Syllabus 9th Grade Biology

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9th Grade Biology 2011-2012 Dr. Wallenfang matthew_wallenfang@horacemann.

org Office Phone: 718-432-3962 Course overview This year, we will be broadly introducing all the different areas that make up modern biology from the biochemical reactions that occur inside of the cell, to the organ systems that make up the body, all the way up to the interactions of populations and ecosystems. Additionally, through weekly hands-on labs you will get to experience how the process of science works through observation and formulating and testing hypotheses. The most important goal in this course is to gain an appreciation and understanding of the biology that is occurring within and around you every day! Materials Textbook Miller & Levine Biology A three-ring binder for handouts and class notes A notebook or blank sheets of paper and a 3-hole punch Course expectations Attendance it is expected that you will be to class on time, and that you will actively participate in class discussions. Chronic tardiness will result in a reduction of your participation grade. Reading Each day, you will be expected to read the portion of the textbook relating to the next days class. During class, I will assume that you have done the reading, and the focus of in-class discussions will be to answer any questions you may have and to give read-world examples of how the material relates to everyday life. Participation I encourage you to ask questions as we go along, and to share your thoughts and ideas with the rest of the class. Science is about inquiry and asking questions! Asking questions is a sign of an active mind. Homework Brief written homework assignments will be assigned to accompany the textbook reading. Homework will be graded on a scale of 0-3 as follows: 3 All questions answered with no or only minor errors 2 All questions answered with a few errors 1 Major errors throughout, or incomplete answers 0 Assignment not completed by the due date Labwork Each week, we will have a hands-on laboratory activity to accompany the material being covered in the course. Many of these activities will be done in

small groups, but it is expected that each group member will contribute during the lab period. The work to be handed in will vary from lab to lab while you are encouraged to discuss your results and conclusions, each student should ultimately complete the assigned homework for the lab independently and hand in individual assignments. Any lab or other assignment that is late will be assessed a 10% penalty for each day late. If you miss a lab for any reason, see me as soon as possible so when Quizzes and Tests Occasionally, brief (10-15 minute) quizzes will be given in class, which you will be notified of ahead of time. Additionally, we will have 3 tests each trimester. Each test will have a variety of question types (multiple choice, short answer, true/false, etc). Grades Each trimester your grade will be calculated as follows: Class participation Homework and quizzes Labwork Tests 5% 20% 25% 50%

Your final grade for the course will be a combination of your trimester grades (25% each) and the final exam for the course (25%). I think biology is incredibly fun and interesting, and hope you do to that being said, it is a very challenging subject due to the fact that we know so much and yet are continuing to learn more each day about the world around us. If you find yourself struggling, I highly encourage you to come see me individually. My free periods are: Mon BDFG Tue BDFG Wed DBFG Thurs DEGH Fri D Making an appointment via email is best, but you should also feel free to come find me in the science office.

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