Effectiveness of School Rules and Regula

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Background of the Study:

Students are molded to be a better individual that will soon inherit today’s society.
It is a requisite to direct students to exhibit acceptable attitude and behavior within and
outside the school (Ndeto, 2015). To acquire an aspiring nonaggressive and organized
school environment, rules and regulations are indispensable to guide each member, as well
as the teachers and staff, of the educational institution.
Student’s discipline is a prerequisite to almost everything a school has to offer to the
students (McGregory, 2006). According to Seifort and Vonburg (2003), discipline is
interrelated with the culture of the school; thus, for a satisfactory ambiance to exist, a
conclusive level of discipline must be held up. In some schools where a child’s character is a
serious problem, for example, where bullying is often seen, it can be concluded that rules
and regulations are not being implemented strictly. On the other, well-disciplined students
have an overall formidable impact to the school. However, adverse implementation of rules
can aggravate behavior instead of curbing it (Rigby, 2000).
Also, not only can school rules and regulations have an impact to the school, but
most importantly, to the students’ attitude as it aims to control children’s action and
behavior. Strict disciplinary measures are used by school authorities to control the
students and make them adhere to the various rules and regulations of the school. (Urieh,
In connection, school rules and regulations highly affect the students’ academic
performance. In the study administered by Urieh (2008), she cited that school authorities
said that school discipline has a formidable impact on the students’ academic performance.
It guides the students to have their self-discipline thus resulting in a more responsible and
equipped students.
As to what Dobson (2006) shared, given the following roles of school discipline
mentioned beforehand, it is very clear that there is a need to guide the students into the
right paths as it is one of the main functions of the school. It serves as an agent of
socialization, where people can be taught with good moral among other things that will
produce mentally and psychologically furnished students for a better society.
General Problem:
This study aims to identify and assess the effectiveness of school rules and regulations to
the secondary students of Immaculate Conception School of Baliuag. Specifically, this
research will strive to answer the following questions:
Specific Problems:
1. Does the strict implementation of school rules and regulations influence the life of the
2. How do students treat and/or interpret the strict implementation of school rules and
3. How does the strict implementation of school rules and regulations affect the students?
Significance of the Study
The overall study will be consequential to the benefit of the students especially those who
think wrongly of school discipline. This will raise advertency to everyone and let them
know the pros of implementing school rules and regulations effectively. Also, this can be a
great help to the parents, teachers, school administrators, and staff to maintain and
continue the utilization of the educational institution’s precedents for it will help to the
betterment of each student’s philosophy and demeanor.
Lastly, this research can also serve as a future reference for researchers about to conduct a
study about cases of the effectiveness of school rules and regulations to the students at the
secondary level.

Scope of Limitation:
This research is limited to eighth and tenth grades, ages from 13 to 14 years old and
15 to 17 years old, respectively, of Immaculate Conception School of Baliuag (ICSB). This
study will strive to be administered in January 2019 – March 2019. The research will
happen by conducting interviews among ICSB students, consulting professionals, referring
to different articles, previous researches and other references for further information.
Review of Related Literature and Studies
This chapter presents the effectiveness of school rules and regulations to the
students’ discipline and academic performance. It also includes what school rules and
regulations can do to the students; the pros of having an effective school discipline; how
students view the implementation of school rules and regulations. Those that were stated
in this chapter help in familiarizing information that is relevant and similar to the present
Related Literature
Rules are defined as a set of explicit or understood regulations or principles
governing conduct within a particular activity or sphere. These include what the group
regards as a socially acceptable pattern of behavior expected in every individual of the
group (Harris, 2005). Regulations, on the other hand, are orders made by the authorities
with a course of law intended to promote order and efficiency in an organization (Ndeto,
School rules and regulations are among the strategies designed to instill good
conduct to the students; these imply self-control, orderliness, acceptable behavior and
obedience to the school authority (Adams, 2003). Also, rules and regulations are set to
maintain proper governance and build respect among the teachers and the students.
Also, discipline aims to educate and nurture values of tolerance, respect, and self-
discipline in the learner rather than to victimize, belittle and dominate those who are under
the said rules and regulations (Gottfredson, 2009).
After interviewing the students about what think of the strict implementation of school
rules and regulations, Mafabi (2008) revealed that most of the students that were part of
his study understand that punishments, school rules, and regulations are effective in
remediating one’s misbehavior and therefore improving the school’s order. He also added
that the following serve as motivators to improve students’ sense of responsibility and
intellectual ability.
Urieh (2008), after conducting a study on how students view the strict implementation of
school rules and regulations, revealed that majority of her respondents did not agree with
the idea of the implying strict disciplinary measures because according to most of the
students interviewed, they do not like the idea of something, like school authorities and
school rules and regulations, controlling their lives.
In another study conducted by the American Institutes for Research (AIR), they found and
shared that secondary schools suspend or expel an average of two million students per
year, mostly for non-violent offenses such as disruption, disrespect, tardiness, and dress
code violations. The research showed that being expelled or suspended increases the
students’ risks for falling into unproductive behavior, affecting their social-emotional
development, academic performance, and life trajectories thus showing the real reason for
the existence of school rules and regulations.
Furthermore, in Cotton (2000)’s study about “The Modes of Students’ Control in
Public Schools in the United States of America”, he added that it has become a habit to some
of the students, secondary students to be specific, to break the school rules and regulations
impunity resulting to a bigger consequence like having a poor academic result.
Consequently, he recommended using an open-minded approach—letting the students
take part of the decision making with regards to the implementation of the school rules and
regulations—to effective school rules and regulations as a way of minimizing unwanted
behavior in schools.
Grossnickle, et. al. (2006) emphasized that lack of discipline among students is largely a
reflection of attributes, practices, and values of their society. This was evident in the
conceptual framework where student adherence to school rules and regulations were
found to be reliant on the parental upbringing and social environment as intervening
variables. Besides, he appended that despite of having a strict implementation of school
rules and regulations, it still has not been enough and/or truly effective in maintaining
discipline and good academic performance among the students.
Sonn (2009) added that a school without an effective discipline is unmanageable and often
results in unmotivated and demoralized educators which in return lead to the students’
poor academic performance and attitude. In return, when there is an effective discipline in
a school, effective teaching and learning will take place thus leading to a more appealing
environment that will help towards a more positive academic achievement and a better
attitude among the students.
School rules and regulations play a vital role in maintaining and improving
discipline among the students including their academic track thus preparing them for what
if ahead in the future. Effective discipline affects not only the students, but also the teachers
and the parents in developing the characters of each individual that will soon help in the
progress of their mental and psychological health.
Adams (2003) and Gottfredson (2009) share the same thoughts that school rules and
regulations aim to plant and nurture the values of tolerance, respect, and self-discipline to
the students.
American Institutes for Research (AIR) and Cotton (2000) had the same study that
some factors, suspension, and expulsion, for example, can affect the social-emotional
development and academic performance of the students, therefore, exposing the real
reason for the existence of school rules and regulations. This is supported by Grossnickle
(2006) in which he added that the attitude and/or the number of violations of a student can
reflect practices and values of his/her school; in connection to Sonn (2000)’s study wherein
he explained the difference of having a strict implementation of school rules and regulation
and not.
In Urieh (2008)’s, her respondents do not approve the strict implementation of
school rules and regulations thus supporting Grossnickle (2006)’s conclusion where he
revealed that having a strict implementation of school rules and regulations, has not been
enough and/or truly effective in maintaining discipline and good academic performance of
the students.

On the other hand, Mafabi (2008) contradicts Urieh’s (2008) study about the
students’ perception of the strict implementation of school rules and regulations. Urieh’s
respondents think of school discipline as a hindrance to what they can do whereas Mafabi’s
interviewees treat the school rules and regulations as motivators in improving their sense
of responsibility and intellectual ability.
At last, Cotton (2000) recommended using an open-minded approach by involving both the
students and the teachers in deciding about the school rules and regulations to minimize
the chance of the students doing the unwanted behavior and actions in school.
This chapter contains the research design, research locale, and the
respondents/participants. It also covers the research instruments, data collection
procedure, and the data analysis procedure that will be used in the study.
This study will use a descriptive survey design to study the effectiveness of school rules
and regulations in enhancing discipline and academic performance. It is defined as a
scientific method which involves observing and describing the behavior of a subject
without influencing it in any way (Shuttleworth). Moreover, Borg et. al., (2003) defined the
survey as an attempt to collect information from members of a population to determine its
current status concerning one or more variables.
The descriptive survey design will be used to explore how effective the school rules and
regulations are. Also, this design will be utilized to know what students think of the strict
implementation of the rules and regulations. The findings will be analyzed as a whole.
This study will be conducted in Immaculate Conception School of Baliuag (ICSB) located at
Brgy. Concepcion Baliuag, Bulacan. Since then, ICSB has been doing some things like
continuously updating its set of school rules and regulations to improve Immaculates’
discipline and academic performance.


This study will randomly choose twelve (12) high school students, consist of four (4) class
presidents and four (4) girls and four (4) boys representatives from grades eight and ten of
Immaculate Conception School of Baliuag (ICSB) school year 2018-2019 (three
representatives each including the president).
Aside from the students, this research will also include the parents/guardian, the class
adviser and the student council adviser/representative of the grades eight and ten
students. Different questions regarding the effectiveness of school discipline will be asked
to them.
To give answers to the research objectives, guidance/student discipline records,
questionnaires, and semi-formal/ one- on- one interview will be utilized.
Guidance/Student Discipline Record
The students’ guidance/student discipline record will be used as a documentation
of their current disciplinary information. These records will be utilized to identify who are
the possible respondents of the study: those who have the least number of violations and
those who got the highest number of violations.
Questions will be made to serve as a guide for the researcher towards achieving the
research objectives.
In this research, a semi-formal interview will be used in conducting the study since the
participants are high school students. It is a less formal type of interview in which there are
sets of questions that will be asked to the participants. The interviewer can freely change
the sequence of the questions as same as the use of words. Additional questions will be
made if necessary. Also, the respondents have the freedom to express their views and
answers based on the given questions.
The research will undergo in two stages namely the preparation stage and the interview
The Preparation Stage
This stage includes the random selection of participants/respondents from Grades eight
and ten students by checking their discipline/guidance records, and the preparation of
research instruments that will be used in interviewing for the study.
The interview Stage
Interviewing the selected participants will take place in this stage. Respondents
from grades eight and ten are required to participate on the study. The six (6) grade eight
students will be scheduled every Monday while the remaining six (6) grade 10 students are
every Tuesday, both from 7:00 to 7:30 in the morning. On the other hand, their class
advisers and student council adviser/representative will be scheduled for the interview
occasionally depending on their availability. The possible questions for the participants are
as follow:
Participating Students:
1. Can you feel the strict implementation of school rules and regulations?
2. Do you think that the strict implementation of school rules and regulations affect your
life as a student?
A. If yes, does it affect you positively or negatively?
3. Are you aware of the effects of the strict implementation of school rules and regulation
with regards to your discipline and academic performance?
4. What do you think about the set of rules and regulations implemented in ICSB?
5. Do you think that the set of rules and regulations is effective for the students?
*Additional questions will be added depending on the situation and if necessary.
Class Adviser
1. As an adviser, what can you say about the behavior of the students? The academic
performance concerning the school rules and regulations?
2. Do you think the school rules and regulations affect/influence the life of the students?
3. How do you think the students treat/interpret the school rules and regulations?
4. Based from your observations, do you think rules and regulations can change the
mental (academic) and psychological (behavior) state of the students for the better?
Student Council Adviser/Representative
1. Based on the students’ discipline records, what grade level has the most violations? The
2. Do you think ICSB’s set of rules and regulations highly affect the students’ behavior
and/or discipline? Positively or negatively?
3. Do students have trouble and/or difficulties following the school rules and regulations?
4. How do you think the students recognize the implementation of school rules and
5. As the student council adviser/representative, how effective do you think is the
implementation of ICSB’s set of rules and regulations? How do you say so? (Rate from 5
being the highest and 1 being the lowest)
*Additional questions will be added depending on the situation and if necessary.
The researchers will gather all the responses from every participant after the interview.
The answers from the questionnaires will be collected as well. All the data will be
organized and compared from the students, to their class advisers, and their student
council adviser/representative. The data will be analyzed by the researchers to identify the
effectiveness of school rules and regulations to the secondary students of Immaculate
Conception School of Baliuag.
Moreover, the findings will be summarized and then will be compared to the other studies
related to the topic.
Definition of Terms
· Attitude- a complex mental state that involves beliefs, feelings, and values to act in
certain ways
· Behavior- a manner of which someone conducts oneself
· Discipline- a control that is by gained by enforcing obedience or order
· Bullying- an unwanted, aggressive behavior among children and/or students that
involves a real or perceived power imbalance
· Rules- guidelines or instructions that are set to be followed
· Regulations- an authoritative rule or order that deals with details or procedures
· Conduct- a way that a person behaves towards other people
· Values- beliefs of a person or social group in which they have an emotional investment
· Intellectual Ability- ability of a person who can use his/her mind creatively
· Attributes- a construct whereby objects or individuals can be
· Intellectual Ability- an ability that is based on intellectual attributes
Chapter 1
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Seifort, N. and Vonburg, M.(2003).Law and Regulation of Investment Management.New
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Mcgregory, S. (2006). Schoolyard Crime Adds to Teachers Woes in South Africa. Nairobi:
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Shawcross, J.N.(2009). Student Behaviour.New York:Macmillan Publishers.
Chapter 2
Adams, N.(2003). Secondary School Management Today.Melbourne:Hutchinson Ltd,
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Northwest: Regional Educational Laboratory.
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Source Book for Teachers and Administrators.Virginia: Reston Publishers.
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