Grade 4 Annual Exam Question Bank March 2024-1

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I. Choose the correct answer:

1. The direction of a moving object can be changed by applying ________________.
2. Work is said to be done when you ______________.
3. Which of the following is the hottest planet of the solar system? ____________.
4. A gentle and pleasant wind is called ________________.
5. What causes changes in seasons? _________________.
6. Which of the following is not used for purifying water? _______________.
7. Which of the following is the largest planet? ________________.
8. The rotation of the Earth takes _________________________.
9. The natural satellite of the Earth is _________________.
10.Which of the following is not a lever? __________________.
11.Which of the following is a simple machine? ________________.
12.Steering wheel and screwdriver are examples of _____________.
II. Fill in the blanks:
1. The ball falls back to the Earth due to _______________________.
2. ______________ resists the motion of an object.
3. Rough surfaces cause _____________ friction than smooth surfaces.
4. Mornings and evenings are _______________ than noon time.
5. Evaporation is faster when the exposed surface is___________________.
6. Water exists in all __________________ states.
7. There are ______________ planets in our solar system.
8. Planets reflect the light of the ____________.
9. Pluto and Eris are ____________________________.
10. A push or pull applied on an object is called ___________________.
11. The sun heats up the water and changes it into __________________.
12. Mercury and Venus have no ___________________.
III. Name the following:
1. Any three simple machines.
2. Two examples of lever.
3. It is the most important source of energy on the Earth.
4. Movement of the Earth causing day and night.
5. Two methods used for purifying water.
6. The blanket of air that surrounds the Earth.
7. Two insoluble impurities.
8. Two constellations.
9. Number of days that the Earth takes to complete one revolution.
10. It is used to cook food using solar energy.
11. Three uses of water.
12. The season in which rain falls in India.

IV. Define:
1. Sea breeze 4. Gravity
2. Southern Hemisphere 5. Land breeze
3. Northern hemisphere 6. Simple machines
V. Answer the following (Short answers):
1. What is energy? Name some sources of energy.
2. What is chlorination?
3. What is solar system?
4. What is friction? Mention any one use of friction in our daily life.
5. How is dew different from frost?
6. What is revolution? How seasons are caused?
VI. Answer the following (Long answers):
1. What is force? What are the uses of force?
2. Explain filtration.
3. What are stars? Why do they appear tiny? Name the stars closest to the Earth.
VII. Give reason:
1. Hospitals have ramp because.
2. The Earth is called a blue planet because.
3. Roller skating would be easier on a smoother floor because
VIII. Draw name and colour:
1. Simple machines.
2. Water Cycle.
3. Solar system.
Answer Keys
I. Choose the correct answer:
1. Force. 5. Revolution. 9. Moon.
2. Push a book. 6. Condensation. 10. Ramp
3. Venus. 7. Jupiter. 11. Screw
4. Breeze. 8. 24 Hours. 12. Wheel and axle
II. Fill in the blanks:
1. Gravity. 2. Friction. 3. More.
4. Cooler. 7. Eight. 10. Force
5. Large. 8. Sun. 11. Water vapour
6. Three. 9. Dwarf Planets 12. Moons

III. Name the following:

1. Lever, Screw, Pulley. 6. Atmosphere. 11.Drinking, cooking,
2. See-saw, Scissors. 7. Pebbles, Sand. cleaning
3. Sun. 8. Ursa Major, Orion. 12. Monsoon
4. Rotation. 9. 365 ¼ days
5. Boiling, filtration. 10. Solar cooker
IV. Define:
1. Sea breeze: The wind blowing from the sea to the land during day is called sea breeze.
2. Southern hemisphere: the part of the Earth between the south pole and the equator
is called southern hemisphere.
3. Northern hemisphere: The part of the Earth between the north pole and equator is
called northern hemisphere.
4. Gravity: The force that pulls every object down towards the centre of the Earth is
called gravity.
5. Land breeze: The wind blowing from the land to the sea at night is called land breeze.
6. Simple machines: The tools used to make our work easier are called simple machines.
V. Answer the following (Short answers):
1. The ability to do work is called energy. Sun, wind, fuels and water are some sources of
2. Chlorination is the process by which chlorine is added to water in order to kill germs
present in it.
3. The sun, eight planets, their moons and other heavenly objects form the solar system.
4. The force that acts when two objects are in contact with each other is called friction.
It is the friction which helps us to walk without slipping.
Dew Frost
On cold mornings, water vapour When it is very cold, dew drops freeze
condenses on the surfaces of leaves, to form crystals of ice. This is called
and grass in the form of drops called frost.
dew drops.
6. The Earth goes around the sun in its own orbit. This is called revolution. Seasons are
caused by the revolution of the Earth and its tilted axis.
VI. Answer the following (Long answers):
1. A push or a pull applied on an object is called force.
A force is used to
➢ Move an object.
➢ Stop a moving object.
➢ Change the direction of a moving object.
➢ Change the shape of an object.
➢ Increase or decrease the speed of a moving object.
2. Filtration is a method of purifying water. In this process water is passed through a
filter paper. The filter paper allows water to flow through it but not impurities. The
impurities are left behind on the filter paper and clean water is collected in a
3. Stars are huge balls of gases which give out their own heat and light. They appear tiny
because they are very far away from the Earth. Sun is the closest star to the Earth.

VII. Give reason:

1. Hospitals have ramp because, patients are carried to a height easily on wheelchairs
and stretchers.
2. The Earth is called a blue planet because, 70% of its surface is covered with water.
3. Roller skating would be easier on a smoother floor because, friction is less on a
smooth surface.
VIII. Draw name and colour:
1. Simple machines.
2. Water Cycle.

3.Solar system.

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