CE 199 Form 5 A Rating System For Thesis Defense B 1

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CET199 Form 5-A

Department of Civil Engineering and Technology

MSU-Iligan Institute of Technology

Rating System for Thesis Defense

Name of Student: _________________________________


Title of Thesis:

Date of Defense: _________________________________

(This rating system aims to evaluate the performance of the student in all aspects of the execution of the
thesis: to have ready data for the selection of awardee for Best Thesis, and to develop written and oral
communication skills).

Criteria/ Weight Rating Weighted

(Scale of 0 to 100%, Rating (to be computed
Passing is 75%, to be by adviser)
rated by comm. member)

Significance/Relevance (40%) _______________ _______________

Contribution to Scientific Advancement;
Relevance to Regional Thrusts;
Literature/Methodology (30%) _______________ _______________
Extent of Literature Reviewed;
Adequacy/Efficiency of Procedure;
Innovativeness .
Manuscript/Organization (15%) _______________ _______________

Clarity and style; Cogency, Logic,

Sequencing of Information;
Completeness and Finality; Format.
Oral Presentation/Delivery (15%) _______________ _______________
Speaking Confidence; Adequacy of
Vocabulary; Right Use of Words;
Mastery of Subject Matter; Stage
Presence, Response to Inquiries;
Visual aids.
Overall Rating = _______________

Name and Signature of Committee Member
 This form will be collected by the Thesis Adviser, for submission to the CE Department for filing.

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