivity. ‘Disadvantages of Mechatronics: = Diflerent expertise reqied 1 Realtime clelationsmatheratical modes 1 More complex safety sues oR | 2 a. How are transducers clase? Explain wth sit VII Self (Mechanical) Mechatronicy « log nd digit vases * trina and sendy andar 5 lamdacrs tad vetansace, 5 Qatari D)Asog end Digit ratte, “redicers on th hss moet il may eclaied Ieonog septal nade ‘Aa tansdaces comers ini it ots which sa conious Loner of ene acs THERMISTOR stain gage, LVDT themes ce Diciattranadacer cone pt sg no eosin te om fps «genes dace oe Thesis cna core poplars ishaeso adeantpe sacl wih dial messing insrmens an ae the fc ht ga gas on be wenaited oe ng isan oa ig tn tro i aye ain ep i "anne ote bass of eds apathy Bei io pinay sndconday Wace. Feary Trance: When te int signa is diet sensed bythe eaadces tod pct phenowenon convened a the ec! fm dvs ten sch ‘eansacer eal the pinay tances Fr example A Themis sed fot the esrement of ompestue al his eaegny The Termior snes he ‘epperatr diet) andes ic change insite with te changein npr Sctyndary Trndaces When thing gal is esd fsb sone dtc sehr adhe is up ee me er fo tan pts gens pt ‘Sander for comerin ele om hen oh ana taepor of secondary wanducers Freep in ete of prea essence ‘otedo be ra primary sense which conver peti ft into dplcemen, ‘hate dpacement is coveted in an Ou volage by an LYDT. thi ce OT isa secon assacer “Tebgsducer: It ir device la cenners ano electicel quant ito a lecice qfsin: Nomally& esate and suid cls non-kin fecal ouput For eal troop, Hts conde cel rie ar moving coil elements an be employed a inves ranidocer, A mow wel io of ers Was aces isi fee back measuring ems « Resistive Tranedcers # Capacitive Transducer. Inductive Transducers BCS « Model Question’ Paper «1 “ Wolge ad eure! Garang Tnsdcers| 15) Active Teantdacers and Pave Transducers "ransdver onthe asi of eto of nergy conversion woed, maybe clsied Ino ative an passive tanslces Active Trnaders: Tese are Self grnering type tandicer fe the tanadcers which develop thi onpt in the form of ‘evi woage or su wiht ny mani soorce, Neral such anders fre very seal elput, efor, we of amplifier becomes extent For example {TACHO generator used for mestaremens of apul veloc, thermocouple ed formeasremenf tepert,penolecr eral sed for measurement offre. 1, What are height aemor” Fpl the Working of light sensors with detail. (Marks) ‘Ans. The Lig sss ate smizondctordevies and this opeton i bed on he ‘hnge inthe resistance aod caret ow i he ct when ght fs onder, ‘Tere are Thee tsi types fi senses. 1 Phot Dade 1 Poor 4 Phot Regier ‘Photediade is wo termi eectonic device which, when exposed to igh the ‘ureat vats fowig ia the did, It operated ia reverse based made ony ‘anv gh energy ino detrial energy. & + |, Fig. Working print ofthe ight seers ‘The jnctinn of Pata siunintd by the light source, the foons ie he {ection sc. The photoes impatient form fight othe unt, Duetowich electrons rom valence und pt the ener jump iat the condition ‘and und earibueo cue In this wy he peti conve ight ene ito ecical eoeny Figure shown the wekingpicple of Light sensor (Photo de). PhototrastistorsesmticnomelUrsor excep the fat th the base termina ‘present in ease ofthe potransitor. Phtoransts convert he iat ight into phvocurent Ise of providing the base ureter tigen the anise, ‘he light as ar sed to ilminte he base epon The sym and ret ofthe phottranitor described inthe Figur, Sale Ee Beare f t a (id ih heh dda aReRaaseenee’ a SPP DDD OOOO OE Ed do oo VII Sem (Mechanical) 4 Fig, The symbol and ict ofthe phottonsistor Workiag ofthe Plototransistor "The be termal s mae op ofthe materi which shows sensvity towards he tight The ert symbol ofthe phottrannstor is simlar oUt ofthe conventional transistor but the base Lena cau be omitted. The two aows point towards fottrarsstrindistes that the photcansior i triggered by the lg incident fi The output ofthe phottanitoe i taken from te emer termina and the Tight ays ee allowed to enter the base region. The maid ofthe potocuren peverate by the pottansistr depends onthe Hight ines ofthe ight fling on the eansistr. Photoresistor "The ame potocesisior isthe combination of words: oto (ight particles) an resistor A photresisor i a ype of resistor whose resistance decreases when the Sten of ight increases In oer word, the flow of electric cuet trough the hotoresistor increases when the intensity of Up merase. ‘Potoresistcs ae also vreties refered as LDR (Light Dependent Resistor), seconisondotorphotoresisor,photocondacoy or photocell Photoreistr changes ‘Reitance only when i is exposed o ight The American standard symbol an the ofthe pesoresir sho inthe below Figure. é ‘Beratonal sundae 9 S x ~ pmercansandad Ines sana symbol symbol ‘Fig Spmbol of phtoestr a American standard and Internationa standard Workiog ofthe Puotoresstor Whee a Tigh falls on the photorsisr some ofthe valence electrons absorbs hen fom the ight nd beaks the boing wih he tans. The valence eects, cree ett debonding with th toms, oe called fe lesen Figure shows the ‘working principle of Potosi oy BCS - Model question Paper “1 Fre etat Fig The orig principle Phoreser — Modale2 a Whats bs pain peso a ftsmars Son ae eee cenag eve ofeey compas vie hist fnaniical USNeccowcommmnese wit ower vorlfreeample nedsoeppeunete Siig dvs pt dat ed comment with m9 fee cea scr wien meer ae ely ners 8 fen oun eves to dp the ot on OFT device To coma Teale Mctopncsr mae abies Thee we dire ted in Microprocessor: (Radess Bus: Is rou of wires Hie th re sed wo transfer the ‘Memory of 10 devises. tis wiectional In oe 8085 mi tus ws of 16 bts This mean that Microprocessor 4085 can tasfr shin 16 tit adress which means it an addres 65,536 illest memory ‘This bs Ftimltilered with bit ata bus. So the mos significant its (MSB) of though Address bus (A7-A0) and LSB goes rough maiplened dah bus (AD ADT) Data Ba: Assan lat ted ose da win Mle and Memon apt Ost devs Is biden ees © tend roe ats, The da bs a wr ti lave oer peso pend oda bass why Tne 48S fle BY Miroproseir eeue tvean Bbtdaa bes I | ‘Sarstar Exam Seanmne { | 9 VII Sertl (Mechanical) Mechatronicy Copfrel Buse Micropacestor wes contol bus to proces dt, that is wat 10 opti the selected meno) heaton. Some cto signals are Read, Wie and {ach ce: Vanes fests ae pecomed by micropree with te ‘br comes tas Ths dete causal ining ial ar eer gt comet en Ligapplications of wirojroceer coms) oe, Apieaons Jee tnd mirocouies inal inde of elton devices thse dys. Any UolpS tat memurea, sore orcs, or dsp iaforation mst SEE Suits chips The aes ingle we fo microontale isia TOEASEe utnay (wercourets wey ed fer consoling egies nd SREPSoaois natant Yona ind rca ide Lytoar EE indors pines and her perp Inte equipment, mcrocotales SEE Sy Kamessech tc st ote meswrement to eee nd ‘Soe wscrrewtieandtdtn escent waveforms Consumer roduc tat SSRENSSNGioe nioe gt canon opal player, LCD'LED dspay (Sao And hs et ew exes Scag banc pylons of scrocontale ae gen blow 2) Ue w bmi tren. 1 Riel sed in communion tes. 1} hed a peril eon aPC 1 bd in robot 3 he in ome ea, ¢ Whitiea Microcontroter? How are microcontrollers classified? Drie explain oe (estar) x rise Module-4 Explain the met (Maris) ‘Aigchanical system manages power to acomplia task that involves Fores and ‘movement Devices which ea be considered tobe motion converters & transform moi oes one form 1 some eter equ form. Fr example: Tasfor linear ‘Sanatar Exam Seanee BCS - Model Question Paper - 1 ‘eaten no taal ion ad vice ver. Mechanic elements can cade the {Seo lnage ems ge cnn, ching Dek ie Te apenandpnon cn be asdf contr rttinsl motion 16 inet motion, yn te ital cambusion engi where recpoeting motion ofthe piston is ithe acne wich vet wer ced by hee of mechan weve ofice now days being otined ts esl of ¢mecharoics approach By esr of mcg seas etl however ae sl ie mea stem. For example aera acme marstmaiccanenoajsing be ere et Dees nee mecanam raising eo opbam Se ene tn be wel fr any ft a ein ses meno mg se do prone ch nto a Tore apiece a ghenb es 2 Change ef sed at enya JIE Srfanton atone ton bat aah ting be {CPuceuyp at aioe ge yin mechani ‘pe lentlngas need fe be yo mata nowt rep fee 1 Wat are the pe motions any ody? (omar) at Tenatoe i nip tye terete Tnsatna, Reta wd ambush )> ge @ » Fig. Types of motion (a) Translational) Retational By considering the Ue dimensions of space, tearslation motion can be ‘movement which an be resolved int componets long one or moe ofthe hee rer shown in he Fie. Aroaoel main can be considered as arotton which fas components rtaing bout one ot more ofthe anes thown in the Fig «Explain the casicaton of CAMs with nigchunial actuation system with neat atch. ((OMarks) ‘Ans. 2) Weige and Flat Com: Awodge cam has a wedge of wpeifid contour and has {aralaanal motion, The follower an eter alle o sill. A sprig is ws toms the contact erase he eam andthe follower. Figure shows the typical serangement of Wedge cam, ee yA LL) dp N . a a 2 2 2 + . \ , VII Se (Mechanical) Mechatronics aoe Spine ’ HS _rotower wire | shape cam Fig Wedge com J tn this yp of ams te follows moves in aration fom so nown a radial die cam, The normal tthe cam xis. iste cams ae Fig Plate cam ©) Cylindrical cam: Here a ying bias cirnfretl contour et in he murice Eira rte about is exis Figur). The follower motion is either ovcilating reciprocating ype. These cams aca called drum o bare ans Cam joint BCS - Model Question Paper - 1 ‘OR 4a, List de Mechanical snitch any one in eta {08 Maris) ‘Ans, Mechanical witches ean be casi it diferent types based on ster ators veh at 2) Number of conaets contact mul contact switches 1) Number of poles and throws = SPST, 2 bri, + SPDT, ee 5) Operation ad constuction r * path baton, + toeake, limit switch «joystick et Based on sate "= momenary 1 locked svtces . 1 Leva eo lok into various pes, ‘Based on the member of poles and throm ‘tote epezens te numberof vial power crus that ca be switched Mas athe ites are designed ave one v0 or three pokes and ap signted a ‘Single pote, double pole and tiple poe. seater of throws represents the purer of sates to which cent can FASS eoph the rch Most of the switches ae designed to have cir one orto throws which are designated as single throw and double throw switches ‘A. Single Pole Single Switch (SPST) ren Fig Sage ele Single Frew Sieh (SPST) i| ‘Sauter Exam Sanne VII Sook: (Mechanical) Mechatronicy ‘Thiphs the basic ON and OFF switch consisting of one inpat contact and one output onc IC vtches a single ict and it an ether make (ON) or teak (OFF) ths od, The contacts of SPST can te either nomally open or normally closed ‘Thisoithas tre erin ei apt contact and remaining two ae ou cones This means i const two ON postions and one OFF poston. Ie mot of the drut, hese switches fe used as changsover fo cone the apt between two ‘hoes of outputs The cont which connected othe input by defa is reere {sally closed contact nd comat hi willbe connected dang ON operation ows Sp SPDT Switch Circuit ig, Single Pole Double Throw Switch (SPDT) bs. Expain principle of brushes D.C permaacat maguet motor. (OBMarks) ‘ans Dit eurreat (OC) moors are wae in «lege number of mechatonic designs exause of the tayuersped charters achivable with diferent electicl orb urtions, DC motor speeds canbe smoothly controlled and they are reverse im ios eases, Since DC movers havea high rato of orgue to rotor inet hey can reigond quik. [De motors werk, based onthe principe that "when a curent carrying conductor isploced in a magnetic fl, expences force. When a conductor moves in & ‘vjgcti eld an erm nduced™ Figure shows the very simple form of DC motor. The single cols lasted between opps pokes ofa simple riagaet. Te magnetic fl is produced bythe permanent fost or electromagnet an forms the ator. Te cll of wire ata the Cojvenional DC moor, several cil of wie are mounted in slots ona cylinder of gga material ale wnat. The amature fs mounted on bering and itis ee 2 ‘Sanshar Een Scanner CBCS - Modal Question Paper - 1 ‘To rote tis comeced to sours of DC cutent tra a switch mounted onthe shaft andi eae eommettor When the clei curent flows through the amature conductors placed in te Imugntc felt eaerenccs a force which eases te amature to rotate. AS the inte rata, the commutator fevered the cunt in each coil wit moves ttn eld poles. As the comme are split the cuent direction trough col ‘evere each ime and tus, the rain torge is present all he time andthe col ‘contin ore Based on how the stator magnetic flds are created, DC moins are casi into four eategrcs sch as permanent mage, shan wound, series wound, wound and separate wound. Penne gett In permanent magnet rotors, the stator feds ae provided by permanent magnets shorn ia Figure which requirno extemal power source. This ype of moor islighter fd amaler than ether equivlet DC motos because the eld srength of permanent ‘magnets is igh. These motors are exsily reversed by switching he desi of the ppd voltage because the eae and field change direction only in the rotor I i el in conto ppiations because ofthe ier of ts torque-speed relation. ‘When + permanent magaet motor is zed ina position o speed cant appliation ‘with enor feedback ow controll, tisefeed toa servomotr, ‘Santa Ena Scatter 23 he np pe PPP PD SSS SESE ESD SS SY > ‘ sch explain th consiracton ‘ , uw (Mechanical) Module-5 a Marks) ‘Ans. With x tyrautic system, pressurized oil (uid) is povided by a pump driven by an ‘arrangement of hydraulic power saply hydaulic stem. A pressure relief vale is included this being t release the pressure iit ies above safe level the nonretum vale isto prevent the ol being back driven tthe pomp fd the accumulator isto smooth out any shorter Mectuatons i the utp ot Pressure. Accumulator isa container in which the ol is held under pressure spain fan external force, which involves gas within a bladder in the camber entining {We hydraulic uid IF the ol pressure rises then the bladder contract increases the volume the oil can occupy and so teduces the pressure. H te oil peesure fall the bladder expands to reduce the volume occupicd by the oll and xo increases ts vans ucaning / co, [ | set sae “Tt te fa dn fit (= "a Lie Se pccmaaee Fig. () the arrangement of hyeautc power supply, (0) Accumulator ese Hy ewulic Purp plays vital role in Hydraulic Systems 1. List the advantages and disadvantages of hydraulic system. Ans. Advantages '* Thelhydeaulic system uses incompressible Mud which resus in higher ficene: + Irdelivers consistent power output which is difficult in pneumatic or mechanical ‘rive systems - ‘© Hydraulic systems employ high density incompressible uid. Posiiliy of Ieakage is less in hydraulic system as compared to that in pneumatic system. The ‘maintenance cos is less. «These systems perform well ia hot environment conditions. Disadvantages ‘The material of storage tan, piping, cylinder and piston can be corroded with ‘hydraulic uid, Therefore one must be earefl while selecting materials and (06 Marts) hydenulic uid 1¢ The structural weight and size ofthe system is more which makes i unsuitable smaller instruments. for - ‘Sarstar Exam Scanner CBCS - Model Question Paper 1 + The soll inparis ni oda Bll en rcaony mma ooopae ‘ys, herfre one tpl bee sae terme Che 4 The leatage of die fd in sln ee ne ed method and sels mest be adopted 1 The hydra ids, it ot ipod prope, can be harmo heeivoamest oR 10.2, With neat sketch expla Pressare eli vale. (08 Marts) ‘Ant. The most widely usd type of pressure contol valve i the peste tle because iti ound in practcaly every hydraulic system. Seoemate diagram of simple rele valve i shown ia Fig is nrmaly «cae valve hie frcinn to limit the pressure ta spied masinum yale by diveing pomp ov eet ‘he tank. A poppet shld ete inside the ale ty a hear seg When cyte pressure reaches 2 high ough value, te poppet ford ot set This prs flow through the outlet othe an as longa this high pressure evel mamnet [Not the extemal ajasting sere. wich varies pring force and th te psa at which the valve begins 16 open (racking pressure). It shouldbe ned at the 2ppet must open sulci 0 allow ul pup flow. The presse text ull pump flow canbe substantial greater tan eacking pressre. The ss at ull pnp low ithe press lve at i pci when refering wo the pssue ing ‘ofthe valve. ts the maximum pressure level permite bythe rel sdjsment sre Pump i} Figare Pressure Reig Valve 1 te ya ten dt wy ow ten all ep fo a ieieern cane peaat Sun Esa Bu | & VII Serf (Mechanical) Mechatronic BCS - Model Question Paper - 1 is FH in (the dated line) fo try 1 open the vale, while on the ote side, he Input ack Stroke adjuster Sp esto esp itadjustie, lowing the adjimert of presi eve at which aa + haf vate opens. The rv hough he ping ius th iti asable, a = iliping the djsiment ffs vel hich thee valve ops L —_ a Lea ul — 26 = What are the types of rotatyactetors and expla with sketches. (08 Marks) Rolle, Actastve ae wed achive amps motion, Ray actuators ar devices ‘eu prace high forge tpt and fave 3 Finite tary movement. Standard ‘epi are 80, 1800, nd 2700, “Typc are thre mij types a) ison pe bore ore €) Rock an pinion type 1) Fst type actuators ar essatly linea actuators mechanically connected o| ‘rare the near fre produce an ouput torque and rotational movement. These dette ar eapable of proving a opt maton of one revolaton or more bet at uous rotation Figures) sows A linear cylinder sed to produce rotation. Clie An Cts —— eo pe 0 o Aline chine wed to prodece tn () rane pe ember acter 1) Nhe ype +t has semi gary actor involving in vane. A pres difference teorer the fo prs cause the vane frat ands gives sha rotation which 8 for ofthe pressure difrence.Depedig a the pressures, vane can be rotted ‘lophwisee anticlockwise Fig) shows the istration of vane pe semi-rtary sctuhoe ©) Rock Sh ia Figue. ipe Der pe of Retry Actuator is Rack and Pion type Ope pinion ‘Fig Rotary Actor of Rack nd Pion Type (gl 0c) They te at try autre ha hgh fre and sl instalation incon The actor hs dbl pst, which tans he ung mamest© thesur ska. The uted piston od at onthe opt haf ina rackandpiion tipckangemen. Exch piston and oer oli of teal constwcton. Th k= wep pe aangenen gies an ve ering moment hrowgoat he tion movement, The dive af sob soppoied in ashings of sel ieig yr ‘Thee arekeyevay cathe opt end of eh, whl the opposite ed ofthe sat tot aub Gu canbe wed owconmot end potion nde, faite fund operate ofthe acter ‘Sarat Eau Seamer 27 DAMA A AR RR BBL LZEZLBLR ZBI LD Nobo bb bbbbbedccccddcc ee e/e/p/ ‘Seventh Semester BLE. Degree Examination, CBCS-Model Question Paper -2 MECHATRONICS, Module-t Define mechatrsics. What i is ebjecive? Expl ey components ia typical mee dO Marts) Mecharonics 4 word ignated in Japa in and around 19805 fo dente the Combats of fehaolopes which go together produce Tania robes A formal dcbnition of Mechatronics he syerpsic integration of Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering, Cecvonics, Comput technology, and IT to produce or cohaoce prod and ystems” Mechatronics the erp miegraionof sensors actuator signal conditioning power electrics, evs snd contol gorithms, and computer hardware a Tote to manage complerty, waceraity, and communication ia engineered sa Lok diagram the Fig Mali-dacphinaryopproach Pretacts oad peocesen tegeting pts fn tare an one dacipine ca be (ELD tena tolomng types of irate. Malidicipiany i 38 xbdine TOT or neg maki Eigans ogee to beat on 8 problem. Fig shows Fics dacipaary apprach of echaclopes Seeks Gee See CBCS - Modal Question Paper - 2 Honscrce isan inerdscighinay fd in which the follwing dion: rether leer nyem, formation tcolgy aad mechaneh tens Neeediye mecharon sles can be fod everywhere meal ea [aoce rosacea machine), in veil spienions (wos sama nd riveree ec), m prot ary om lines), sropace (mobile rbot, ht ss sys (nomic force microns, ard Gk dbiver, elec tucker, mirocns), m parlcan exist (Gsscton machines, actusted networks of pipelines) re objecives of mechanics rete fllwok T'Teimprove predacs ad process 2. Todevelp novel mechanisms 5 Todesgn ew procs ‘Tore nw techaology wing novel comeeps og eke Srrcnarie ema wre wk ion cis Kssdvasages One Gsafemage at bed of mecharcics rues 1 fowler of Ciferet Zaps. Also. Se (Geigrenset be fai and ly ieee compen mechani ems ee ems alo require ore pars tan eer, ad ivolve «pent kof component flare 1, Explaia brie evaltion of mechatrvsics hae, Toe eld of mechsrois ba received macro recognition co wii = ee jeas though rooted er on peso an actuators tp back SE CP imre The ld han bee nen by raped abl rere Sof (rrclectonics, where slide nd newory bepeveiinizo$ cee pect of narancttio nd conch ak have cad capone in 6a processing an commnnications. ‘Setar Exam Scan 29 VEL See (Mechanical) Mechatronicy 2a. illreetiate between trantdasr and sensor As word mechatroitsciistd in Japan in and around 1980s to describe piljcophy adopted in sighing sbsy stems of electro mechanical products, Since {hh eay days there have been major advance in the ehnolgy andthe methods tha have become svi) manulcturing indies Mechatronic, ahough ill arghtivel new term corpse with any of the aditina ranches of agin poeas fray exe Indviuals, indus, and universes round ar now wing th toh fey AL he research and development RAD) lve tea chnial ares ae classed unr the mechatoics icp. They ae eto Cones Robots 2 Automotive Systems 1 Moding ond Des = pam teenie 1 Manatactorng 1 Mier Devies an Optical lester + Niteation and Note Coste However to deal wih athe above areas of research, fndamental sty the tt evel neces oR (8 Marts) Saar Traseducer [A wanidocer i a device wi converts one form of energy it another. So sensors ar in fata = [ype of transducer [Asersr ins device which dtc iin [oe frm of energy and convents te att eles eney asc device whch dee teanadcer i a device sal ety snd pres |e ry Jan elec signal based on the [A wansducers can conve beeween any forms of ener, they can be used 10 provie| ES |__| preg of therquanity measured | thet for. Se OW earttilail Saseeve Feedback othe system. eqaback | quanty and canna, by Hulh give Feedback othe ye Walknow that a magntic sn the principe opertion of Hall et sensor (05 Marks) fect Sensors ar ders which are activated by an exeral magaeti field i has two important characteristics fax density, (B) ‘Senate Exim See ‘Sanstae Eaam Beane ean aieeetaaieidaimelienaieend sa poly eth Sor FT opt ip al ti et eee cr ipts tl denty wont ec, When magic i ear cea eat tea eve ei we ae ei Wage oe ome ‘eterno Pee o ee ne scl o in eo EM PE a ae ne en Or se a cman eres ros tos ce ee ae mp fx ee oe Be ‘os ee i aes cate ot Soe a of mgt ey cst peyton ts ome a "icon Fore Semiconductor Hatlcement Ley pt De Septy ig, Working principle of Hal eect sensor ‘As these electrons and boles move side wards «potential difference i produced ‘betwcen ie wo sider ofthe semicondutor materia bythe bulldp ofthese charge ‘aie. Then the movement of elects tough the temiconductor, materi ‘fected by the prevence ofa extra magnetic eld which is a ight angles to td his eet is restr a flat ect shaped material. ‘The effect of generating a measurable vag by using magnetic ld is called the all Effect afer Edin Hall who dcovered tack in the 1870's withthe basic ‘ysicl principle underlying the Hall tect being Lorene force. To generate & ‘oem ifeeace across the device the magaetic x ines mst be perpendicular, {00° the Now of cureat and be ofthe ears polar, pearly a south poe. ‘The Hal lect provides information rearing the (ype of magnetic ple and smapnitae ofthe magnetic eld For example, south pole would cause th device PRD DLOGD LODE do oo o/ 0/e/0/e//e/p vir Ans 32 Mechatronicy Toots vlogs oa whew a ple woul ave po eet Gener. Ettanto and eis we end hein te "OTF oe cenit ne no mc fl pe Teh nO ed St Cen when sae mg fle eng nd li Hn Ee Seno nae eer car ral eu. Teo ‘lf ine alops)senaken ety fom top beeper trier wih he wpa clap eng dt pop othe meget eld pain igh he Hl se Th pa Hal age gen 1 ven! (+8) Sen (Mechanical) Whore: Vy isthe Hall Vatage in wots Rit eth ll fet coetcient Tis the cuteat lw troogh he sensor in amps is he hikes ofthe sensei rn [ste Magnetic Fix density in Tesas Module-2 Explain briefy microprocessor systems (Maris) Microcomputer / microprocessor based systems consis of diferent uit working together 16 perform operation in caret order. The system includes folowing ‘components, ‘The Microprocessor alone docs not serve any useful purpose unless it is supported by memory and LO pos. The combination of memery and UO pors ‘with microprocessor is known as microprocessor based system. Microprocessor ‘which is the central processing unt executes the program tre inthe memory and Ueansfr data to ad from the cuside word trough UO pots. The microprocessor is Jnterconnected with memory and VO ports bythe data bus, the Address bus and the contr! bus A bs is basil a comminication lnk between the processing wit and the peripheral devices as shown inure ee re ln] 3 “Fig Block diagram of Microprocessor sxem Memory Unit: The memor wi of «digital computer consists of device which ae capable of socing information. The memory ofa computer i we for toring two dtinet typeof infomation suchas data to be proceed by the computer and program through which the result of th desired problem is obuined. Computer ‘Sansher Exam Seumne BCS - Model Question Paper 2 rogram and data are ord inthe Memon Unt. This wal consis chips of Fock ROMs (ReadOnly Memories) nd RAMS (Random Access Memos) ‘Rrthmetie wed loic Unit: This nt wed fr performing aihmett pyerations ‘hah as Additin, Suction, Maliplicatons vison and oter logical bperatons athe data The control unit ides ALU which the operations ae ob formed “The sequence ofthe inrvtion is conroled bythe contol wit “The count performs he mst important ferction i comput ther unis ad also cork the fo of ata from new oath for performing computations. tao sequence the operations Isrts al the tea perform th sna parila quence with he lp of lock pulses. Outpet Units After processing ofthe das ine Armand Lope! Uns. ant re dspayed tothe eu wos trough his unit The CRTs (Cato Ro "Tuves) LEDs (Light Emiting Diodes and Pritt. form the output it ‘The eddves bus tis uidicstional and st be wsed By the CPU send vt dures ofthe memory lvaion fo be aecesed Its abo we by he CTA wo set 2 attr input outa port may consis of 8, 12.16, 20 even sare number Utpuall ies Number fis nthe adres bus determines the minim umber ‘tbytes of as inthe memory that can be acesed A Tit adress et for instance an soos 216 bytes of dt tis led a AQ,....-AR-t whee the width of bis of te adres bus, Data Bus: Daa buss idirctiona, tats data lw oceurs both to arom CPU dtd pergherala. There is an intemal dts bus which may not be of fare width {Ete exeral data bus by that conaets the UO and memony. A micrprecessox i ‘hracteriaed bythe with ft data bs. The bs is labeled as: DO. ret, where nis the data bus wih Bits CCovtrol Bus + Convo bus consis & number of individual ips carying “Shronzing signals The conto but sends oo contr sgnal to mem, VO pots ad the peripheral devices ensue pope operation. cas contr signals ihe MEMORY READ, MEMORY WRITE, READ INPUT PORT, WRITE OUTPUT PORT, HOLD, INTERRUPT et Draw and explain timing diagram for meméry write operation ‘Ans Processor ints write hus yc by hating the ade ofthe ‘on the adress lines. Once the adres ins are stable, the des stobe signal on the bus. The des ob sgl the validity the dress Tine Process then set the ReaWeie® signal o low, i. write. The prosesor then places the dia onthe dt ies. Now the processor asses ti data strobe ‘gral This signals tothe memory thatthe processor has valid dt he meme twit operation The emary subsystem decodes the adress and wes the daa Int the adéressed memaryloaton. The me(ory subsystem then ats the data chnowiedge signal, This ina th pocssr that data hasbeen rien to the ‘memory Then the proceso negates the da srbe, signaling that fl data is 00 Tonge valid Proceso als nates the ass tobe signal. Mem sbsyslem aw nga the data sksovledgenen sig, signaling an eed oie writ bus 33 ie Sanh Bim Sue VII Sert (Mechanical) Mechatr 4 2. Expat brief pin diagram of 0852 hdlesfae {SS lemee AL ReaaWrite® ‘eo Se eee Data Strobe* Se 7 = Data Ack* BEEP EEE ee eA ig hte bs exte oR (os Marks) ‘hee Fugae depicts BO85 pin diagram, 8OBS microprocessor has 40 pins, It uses +8V a4 ‘gpl amd runs on mavisiu frequency of about 3 MHz Te pins on 6085 chipcan ‘be groupe into 6 groups: = Assess Bus Sat Bus 1 enol and Status Signals 1 ower soppy and frequency CBCS - Model Question Paper * 2 Tere we biden Thy HV Deserta cvs oie od da bs Ding es b ial an ter sve i teins. narctonenceto, the ie 48 dna es, Eta Lc i intericed The bos bs ns wich are wn eto rac ach Eto, pa which ols va when AD-AD? ae faders bas eke ale O afer ti Thi is 681 ene iach comes eter, Read ipeal which ia ew Wi ga wih cine Wm. Tiss apf wheter he opersan a EME operation” OMT = jecat Oona WONT = 1) Ti esas gal which poi Kd of operation Deine performed 25 mers [si] 0 | fin [0] wats [1 wert i] READ co eran ea apt aie. Te no i ie ced it comer ener RIM nsrcion is execu Sea up Di line Th vi SOD Be or cs peed y SIM 2 Ecce Spas 2 Eten ewes " abe ee pagan Nawal a pelpar erat BR : SB. ee ry atncae Whaamiamovovoonesa| nes Ba Set tenet a 3B ston i a ac Na al nat 1 Org = "Banwre ; ere resets haateot mine E29 tere meee BS ] et ser tes as ia a hese are three inputs which has same timing as INTR except they exuse Sh tBs . BesTiastathe weeny tos RSt 73 he We = Be a ETA weap Tes oye nee | 7 Bs re = 3B He amg Ree Ra TT 2 Bs ra es py ee era = 2 Pee actapes Coe (oar Ir er no *, : esa aes shasta weed OM BE : ; ee ee yes sd = 4 j ety ron Lee untae RSET TTT oe: 2BS } ee ene pecar oo: "Bt a ara pad eo RTA TTRT Fig gran WE lS a j mee 7 me eee ee eee i ODA BOA GAA Aer? ere Ww (Mecha Mechatronics =~ Tioga Orage wie Hines a ney ® weaoy | msi eas tant racne ow READY sm CP wl SCEECneabr petite eee em eae ee TRUD asa Gi tie ASTER spin ew of Als wd oun [DosBeeTenmeqecen (Renter oe a a WOLD | Rgastruesinoa aan steeper | Sat neu preg om cote he come cn ae Shsteseuemont wnoup [DosBan Mencaence Cheeni ee al LD | sists mone nt mpm tb ao SQ Rua tng me he our an pate Ss aeaews ment issn NAROWEDGE ae a Ua ee Ta wor |g ates ing eter ne ne cee oe HLDA Ee Genny |Site smo cPU tse bes eel Sut guemelSepcion ao 5 [orm ee Ta [Tice spa aap on ao or Explain addressing modes of 085? (8 Marks) ‘Ans, These ae the instrotions wed 9 transfer the data from one register to another register, rom the memory tothe register, an from the ester tothe memory without ‘Sp alteration i the conten. Aressng modes in #085 i classified int S groups [immediate addressing mode ia this mode the Bei da specified in the instruction itself as one ofits ‘operand. For example: MVIK. 20F: means 2F is coped into register K. 12 Register addresing mode Ink mode, the data i copied from one register to another, Fer example:MOV 1K. Bs means data in repister B 5 copied to register K. ‘3: Diret addresing mode this mode the ata ict copied from the given address othe reste. For ‘aample: LDB 500K. means the data a adress SOOOK is coped fo egitrB ‘ladirect addressing mode ths mode, the ditt tansered fom one register to ancer by using we dress pointed bythe register For example: MOV K, B: means data is taster from the memor) edie poled by the register tothe register K. Implied edaessing mode “Ths mode dosn't ree any opera, te daa i pei by the opcode ise ere eetive adress cleulated bythe microprocessor. This type of addressing + feguies several secesses to etreve the data wich is tobe loaded int the register For example: CMP. 36 ‘Swahae Ean Scanner tlie oe Model Question Paper - 2 Module-3 ‘a. Explain briefly base stractue of Ladder logic diagram (08 Marks) ‘hon, The figure shows ladder logic divgram here the relay logic rans i parle tines tween two powerlines and the whole dagram resembles 1 ladder ence iti amed ar lade diagram raconits fone vertical Tin running dow the et sie, with te Harznta ines branching of othe right 1 Thelin o the left sell the bus ba, 1 octane ae netrction inet utes 1 Conditions ae paced along the insrvction Tes that lead to other nsiroctons on the ight ide Power lo is aye fo lef 10 right “Therefore, the logical combination of hese condittns fom lef. w right se determines len and ow the stations athe fight sie are executes Tt ladder logic diagram, sasirction lines ean have multiple Brashes The seta pairs of ines led condos, ee uote i} Fh Cr Fig Terminology of taddr dgram by, Enplain various reqirement for selec'ag a Programm2ble leet contri 7) (os Marts) ‘Ans. PLC canbe selected based on folowing rita’ | System requirements, ‘The stating pont in determining ay sation must be to underthnd what ito veachiees. «+ The program design arte wih breaking down the ws into amir of simple understandable cements, eah of which canbe easily described 2. Application requirements * “a Tapat and caput device rquienents Aer determining the apeation of the stem, the nent ep iso deteine what input and output devices the system requires. «Liste fenton eguired and identify pci typeof device Sanstar Exam Scanner 37 VII Sev (Hechemical) 38 Mechatroni Th peed for special operat nant discrete (OOM logic 1 Listhe advances ncn quired beside simple discrete log. 3 esrieat Requirements “The fecal reguremens for inp, oss, and sytem power; When Aernbing the electra ogrment of astm, consi thre tens > Insring power (power forthe conte! system). Int device voltage and 1 Ohpotvolage and cure. Sead of Operation iow fi the control stm st operate sped of operation). ‘ie determining sooo option, consider thes points io fs doo the poses sce chine operate? {ethene "tine crscal options er events tht must be detest? 1 Nhat une frame must estes ation acu ip vie detection to ouput device activation)? «ges ine ema stern peat coun fom am encoder of Mow metr and setgond quick)? 5. Communication if the application regies sharing data outside the proces, ie. communication. CCommintation involves sharing application data or stats with another eletnic device, suchas a computer or 8 monitor in an operator's sation. Communication ae place locally trough tse pir wie, o remotely via telephone or adio ae (6 Operator Interface ithe stem needs operator Entra or interaction In ode to convey information stout machine oF press satus, 0 © allow an operator to ipa at many Sppletons require operator interfaces. Traditional operator infraces include ustbrins, pilot is and LED numeric display Electronic operator iteroce ‘evi pay mesapes abou! machine aus in descriptive et, display part count fd tac alam Alo, they ean be used for data input. 2. Plgsical Environment ‘Te pies! environmen i which the contol system wil be located. Consid ‘te epireament where the contol system will be leated. In harsh environments, cool oen inn iil Renter cone scaly for maintenance, boubesbooting or reprogramming oR Weig p shore notes on 2) adepnce actuators 1) Coatrter oan 4) end effectors (6 Marts) 2) Adance actuator Driveyor actuators are pan ofthe cota element that ats under the command of ‘he coeolerand anata th sgl fro he eon othe operational wnt in Suiatar Cann Seanaur CBCS - Model Question Paper ‘order to perform inal action Actuator ofa robo hav For which th robots designe esi, pocumaic nd hyérabic actos are ‘Theottaly, any type of electric motor can 7 (Do evomotor se he DC stepping mtr ae the prefered chic for robotic (Maem DC motor hs the inporan advantage of providing torque at swirly ipendent ot postion ad sed ofthe motor, depending oly onthe Rel coils and mature. Tague is proportions othe curent in the armature and speed depends non the supply vlage. The stepping motor ispaticularty wel sited for precise Jonkoning parpve Stepping moor alow a dpa electrical signal to Be converted {jet ino an crenetd angular pstoning movement. Te sepping ms erehenows 40 there coneation between the input command the resuking pesition “There arte types of sepping motors They are Motors wih permanent magnet rts 1 Moto with variable eutace {ijtrd motor o polrvd rletince motors ‘pically poeumatic or hyde pastas move funtion wnt of robot back tnd fot. The piston atach o different segment. tis requirement in geting all the pistons to work coordinately, Moreover, tis essential Yo igre ot the it combination of piston movements in rer odo the ob propery. '. Contrler ‘very rbot is connected to computer, which Keps the pieces ofthe arm working foputee, The compute slong wih software development platform is Known 85 the conlle To perform a er the program instructions, the joint movement ‘nda robot must accurately be conoid. Micr-procesr-based controls a ted to conto the os. Dillereat pes of con that are being wed in robotics ane vena flows LLnited Sequence Control: ean elementary control ye. It is wed fr simple tnoion eke, sch as pekandplice opertoas. Iti implemented by fixing Tints o mechanical spe fr cach joint and sequencing the ovement of ons 1 ‘sccomplsh operation Feedback loos ms be wsed infos the controle tat the “on has ben performed 10 that he program can move: the next sep. Precision ‘of such congo yste is et. is generally wad in pcumatially ven robots, ‘Playback with Poin-toPolat Contre: Plzyback conrol uss conor with memory to record motion sequences ina work eye, as well at associated locations thd oec parameter and the plays back the work eee uring program execution. Pointopoiat conto mean individual obo postions ae recorded io the memery. ‘These postions incde both mectanicl stops for each jit, andthe set of vals tharepesea! latins inthe range of ach in. Feedback contol is wed to confirm thatthe ida joints achieve he specified locations inthe progr. Arm “Tne ami the prof the robot that positioned the end effectors to do thee pre- ‘Sarat Ean Suan 39 DP WDADPDEEEAAEREESEEE ESI EES A ARAL A Ld dd dd d ald py VII Som (Mechanical) Mechatronicy ‘rogiammed task Robot an comes inal shapes and ies Many robot arms ook Tkehuman anns, and th prs sch as shoulders elow and wes ven ings Dy vine of programming tis gives he obet a oof way to poston the pr of te tm ints environment. The point of meting tvo diferent pars ofthe amis called join ach jon i sd to give the robot one degre of fredom- An indus rbot fan hae pt sx join to form ana. thas te equivalent of shoulder an ow anda wrist Charcteriially the shoul is mounted ta stationary base store ‘Auman ann, by compara ha seven depres of feedo. ‘Th. simple abot arm she dare if eedom con be hen move in tree sways namely UP an Dawn, LEFT aod RIGHT and FORWARD and DACK WARD. ‘Many intasril robots hve wp 0 sx degre of freedom. The numberof degree of fecedom of an rm i equa othe mabe of terminal seamen, Altsmaties, & amen! can have sia degre of fisedom whee i positon at any given moment tomes ned using sic independent varbles,Poiton are described by natal gles that dines the oretton elie toa fed degre an by sora, in Segment when connected bilaterally to othr segments can haves dere of {eedom oss. a. Ead electors ‘End efector i wullyataced 10 the robot's wrist and i allows the robot © accomplish a specific task, Thr means tat ed effectors ae generally tom- nected and fabricated foreach difeestopentin, There are two gener Categories of end efector: vi. rippers and tos ‘Grippers rasp ad maniplae he objects daring the work cycle. Typically obets tat gsped ar the work pre which eed 1 be loaded or unloaded from one station to another Grippers may be custom-designed suit the physical specifiaons of pec are summarized in Table “Two mrs get which are actus By robot onto Mechanical erp | 1g epen and clot ona work ‘Vecuum gripper | Sustion eps ae used ood fa objects sme aves | ede te pre of mage. These wd fr Magnetized devices | oldingferous rocks. By deploying abesvesubsiances, ee are wed fo Bold ‘Aahesive devices | geile materials och as fabric [Fre Tabor end fecer may alo vse lols. Tools ate wed o perfoam provesing pratons oe he workpa. Typical ie oot sete ol lave to stata erly moving objet For example sot welding are welding and pry punting aaa galior processing sis cyetv operation Toot sso can be mount seertic manpalatr spindle fo cary out machining work sucha ling, owing, inding, CBCS - Model Question Paper - 2 Module-4 sa: What sslenld apn th coe lens foran pict 06 Mars) aoe en ed fr tuning OVOFT cece Sigal ONOF mechani See cnlereay wedesa line utr Asia opin seat Troan tea. ps fw, Wer Plo, eA stows Fg the I ee terol ih x mabe ron care. Te cl wl ae sme haa i dma be Do AC. peli nn Fie ToS aes meted cri pul inde te ci and amo of Pa kee pled main eps we he nani of os ade mount of curent fowing ath iru ait Coit anger fase aT lange 8 © Panger reposition L Jsss~-Lower positon [Fame {Suey mr Solos ° Fig: Block diagram of Solenolis ‘The cutanay section as shows in Figie (9) ilstates the option of the clei ectutr Theepig return ong is eld ia the upper porion when the COUPE Eicy ceearpized. When olage is epled oe trent co eel ld is produce nth leo Fe The frame is eseafilly permeable mabe lamiaatons exci bye oil The planer is actuated Pragati eld ‘Sanstar Caan Seater a

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