Akarsh Synopsis
Akarsh Synopsis
Akarsh Synopsis
AKARSH MISHRA ( 100200508)
SESSION: 2023-24
We hereby declare that this submission is our own work and that, to the best of our knowledge and
belief, it contains no material previously published or written by another person nor material which to a
substantial extenthas been accepted for the award of any other degree or diploma of the university or
other institute of higher learning, except where due acknowledgment has been made in the text.
Date :
1. INTRODUCTION.....................................................................................................................5
2. PROJECT OBJECTIVES.........................................................................................................6
5.SYSTEM DESIGN....................................................................................................................11
6. SCREENSHOTS......................................................................................................................14
8.FUTURE SCOPE......................................................................................................................17
We extend our thanks to Prof. (Dr.) Niraj Singhal director and Er. Arpit Chhabra for giving us the
motivation andguidance to complete this project. We are deeply indebted to our project guide Er. Arpit
Chhabra, for the initial idea of the Project and for all the guidance and encouragement he gave us in
successfully completing the project. Whatever intellectual effort may be reflected from this project is
the direct result of the informative andstimulating discussions and suggestions he has given during the
course of the project. Lastly, we would liketo thank the entire staff of the Information Technology
Department and our college for their support and co- operationin the completion of this project.
The aim of this Cooking Recipe Portal project is to construct an online system by use of which a user
can learn various kinds of the recipe. This system can be beneficial for a restaurant or to the instructor
who teaches the cooking as they can spread their recipe to the other. The user can also post their recipe
on the website.As the Cooking Recipe Portal system will be based on the internet, the user can learn
the recipe from any place and can view the recipe any number of times. The users can give feedback to
the recipe. This project is helpful for user to find meals for their ingredients.The ingredients entered by
the user in the website and then the recipes related to that ingredient will show in the image form on the
website with the dishes name and then when the dishes will selected by the user through the image then
the detailed recipe of that dish will be given bythe website. The user can also watch the video of that
recipe through the link provide by the website.
Real food doesn't have ingredients, real food is ingredients. -Jamie Oliver
The Meal Search API offers a dynamic way to discover, search, and retrieve detailed information about
variousmeals, including their ingredients, preparation methods, and nutritional content. Whether you
are building a recipe app, a meal planning service, or simply want to enhance your cooking experience,
this API provides a rich set of functionalities to meet your needs.
A food-related API is a database that contains a broad range of information about food nutrition,
ingredients, and preparation. Using this tool, a developer can create a website or app that analyzes
restaurant menus, promotes healthy eating, or even helps a user find the ingredients for a new recipe.
The proposed Cooking Recipe Portal system will be useful for a wife, a restaurant owner, a person
who wantto learn. The user can upload or download a recipe on the website, can give feedback to each
recipe. According to the feedback has provided by the user the recipe will be ranked so that a person
can know about that recipe. There will be a massive amount of recipes available in the system.Any user
can start posting the recipe in the system after registering to the website while a new user can advertise
about their recipe on the site. The Cooking Recipe Portal system will be very user-friendly such that a
person who does no have much experience of the internet can also use the system with ease.
Collection of recipes, instructions, and information about the preparation and serving of foods.
It allows the user to find and view different food recipes based on different inputs such as, the
type of food, the cuisine, and the food course.
It tells the person cooking the food, what ingredients they should use, how to use them and any
nutritional facts that may be relevant.
2.2 Overview
The purpose of creating this Web Application is to outcast the discrepancies in hundreds of such
existing systems on the World Wide Web. The various existing systems for recipe search and their
disadvantages are discussed below.
Internet search engines
One of the existing systems is Internet search engines like google, bing etc. If user wants to search for
their favorite recipe, user will go to web, say google, and search for his recipe in his mind. The search
results may redirect user to any other food blog website or any video casting site. But in that website all
the information required like list of ingredients, cooking instructions, nutritional data and several other
information may or may not be available at one place. Moreover you have to go through too many
results to choose which result suits you best. This system involves more time and analysis which is a
tedious task thus not ideal for many users.
Food Blogs
Another existing system is Food blogs and channels on video sharing sites like YouTube. There are
many food blogs which provide lot of information about recipes but the disadvantages with this kind
of blogs is most of the times they don’t support multi cuisine recipes. Most often they belong to one
region which is a disadvantage most of the times. Personally I follow few YouTube channels and one
among those is ‘VahChef’ which contains interesting videos on how to cook various Indian dishes but
if I want to cook some Mexican food I have to google it and follow some other blogs or video hosting
sites. In this case of existing system, food blogs are mostly confined to one or two types of cuisine
which is a disadvantage for users looking for multi cuisine. For better understanding of the
disadvantages of existing system consider a regular scenario, I went for shopping groceries and I’m
planning to cook some new dish and I don’t know what ingredients are required and of what quantity
are required. So I have to search on the web and I might be provided with numerous options throwing
me into dilemma which one to rely and if it is video I have to manually jot down the ingredients or
remember those list of ingredients which is not at all an ideal thing to do. These all are big drawbacks
of existing system and this application is capable of addressing all these issues in an efficient way
providing an ideal platform to search for any food recipe and get all the required information such as
ingredients, nutritional data, cooking instructions. This application supports all multi cuisine thus
serving widerange of people.
Intended Audience
The intended audiences for this website are the users who rely on web for cooking dishes and also who
search for new recipe ideas on web. This web application acts as bridge connecting users with recipe
ideas, ingredient lists, and cooking instructions.
OS-Operating System
This web application is central information hub for the kitchen—connecting consumers with recipe
ideas, ingredient lists, and cooking instructions. Nowadays people rely on web for any kind of
information. So by building a web application we can serve many users who are looking for recipe
ideas and instructions, list of ingredients for that recipe on the web. The different functionalities
available for the users in this application are as following. Users can search for their favorite dishes.
The search results contain information about ingredients required, total time needed for cooking, user’s
rating and cooking directions. Basic search filters are provided to filter out the search results like
Breakfast, Lunchand Dinner recipes. The order of displayed results can be sorted according to ratings,
total time required to prepare the dish. User can create an account and build their own favorite recipe
collection by liking the recipes displayed.
Software Requirements
Windows XP/ 7 (ultimate, enterprise) or above
Visual Studio Code IDE
Java Script
Hardware Requirements
Processor- i3
Hard Disk- 128 GB
Memory- 1GB RAM
4.1 Functional Requirements
Ingredients (To manage the details of recipe that can be make from it)
The proposed system that’s can be develop and will be used as the chief performance system for
helping the Organization in managing the whole database of the Student studying in the
organization. Therefore, it is Expected that the database would performfunctionally All the
requirements that are specified. Performance requirement concern the speed of operation of a
Throughput requirements:- How much the system can accomplish within a specified
amount of time.
Availability requirements:- Is the system available for service when requested by end-users.
5.1 Data Flow Diagram
A data flow diagram shows the way information flows through a process or system. It
includes data inputs and outputs, data stores, and the various subprocesses the data
moves through. DFDs are built using standardized symbols and notation to describe
various entities and their relationships.
Data flow diagrams visually represent systems and processes that would be hard to
describe in just words. You can use these diagrams to map out an existing system and
make it better or to plan out a new system for implementation. Visualizing each element
makes it easy to identify inefficiencies and produce the best possible system.
The DFD focuses mainly on the data that flows inside the Meal Search Website. That is
why the DFD has three main levels that emphasize the data handling from the main
process up to the specific process.
A use case diagram depicts the application from an external observer perspective. Use
case diagram identifies the agents of the system and the functions that these agents
perform with the system. In this application only one agent or actor is identified i.e. user
who interacts with application and performs various tasks. These various actions are
depicted in the below use case diagram.
5.2 Security Requirements
There are various categories of people namely admin who will be viewing either all or some
specific information from the database. Depending upon the category of user the access rights are
decided . It meansif the user is an proctor then he can be able to modify the data, append etc. All
other users only have the rights to retrieve the information about database.
By incorporating a robust and proven CSS into the system, reliable performance and integrity is
Fig 3. ER Diagram Of The Project
Fig 6. Instruction Page
Fig 8. Instruction with video link
The natural foods industry is important because it can change the way we eat, clean,and consume for
the better.This means we need more people like us creating innovative products.
By now we hope you will be able to navigate through the incessantly changing waters of the highly
competitiveRetail world. I do hope that from our hard-won experience you have learned what it takes
to avoid common Entrepreneur mistake—and win.
Let us leave you with this:
“Your journey doesn’t end when the product hits the shelf. Instead, it’ll always be the beginning
becauseyou must continually reinvent your product line, appeal, and approaches in order….”