Iot 5g WP
Iot 5g WP
Iot 5g WP
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This paper reviews the latest wireless trends and discusses the different phases
associated with technology adoption, including licensed, shared license, and unlicensed
spectrum; standards and regulations; architecture and equipment; and operational
requirements. It also describes business models that may be adopted when deciding to
integrate these new wireless trends.
However, vertical industries requiring IIoT solutions may not always get the
appropriate coverage from public cellular services. Therefore, deployment of
private cellular infrastructures is considered for use cases such as the following:
Spectrum categories
Spectrum is often referred to in the following three categories: low-band
(600 to 900 MHz), midband (1 to 6 GHz), and millimeter wave (mmW) (> 24
GHz). One evolution with the development of 5G technology is the opening
of mmW frequencies (above 24 GHz). Examples of current 5G frequency
allocations in some countries can be found in Figure 5 below.
Spectrum types
Unlicensed spectrum
Unlicensed bands, such as 863 MHz, 915 MHz, 2.4 GHz, and 5 GHz, are
available internationally under the industrial, scientific and medical (ISM)
umbrella as defined by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU).
They are generally free of charge, regulated locally, and at the heart of many
industrial wireless networking protocols, such as Wi-Fi, Wi-SUN, Wireless
Hart, ISA100, and Bluetooth.
Example for These frequencies are fundamental to the digital economy. With potentially
new allocation, i.e., 6 GHz in the United States, several attempts have been
U.S. FCC made to add unlicensed support to Long Term Evolution (LTE), such as
multeFire, and 5G services (3GPP release 16 5G New Radio (NR) unlicensed
In the U.S., CBRS is spectrum definitions). Wi-Fi 6 is ready for the new 6-GHz adoption, and work
a shared licensed is done in the 60-GHz band (IEEE 802.11ad).
spectrum access with
Licensed spectrum
three licensing options.
Mainly available for service providers offering 4G/LTE and soon 5G services,
In terms of CBRS licensed bands are allocated to operators at a negotiated cost (through
spectrum, two categories auctions) in each respective country. In addition, there is a potential for public
safety or industries to get some reserved licensed bands.
of base stations (CBSD)
are defined. There are significant differences from low-band to mmW related to coverage
and throughput capabilities. Low-band supports longer distances; however,
Category A is permitted it has lower data rates compared to mmW. As the spectrum map moves up
to a maximum Equivalent to mmW, there are much higher data rates, but the distances are very short
Isotropically Radiated Power and can require more than 100 times the number of antennas/NRs compared
(EIRP) of 30 dBm or 1 watt; to 4G/low-band spectrum deployments. FCC Commissioner Brendan Carr
if installed outdoors, the noted earlier this year that: “There are roughly 300,000 cell sites across the
antenna must not exceed 6 country today, but 5G is going to require a 10- to 100-fold increase in cell
meters or nearly 20 feet in sites.” This is known as the “5G densification” challenge for mmW build-
height. CBSD Category B outs. Figure 6 [from GSMA] provides a good visual representation of the
allows a maximum EIRP of 47 differences from low-band to mmW characteristics. It is important to note
dBm or 50 watts for outdoor that while mmW propagation is not as good, it has the potential for high-
antennas only, with a height spectrum reuse due to its short reach.
expected to be greater than 6
meters. CBRS client devices
are permitted to transmit at
maximum power 23 dBm or
200 mW. Category A CBRS
users, whether GAA or PAL,
are required to transmit their
FCC ID number, authorization
status, call sign, contact
information, manufacturer’s
serial number, air interface
or its affiliates.capability, and
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. To view a list of Cisco trademarks, go to this support.
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Category B CBRS users
owners. The use of the word partner does not imply a
ship between Cisco and any other company. (1110R)
must support all of the
previous stated requirements
plus azimuth, beam-width, Figure 6: 4G/LTE and 5G coverage comparison
antenna gain, down-tilt angle,
and antenna height (above
Antenna elements
5G R&D studies, such as
D1.1, assessed the suitability
of mm-wave spectrum on
key KPIs related to mobile
communications, i.e. coverage,
capacity, mobility and device
or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco and the Cisco logo
egistered trademarks of Cisco and/or its affiliates in the U.S.
. To view a list of Cisco trademarks, go to this URL: www.
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owners. The use of the word partner does not imply a
ship between Cisco and any other company. (1110R)
Shared license Access to the shared license spectrum requires a management system, such
as the U.S. CBRS Spectrum Access System (SAS), to avoid interference
spectrum between incumbents and users sharing the spectrum. The U.S. CBRS model
has three levels of access as shown in Figure 8:
In the U.S., CBRS is a
• Incumbent Access (IA): Access that has absolute priority over
shared spectrum access
any other user(s), i.e., U.S. Navy or fixed satellite services.
with three licensing
• Priority Access License (PAL): A PAL will be granted to users, such
as government agencies, utilities, or network operators, through
competitive bidding within the 3550 to 3650 MHz frequency. Licenses
Incumbent Access (IA)
(FCC rulemakings 12-354 and 17-258) are obtained for up to 10 years
for a well-defined geographical area and are renewable. PALs provide
Priority Access Licenses (PAL)
authorization to use a 10 MHz channel in a small geographical area. A
total of seven PALs may be assigned in any given county in the United
General Authorized Access
States;; a maximum of four PALs can go to a single applicant/user.
• General Authorized Access (GAA): This tier is referred to as the rule-
to-permit open flexible access to any portion of the 3350 to 3650 MHz
spectrum band not assigned to any higher tier applicants or users. GAA
also allows for operation in unused PAL channels. The goal of GAA is to
open up spectrum for a wide variety of potential users and use cases.
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owners. The use of the word partner does not imply a
ship between Cisco and any other company. (1110R) Figure 8: U.S. CBRS overview
Standards While the shared license spectrum is an opportunity for private LTE or
5G deployments, the allocation process, cost, and duration must be well
development understood for the selected locations. In suitable use cases, CBRS or shared
organizations model. Germany, Sweden, the U.K., and France are all active in creating
dedicated spectrum. Again, Figure 7 shows a summary of various countries’
activities. One of the key areas of focus is IIoT for the manufacturing vertical.
Dedicated spectrum will require a country-specific license and a purpose-
built network that would be used to provide services run by an IT department
Wi-Fi Alliance
or a third-party contracted company.
During the past 30 years, standardization has become one of the
fundamentals of the networking industry, enabling interoperability, easing
regional and industrial certifications and compliances, and simplifying
architecture and design of solutions.
XX/XX The Wi-Fi Alliance leads the promotion, certification, and interoperability of
the technology. To increase the public recognition of the latest enhancements,
the Wi-Fi Alliance decided to brand each Wi-Fi generation, e.g., Wi-Fi 6 for
IEEE 802.11ax and Wi-Fi 5 for IEEE 802.11ac.
3GPP 5G use Speed increases with each generation. With Wi-Fi 6, speeds reach over
1 Gbps while offering a symmetrical data rate of the bandwidth. And while
cases classification Wi-Fi clients are universal, individual countries have local regulations defined
for the AP characteristics that mandate compliance with specific transmit
Enhanced Mobile Broadband power and channels.
One of the benefits of Wi-Fi 6, in addition to its enhanced performances
characteristics, is its backward compatibility with other Wi-Fi generations.
Massive IoT (mIoT)
Wi-Fi 6 APs can connect previous generations of devices, while Wi-Fi 6
client devices can connect to older generations of APs.
Ultra-Reliable Low-Latency
Communication (uRLLC) Also well known for the Ethernet standard suite (IEEE 802.3), one IEEE
Task Group of particular interest is the Time Sensitive Networking (TSN)
Task Group. It develops a set of specifications to provide deterministic
services over Layer 1 and Layer 2. While today it is implemented only on
Ethernet switches, i.e., the Cisco® Industrial Ethernet 4000 Series, to cover
manufacturing process or transportation use cases, there is a trend to
expand TSN to the new emerging wireless access technologies.
The ITU is focused on global harmonization between spectrum regulations
and standards. There is a deep collaboration related to 5G. 3GPP will present
its recommendations for 5G uses which ITU will include in the International
Mobile Telecommunications-2020 (IMT2020) procedures. ITU embodies
principles of public-private partnership, with its current membership of 193
countries and more than 800 private-sector entities and academic institutions.
Relative to 5G, the ITU coordinates the global usage scenarios of the radio
spectrum as shown below.
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egistered trademarks of Cisco and/or its affiliates in the U.S.
. To view a list of Cisco trademarks, go to this URL: www.
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owners. The use of the word partner does not imply a
ship between Cisco and any other company. (1110R)
Today, low latency in control loop use cases is handled through wired
technology, i.e., Ethernet Time-Sensitive Networking (TSN) standards [Cisco
TSN] or local computing. For example, an autonomous guided vehicle (AGV)
or autonomous mobile robot (AMR) must stop if it detects a human and is not
dependent on communication media to prevent accidents. Therefore local
computation generally handles the physical security tasks.
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Before discussing the different business models tied to the adoption of the
new wireless technologies, we should make clear that all component layers
represented in Figure 12 will have to be considered for the selection of a model,
enabling enhancements and optimizations of the Industrial IoT operations.
© 2019 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
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Cisco public
Impacts of multiaccess
edge computing (MEC)
Cisco is a leader in edge computing, locating general-purpose compute,
storage, switching, control functions, and application support close to a user
or IoT endpoint. One of the key advantages of edge computing is the benefit
to application performance and QoE/efficiency, and therefore the economics
based on the use case. Clearly, edge computing improves network latency
due to transit to a data center or cloud. Reduced latency provides significant
improvements in performance and reliability as well as data control
(depending on the use case and deployment model).
There are also regulations that may drive the deployment and use of edge
computing. Edge computing in the 5G realm is referred to as multiaccess
edge computing (MEC). Today the mobile network has core data centers
at regional and local levels as well as public and private clouds in support
of SP services. As 5G is deployed to support many of the high-bandwidth
and low-latency services, there will be an investment in edge computing at
various levels: local, cell towers and on-premises. This will be necessary to
achieve the 1- to 5-msec latency needed for various verticals, including IIoT.
It may call for vast compute and storage capabilities to meet the stringent
application demands. These platforms will support hardware acceleration,
such as GPUs, processor arrays, and dedicated ASICs.
Private 5G In summary, MEC is a key architecture building block related to IIoT use
cases, 5G, and the next generation packet core. MEC has a number of
Potentially preceded by
private LTE/CBRS, private 5G • Reduced need to backhaul traffic
is more disruptive in terms
• Reduced latency and increased QoE, ability to achieve 5G
of Industrial IoT operations
goals of <5-msec service (1-msec stretch goal)
and expertise. Its business
models are largely dependent • Overall reduced cost of ownership (TCO) through
on countries and their disaggregation of access functions
respective regulations as well • Improved reliability
as operational use cases and • Innovation for new third-party providers to build and host edge clouds
constraints. Traffic flow and
applications have to evolve,
leveraging new capabilities Business models
such as MEC and UPF. This Since we’ve described the different implementations associated with the
calls for additional expertise emergence of private 5G and Wi-Fi 6, let’s now explore the impacts of
among the operations and business models, as TCO is key to Industrial IoT operations.
development teams. (Note: If
the deployment of a private If we consider Wi-Fi 6 adoption, the business models are well-known,
5G mmW infrastructure in and no important change is expected in the way the technology can be
manufacturing automation or consumed in an Industrial IoT environment. The technology is an evolution of
other indoor use cases should previous Wi-Fi generations, adding more capabilities and higher throughput,
be compared with Wi-Fi 6, while infrastructures and services can smoothly evolve as solutions become
the number of antennas may available.
become a capital expenditure
Three different business models are reviewed below in the context of
data point to evaluate.)
multiaccess technologies. The adoption of one business model over another
will largely be dependent on considerations such as:
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. To view a list of Cisco trademarks, go to this URL: www.
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owners. The use of the word partner does not imply a
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5G UPF and MEC • Private 4G/5G infrastructure is fully managed by service providers,
mostly OpEx, while the cost of local 5G radios and antennas
Management and may still be CapEx, depending on the SP business model.
automation solutions • Wi-Fi 6 is locally or cloud-managed (i.e., Cisco Meraki, Kinetic
GMM) by the enterprise, representing CapEx and OpEx.
Roaming interactions
• 5G UPF and MEC are deployed in the enterprise by the service
provider. The enterprise must consider the cost of an application’s
SLAs and KPIs
adaptations to MEC, if latency control is required.
Data privacy and • OpEx and CapEx associated with management and automation
cybersecurity policies solutions allow the IT/OT managers to locally control some elements
of the deployment. This is particularly important if multiaccess
technologies should be managed as a single infrastructure.
• Roaming interactions between private and public cellular
services are part of the managed SP services as OpEx.
• SLAs and KPIs must be defined to guarantee no interruption of the
production chain. For the SP 4G/5G service, this must be negotiated and
monitored to ensure that the appropriate QoS and reliability are delivered.
• Data privacy and cybersecurity policies, processes, and KPIs
have to be reviewed in the context of the operations.
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. To view a list of Cisco trademarks, go to this URL: www.
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Figure 17: High data rate wireless technologies and use cases
White paper
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Summary It’s important to note that there is no one solution or strategy for IIoT. Real-
world IIoT deployments are expected to have multiple solutions within
enterprises that support the various use cases, KPIs, SLAs and reliability as
Cisco is dedicated to
well as economic needs and future evolutions.
delivering best-in-class
access technologies in This paper didn’t try to fully detail the Wi-Fi 6 and private 4G/5G
Industrial IoT — for Wi-Fi 6 technologies but has provided enough information to Industrial IoT decision-
and 5G solutions. makers when evaluating the impacts of new wireless technologies in their
businesses. It considers that a choice of technologies should stay focused on
supporting the business and operations, while also considering the total cost
of ownership.
Ready to take your enterprise to the next level in wireless solutions? Contact
your local Cisco representative.
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trademarks. Third-party trademarks mentioned are the property of their respective owners. The use of the word partner does not
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