SOP Guidelines
SOP Guidelines
SOP Guidelines
Part B: SOP guidelines ( text scripts for PI Masterclass Episodes for 22&23)
Let us now discuss the 4 themes in more details 4 essential themes of a SOP
Theme # 1 : Overview of your academic & work Theme # 1 :academic & work
achievements/experiences - You need not mention all achievements/experiences
the details of your academic and professional life
( remember the admission committee already has
access to the requisite data). Use the opportunity to
talk about the highlights of college & work- where you - need not mention all details
the prefect ? Did you participate in debates ? What did
you learn ? How did it shape your personality - mention relevant highlights
Theme # 2 : Your short term & long term career goals - Focus on challenging
- No SOP is complete unless specific career goals are tasks at work and not
mentioned. In case you need help in clarifying career job description
goals, please refer to a Masterclass Episodes 9 & 10.
The SOP should clearly portray the career path you
envision for yourself . In totality, the SOP should
convince the panel of the strong linkage between your Theme # 2 : short term & long
profile, your career goals, and the program applied for. term career goals
In other words, the program should act as a bridge
between your present position and future ( career
refer to a Masterclass Episodes 9
& 10.
7 In this video , we learnt that every SOP should provide 4 themes your SOP should
an overview of your academic & work history. No SOP include
is complete without a detailed mention of career goals.
You need to demonstrate fitment with the course & B-
School. It pays to talk about skills that will help you do
well during the MBA course. Overview of your academic
& work
Write in Paragraphs
2 Power Law #1 : Show, don’t tell : SOP is meant to Power Law #1 : Show, don’t tell
be a “personal statement’ and not a collection of
generic statements about you, the course, and the
university .. One of the better ways to ensure your
SOP is personal is to adopt a rule used in film-
making- ‘Show, don’t tell’. What it essentially
means is instead of using adjectives/generic
statements, you will use personal stories
/anecdotes that demonstrate/exemplify the Avoid using adjectives &
quality . E.g. Instead of saying, I am a multi-tasker generic statements
and I am sure my multi-tasking skills will really
benefit me during the 2 years of MBA ..say this
Instead use personal anecdotes
4 Power Law # 3 : Get some help : Power Law # 3 : Get some help
c. Language
a. Overview of your
The 4 themes are mentioned on your academic & work
screen as a quick recap achievements/experien
Power Law # 4 : Give yourself time POwer Law # 3 : Get some help
( but don’t completely