Ösztrogén Dominancia Májtámogatás

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Májtámogatásra: máriatövis, gyermekláncfűgyökér tea. MSM, NAC, Glutation.

A legerősebb antioxidáns a szervezetben a Glutation, ezt termeljük is, de be is lehet vinni, a kofaktror
hozzá a NAC, ez sajnos rosszul szívódik fel így a napi ajánlott 1000mg.
Segíti még a méregtelenítést/enzimtermelést az MSM, de ettől kiürülhet a molibdén raktár ami 3
fontos májenzimhez kell amik közül az egyik az ösztrogént bontja. Így MSM és 50mg molibdén együtt

-At least 420mg of pure silymarin is required daily.

Gymbeam Máraitövisből napi 2 db fedezi.

- All the B-group vitamins are essential for healthy liver function and detoxification.
Life Extension Bioactiove B-complex ajánlott és külön metilfolát is.

- An effective dose of the most important antioxidant vitamins namely vitamin C, E and
natural beta-carotene.

- did you know that selenium and NAC are required by your body to manufacture the
powerful antioxidant glutathione, and MSM is a source of natural sulphur, which improves
liver detoxification?

Tehát a szervezet legerősebb antioxidánsa a Glutation, a saját termelés segíti az NAC,

az MSM mivel szulfát molekula szükséges a máj első fázisú detox folyamatához, ehhez
pedig szükséges a Molibdén napi 25-50mcg.

NAC= a Glutation termeléshes szükséges aminosavak összessége, felszívódása

rossz, így napi 1000mg szükséges.

Molibdénről és a fontosságíról itt írnak, többek között az ösztrogénbontó enzimtermelés kapcsán:

Molybdenum is a cofactor in three important enzymatic reactions – xanthine
oxidase/dehydrogenase, aldehyde oxidase, and sulfite oxidase.* The first two enzymatic
reactions play a role in the liver's detoxification of environmental toxins, certain drugs, estradiol,
and progesterone.* Because molybdenum – as an essential cofactor for sulfite oxidase –
enhances sulfite metabolism, supplementation with molybdenum glycinate benefits individuals
who suffer sensitivity to sulfites used in meat, fish, salad bar items, and dehydrated fruits and
vegetables.* Thorne's Molybdenum Glycinate is a highly absorbable form of molybdenum.*

Sulfite sensitivity can manifest in a number of ways, such as wheezing, chest tightness, coughing,
shortness of breath, flushing, itching, hives, swelling of eyes, hands and feet, nausea, headache,
and diarrhea. Sulfite oxidase, the most important molybdenum-dependent enzyme in humans,
oxidizes sulfite to sulfate, the final step in the metabolism of sulfur-containing amino acids.

Máj detoxról:
Ösztrogén detoxról egy összesítő, elég bonyolult:

a lényeg hogy a „ CYP 1A1 enzyme” termelést kellene valahogy növelni ami a 2-OH,
hasznos ösztrogén kofaktor enzimje, a másik 2 enzimtermelést visszaszorítani.

„Phase one detoxification – cytochrome enzyme system

The cytochrome (CYP) family of detoxification enzymes are responsible for the first
stages of oestrogen biotransformation, which predominantly occurs in the liver tissue.
Oestrone and oestradiol can either utilise the enzymes CYP 1A1, CYP 1B1 or CYP3A4,
dependant on what enzyme is more available at the time. Oestrogen undergoes an
addition of a hydroxyl group (-OH) to become:

o 2-hydroxyestrone and 2- hydroxyestradiol –the main metabolites from the route of

o 4- hydroxyestrone and 4-hydroxyestradiol – mainly from interaction with CYP1B1
o 16α- hydroxyestrone – mainly from interaction with CYP3A4
o Oestriol is made mainly by the hydroxylation of oestradiol or of 16α-
hydroxyestrone (1–3)

Each of these metabolites are highly reactive oxidative intermediates. They need to go
through the rest of the biotransformation process to be able to be ready for excretion,
and at this stage they can still act upon oestrogen receptors, albeit in a weaker form than
their predecessors. 16α- hydroxyestrone has the strongest binding effects to the
oestrogen receptors and possesses high proliferative effects. Higher urinary levels of
16α- hydroxyestrone have been found to been related to post- menopausal breast
cancer (4).

4- hydroxyestrone also may possess a cancer promoting risk if it is not cleared through
the second stage of biotransformation. It can in turn head down a different pathway to
become the free radical, 3,4-quinone which possesses the ability to react with DNA and
cause damage (1,4).

2-hydroxyestrone has the weakest binding potential to the oestrogen receptor and has
also shown to have anti-proliferative effects on cancer cell lines, therefore it is thought to
be the most beneficial of the metabolites (5).

Encouraging the availability of the CYP 1A1 enzyme and reducing the production
of other metabolites in itself may help to reduce the toxic effects of a high
circulating oestrogen load. Figure 1: (3)

Kulcsmondat: CYP 1A1 enzimtermelést kell elősegíteni ami felelős a 2_OH

ösztrogén termelésért, a CYP 1B1 or CYP3A4 enzimeket háttérbe szorítani.
egy kutatás a méregtelenítési pályákat mutatja be és azok támogatását:

Kettes fázis:
detox, metilálás (MTHFR mutáció esetén kulcsfontosságú a támogatása)
szulfatálás. Itt lényegében a glutation a molibdén és MSM fontosságáról ír(mint
szulfát molekula), amit a dokis elején kiragadtam.

Phase 2 detoxification – methylation, sulphation and

Once hydroxylated, the catechol oestrogens (2-OH and 4- OH) undergo the addition of a
methyl group by the enzyme catechol-O- methyltransferase (COMT). This yields the
metabolites 2-methoxyestrone, 4-methoxyestrone, 2-methoxyestradiol and 4-
methoxyestradiol. These by products are considered safer and less reactive than their
predecessors as they no longer will react with DNA.

Methylation of the catechol oestrogens also prevents them biotransformation to quinone-

DNA adducts and development of reactive oxygen species (ROS) capable of damaging
cellular macromolecules such as DNA, lipids, and proteins. Higher 2-hydroxylation of
parent oestrogens is associated with lower risk of breast cancer, and low methylation 4-
hydroxylation pathway catechols is associated with higher risk of postmenopausal breast
cancer (5).

In addition to methylation, parent and catechol oestrogens are also conjugated with
either glucuronic acid and sulfate by hepatic phase II enzymes including UDP-
glucuronosyltransferases and sulfotransferases. Conjugation is the process by which
hormones become more water soluble and are excreted in the urine or faeces or turn
into a more lipophilic moiety with elevated half-lives (1). Conjugated metabolites are
normally water soluble and excreted via the kidneys or bile. Sulphated oestrogen
metabolites can be directly converted back to oestradiol so add to the circulating
oestrogen load. Gluronidated oestrogens can be deconjugated back into free oestrogens
by the oestrobolome, noted below. The enzyme β-glucuronidase, which is found in the
breast gland, is produced by bacterial synthesis in the gut microbiome. Abnormally high
level of microbial β-glucuronidase in the intestine can deconjugate gluronidated
oestrogens, allowing them to be reabsorbed in the enterohepatic circulation and
contributing to the overall oestrogen load.

3. fázis, Ösztrogén metaboláció és kivezetés/ Genetikai befolyásoltság.

Phase 3 metabolism – anti-porter activity

The final stage of oestrogen metabolism is removing the metabolite from the cell, so it
can then be excreted either through the bile or the urine. Movement of the metabolites
out of the cell at this stage is due to the activity of anti-porters, which can be upregulated
by certain substances.
The oestrobolome

Gluronidated oestrogens can be deconjugated back into free oestrogens by the enzyme
β-glucuronidase. β-glucuronidase is an enzyme that occurs in the body, for example it is
found in high amounts in the breast tissue, but it can also be produced by bacterial
synthesis in the gut microbiome. High levels of microbial beta-glucuronidase in the
intestine can deconjugate gluronidated oestrogens which have been excreted in
bile into the intestine, allowing them to be reabsorbed in the enterohepatic
circulation and contributing to the overall oestrogen load.

„magas β-glucuronidase enzim hatására a már lebontott oestrogen újra

visszalakulhat és visszajut a véráramba stb. Az említett enzim a mikrobiomban
elszapordó baktériumok is termelnek ilyen β-glucuronidase enzimet ami az
ösztrogénszint emelkedéséhez vezethet végsősoron.

Genetic variances
Genetikai, hajlamosító tényezők:

Genetic polymorphisms in genes encoding enzymes involved in oestrogen metabolism

pathways and the genes encoding the oestrogen receptors (ERs) are associated with
breast cancer risk. Polymorphic variations in genes encoding COMT, CYP1A1, CYP1B1,
oestrogen receptor alpha (ERa), oestrogen receptor beta (ERb), CYP17A1, and
CYP19A1 are all suspected to play a role in larger development of diseases.

Egy kutatásbó kiragadott fejezett a máj méregtelenítésről és az ösztrogén


Liver Detoxification and Estrogen Dominance

Metabolic detoxification consists of three phases that need to be in
balance. In phase one, lipid-soluble substances—toxins, hormones,
or drugs—are transformed into intermediate substances, which are
more water soluble, by the cytochrome P450 set of enzymes.21 This
enzyme system can be upregulated or downregulated by various
drugs, stressors (e.g., alcohol, cigarette smoke, smoke from charred
meat), and herbs. An example in the world of estrogen
dominance and uterine fibroids is the effect of gluten grains
on estrogen metabolism. Gluten, the active protein in wheat,
rye, and barley, reduces the cytochrome P450 isoenzyme 3A4
and leads to reduced estrogen metabolism and subsequent
estrogen dominance.
The intermediate substances that are formed in phase one must be
made more water soluble, enabling excretion from the body. In
phase two of the detoxification process, these intermediates are
conjugated with amino acids and peptides such as glucuronic
acid, glutathione, and glycine, or they undergo conjugation
processes such as methylation, sulfation, acetylation, and
sulfoxidation.22 These now water-soluble substances can be
excreted in stool, urine, or sweat or as water vapor through the
In phase three, the now ready for excretion estradiol–glucuronic
acid molecule previously discussed is eliminated through the bile
into the intestines. This molecule is cleaved in the dysbiotic gut by
elevated amounts of the enzyme beta-glucuronidase, which is
produced by imbalanced gut bacteria. This allows estradiol to be
reabsorbed into the circulation.
Phase one and phase two detoxification errors cannot be
determined by conventional aspartate aminotransferase and alanine
aminotransferase (AST/ALT liver function tests) enzyme levels,
which are indicators only of hepatocyte breakdown (see Chapter
106). More integrative and functional assessments of detoxification
can be made through organic acid testing or functional detoxification
tests that evaluate the phase one cytochrome P450 enzyme system
and phase two conjugation factors. Estrogen metabolites and their
intermediaries consist of catechol (hydroxy) estrogens and methyl-
estrogens. The anticarcinogenic estrogen modulator 2-
hydroxyestrone (2OH-E1) comes from naturally produced ovarian
estrogens; high levels of this substance because 2-
methoxyestrone reduce the risk for breast cancer. Higher amounts
of 4-hydroxyestrone (4OH-E1) occur with metabolism of conjugated
estrogens (Premarin) to form DNA-damaging quinones.
Recent studies confirm that the 2-methoxyestrogens are protective
against hormone-dependent cancers while the 4- and 16-
hydroxyestrogens are most carcinogenic.23
Epigallocatechin gallate (the main polyphenol in green tea) and
other antioxidants, such as vitamins A, C, and E; selenium; N-
acetylcysteine; and lipoic acid, convert damaging quinones into
mercapturates. This process occurs through the production of
glutathione. The 16alpha-hydroxyestrone (16OH-E1) forms a very
strong bond with the estrogen receptor, is a strong estrogen, and
has carcinogenic potential. These estrogen metabolites are not all
good or bad. Like everything else in nature, they need to be in
Appropriate levels of 16alpha-hydroxyestrone support good bone
density.24 The ratio of the three hydroxyestrogens and their
methylated end products, which can be measured in urine or blood
(Genova Diagnostics), can help evaluate risk in estrogen dominance
conditions. In menstruating women, the ratio of 2OH-E1 to 16OH-
E1 should be evaluated during the luteal (late) phase of the cycle.
The following factors increase either this ratio or the level of 2OH-E1:

A diet rich in cooked cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, Brussels
sprouts, kale, cabbage, cauliflower, etc.)

Indole-3-carbinol (I-3-C) from cruciferous vegetables (broccoli,
Brussels sprouts, cabbage, kale): 200–800 mg/day

Diindolylmethane (I-3-C activated by stomach acid), used
alone or in conjunction with I-3-C

Epigallocatechin gallate (green tea polyphenol)

Isoflavones, including soy, flaxseed, and kudzu25

Omega-3 fatty acids

Vigorous exercise, a minimum of 30 minutes three times/week
The ratio of 2OH-E1 to 16OH-E1 can be reduced, with an increased
proportion of 16OH-E1, by the following conditions:



Xenoestrogens: any estrogenic substances, including dioxins
and polychlorinated biphenyls

Cimetidine (Tagamet) and other drugs that interfere with the
cytochrome P450 system26

Estriol: Although in most people, estriol is a metabolic end
product, concern exists that as a stereoisomer it can revert to
the 16alphaOH-E1 from which it was formed; this is more of a
concern when estriol is prescribed as part of a bioidentical
hormone replacement therapy program. Regular monitoring of
hormone levels can prevent problems from these imbalances.
Most of the studies of hormone imbalance and fibroid tumors of the
uterus have concerned themselves with estrogen dominance,
although mifepristone studies create some controversy and
doubt.28 Mifepristone is also known as RU-486, the “abortion pill.” It
functions as a progesterone receptor antagonist. Long-term use of
mifepristone has been associated with fibroid regression.28 As
a progesterone receptor antagonist, mifepristone’s action would
suggest that progesterone also stimulates fibroid growth. The
answer may not be that simple because progesterone also
increases blood vessel support in the endometrium in anticipation of
a fertilized egg. My opinion is that some fibroids may take
advantage of the increased progesterone-supported blood supply
and increase in size because of it. Studies also show that there are
two isoforms of progesterone receptors: A and B (PRA and PRB). If
PRA is stimulated, there will be increased inflammation. Stimulating
PRB will reduce inflammation.29
The negative effects associated with long-term mifepristone use are
bone loss and endometrial hyperplasia, conditions indicating that
more complicated mechanisms concerning PRA and PRB are at

Ösztrogén „bontást” segítő ételek és kiegészítők:

DIM: elsődleges 16-OH ösztrogén bontó:
„Our study is supported by a human study conducted by Zeligs et al. in 2002 (27), whereby
they discovered that 150 mg of DIM increases the ratio of 2-hydroxyestrone to 16-OHE1 by
76% in benign or precancerous conditions. Three hundred mg of DIM increased this ratio by
170%. „
Fitoösztrogén élelmiszerek:
„1. Eat Phytoestrogen Rich Foods
Phytoestrogens found in soy and legumes provide a weaker form of oestrogen that
down regulates your total oestrogen load. They do this by binding to your oestrogen
receptor and preventing estradiol (E2), a more potent oestrogen produced primarily by
your ovaries from binding to the oestrogen receptor. By doing this it reduces the
negative side effects associated with excess estradiol.

When eating soy, ensure you are consuming a non-genetically modified (non-GMO) soy
and that it is derived from the whole soy bean such as tempeh.

Other legumes that contain phytoestrogens include chickpeas and mungbeans.

Concerned about soy and thyroid health? Read more about the controversies of soy
here in my article, “How Safe Is Soy For Your Thyroid Health?”(link:


-brokkoli csíra (csináld magad otthon projekt)

- Zsázsa csíra (szintén otthon)

- Őrölt lenmag, frissen őrölve (magas polyfenol tartalma miatt)


Még egy kis ösztrogén kivezetés:




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