Notes Chap 10
Notes Chap 10
Notes Chap 10
Microbes are microorganisms, which have a size of less than 0.1 mm.
Microbes occur everywhere in air, soil, water, inside and outside bodies of
other organisms, inside thermal vents or geysers (with a temperature of
100°C) etc.
They may be pathogenic but have an important role to play in human
Microbes can be easily grown in laboratories or at industrial scale for
research and production of various useful products.
During their metabolism, microbes produce chemicals, some of which have
been in use by human beings since ages.
The use of living organisms in systems or processes for the manufacture of
useful products may involve algae, bacteria, fungi, yeast, cells of higher
plants & animals or subsystems of any of these or isolated components
from living matter.
Household Products
Curd- The bacteria Lactobacillus produces lactic acid that partially
coagulates the milk protein. It also increases vitamin B 12 content.
These bacteria are also present in the gut and check the growth of
other microbes
Fermented dough to make South Indian delicacies, e.g. Idli and dosa.
The dough is fermented due to CO2 production by bacteria.
Bread production by using the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
Toddy is made by fermenting Palm sap.
Microbes are used to ferment soybeans, fish and bamboo-shoots to
prepare delicacies.
Different kinds of cheese having different taste and texture are
prepared using specific microorganisms.
E.g. Swiss cheese having large holes- Propionibacterium sharmanii
Roquefort cheese- Penicillium roqueforti
Camembert cheese- Penicillium camemberti
Industrial Products
For industrial-scale production, microorganisms are grown in fermenters.
Many alcoholic beverages, antibiotics and chemicals are produced for
commercial purposes.
A variety of microbes are used to synthesize a number of industrial
products valuable to human beings. e.g. - beverages and antibiotics.
Industrial production requires the formation of large quantities of the
product, which normally involves the microbial reactions to proceed in a
specialized vessel called fermenter or bioreactor.
Fermented Beverages:-
These are strict anaerobic bacteria and mainly occur in muddy areas and
also in stomach of cattle, where cellulose is fermented by microbes. These
are responsible for methane gas (CH4) formation in bio-gas plants, because
they have capacity to produce CH4 from CO2 or formic acid (HCOOH).
The biogas plant consists of a concrete tank (10-15 feet deep) in which
bio-wastes are collected and a slurry of dung is fed. A floating cover is
placed over the slurry, which keeps on rising as the gas is produced in the
tank due to the microbial activity. The biogas plant has an outlet, which is
connected to a pipe to supply biogas to nearby houses. The spent slurry is
removed through another outlet and may be used as fertilizer.
Excessive use of chemical fertilizers is linked to pollution and harmful
effects. Use of microorganisms as biofertilizers is highly recommended.
Fungi, bacteria and cyanobacteria are the main sources of biofertilizers.
Rhizobium is a symbiotic bacterium, which occurs in the root nodules of
legumes. It fixes nitrogen (atmospheric) in presence of leghaemoglobin.
Azolla is a water fern which is an excellent biofertilizer for rice cultivation.