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Code No: BP101T PCI SET - 1
(xvi) Name the longest and heaviest bone of the body? (1M)
(a) Femur (b) Fibula (c) Tibia (d)Ilium
(xvii) Name the only movable bone in the skull of man? (1M)
(a) Ethmoid bone (b) Mandible bone (c) Nasal bone (d) Lacrimal bone
(xviii) How many types of Joints are present in our body? (1M)
(a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 4 (d) 5
(xix) Lymph nodes are found in (1M)
(a) neck region (b) axilla (c) groin (d) All of Above
(xx) Which blood type is the universal recipient for blood transfusions? (1M)
(a) A (b) B (c) AB (d) O
2. a) Explain in detail structure and functions of cell with neat labelled diagram. (5M)
b) Classify Tissues with examples. (5M)
4. a) Write the importance of the left ventricular in pumping of blood, and explain the (5M)
role of valves in heart.
b) Explain any two blood disorders. (5M)
10. Write the differences between sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system. (5M)
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