Grade 4 Annual Exam Question Bank March 2024-1
Grade 4 Annual Exam Question Bank March 2024-1
Grade 4 Annual Exam Question Bank March 2024-1
IV. Define:
1. Sea breeze 4. Gravity
2. Southern Hemisphere 5. Land breeze
3. Northern hemisphere 6. Simple machines
V. Answer the following (Short answers):
1. What is energy? Name some sources of energy.
2. What is chlorination?
3. What is solar system?
4. What is friction? Mention any one use of friction in our daily life.
5. How is dew different from frost?
6. What is revolution? How seasons are caused?
VI. Answer the following (Long answers):
1. What is force? What are the uses of force?
2. Explain filtration.
3. What are stars? Why do they appear tiny? Name the stars closest to the Earth.
VII. Give reason:
1. Hospitals have ramp because.
2. The Earth is called a blue planet because.
3. Roller skating would be easier on a smoother floor because
VIII. Draw name and colour:
1. Simple machines.
2. Water Cycle.
3. Solar system.
Answer Keys
I. Choose the correct answer:
1. Force. 5. Revolution. 9. Moon.
2. Push a book. 6. Condensation. 10. Ramp
3. Venus. 7. Jupiter. 11. Screw
4. Breeze. 8. 24 Hours. 12. Wheel and axle
II. Fill in the blanks:
1. Gravity. 2. Friction. 3. More.
4. Cooler. 7. Eight. 10. Force
5. Large. 8. Sun. 11. Water vapour
6. Three. 9. Dwarf Planets 12. Moons
3.Solar system.