Lesson Plan in Oral Communication

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College of Education

Lesson Plan in Oral Communication

At the end of this lesson, students should be able to:
1. identify the different types of barriers of communication; and
2. classify the barriers in communication.


Topic: Types of Barriers of Communication

References: https://www.studysmarter.co.uk/explanations/business-

Visual Materials: Concept Map and illustration

A. Routine Activities
a. Greetings and Opening Prayer
The teacher will say “Good morning!” to her students and the teacher
requested her students to stand up, bow down their heads, and close their eyes
for a prayer. After the prayer the teacher told her students that they can take a
b. Review of the past lesson
The teacher would ask her students if they can still remember the past
lesson that she discussed, which is about the different types of communication.

B. Motivation
The teacher will shows some The students will try to identify the
illustrations that show the different different barriers in communication to
barriers in communication and she each illustration.
will ask her students if they can
identify the barriers in each
After identifying the different barriers
in communication the teacher will
discuss and introduced the different
types of barriers of communication.

C. Presentation/Discussion
a. Introduction
 Communication is an exchange of information.
 Communication barriers are anything that comes in the way of
clearly sending or receiving a message.
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(The teacher will show a concept map that shows the different types of
barriers of communication.)

a. Discussion of the Types of Barriers of Communication

Communication barriers can get in the path of effective communication in various
ways. Here are some of the most common communication barrier types you can come
 Language barriers: one of the most noticeable communication barriers. When
people don't have a common language, they can't communicate properly. Even if
there is a common language between two people, sometimes the difference in
language understanding or even a regional accent could be a barrier to effective
 Psychological barriers: people can have psychological blocks or issues that
can negatively affect communication.
 Emotional barrier: people can have negative emotions or complicated relations
with someone else, which can negatively affect communication.
 Physiological barriers: when people have physical traits that make
communicating more complicated: such as if someone cannot articulate properly,
stutters, or has a throat disease.
 Physical barriers: the most visible communication barriers are, of course, the
physical ones. When people are physically separate from one another: if they are
in another room, are miles away, or have something obstructing their view.
 Perceptual barriers: this is about how people perceive the world; it's about their
own bias that distorts reality and the way they perceive communication.
 Cultural barriers: people coming from different cultures have different
perceptions, ideologies, and values. They often have less in common with
someone from another part of the world. Those differences can affect their
 Gender barriers: it has been proved that men and women tend to communicate
differently, which affects their communication and understanding.
 Technological barriers: although it might be easier to communicate with
someone on the other side of the planet, thanks to new technologies, it's not
easy for everyone, and people can struggle with them.
 Interpersonal barriers: related to the relationship you have with the person you
are communicating with. You cannot talk to your manager like your best friend or
College of Education
D. Application
The teacher will introduce the activity that The students will count from 1 to 5 to
her students will be performing inside the know which group they will belong.
classroom, the activity was called “Pinoy
Henyo with Barriers”. The teacher will
divide the class into 5 groups and each
group will select two members that will be
participating in the activity, the rest of the
members will observe in the activity.
The teacher will read the instruction of the The students will participate and perform
activity: the activity.
 Each group will choose two (2)
members that will participate in the
 After choosing two participants
they will decide who is the “sender”
and the “receiver”.
 The sender will pull a paper from
the box with the different types of
barriers written in it and the barrier
that the sender picked he/she will
be using it give some clue to the
sender about the certain words.
 After that, the participants will be
sitting facing each other but 1
meters away from each other.
 Then, the teacher will show the
word to the sender, and the
receiver need to guess the answer
correctly, but the sender is only
allowed to give a clue that
connected to the word/phrase,
he/she is not allowed to say the
exact word.
 Each group has 1 minutes to
guess the 10 words and the group
with many correct guesses will
receive a reward.
 After the activity each group will
give their observation about the

E. Generalization
The teacher will ask her students if they The students will classify and explain
could be able to classify the barriers that their answers.
she showed a while ago and ask her
students to explain their answer.
College of Education
DIRECTION: Answer the 10- items questions correctly.
1. It is one of the most noticeable barriers in communication.
a. Language Barriers b. Cultural Barriers
c. Psychological Barriers d. Emotional Barriers
2. This type of barrier is related to the relationship you have with the person you are
communicating with.
a. Psychological Barriers b. Perceptual Barriers
c. Interpersonal Barriers d. Technological Barriers
3. It is when people are physically separate from one another: if they are in another
room, are miles away, or have something obstructing their view.
a. Gender Barriers b. Physical Barriers
c. Language Barriers d. Emotional Barriers
4. This type of barriers stated that men and women communicate differently that affects
their communication and understanding.
a. Psychological Barriers b. Physiological Barriers
c. Gender Barriers d. Interpersonal Barriers
5. This type of barrier stated that people can have psychological blocks or issues that
can negatively affect communication.
a. Gender Barriers b Technological Barriers
c. Emotional Barriers d. Psychological Barriers
6. It's about their own bias that distorts reality and the way they perceive
a. Perceptual Barriers b. Language Barriers
c. Cultural Barriers d. Physical Barriers
7. This type of barriers refers to the negative emotions or complicated relations of
people with someone else, which can negatively affect communication.
a. Language Barriers b. Perceptual Barriers
c. Emotional Barriers d. Interpersonal Barriers
8. This type of barrier can make the communication easier, however, some people
struggles in using this.
a. Technological Barriers b. Language Barriers
c. Gender Barriers d. Emotional Barriers
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9. It refers to people who have physical traits that make communicating more
a. Physical Barriers b. Emotional Barriers
c. Gender Barriers d. Physiological Barriers
10. This type of barriers refers to people who come from different cultures have different
perceptions, ideologies, and values.
a. Cultural Barriers b. Emotional Barriers
c. Language Barriers d. Physical Barriers

Direction: Choose one barrier and make a comic- story that illustrate the chosen
barriers. Be creative.


(5) (3) (1)

The chosen barrier The chosen barrier The chosen barriers

was illustrated in the was slightly was not illustrated in
comic-story properly illustrated in the the comic-story
CONTENT and the story is comic- story and the properly. The story
clear and organize. story is slightly is unclear and
organize and clear. unorganize.
Uses colors and the Uses colors and the The characters and
drawing of drawing of settings are plain
characters and characters and and not well-drawn.
CREATIVITY setting are clear and setting are slightly
well-drawn clear and slightly
The comic- story The content is self- The comic-story is
was originally made mad but the not self-made and
and created by own characters and copied from the
ORIGINALITY ideas. setting are inspired internet.
to other comic or
cartoon story.

Prepared by:
Veronica O. Fiedacan

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