Chapter-49 - Non-Tubercular Mycobacteria
Chapter-49 - Non-Tubercular Mycobacteria
Chapter-49 - Non-Tubercular Mycobacteria
Non-tubercular Mycobacteria
Mycobacterium other than human/bovine tubercle bacilli, occasionally
causing human disease resembling tuberculosis, have been called
atypical, anonymous, unknown, tuberculoid unclassified, non-tuberculous
mycobacteria but best designated as mycobacteria other than tubercle bacilli
(MOTT). They are also named environmental or opportunistic mycobacteria
because their natural habitat appears to be soil and water. There is no definite
evidence of their transmission directly from human being to human being
and therefore they have been broadly grouped as “other mycobacteriosis”.
They are distinct from saprophytic mycobacteria e.g. M. smegmatis, M. phlei.
Opportunistic mycobacteria are gaining more importance in developed
countries where tuberculosis has been brought under control, some of
them causing pulmonary disease but their morphology is different from
M. tuberculosis. More increase in HIV infections led to marked increase in
disease caused by atypical mycobacteria, mainly in Western country, but
in developing countries like India where M. tuberculosis is more prevalent,
opportunistic mycobacteria are gaining less importance. This current chapter
deals with epidemiology, clinical features, diagnosis and management of
non-tubercular mycobacteria.
Most of the non-tubercular mycobacteria (NTM) are ubiquitous in
environment, so that the true incidence is difficult to determine.
574 Clinical Tuberculosis: Diagnosis and Treatment
Notification system varies from country to country and none of them are
accurate.1 Two national surveys in last decades have helped to define the
extent of non-tubercular mycobacteria in United States. The initial study
based on states laboratory reports from 1979–1980 indicated that non-
tubercular mycobacteria comprises one-third of the 32,000 mycobacteria
isolates.2 The most commonly recognized species were Mycobacterium
avium-complex (61%), Mycobacterium fortuitum-complex (19%), and
Mycobacterium kansasii (10%). Most of the reported isolates were from
respiratory specimens. The second surveillance study between 1981–1983
revealed a similar distribution and showed higher rate of NTM among
non-white, women and patients residing in urban areas. The prevalence
of NTM disease in North America is 1.8/100, 000. In 1981, Communicable
Disease Surveillance Center (CDSC) in England and Wales reported that
5% of all mycobacterial pulmonary disease is caused by NTM. In England
and Wales, patients who do not have AIDS, M. kansasii and M. malmoense
were producing pulmonary disease more commonly.3
In India, Mycobacterium tuberculosis is most common and proportion
of NTM has varied from less than 1–28%,4-11 and M. avium complex
and M. fortuitum were isolated in different studies. M. chelonae and
M. fortuitum were among the frequently isolated from clinical specimens
in various hospitals from India. Author in one study reported atypical
mycobacteria in 9.2% of 236 patients of active pulmonary tuberculosis
in Lucknow, most common organism were M. malmoense, M. gordonae,
M. avium intracelluare, M. xenopi, M. fortuitum, M. gastri, M. terrae and
M. flavescense.12 NTM needs culture with strict criteria and in developing
country like India, it is not routinely performed, so there is usual tendency
to ignore such isolates and in the absence of clear-cut guidelines, it is
difficult to find out exact magnitude of atypical mycobacteria.
Non-tubercular mycobacteria infections can be acquired by variety of
mechanism including inhalation route, ingestion, direct inoculation
after trauma and iatrogenically via syringe, needles, medical instrument
such as bronchoscope, intravenous catheter and surgical skin lesions.
Although animal to human transmission may occurs in some species,
e.g. M. simiae. An increased risk of NTM infections seen in chronic
obstructive pulmonary disese, healed tuberculosis, bronchiectasis, fungal
disease, alveolar proteinosis, pneumoconiosis, rheumatoid disease,
diabetes mellitus, heart disease, alcoholism, achalasia cardia and patients
with partial gastrectomy, AIDS, malignancy and patients receiving
corticosteroids and immunosuppresive drugs.13,14
Non-tubercular Mycobacteria 575
Based on Pigment Production and Rate of Growth
Environmental Mycobacterium have been classified into 4 groups by Runyon
(1959)15 based on pigment production and rate of growth.
Group-1: Photochromogen
These organisms produces a colony that produces no pigment in dark but
when exposed to light for 1 hour in presence of air and reincubated for 24–48
hours, a yellow orange pigment appears. They are slow growing but growth
is faster than M. tuberculosis for examination, M. kansasii, M. marinum,
M. simiae and M. asiaticum.
Group-2: Scotochromogen
These organisms produce colonies and yellow-orange-red pigment in dark,
e.g., M. scrofulaceum, M. gordonae and M. szulgai.
Group-3: Non-photochromogen
These organism produces colonies that produces no pigment in exposure to
light colonies may resemble those of tubercle bacilli. For exmple, M. avium,
M. intracellulare (Battey bacillus), M. xenopi, M. ulcerans, M. malmoense,
M. terrae, M. haemophilum, M. genavense.
Most NTM distributed freely in water and soil but some of them also isolated
from house dust. M. avium16,17 grows well in natural water while M. kansasii18,19
has been found in tap water. Rapid grower species have been isolated from
soil, natural water as well as tap water and water used for dialysis and surgical
The most common clinical manifestation is chronic lung disease. Cough,
expectoration, fever, weight loss, hemoptysis, malaise and breathlessness
are most common complaints but 10–40% patients may be asymptomatic.
Evaluation is often complicated by symptoms due to other pre-existing lung
disease. However, lymphatic, skin/soft tissue, bone/joint involvement as well
as disseminated disease are also important manifestations of infection. The
propensity of a specific manifestation varies with the specific species and
certain host factors. The most common form of NTM disease in children is
Non-tubercular Mycobacteria 577
American Thoracic Society modifies laboratory functions that contribute to
the diagnosis and treatment of disease caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis
and NTM divided into three major category of service offered. These are:
Level I: Collection and transport of specimen, prepration and examination of
smears for acid-fast bacilli (AFB).
Level II: Procedure of level I plus, isolation and identification of
Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
Level III: Procedure of level II, plus identification of NTM. Drug susceptibility
should performed at level II, level III.
Chest Radiography
There are some difference in the radiological feature of atypical
Mycobacteruim and M. tuberculosis. These producing thin walled cavity
with less surrounding parenchymal infiltrate, less bronchogenic and more
contigous spread of disease and involving apical and anterior segment of upper
lobes and involving pleura overlying the involved areas. Occasionally, they
produce dense pneumonia or solitary pulmonary nodule without cavitations,
basal pleural disease less common and pleural effusion are rarely observed.
Non-tubercular Mycobacteria 579
Tissue Biopsies
Tissue biopsies that are cultured and examined histopathologically are
the most sensitive way to diagnose infections due to rapid growers and
M. marinum. It has been reported that visualization of organisms in the
specimen from the involved site is seen in about 10% of cases and the yield of
culture is not easy to be determined. Polymerase chain reaction can be useful
in identification of NTM such as M. ulcerans apart from smear and culture
of specimens as well as bronchial wash or bronchioalveolar lavage through
Diagnostic Criteria
Many atypical mycobacteria are colonizing the bronchial tree without causing
any disease, so that their culture from sputum is having no pathological
significance. Conventional criterion for diagnosis of disease depends of
infiltrative lesions in radiology including chest radiograph as well as HRCT
scan, isolation of Mycobacterium from sputum smear and culture and
exclusion of other disorders, such as tuberculosis. As these organisms are
commonly found in nature, contamination of culture or transient infection
does occur. Thus, a single positive sputum culture is not sufficient to diagnose
the disease. Culture of the organism from lung biopsy, bronchoalveolar
lavage or pleural fluid or blood culture is of greater significance than an
isolated sputum culture. The American Thoracic Society has recommended
following criteria for diagnosing atypical Mycobacterium which fit best with
Mycobacterium avium complex, M. kansasii and M. abscessus.22
1. Patients having cavitary infiltrate on the chest X-ray, NTM disease is
considered to be present when:
I. Two or more sputums (or sputum and bronchial washing) are AFB
smear positive and/or result in moderate to heavy growth of NTM
on culture.
580 Clinical Tuberculosis: Diagnosis and Treatment
Mycobacterium avium Complex (MAC)
Overall MAC is most common NTM to cause human disease in
immunocompetant patients and 50% of AIDS patients. MAC Includes
commonly 2 organism first M. avium and M. intracellure. These are widely
distributed in water (natural ponds, lakes, swamp, and bogs: public baths,
and public drinking water system), soil and occasionally found in dust,
plants, raw milk, and in cigarette also. Respiratory disease occurs primarily
by aerosol inhalation. This organism also causes cervical lymphadenopathy.
These organisms produce disease in animal also. Radiographic features are
Non-tubercular Mycobacteria 581
M. kansasii
It is most common organism after MAC in different parts of world and found
uncommonly in Australia. This is widely distributed in water mainly tap water,
in which able to survive for longer periods.23-25 Respiratory disease occurs
primarily by aerosol inhalation and occasionally causes lymphadenopathy.
The disease is very similar to that caused by M. tuberculosis. Disease pattern
in immunocompromized patients is disseminated. Radiographic appearance
include upper lobe and thin walled cavitary opacities.
M. marinum
M. marinum is exclusively skin pathogens, occasionally there is extension
into adjacent soft tissue or regional lymph nodes and causing chronic ulcers
and granulomatous lesions in the skin. It has been regarded as a causative
organism for swimming pool granuloma. Transmission of infections occurs
by producing infection with contaminated fresh or salt water.26 Most of
reported cases are seen in the fishing industry.
M. xenopi
M. xenopi has been found in tap water27,28 and shower heads and responsible
to produce nosocomial infections due to contaminated water system. These
organisms can grow at 45°C and isolated from hot and cold water. They are
producing pulmonary disease frequently. Typically, patients present with
underlying chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and radiographic
features similar to that of MAC infection.
M. chelonae
The M. chelonae complex which includes M. chelonae, M. fortuitum and M.
abscessus and widely distributed in natural rivers, lakes, seas, human drinking
and waste water and frequently responsible for nosocomial infections from
several sources.29 These organisms are producing commonly lung and skin
M. scrofulaceum
M. scrofulaceum found in natural lakes and rivers also in raw milk or other
dairy products and very rarely in drinking water.25 This commonly causes
cervical lymphadenitis in children’s next to M. avium complex. Pulmonary
infections seen less commonly and usually associated with underlying lung
disease mainly COPD, pneumoconiosis and previous tuberculosis.
582 Clinical Tuberculosis: Diagnosis and Treatment
The principles of treating NTM infections are different from that of
Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The decision to treat is based on the potential
risks and benefits for the individual patient. The clinician should know the
limitation that in vitro susceptibility results for many NTM do not correlate
with clinical response. There are various species of NTM for which different
drugs and regimens are indicated. Duration of treatment is much longer than
that of tuberculosis due to low bactericidal activity and high in vitro resistance.
Surgical resection is more frequently indicated than medical management.
Most of the first line antituberculosis drugs with good in vitro activity
against MTB has 10 to 100 times less activity against Mycobacterium avium
complex, the diminished activity believed to result from the presence of
lipophilic cell wall, which prevents drug penetration. The cornerstones
of MAC therapy are primarily the macrolides such as clarithromycin and
azithromycin, and ethambutol in combination with companion drugs,
usually a rifamycin and injectable aminoglycoside possibly streptomycin or
amikacin. Asymptomatic patients with stable radiological picture should be
managed by observation only, if their sputum remains clear. However, the
recommended initial regimen for patients with nodular/bronchiectatic lung
disease is a three times weekly regimen including clarithromycin (1000 mg)
or azithromycin (500 mg), ethambutol (25 mg/kg) and rifampin (600 mg).
In cases having severe nodular/bronchiectatic lung disease or presence of
fibrocavitation on radiography, daily regimen being prescribed. Injectable
aminoglycosides can be used optionally depending on disease severity
and treatment response. A more aggressive and less well-tolerated regimen
including clarithromycin (1000 mg/day) or azithromycin (250–300 mg/day),
ethambutol (15 mg/kg/day), a rifampin (450–600 mg/day) or rifabutin (150–
300 mg/day) and injectable aminoglycoside for first 2 or 3 months of therapy
is recommended for patients with severe and extensive disease or having
previous treatment history. Surgery can be considered in such cases.
Macrolides should not be used as a single drug therapy in order to
prevent emergence of drug resistant strains. In case of development of
macrolide resistance, patient should be started on recommended therapy that
comprises of four drug regimen of isoniazid (300 mg), rifampicin (600 mg)
or rifabutin (300 mg), and ethambutol (25 mg/kg for first 2 months then 15
mg/kg) with streptomycin or amikacin preferably for initial 3–6 months and
surgical resection (debulking) of disease.47 The optimal regimen still requires
further modification. The usual recommendation is that patients will be
treated for 18–24 months and for atleast 12 months after sputum conversion.
This four drug regimen has not been proved by comparative trials but shown
sputum conversion up to 80%.30,31 AFB smears and cultures of sputum should
be done monthly during early part of therapy to assess response but these are
not specific indicator of response. Occasionally, positive sputum culture after
Non-tubercular Mycobacteria 583
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