PCDS - 8 - 5 Tanner ST
PCDS - 8 - 5 Tanner ST
PCDS - 8 - 5 Tanner ST
General information
2 The following section contains a brief explanation of important matters relevant to
the purchase of a unit in a unit title development. You should read and understand
the information contained in this section and this statement before signing a
contract to buy a unit in a unit title development.
Further information on buying, selling a unit and living in a unit title development
can be obtained by:
• reading the publication "A quick guide to unit title developments", which is
available on the Tenancy Services website: www.tenancy.govt.nz
You are strongly advised to obtain independent legal advice regarding any
questions or concerns you have about purchasing a unit or your prospective rights
and obligations as a member of a body corporate.
Unit title property ownership. Unit titles are a common form ofmulti-unit property
ownership. They allow owners to privately own an area ofland or part ofa building
and share common property with other unit owners. Unit title developments may
also be structured in varied ways including staged unit title developments and
layered unit title developments.
This combination ofindividual and shared ownership ofland and buildings, often in
an intensive built environment, means owning a unit title involves a different set of
rights and responsibilities than traditional house and land ownership.
Unit plan. Every unit title development has a unit plan, which shows the location of
the principal units as well as any accessory units and common property in the
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development. The unit plan is the formal record of all of the boundaries of the units,
and the common property.
Ownership and utility interests. Each unit is allocated an ownership interest and a
utility interest and such interests are relevant to the determination of many of the
unit owner's rights and responsibilities under the Unit Titles Act 2010.
Ownership interest is a number that reflects the relative value of each unit to the
other units in the development, and is used to determine a range of matters including
the unit owners' beneficial share in the common property, and share in the
underlying land if the unit plan is cancelled.
By default, the utility interest of a unit is the same as the ownership interest (unless
it is otherwise specified on the deposit of the unit plan or subsequently changed),
and is used to calculate how much each owner contributes to the operational costs of
the body corporate.
Body corporate operational rules. The body corporate for a unit title development
can make its own operational rules on the use of the development, and governance
of the body corporate. These operational rules are subject to the provisions of the
Unit Titles Act 2010 and regulations made under that Act.
All unit owners, occupiers, tenants and the body corporate must follow the body
corporate operational rules that apply to their unit title development.
Transitional provisions for unit title developments created before the Unit Titles Act
2010 came into effect on 20 June 2011 apply to the body corporate rules in place at
that time.
There are legal consequences on the seller for failing to provide the pre-settlement
disclosure in the timeframes required by the Unit Titles Act 2010 including delay of
settlement and cancellation of the contract.
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be in an additional disclosure statement (specific prescribed information) at any
time before whichever of these dates occurs first:
• the close of the fifth working day after they enter into the sale and
purchase agreement
• the close of the tenth working day before settlement of the unit.
The seller has five working days to provide the additional disclosure statement.
The additional disclosure statement contains more information about the unit title
development and the operation of the body corporate. It must include:
• contact details of the body corporate and committee (if there is one)
• the balance of every fund or bank account held by the body corporate at the date
of the last financial statement
• amounts due to be paid by the body corporate
• details of regular expenses that are incurred once a year
• amounts owed to the body corporate
• details of every current insurance policy held by the body corporate
• details of every current contract entered into by the body corporate
• information about any lease of the underlying land (if the development is
• the text of motions voted on at the last general meeting, and whether those
motions were passed
• any changes to the default body corporate operational rules
• a summary of the long-term maintenance plan.
The seller may require the buyer to meet the reasonable cost of providing the
additional disclosure statement. An estimate of that cost is set out in paragraph 9
There are legal consequences on the seller for failing to provide the additional
disclosure in the timeframes required by the Unit Titles Act 2010 including delay of
settlement and cancellation of the contract.
• the unit plan attached. Unit title plans were discussed earlier in this section.
• a supplementary record sheet attached. A supplementary record sheet records
the ownership of the common property, any legal interests registered against the
common property or base land, and other information such as the address for
service of the body corporate and the body corporate operational rules.
The common property in a unit title development does not have a computer register.
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Delivery times vary between councils. The information contained in a LIM will
vary between councils, but is likely to include details on:
• rates information
• information on private and public stormwater and sewerage drains
• any consents, notices, orders or requisitions affecting the land or buildings
• District Plan classifications that relate to the land or buildings
• any special feature of the land the local council knows about including the
downhill movement, gradual sinking or wearing away of any land, the falling of
rock or earth, flooding of any type and possible contamination or hazardous
• any other information the local council deems relevant
• a unit and are usually recorded on the computer register for that unit.
• common property and will be recorded on the supplementary record sheet for
the unit title development.
3 Further information about the matters set out above can be obtained from:
Body corporate operational rules The body corporate of the unit title
Pre-settlement disclosure statement development
For detailed information on any of the above matters relating to your specific
circumstances, the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment recommends
you obtain independent legal advice from your lawyer.
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Information about the unit
4 The amount of the contribution levied by the body corporate under section 121 of
the Unit Titles Act 2010 in respect of the unit is $[amount] 75""0 - 0 0
5 The period covered by the contribution in paragraph 4 is [period] I '2.. }'I') Ot\J'r1ts
770 -0 0
6 The body corporate proposes to levy $[amount] under section 121 of the Act in the
next 12 months.
7 The body corporate proposes to carry out the following maintenance on the unit title
development in the next 12 months:
[set out details of proposed maintenance and how the cost of that maintenance will
be met- attach an extra sheet ifrequired]
fV {) tvl �v,/t'J:-<Wlr1✓' ( t
9 Under section 148 of the Unit Titles Act 2010, a buyer may request an additional
disclosure statement or may request some, but not all of the information required to
be in an additional statement (specific prescribed information) before the settlement
of an agreement for sale and purchase of a unit. The buyer must pay to the seller all
reasonable costs incurred by the seller in providing the additional disclosure
statement. The estimated cost of providing an additional disclosure statement is
$[amount] f?J Jj fJ -- O 0
This form has been created by the Ministry o.fBusiness, Innovation and Employment as
an example of Form 18 of the Unit Titles Regulations 2011 (Pre-contract disclosure
statement). The information contained in paragraphs 2 and 3 of the form is intended as
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an example ofhow these sections may be completed, and the specific wording used is not
a requirement ofthe Unit Titles Regulations 2011.
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