Css Basics
Css Basics
Css Basics
1. Simple Selector
1. Element Selector
2. Class Selector
3. ID Selector
2. Pseudo-class Selector
3. Multiple Selector
Element Selector
• CSS can select HTML elements by using an element’s tag name. A tag name is the word (or character)
between HTML angle brackets.
Class Selector
• CSS is not limited to selecting elements by tag name. HTML elements can have more than just a tag name;
they can also have attributes. One common attribute is the class attribute. It’s also possible to select an
element by its class attribute.
• To select an HTML element by its class using CSS, a period (.) must be prepended to the class’s name.
ID Selector
• For situations where you need more speci city in styling, you may also select elements for CSS using an id
attribute. You can have di erent ids associated with a class (although a class is not required).
• The id attribute can be added to an element, along with a class attribute. On the CSS side, the delineation
is made by using # to represent an id, the same way . is used for class.
Pseudo-classes Selector
• A CSS pseudo-class is a keyword added to a selector that speci es a special state of the selected
element(s). For example, :hover can be used to change a button's color when the user's pointer hovers
over it.
Multiple Selector
• What if we want to add some styles to all our headings? We don’t want to have redundant rules, since that
would eventually become a nightmare to maintain and is not scalable at all.
• Instead, we can select multiple HTML elements in the same CSS rule by separating them with commas.
• Copying and pasting code is usually a bad idea for web developers, and multiple selectors can help reduce
that kind of behavior quite a bit.
Explore time:
• Universal Selector
• Nested Selector
• Attribute Selector
How to add Styling to HTML?
• Inline
• Internal
• External
Inline CSS
• To style an HTML element, you can add the style attribute directly to the opening tag. After you add the
attribute, you can set it equal to the CSS style(s) you’d like applied to that element.
• Inline styles should be avoided at all costs because they make it impossible to alter styles from an external
• That said, there will be many times when you need to apply styles to only a speci c HTML element. For
this, you should always use CSS classes instead of inline styles.
Internal CSS / Style Tag
• Inline styles are a fast way of styling HTML, but they also have limitations. If you wanted to style, for
example, multiple <h1> elements, you would have to add inline styling to each element manually. In
addition, you would also have to maintain the HTML code when additional <h1> elements are added.
• Fortunately, HTML allows you to write CSS code in its own dedicated section with the <style> element.
CSS can be written between opening and closing <style> tags. To use the <style> element, it must be
placed inside of the <head> element.
External CSS
• Because elements can have multiple CSS selectors, there is a hierarchy for the weight given
to each type of selector. Here is the logical order of selectors from least to most weight
• A hexadecimal color is speci ed with: #RRGGBB, where the RR (red), GG (green) and BB (blue)
hexadecimal integers specify the components of the color. All values must be between 00 and FF.
• For example, the #0000 value is rendered as blue, because the blue component is set to its highest value
( ) and the others are set to 00.
RGB Colors
• An RGB color value is speci ed with the rgb() function, which has the following syntax: rgb(red, green, blue)
• Each parameter (red, green, and blue) de nes the intensity of the color and can be an integer between 0
and 255 or a percentage value (from 0% to 100%).
• For example, the rgb(0,0,255) value is rendered as blue, because the blue parameter is set to its highest
value (255) and the others are set to 0.
Predefined/Cross-browser Color Names
• 140 color names are prede ned in the HTML and CSS color speci cation.
Explore Time:
• Font:
• Font-family
• Font-weight
• Font-style
• Emphasis & Importance
• How to add External Fonts ?
Units in CSS
1. Absolute unit
2. Percentage unit
3. Relative unit
2. Related to Document
Absolute Unit
• mm
• cm
• in
• px
Percentage Unit
• div { width:10%; }
Relative Unit to Font size
• em
• rem
Relative Unit to ViewPort
• vw
• vh