Ergo - Ergonomics and GI Endoscopy - ASGE2009
Ergo - Ergonomics and GI Endoscopy - ASGE2009
Ergo - Ergonomics and GI Endoscopy - ASGE2009
included in this review, and has subsequently been these injuries are more common among gastroenterolo-
published.21 One abstract was provided by one of the gists than among other internal medicine specialists.3
investigators in this study (K.M.).23 The risk of injury appears to be related to endoscopy
The full texts of all selected articles were reviewed by volume.1,5,6
the primary investigator (A.S.) for extraction of data. A survey of 400 randomly selected gastroenterologists
Seven articles1-7 addressed the prevalence of endoscopist from the ASGE in 1994 reported 57% of respondents
injury. Five articles9,11,17,18,22 evaluated or discussed possi- had a main musculoskeletal complaint, with many having
ble risk factors and mechanisms of injury. One online more than one complaint.1 Of those with pain, 85% re-
study19 evaluated postures during endoscopy, whereas 4 ported that their condition bothered them at work, and
articles10,12,20,21 evaluated the forces applied during en- 44% had suffered from the pain for more than 6 months.
doscopy, and 6 articles13-16,22,23 provided recommenda- Physicians who performed more endoscopies (measured
tions to reduce injury during endoscopy. in terms of hours per week, number of procedures per
week, or percentage of work time devoted to endoscopy)
were more likely to complain of thumb, hand, elbow, or
RESULTS low back pain. Thumb, wrist, and hand pain more com-
monly occurred on the left and elbow pain on the right.
Prevalence of endoscopist injury Physicians who complained of thumb, hand, and neck
A total of 7 articles1-7 were included (Table 1). These pain tended to attribute their symptoms to performing
studies differed in the population being studied, the sur- endoscopy.1
vey instruments, and the types of procedures performed, A study of surgeons who performed colonoscopy re-
which precluded pooling of data. Therefore, a descriptive ported that 39% of surgical endoscopists had at least
analysis is provided. In total, these studies demonstrate one injury or pain related to colonoscopy, whereas the
a prevalence of musculoskeletal complaints among endo- risk increased to 47% among surgeons who performed
scopists ranging from 37% to 89%.1-7 Common regions of more than 30 colonoscopies per week.6 Most of the right
pain are the left thumb, right wrist, neck, and back, and upper-extremity injuries were attributed to torquing of the
TABLE 1 (Continued)
All O0.5 y 12.4 h/wk 57 Low back (13), thumb (10), neck (10), 3.2 –
elbow (8), CTS (4), shoulder (3), hand
numbness (3), other (6)
Mean (SD): injured, – 67 Back (57), neck (46), hand pain (36), 8 –
14.7 (7) y; noninjured, shoulder (16), elbow (8), other (5)
11.6 (5.9) y
Mean (SD): 14.8 2.4 39 Right foot (12.5), neck (10.7), right hand 2.7 1.3
(8.6) y (1.9) (8.7), back (8.6), right fingers (7.2), left
d/wk fingers (6.4), left-hand pain (6.3), left
thumb (5.3), right thumb (3.3), CTS (2)
– – 37 Thumb (70) – 9
Median duration 19.5 (7.7) 89 Right shoulder (31), left shoulder (29), 0 2
3.25 y h/wk left finger (29), right wrist (26), neck
(18), left wrist (18), right finger (16)
colonoscope, and the left thumb, finger, and hand injuries 7.7 hours per week and a mean (SD) number of 270.2
were attributed to turning the control dials and gripping 153 endoscopies per month. This survey also included
the colonoscope handle.6 the largest percentage of women endoscopists (33%). Se-
In an online survey of 237 ASGE members, 78% of re- vere pain (pain greater than 55 mm on a 100-mm visual
spondents reported one or more injury.4 Most respon- analog scale) was reported by 47.3% of endoscopists
dents (85%) reported pain when performing endoscopy. (26/55), with more women than men reporting severe
The endoscopic activities associated with pain included pain (61% vs 40%, respectively; P Z .15).2
applying torque to the colonoscope (29%) and manipulat- The type of injury is an important factor in determining
ing the colonoscope head (17%) (left thumb pain).4 the duration of disability. A retrospective cohort study of
A case-control study compared gastroenterologists at disability claims in Washington State determined that a di-
the Mayo Clinic with nonprocedure-oriented internal agnosis of CTS and back-neck sprain predicted a longer
medicine specialists and subspecialists.3 The incidence of duration of disability. For instance, fewer than 50% of
any musculoskeletal injury was higher in the GI group workers diagnosed with CTS returned to work within 1
(74%) compared with the non-GI group (35%). In this month of their injury.24 This is in contrast to disability
study, there was no significant association between endos- from more acute injuries, such as fractures and non-
copy volume or years performing endoscopy and injury.3 back–related sprains and strains, in which up to 70% of
This is in contrast to the 1994 ASGE survey,1 the survey workers had returned within 1 month and 80% to 95%
of surgical endoscopists,6 and a recent study of members by 2 months.24 Disability data were not consistently pro-
of the Gastroenterological Society of Australia, in which vided in the various studies. Surgery was required in 0%
volume of endoscopy was a significant predictor of injury.5 to 8%1,2,4,6,7 of respondents who reported injury in the
Recently, 55 Korean endoscopists participated in a sur- various studies, and 2% to 13%2-6 required time off work.
vey in which 89% of respondents reported at least one Despite the differences in survey methods, these stud-
musculoskeletal complaint, and 73% reported more than ies document an association between endoscopy and
one injury.2 These endoscopists devoted substantial time musculoskeletal complaints, and they show a consistently
to endoscopy, with a mean (SD) procedure time of 19.5 high prevalence of musculoskeletal complaints among
endoscopists. Surgery and time off work was required in tip during examination. A recent case report describes
a minority of respondents, although it is still a concerning ‘‘colonoscopist’s thumb,’’ a tenosynovitis of the left thumb
finding. Men predominate in these surveys; therefore, the attributed to the repeated application of force by the
prevalence and site of injury in women is not as clear. left thumb during colonoscopy,11 previously described as
‘‘endoscopists’ thumb.’’9,17 Although the majority of the
Applying ergonomics to gastroenterology: risk force is applied by the left thumb, the digits of the left
factors and potential mechanisms of injury hand may provide additional force if the endoscopist
Ergonomic evaluations involve understanding how has a large enough hand. Coupled with up-down tip de-
a job affects people, both physically and emotionally, flection by the left hand, movement of the endoscope
with the goal of increasing worker safety, productivity, tip also can be achieved by application of torque to the
and job satisfaction.25 It is thought that overuse injuries insertion tube by the right hand and arm. In addition to
occur from repeated microtrauma to a tendon, ligament, the torque and push-pull forces applied by the right
or joint, or repeated ischemia to peripheral nerves. The hand, the right hand is also important for threading tools
repeated loading, injury, and repair may lead to degenera- through the biopsy channel. One prior report describes
tive changes over time.26-28 These degenerative changes ‘‘biliary endoscopist’s knuckle,’’ a traumatic arthritis of
are in contrast to acute injuries from tripping, falling, or the metacarpophalangeal joint attributed to repeated
other sudden high loads. high-force gripping to push large-caliber prostheses
The risk factors associated with overuse injuries of the through biliary and pancreatic strictures.17
upper extremities include high pinch force, repetitive A survey of U.S. gastroenterology fellows asked respon-
hand activities, awkward postures, vibration, and contact dents their impression of how their hand size (median sur-
stress.27,28 GI endoscopy involves several of these fac- gical glove size 7.5) affected their capacity to learn
tors.22 Gastroenterologists perform an average of 12 endoscopy.18 The response rate was 17.5% (227 fellows).
EGDs and 22 colonoscopies per week,29 resulting in Forty-one percent considered their hand too small for
frequent hand-intensive activities throughout the day. a standard endoscope’s control section and 62% thought
The few studies that directly evaluated hand forces during their hand size impaired their ability to perform endos-
endoscopy demonstrated high forces because of gripping copy. Sixty-three percent of respondents with a surgical
or pinching the endoscope, and pushing-pulling and glove size !6.5 (mostly women) would opt for an endo-
torquing of the insertion tube.10,12,21 There may also be scope with a smaller handle if available compared with
sustained awkward postures during endoscopy, including 28.3% of fellows with a larger glove size (P % .001).18
extension or rotation of the spine if the video monitor is No consideration to date has been given in endoscope de-
placed too high or to the side of the endoscopist.14,19 In sign to accommodate variability in hand size or the differ-
a survey of endoscopists who perform ERCP, 67% of rooms ence in hand sizes between men and women. A pilot study
reviewed by a study kinesiologist and occupational thera- evaluated the use of an angulation dial adapter (Olympus
pist were thought to be poorly designed because of awk- America, Center Valley, Pa) for hand spans (defined as the
ward placement of the monitor or use of nonadjustable thumb to the fifth digit)!19 cm.23 Although no significant
patient beds, and ergonomic room design was signifi- difference was found in procedure time or ease of proce-
cantly associated with no complaint of injury.7 Awkward dure, retroflexion was rated significantly easier with the
postures may also be related to endoscope manipulation. adapter by all endoscopists. The investigators concluded
During endoscopy, the left hand grips and stabilizes the that further evaluation of endoscope design may reduce
control section, the left thumb manipulates the control di- hand fatigue and injury, given the angulation dial showed
als, the right hand pinches or grips the insertion tube, and a trend toward decreased procedure time in physicians
the right arm pushes, pulls, and applies torque to the en- with small hands.23
doscope. These activities may require extreme or pro- The application of basic ergonomic principals, such as
longed wrist flexion or extension and/or radial or ulnar maintaining neutral wrist, neck, and shoulder postures
deviation during endoscopy that can decrease pinch and during endoscopy, keeping hand forces low, and optimiz-
grip strength.30,31 High finger forces in association with ing endoscope design, may reduce the risk of injury and
awkward wrist postures can further increase the risk of make endoscopy more comfortable for the gastroenterol-
overuse injury. ogist, meriting further investigation.
Human engineering is another important aspect of er-
gonomics.25 The interaction between the operator and
their tools, workstation, and tasks should be optimized Measurement of forces during endoscopy
to reduce overuse injury. Although the optics of endo- Limited data are available on the forces exerted during
scopes continue to improve, the basic shape and design endoscopy. Four articles, describing 3 studies, were in-
of the instrument have not changed for over 20 years. Cur- cluded for review.10,12,20,21 All articles specifically evaluated
rent endoscope design requires mechanical application colonoscopy. However, these studies differed in their mea-
of force to the control dials to deflect the insertion-tube surement tools, types of forces being evaluated, and use of
in vivo versus in vitro colonoscopy, precluding pooling of tivity level action limit, ie, a level at which general controls
data. or surveillance are warranted according to the ACGIH.
One study assessed forces applied by the right hand Peak muscle activity in the left-wrist extensors, which sta-
during tube insertion as a proxy for forces applied to bilize the instrument-control section, approached the AC-
the colon wall and the risk of bowel perforation.10,20 Per- GIH hand-activity–level threshold limit, a level at which
foration occurs at direct colonic-wall forces greater than redesign of the task is recommended by the ACGIH to re-
53.9 N. The investigators designed a tubular hand grip duce hand force and the risk of overuse injury.21 Further
that wrapped around the insertion tube, which contained study is needed to confirm these findings in a larger
strain gauges to measure force and torque. The mean cohort of endoscopists.
peak pushing force was 17.9 N when the tip was in the sig- In summary, the studies evaluating the forces exerted
moid colon and at the hepatic and splenic flexures; how- during colonoscopy vary in the measurement tool used
ever, forces greater than 10 N occurred only 5% of the and the types of forces recorded. However, these studies
total time.10 The peak torque forces occurred when the document potentially high peak forces during colonoscopy
tip was in the sigmoid colon and during shortening of that may reach levels associated with an increased risk of
the instrument.10 musculoskeletal injury of the thumb and wrist. Mean forces
A second study evaluated the forces applied during co- throughout colonoscopy appear low. The greatest loads
lonoscopy in an in vitro model by using a transducer occur during insertion, especially into the sigmoid colon,
sheath that was integrated into 50 cm of a colonoscope in- presumably because of looping. Only one study evaluated
sertion tube, proximal to the distal 11-cm flexible tip.12 A EMG activity of the distal upper extremity during colono-
3-dimensional electromagnetic image-sensing catheter scopy, and loads of the left-wrist extensors, the right-wrist
was placed into the biopsy channel to evaluate looping extensors, and the left-thumb extensors approached levels
during the experiment. The outfitted colonoscope was at which general controls or surveillance was warranted.
used by an experienced endoscopist during a series of co-
lonoscopies limited to the left side of the colon in a model Optimizing the ergonomics of endoscopy
that this team of researchers previously used and validated No guidelines or published endoscopic studies were
for measuring torque forces of the right hand.32 Right- identified that evaluated optimal room setup, monitor
hand grip forces were also recorded. Grip forces steadily height, or bed height during endoscopy. Therefore, the
increased as the colonoscope was inserted into the following recommendations for endoscopy are generally
model’s sigmoid colon (maximum 9.3 N). The maximum extrapolated from the laparoscopic surgery and general
force measured along sensors in the insertion tube was ergonomics literature.
12.7 N, with an average force of 0.28 N. Forces on the co- Monitor location and height. The main determi-
lonoscope appeared greatest during looping in the sig- nants of upper-body postures are the location of the pa-
moid colon. The forces measured on the colonoscope tient, placement of the endoscopy equipment, and
insertion tube were less than the grip forces applied exter- location of the monitor. The monitor placement is an es-
nally by the right hand.12 pecially important determinant of torso and head posture.
A recently completed study addressed more directly Optimal monitor position was studied in the surgical lap-
whether the musculoskeletal load during colonoscopy ap- aroscopy literature. Monitors should be placed directly in
proached levels associated with risk of overuse injuries.21 front of the endoscopist while in the position of ‘‘work,’’
Right-thumb pinch forces and right and left forearm mus- to avoid rotation and flexion of the cervical spine and
cle electromyography (EMG) activity was evaluated in 3 should be adjustable to eye level, as has been anecdotally
male endoscopists during 9 colonoscopies. Peak pinch recommended.16,22 One study of simulated laparoscopic
forces of the right hand during insertion into the left suturing evaluated subjective and EMG measurements in
and right colon exceeded 10 N, a level that is associated 3 different monitor positions: in front at eye level, in front
with increased risk of musculoskeletal injury of the thumb at the height of the operating field, and 45 degrees to the
and wrist.33,34 Peak muscle activity in the forearm muscles right at eye level. The neck and shoulder muscle activity
also exceeded safety thresholds established by the Ameri- was significantly lower when the monitor was positioned
can Conference of Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH).35 The in front at eye level,36 a position in which the cervical
ACGIH hand activity level is an ergonomic risk-assessment spine is in a neutral posture, with little lateral spine
tool that compares hand activity and applied force, as rotation. The findings were confirmed in a second laparos-
a percentage of the maximal strength of the individual copy study.37 An unpublished study of gastroenterologists
subject, to established thresholds above which a risk of in- in Lisbon, Portugal19 evaluated endoscopists’ postures and
jury exists. Activity of the left-wrist extensors (active in perceived level of discomfort while performing EGD and
holding the control section of the colonoscope), the colonoscopy within different room configurations. During
right-wrist extensors (active in torquing the insertion EGD, when the monitor was at the head of the patient’s
tube), and the left-thumb extensors (active in manipulat- bed, endoscopists were in cervical right rotation 77% of
ing the colonoscope dials), exceeded the ACGIH hand ac- the time and cervical extension 29% of time. When the
monitor was placed directly in front of the endoscopist at clarity, and endoscopist’s preference.42 Larger monitors
a fixed height during colonoscopy, neutral cervical posture can be placed at even longer viewing distances.
was achieved 93% and cervical extension 25% of the time. Overall, these findings suggest that monitor height
Overall, perceived discomfort during both procedures was should be adjustable so that it can accommodate the
low.19 Extrapolating from these studies, it appears that height of the endoscopist and the preferred viewing dis-
placement of the monitor directly in front of the endo- tance. Anthropometric data25 can be applied to determine
scopist achieves a neutral neck posture and minimizes what degree of adjustability is required of a monitor in
right and left cervical rotation. This position is likely asso- a typical endoscopy suite within the constraints of these
ciated with less discomfort and with optimal performance, viewing angles and monitor distances. To accommodate
although this has not been systematically studied among the 5th percentile female to the 95th percentile male
endoscopists. eye height, the monitor should be adjustable such that
Several studies evaluated optimal monitor height. A the center of the monitor can be adjusted between 93
study of 8 laparoscopic surgeons found that the favored to 162 cm above the floor.
monitor position, when fixed at a distance of 120 cm, Optimal bed height. In a study of surgeons simulat-
was achieved by placing the middle of the screen at ap- ing laparoscopic tasks, the optimal operating table height
proximately 20 cm lower than the height of the surgeon.38 was a compromise between spine and arm position.43 The
A randomized study of endoscopists, which compared optimal height was between elbow height and 10 cm be-
a video headset versus a conventional video monitor, pro- low elbow height. If physicians had to flex their trunks
vides additional insight into optimal monitor height.14 Im- during a task to accommodate a lower table height, then
age quality and comfort level were assessed with the 2 there was an increase in discomfort with higher difficulty
image display systems in 5 endoscopists during 96 colo- ratings. At higher bed heights, increased deltoid and tra-
noscopies. The video monitor was mounted from the ceil- pezius EMG muscle activity was seen because of shoulder
ing at a fixed height, with its center 200 cm above the abduction.43 Another study, of laparoscopic surgeons,
floor. The mean height of the endoscopists was 173 5 found that optimal table height was 70% to 80% of elbow
cm. The headset was associated with reduced neck strain, height, which allowed the joints to stay in a neutral pos-
although the video monitor had superior video image ture over 90% of the procedure time.44 By extrapolating
quality and was associated with improved comfort for all from laparoscopy to endoscopy, we believe that the en-
other parameters measured, including blurry vision and doscopy gurney should be adjusted to allow holding of
eye strain.14 The laparoscopy study cited above38 suggests the endoscope between elbow height and 10 cm below el-
that the optimal viewing height would be at eye level or bow height to minimize forward flexion of the back and
lower (ie, !173 cm), indicating that the monitor was shoulder abduction. To accommodate the elbow height
mounted too high for the endoscopists in this study. of the 5th percentile female to the 95th percentile
High monitor placement likely led to excessive cervical ex- male,25 the examination bed should be adjustable be-
tension and neck strain.38,39 tween 85 and 120 cm.
Optimal monitor height also depends on the distance of
the monitor from the endoscopist. The optimal monitor Procedural specific recommendations
distance can be extrapolated from the computer and lapa- EGD. EGDs generally are short procedures, with
roscopic literature. The optimal viewing angle for computer a mean (SD) procedure time of 14 6 minutes.45 In
monitor use is 15 to 25 degrees below the horizon of the this short time frame, it is unlikely that there will be sig-
eyes.25 In a study of the effects of visual display distance nificant prolonged loads on the endoscopist. Thus, the
on eye accommodation, head posture, and vision and most important factor is maintenance of neutral body
neck symptoms in computer users, the optimal distance postures.
was between near (52 cm) and middle (73 cm) distance Colonoscopy. The mean (SD) times for a diagnostic
from the eyes (taking into account screen-font size and colonoscopy without or with biopsy are 23.4 11.1 min-
the subject visual acuity).40 A study of optimal viewing dis- utes and 26.4 12.5 minutes, respectively.45 Colonoscopy
tance among 14 surgeons during simulated laparoscopic can lead to overuse injury because of repetition, high forces
surgery that used a 34-cm cathode-ray–tube monitor (14- while maneuvering the colonoscope tip, and prolonged
inch diagonal) concluded that the optimal distance was be- awkward postures. The left-wrist extensors (which stabilize
tween 90 and 182 cm for close-up viewing (defined as the the instrument control section) appear to be at greatest risk
minimum view distance below which image degradation for injury.21 In a case study, ‘‘colonoscopist’s thumb’’ or
was experienced) and 139 to 303 cm for maximal distance DeQuervain’s tenosynovitis (wrist tendonitis at the first ex-
viewing (defined as the maximal distance at which the finest tensor compartment) was attributed to left-thumb strain
details of an image could still be seen).41 Taken together, we because of repeated turning of the dials of the control sec-
estimate that the optimal viewing distance of video moni- tion of the colonoscope.11 At this time, there are limited op-
tors during endoscopy is between 52 and 182 cm. This is tions to reduce hand or wrist loads during endoscopy. If
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(A.K.S., K.R.M.), University of California, San Francisco, California, Medical
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43. Berquer R, Smith WD, Davis S. An ergonomic study of the optimum Reprint requests: Amandeep Shergill, MD, GI Section, San Francisco VA
operating table height for laparoscopic surgery. Surg Endosc 2002; Medical Center, 4150 Clement St, Bldg 203 (111B1), San Francisco, CA
16:416-21. 94121.