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Questions for exam.

1. Structure of a maternity hospital. Perinatal centers.

2. Aseptic and antiseptics in obstetrics.
3. A sanitary-and-epidemiologic mode of a maternity hospital.
4. The organization of being together of the mother and her child in
maternity hospital.
5 .Diagnostics of pregnancy. Methods of calculate estimated date of birth.
6. Symptoms and signs of pregnancy. The role of HCG detection in diagnostic pregnancy.
7. Symptoms and signs of pregnancy. Sonographic recognition of pregnancy.
8 .Perinatal mortality. Definition.
9. Obstetric history and principles of examination pregnant woman.
10. Antenatal care. Principles of management.
11. Combined first trimester screening . Invasive and non – invasive prenatal testing.
14.The basic obstetrics terminology (lie, presentation, presentating part,position, attitude).
15.Maternal pelvis in obstetric. Planes (classical) and the sizes of a true pelvis.
16. Physiologic changes in pregnancy: cardiovascular system.
17. Physiologic changes in pregnancy: respiratory, renal system.
18. Physiologic changes in pregnancy: hematological and coagulation system.
16.Anatomic and physiologic changes in puerperium.
17.Maternal diet and hygiene at pregnancy.
18.A feed of pregnant women. Recommended dietary for second part of pregnancy.
19. Four external obstetric grips (Leopold's maneuvers), the purpose and a technique. Indications
for vaginal examination during labor.
20. Preterm labor. Diagnostics. Clinical course and management of preterm delivery.
21. Preterm labor. Strategy of prevention and prediction.
22. Preterm prelabour rupture of membrane (PROM). Diagnostic. Management.
23. Postdate pregnancy. Causes. Diagnostics. Management approach.
24. Multiple pregnancy. Diagnostics. Types of multiple pregnancy.
25. Multiple pregnancy. Antenatal management of multiple gestations. Management of labor.\
26. Multiple pregnancy. Maternal and fetal complications. Specific complications of monochorionic
multiple pregnancy.
29.Rh-sensitiezed pregnancy. Clinical management of the Rh-sensitiezed patient. Clinical course of
30. Prevention of rhesus isoimmunization.
31.Fetal and child blood circulation.
32.Methods of fetal assessment.
33. Methods of estimating fetal weight before labor.
34. Evaluation of fetal heart rate patterns (CTG).
35. Fetal heart rate monitoring in labour.
36. Antenatal hypoxia . Modern methods of diagnostics. Treatment.
37. Doppler ultrasonography in obstetrics.
38. US examination in obstetrics. Biophysical Profile (BPP).
39. Fetal growth restriction. Definition. Methods of diagnostic.
40. Fetal growth restricition. Management and delivery.
41. Amniotic fluid. Function. Polyhydramnion.
42. Amniotic fluid. Function. Oligohydramnion.
43. Definition of «labor». Causes of onset of labor. The first stage of labor.
44. Management of the first stage of labor. Analgesia for normal labor.
45. Clinical course of second stage of labor. Cardinal movements in labour anterior vertex
46. Management of the second stage of labor.
47. The third stage of labor. The sings of separation of placenta.
48. Clinical course and management of third stage of labor. Prophylaxis of bleeding.
49. Definition of breech presentation, the reasons of breech presentation. Diagnostics. Management
of pregnancy and labour.
50. Breech presentation. Assisted breech delivery. Acoushers maneverous in breech assisted
51. External cephalic version. Definition. Indications. Contrainications. Factors increase and
decrease success. Techniques.
52. Anatomically contracted pelvis. Definition. Classification of contracted pelvises according to
the form and degree of contraction.
53. Cephalopelvic disproportion. Causes. Management.
54. Cephalopelvic disproportion.. Diagnostics. Treatment.
55. Transverse and oblique fetal malpresentation. Course and outcomes of labor.
56. Transverse malpresentation. Diagnostics. Management approach during pregnancy and labor.
57. Extended variants of cephalic presentation (military, brow and face presentation). Cardinal
movements of labour.
58. Fetal skull. Definition. Parts of fetal skull. Bones, sutures.
59. Fetal skull. Definition. Different diameters of fetal skull and role in labour.
60. Abruptio placentae. Definition. Causes. Management.
61. Placenta previa. Causes. Clinics. Diagnostics. Management.
62. Placenta accreta spectrum. Definition. Diagnostics. Management.
63. Perineum injuries during delivery.
64. Threatened uterine rupture. Aetiology. Diagnostics. Treatment.
65. Ruptures of uterus. Clinics, management and prevention.
66. Induction of labor. Indications. Methods.
67. Operative vaginal delivery. Definition. General principles.
68. Obstetric forceps. Conditions, indications, technique of operations.
69. Vacuum assisted delivery. Conditions, indications, technique of operations.
70. Cesarean section. Techniques. Complications. Robson’s classification.
71. Cesarean section. Modifications of cesarean section. Indications and conditions.
72. Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Clinics. Pattern of transmission. Vertical transmission
of HIV. Prophylaxis. Delivery in a women with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).
73. Concept about physiological, borderline and pathological bleeding in labor.
74. The reasons of a bleeding in the third stage of labor. Management.
75.Postpartum hemorrhage. Causes. Diagnostics. Estimated blood loss. Principles of management
76. Postpartum hemorrhage. Causes. Medical and conservative treatment.
77. Postpartum hemorrhage. Causes. Operative treatment.
78. Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) syndrome in obstetrics. Occurence of DIC
syndrome in obstetrical practice. Causes. Diagnostics. Treatment.
79. Amniotic fluid embolism. Intensive care.
80. Puerperal septic diseases. Principles of treatment.
81. Puerperal endometritis. Clinics. Diagnostics. Treatment. Prophylaxis.
82.Puerperal pelvioperitonitis. Obstetrical peritonitis (peritonitis after cesarean
section). Clinics. Treatment.
83.Puerperal sepsis. Clinics. Diagnostics. Main principles of management of
puerperal septic diseases. Treatment.
84 .Postpartum care of breast. Recommendations for breast-feeding.
85. Hypertensive disorders in pregnancy. Defenition. Aetiology. Pathofisiology. Classification.
86. Hypertensive disorders in pregnancy. Strategy of prevention and prediction.
87. Hypertensive disorders in pregnancy. Chronic hypertension. Management and delivery.
88. Hypertensive disorders in pregnancy. Gestational hypertension. Management and delivery.
89. Hypertensive disorders in pregnancy. Preeclampisia. Preeclampsia with severe features.
Management and delivery.
90. Hypertensive disorders in pregnancy.Eclampsia. First aid.
91. Hypertensive disorders in pregnancy.HELLP syndrome. Management and delivery.
92. Hypertensive disorders in pregnancy. Maternal and fetal complications.
93. Vaginal birth after cesarean section.
94. Pregnancy and cardiovascular disease.
95. Pregnancy and respiratory tract disease.
96. Pregnancy and chronic kidney disease.
97. Pregnancy and diabetes melitus.
98. Gestational diabetes.
99. Anemia in pregnancy
100. Thyroid disease in pregnancy.

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