C20 5 6 Sem ME
C20 5 6 Sem ME
C20 5 6 Sem ME
Code Semester Marks Marks Mark
hrs /Semester
Total contact
(Theory ) (Practical)
Category /
Teaching L T P Max Min Max Min Max Mi
Marks Marks
Max Min Max Min
BS/SC 2OSC51T Paper 1-Applied 52 26 0 78 6 50 20 50 20 100 40
Specialization Mathematics
Entrepreneurship Pathway
ES/ME 20ET51I Entrepreneurship 104 52 312 468 24 240 96 160 64 400 160
and Start up
L:- Lecture T:- Tutorial P:- Practical BS- Basic Science:: ES-Engineering Science:: SC: Science
Note : In 5th Semester student need to select any one of the pathways consisting of 24 credits
(including CIE
Min Marks for
hrs /Semester
Total Marks
Grade Point
Total contact
Semester Marks Marks
SGPA and
Category /
Course Code L T P Max Min Max Min
40 Hours /
20ME61 Internship /
ES/ME week 640 16 240 96 160 64 400 160
I Project
Total 16 Weeks
P: Project/Internship
Government of Karnataka
Program Mechanical Engineering Semester 5
Course Code 20ME51I Type of L:T:P (104: 52: 312)
Specialization Automation and Robotics Credits 24
CIE Marks 240 SEE Marks 160
Introduction: Welcome to the curriculum for the Specialisation Pathway – Automation and
Robotics. This specialisation course is taught in Bootcamp mode. Bootcamps are 12 weeks, intense
learning sessions designed to prepare you for the practical world – ready for either industry or
becoming an entrepreneur. You will be assisted through the course, with development-based
assessments to enable progressive learning. In this course, you’ll learn how to Automate different
activities in various applications and also incorporate Robots for required activities in an
automation system.
Leading to the successful completion of this bootcamp, you shall be equipped to either do an
Internship in an organisation working on Automation and Robotics or do a Project in the related
field. After the completion of your Diploma, you shall be ready to take up roles like Automation
Engineer, Floor shop Manager, Production In-charge and also can become Entrepreneur in the
related field and more.
This course will teach you about Designing an Automation system with or without Robots, Selection
of the equipment’s for an Automation and Robotics System, integrate SCADA and IoT in Automation
system and more. Details of the curriculum is presented in the sections below
Before the start of this specialisation course, you will have prerequisite knowledge gained in the
first two years on the following subjects:
1st year -Engineering Mathematics, Communication Skills, Computer Aided Engineering Graphics,
Statistics & Analysis, Basic IT Skills, Fundamentals of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Project
Management skills Engineering Materials and Mechanical Workshop
2nd year-Mechanics of Materials, Machine Tool Technology, Manufacturing Process, Fluid Power
Engineering, Product Design and Development, Operations Management, CNC Machines and
Elements of Industrial Automation
In this year of study, you shall be applying your previous years learning along with specialised field
of study into projects and real-world applications.
A Course Cohort Owner is a faculty from the core discipline, who is fully responsible for one
specialised field of study and the cohort of students who have chosen to study that specialised field
of study.
Course Outcomes: At the end of the Course, the student will be able to:
3 2 Explain and Practice PLC Ladder Diagram 4 Explain and Practice PLC Ladder Diagram 4
for Compare, Jump and Subroutines for Math Instructions and Shift Registers
3 3 Explain and Practice PLC Program using 4 Explain and Practice PLC Program using Functional 4
Functional Block Diagram Block Diagram
3 4 Explain and Practice PLC Program using 4 Explain and Practice PLC Program using Structural 4
Structural Text language Text language
5 Developmental Weekly Assessment Assessment Review and corrective action 3
Condition: Condition:
• Level gauge is used to measure level of the
storage tank continuously
Department of Collegiate & Technical Education Bengaluru-560001 Page 9
Diploma in Mechanical Engineering 2020 - 21
• 3To detect high and low level of liquid • Level gauge is connected with Level
in the tank, two level switches are used Transmitter which converts corresponding
which gives output in digital terms, that level output in 4-20mA equivalent.
is when corresponding levels are • Analog I/O Modules are chosen to deal with
detected, it gives output high otherwise Analog signals.
remain low. • Pumps are used to drain material from both
• To control level of this system, a valve the tanks at the same time.
can be used which has two states, • Two low level switches are used to detect
either fully open or fully close and to low level of tanks 1 and 2 which turns
heat the liquid, heater is used. Pumps OFF when low level is reached.
• Low Level Switch is mounted at the • Height of storage tank is 5meters that is
bottom of the tank and Level High 500cm and the level which is to be
switch is mounted at the side-upper maintained is 470cm.
most position.
• Heater is installed inside the tank and a) For the above case, Discuss the suitable
temperature sensor is be used to detect sensor technology, PLC, Drives,
the temperature of liquid in the tank Communication Protocol and Related
Hardware components
a) For the above case, Discuss the suitable
sensor technology, PLC, Drives, b) Select Hardware components from the
Communication Protocol and Related Company catalogue and record their
Hardware components specifications in a DATA Sheet
b) Select Hardware components from the c) Develop a PLC Ladder Program for the
Company catalogue and record their above case, simulate, interface with PLC
specifications in a DATA Sheet and execute
c) Develop a PLC Ladder Program for the d) Discuss the Applications of the above Case
above case, simulate, interface with
PLC and execute
• There are two methods to solve this problem. One is by using stack operation and the other one is by
using sequencer output method.
• Sequencer output method is best suited for this problem since very less configuration is needed and
program length is also reduced.
• In this method, we need to assign SQO instruction by configuring all the parameters given in the
• Alarm signal must be continuous until operator turns it off manually.
• Sequencing of Lights and Hooter is done here by using SQO Sequential Output to operate lights and
• Set timer to activate and deactivate hooter and lights or to be précised, change sequence of output.
• Let’s say, these both outputs are energized for 1sec and de-energized for next 1sec.
• In sequencer output, the start position is all zeros. So, to start the actual function of output sequence,
Position 1 is determined as starting sequence while programming.
a) For the above case, Discuss the suitable sensor technology, PLC, Drives, Communication Protocol and
Related Hardware components
b) Select Hardware components from the Company catalogue and record their specifications in a DATA Sheet
c) Develop a PLC Ladder Program for the above case, simulate, interface with PLC and execute
• Feeder has a motor mounted to feed material on conveyor belts.
• Load cells are installed at the bottom of conveyor belts to detect if material is present on the conveyor
• When material falls on conveyor belt 1, motor 1 should start, and when material in present on conveyor
belt 2, motor 2 remain On.
• Switches can also be used sometimes to detect material’s presence. But for more reliable operation, Load
cells can be used as shown in the diagram above
a) For the above case, Discuss the suitable sensor technology, PLC, Drives, Communication Protocol and
Related Hardware components
b) Select Hardware components from the Company catalogue and record their specifications in a DATA Sheet
c) Develop a PLC Ladder Program for the above case, simulate, interface with PLC and execute
• To detect the parts, detector such as proximity switch, optical sensors or any other sensor is used.
• Connect output of this detector to Input Module of PLC which sets and resets image memory according to
parts’ detection.
• Give this detection, as an input to Up Counter which is incremented with each part’s detection.
• Set counter preset value to 1000.
• Operate Solenoid for a few seconds until the part is diverted for quality check.
a) For the above case, Discuss the suitable sensor technology, PLC, Drives, Communication Protocol and
Related Hardware components
b) Select Hardware components from the Company catalogue and record their specifications in a DATA Sheet
c) Develop a PLC Ladder Program for the above case, simulate, interface with PLC and execute
• Proximity sensors are used to detect bottles.
• One proximity is calibrated such that it detects all the bottles passing on the conveyor. And other
proximity is used such that it detects only empty bottle.
• Use Bit Shift Register to shift a bit which is set when an empty bottle is detected.
• Use a Pneumatic Cylinder or blower to throw an empty bottle out of the conveyor
a) For the above case, Discuss the suitable sensor technology, PLC, Drives, Communication Protocol and
Related Hardware components
b) Select Hardware components from the Company catalogue and record their specifications in a DATA Sheet
c) Develop a PLC Ladder Program for the above case, simulate, interface with PLC and execute
• Mount Proximity Switch to detect the
• Use three different proximity switches to detect all three different objects.
• Mount these switches such that switches detect assigned object only. For example, mount Square
detector proximity such that it neither detects Rectangular blocks nor Balls.
• Load counter values in registers for different objects. And load this value as soon as a particular
type of object is detected.
a) For the above case, Discuss the suitable sensor technology, PLC, Drives, Communication Protocol
and Related Hardware components
b) Select Hardware components from the Company catalogue and record their specifications in a
DATA Sheet
c) Develop a PLC Ladder Program for the above case, simulate, interface with PLC and execute
• Use proximity switches to detect moving objects on the conveyor belt 1 and to detect an empty box on
conveyor belt 2.
• Use counter to count number of objects to be packed.
• Use timer such that when 5pcs are detected, conveyor runs for a while and stops when 5th object is
finally collected in the box. Assume time by calculating conveyor belt speed.
• When number of parts to be packed are detected timer is activated. When timer is over, it stops the
conveyor until next empty box is detected.
• Assuming time taken by the last 5th object is 2secs to be collected.
a) For the above case, Discuss the suitable sensor technology, PLC, Drives, Communication Protocol and
Related Hardware components
b) Select Hardware components from the Company catalogue and record their specifications in a DATA Sheet
c) Develop a PLC Ladder Program for the above case, simulate, interface with PLC and execute
• Set lower and upper limit of a motor to stop and start the drilling process. This is done for precise drilling
and to obtain uniformity.
• Pressure operated clamping device is used to hold the objects firmly. This is operated by air supply which
is provided when an object is detected.
• Limit detection object is placed on the motor to detect upper and lower limit by the switches.
a) For the above case, Discuss the suitable sensor technology, PLC, Drives, Communication Protocol and
Related Hardware components
b) Select Hardware components from the Company catalogue and record their specifications in a DATA Sheet
c) Develop a PLC Ladder Program for the above case, simulate, interface with PLC and execute
• Three parameters are controlled in this
reactor. Temperature, Flow and Level of
the tank
• Use PID Controller
For the Above case, Develop a PLC program
3 2 Problem Statement: Water bottles are moved on a conveyor for capping. Screw caps are screwed to close the 7
opening end of the bottle using rotating mechanism
• To sense the bottle, proximity sensor is used.
• Used a timer to stop the cylinder motor for 2secs to screw caps.
• Used one more timer to run the motor for 1sec to rotate the cylinder.
• Bit Shift register is also used to perform this operation.
• Count the number of steps capping machine is placed from the sensor and set bit position to operate
capping machine accordingly.
• In this example as you can see, bottle is 7 steps away from the proximity switch, so if Bit register B3:0 is
used, then capping machine should be operated when B3:0/0 is shifted to B3:0/6.
• Two inputs are given to this Capping machine, electric supply to run motor and pneumatic supply to push
machine down cap ram.
a) For the above case, Discuss the suitable sensor technology, PLC, Drives, Communication Protocol and
Related Hardware components
b) Select Hardware components from the Company catalogue and record their specifications in a DATA Sheet
c) Develop a PLC Ladder Program for the above case, simulate, interface with PLC and execute
• Two limit switches are used, one to detect hangers and other to detect parts.
• Both are mounted exactly opposite to each other so that when part is not present, outputs are
complemented of each other.
• Bit shift register is used to spray parts.
• Oven is used to dry the parts after they are sprayed. This output is continuously ON and is not controlled
Develop a PLC Ladder Program for the above case and simulate.
3 4 7
Problem Statement: Potato chips are made and ready to be packed. But before that, it goes through a conveyor
in which final quality check is done, burnt chips are detected and removed from the process line.
•To detect burned chips, light source and sensors are used.
•Light source is used so light detectors such as Light Dependent Resistors are used to detect the
burned chips.
• Blowers are used to throw burned chips away from the conveyor when detected.
• There are total number of 8 blowers. Number of blowers to be used depends on the width of a
conveyor belt.
• Time measurement of an event to take place can be used here to measure what time burned chips
take to reach from light source to blowers when detected.
• Set this time as pre-set of a timer to operate particular blower.
• There are 8 blowers, so 8 light detecting circuits must be used in order to operate all blowers.
• Let us assume we are using Light Dependent Resistor. To use this resistor, threshold has to be set
that is darkest color to be passed as a good quality product. If chips are darker than the desired
level, light source detects it and activates corresponding circuit.
• So, output of this circuit is normally high and to activate blower, normally low logic has to be set
while programming or we can even invert output from LDR circuit.
Develop a PLC Ladder Program for the above case
5 CIE 3– Written and practice test Assessment Review and corrective action 3
4 2 Demonstrate Pick & Place program with the 4 Demonstrate Pick & Place program with the help of 3
help of simulation software simulation software
4 3 Execution of Pick & Place process by using 4 Execution of Pick & Place process by using Robot 3
Robot • Identify the basic Pick & Place Program
• Mounting the suitable Gripper on structure in robot with the help of teach
Robot Flange pendant
• List out gripper application in robot • Creating a program of pick and place with
program & develop machine setting to the help of gripper.
assign the operation • Understanding HAND INSTRUCTIONS in
• Interfacing Grippers to Robot using Robot
robot I/O • Understanding HANDLING WINDOW in
• Interfacing Grippers to Robot using Robot
PLC I/O • Creating the program with gripper
• Practice for program creation with gripper
4 Problem Statement: Objects are moving on a 4 Problem Statement: When a plate is placed, 3
conveyor belt 1. When an empty box is screws are to be fit at each corner of the plate. Use
detected, conveyor belt starts and 5pcs are robotic arm to perform this action and implement
packed in a box. When box is filled, it is automation of this in PLC
carried to the storage area via conveyor belt 2. Diagram:
Integrate a robot with the system to pick the
filled box from conveyor belt 2 and place it on
a fork lift truck
• Use proximity switches to detect • Robotic arm used to perform this screwing
moving objects on the conveyor belt 1 action.
and to detect an empty box on • Robotic arm used here is of 3-axis arm.
conveyor belt 2. • Sequence of the arm is to be controlled.
• Use counter to count number of • SQO instruction must be used in order to
objects to be packed. fulfil the requirements.
• Use timer such that when 5pcs are
detected, conveyor runs for a while Develop an Automation system with the
and stops when 5th object is finally integration of Robot
collected in the box. Assume time by
calculating conveyor belt speed.
• When number of parts to be packed
are detected timer is activated. When
timer is over, it stops the conveyor
until next empty box is detected.
• Robot is activated to pick the filled box
and place it on the fork lift truck
• Assuming time taken by the last 5th
object is 2secs to be collected
5 CIE 5– Written and practice test Assessment Review and corrective action 3
6 Industry Class on Robot for PICK and PLACE 5
+ Industry Assignment
12 1 PEER Discussion on Industry Assignment 4 Video on SCADA in Automation 1 2
Discuss the Role of SCADA in Automation and
1 Programmable logic Controllers by W. BOLTON
2 Digital electronics By FLYOD
3 Exploring PLC with applications By PRADEEP KUMAR SRIVATSAVA
4 Automation, Production systems and Computer integrated Manufacturing By MIKELL GROOVER
Department of Collegiate & Technical Education Bengaluru-560001 Page 29
Diploma in Mechanical Engineering 2020 - 21
CIE Assessment Assessment Mode Max Marks
In hours
Note: Theory to be conducted for 1 hour and practice for 3 hours, total duration of exam – 4 hours
Instructions to students:
Students will have the opportunity to update their final report submission for SEE 2 post CIE 6 in order to enable them to address the feedback received
during their CIE 6 assessment and also work towards achieving the desired project/case outcome.
1 Case submission 20
2 Case presentation 20
3 Case innovation 20
4 Result 20
5 Viva voce 20
Total 100
Evaluation Student
5 4 3 2 1
Parameters Score
Identifies and Identifies and
Identification Identifies and Identifies and Identifies limited
understands all understands most
of the main understands some understands a few issues
the main issues of the main issues 5
issues / of the issues in the of the issues in the in the problem
in the problem in the problem
problem problem statement problem statement statement
statemen statement
Superficial analysis of
Insightful and Thorough analysis
Analysis of the some of the issues in Incomplete analysis No analysis of
thorough analysis of most of the 4
issues of all the issues issues
the problem of the issues the issue
Well documented,
Comments on
reasoned and
effective Appropriate, well
solutions / thought out
appropriate Superficial and / or Little and/or
strategies (The comments about No action to all
comments on inappropriate inappropriate
solution may be solutions, or issues in the
in the problem
solutions, or
proposals for
solutions to some of solutions to all of
proposals for the issues in the the issues in the
statement solutions, to most of statement
solutions, to all problem statement problem statement
already or the issues in the
issues in the
proposed by problem statement
Excellent research
into the issues
Links to course Good research and Limited research
with clearly Incomplete research No research or
learning and documented links to and documented
documented links
the materials read links to any
and links to any links to any 3
to course reading. reading
research during the course readings
learnings and
Total 14/20
Evaluation Student
5 4 3 2 1
Parameters Score
Examiners comments and discussions with some discussions with discussions with questions and
Queries discussion with connection made to limited reference to no reference to did not
appropriate content theory/research theory/research theory/research participate in
supported by the discussions.
Has not 4
Provides limited
Provides detailed and Provides adequate and provided
Provides appropriate and somewhat
appropriate mostly appropriate appropriate
Conclusions conclusion for the appropriate
conclusion for the conclusions for the conclusions for
problem statement conclusions for the
problem statement problem statement the problem
problem statement
Total 13/20
Evaluation 5 4 3 2 1 Student
Parameters Score
Finding new The newly The newly The newly discovered The newly No new 5
processes / models / discovered discovered processes / models / discovered processes /
approaches processes / models processes / models approaches have processes / models models /
/ approaches are / approaches are of limited application but / approaches has approaches
of good quality and appropriate quality relevant to the restricted were
relevant but limited problem application identified
Proposing ideas and Various ideas and Various ideas and Some ideas or Few ideas have No ideas or 3
innovative solutions innovative solutions innovative solutions innovative solutions been proposed innovative
in terms of processes have been proposed have been proposed have been proposed solutions
/ models / and their as well as the but the process of
approaches and how application have outline of the applying them hasn't have been
they can be applied to been clearly process to apply been specified proposed
solve the problem on outlined them
Using creativity Wherever necessary Creativity Creativity techniques Creativity Creativity 2
techniques to provide creativity techniques are are utilized at times in techniques are technique are
and reason good ideas techniques are frequently utilized less than 50% of the used a few times not utilized
which are original utilized to analyse in more than 50% occasions only to analyse
and unconventional and solve the of the occasions and solve the
problem problem
Finding constraints Constraints and Constraints and A critical analysis is Only a description No 3
and weak points in weak points are weak are identified undertaken of the working constraints
existing processes / understood process and or weak
models / approaches methods are points have
or methods provided been
Total 13/20
Government of Karnataka
Introduction: Welcome to the curriculum for the Specialisation Pathway - Heating, Ventilation and
Air conditioning (HVAC). This specialisation course is taught in Bootcamp mode. Bootcamps are 12
weeks, intense learning sessions designed to prepare you for the practical world – ready for either
industry or becoming an entrepreneur. You will be assisted through the course, with development-based
assessments to enable progressive learning. In this course, you’ll learn how to Design and maintain the
HVAC systems for domestic and commercial applications that are needed for today’s job market.
Leading to the successful completion of this bootcamp, you shall be equipped to either do an Internship
in an organisation working on HVAC solution or do a Project in the related field. After the completion of
your Diploma, you shall be ready to take up roles like a MEP engineer, Utilities engineer, Maintenance
engineer etc., and also can become Entrepreneur in the related field and more
This course will teach you about Thermal process, Heat transfer, Psychometry, HVAC load estimation,
duct and piping design, Selection of the equipment’s for HVAC system and more. Details of the curriculum
is presented in the sections below
Before the start of this specialisation course, you will have prerequisite knowledge gained in the first
two years on the following subjects:
1st year -Engineering Mathematics, Communication Skills, Computer Aided Engineering Graphics,
Statistics & Analysis, Basic IT Skills, Fundamentals of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Project
Management skills Engineering Materials and Mechanical Workshop
2nd year-Mechanics of Materials, Machine Tool Technology, Manufacturing Process, Fluid Power
Engineering, Product Design and Development, Operations Management, CNC Machines and Elements
of Industrial Automation
In this year of study, you shall be applying your previous years learning along with specialised field of
study into projects and real-world applications.
CO1 Estimate the Load and Air Flow for an HVAC application
CO3 Design the duct and piping’s for an HVAC application using suitable BIM software
1 2 Perfect Gas – Gas Laws- Charles law, Boyles Thermodynamic processes- Explain Work
law, Characteristics Gas Equation done, change in internal energy, heat
supplied or rejected for the following
Laws of Thermodynamics- Zeroth Law of processes using P-V and T-S Diagram
Thermodynamics, First Law of
Thermodynamics, Second Law of Adiabatic, Polytropic, Throttling, Free 3
Thermodynamics expansion
Thermodynamic processes- Explain Work
done, change in internal energy, heat supplied
or rejected for the following processes using P-
V and T-S Diagram: Constant Pressure,
Constant Volume, Isothermal
Week CO PO Days 1st session (9am to 1 pm) L T P 2ND session (1.30pm to 4.30pm) L T P
3 1 1 4 HVAC Load Calculation
Explain – Sensible heat gain, Latent heat
Tutorial (Peer discussion on Industrial Calculate sensible heat gain through 3
assignment) building structure by conduction
Calculate heat gain from solar radiation
Calculate Solar (Sensible)heat gain through
outside walls and roofs
1 2 Explain Sol Air temperature Calculate Heat gain from lighting
Calculate Solar heat gain through Glass equipment’s
surface Calculate Heat gain from power
Calculate Heat gain through Infiltration equipment’s
Calculate heat gain through Ventilation Calculate Heat gain through ducts
Calculate heat gain from occupants 4 3
Calculate Heat gain from Appliances Conversion of Tons of Refrigeration (TR) to
Calculate Heat gain from products British Thermal Units (BTU)
1 3 Estimate HVAC load for a Single storey Estimate HVAC load for a building plan
building plan using E20 or any similar forms. using E20 or any similar forms
Calculate Air flow in CFM (Supply air, Return 4 Calculate Air flow in CFM (Supply air, 4
Air, Exhaust Air, Fresh Air) Return Air, Exhaust Air, Fresh Air)
1 4 Estimate HVAC load for an office building plan Estimate HVAC load for a commercial place
using E20 or any similar forms building plan using E20 or any similar forms
Calculate Air flow in CFM (Supply air, Return 4 Calculate Air flow in CFM (Supply air, 4
Air, Exhaust Air, Fresh Air) Return Air, Exhaust Air, Fresh Air)
5 CIE 1– Written and practice test Assessment Review and corrective action 3
4 • Model- New 3
• Practice to Navigate the ribbon
• Practice to Utilize user interface
• Practice to Use settings and menus
3 2 Exploring the User Interface Exploring the User Interface
• Practice to Navigate the ribbon • Practice on Import and reuse
interface. existing drawings from other
• Practice to Utilize user interface formats.
features. 4 • Practice on Manipulating the 3
• Practice to Use settings and properties of parameters
3 3 HVAC Cooling and Heating Load HVAC Cooling and Heating Load Analysis-
Analysis- • Details
• Creating Spaces • Performing Heating and Cooling
• Placing Spaces Load Analysis-Load analysis,
• Creating a Space Properties 4 Weather Data, Outdoor air
Schedule infiltration, silver spaces 3
• Modifying Space Properties Extracting and interpreting Cooling
• Creating Zones and Heating Load Report
• Setting Building Construction
• Area and Volume Calculations
• Color schemes
3 4 Demonstrate Heating and Cooling Load Demonstrate Heating and Cooling Load
Analysis for drawings of different 4 Analysis for drawings of different 3
applications using BIM Video’s applications using BIM Video’s
5 CIE 3– Written and practice test Assessment Review and corrective action 3
3 2 Calculate the Heating and Cooling load 4 Calculate the Heating and Cooling load for 3
for a given building drawings using BIM a given building drawings using BIM
3 3 • Perform Conceptual Energy • Perform Conceptual Energy
Analysis on the given Building Analysis on the given Building
drawing- Building Type, drawing- Building Type, Location,
Location, Ground Plane, Analysis Ground Plane, Analysis Mode, Core
Mode, Core Offset, Divide Offset, Divide Perimeter Zones, 3
Perimeter Zones, Conceptual 4 Conceptual Constructions, Target
Constructions, Target Percentage Glazing, Target Sill
Percentage Glazing, Target Sill Height
Height • Performing Energy Simulation
• Performing Energy Simulation
3 4 Analyse duct and pipe system pressure 4 Analyse duct and pipe system pressure 3
3 4 Apply the above concepts of piping 4 Apply the above concepts of piping system 3
system in the given building drawings in the given building drawings including
including chillers chillers
5 CIE 4– Written and practice test Assessment Review and corrective action 3
4 3 Strategies adopted in the HVAC system to Strategies adopted in the HVAC system to
meet green buildings requirements- meet green buildings requirements-
• Selection of Chiller • Air to Air Heat Recovery System
• Variable Speed Drives for Pumps • Thermal Storage System for
• Fans and Compressors 2 2 Cooling
• Dedicated Outdoor Air Systems • Gas Fired Chillers 1 2
• Supply Air System Control Control cooling tower fans by
• Demand Control Ventilation sensing ambient wet bulb
Case study on environmental benefits temperature
through energy savings in HVAC system
4 4 Adding intelligence to HVAC solutions- Case studies to demonstrate energy
• Occupant-based thermal comfort saving potentials from HVAC in Green
strategies Buildings 3
• Decoupling of ventilation and
heating/cooling 4
• Indirect evaporative cooling
A Case Study on Energy Efficient Green
Building with New Intelligent
Techniques Used in HVAC to Achieve
Sustainable Development Goal
5 Developmental Weekly Assessment Assessment Review and corrective action 3
6 Industry Class on Green Building Concept
adopted in a Particular Application and 5
Industry Assignment
1 Project
Internship d) Identification of the problem statement (from
13 d) Secondary research on various industries and at least 3 known problems) the students would
their operations to identify at least 3 companies like to work as part of the project – either as
along with the areas of work interest and develop provided by faculty or as identified by the
an internship plan that clearly highlights student. Document the impact the project will
expectations from the industry during the have from a technical, social and business
internship. perspective.
e) Design and develop a cover letter for an e) Design and develop the project solution or
internship request to all 3 identified companies methodology to be used to solve at least one of
and the resume to be submitted to potential the problems identified.
companies. f) Prepare a project plan that will include a
f) Prepare for an internship interview to highlight schedule, WBS, Budget and known risks along
your interests, areas of study, career aspirations with strategies to mitigate them to ensure the
and personnel competence – including the areas project achieves the desired outcome.
of learning you expect to learn during internship.
1. ASHRAE HANDBOOK on Heating, Ventilating, and Air-Conditioning APPLICATIONS
2. Air Conditioning A practical introduction by David V. Chadderton
3. Air Conditioning Applications and Design by W. P. Jones
4. Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration by Shan K. Wang and Zalman Lavan
5. Air-Conditioning System Design Manual by Walter Grondzik
6. General Specifications For Heating, Ventilation & Air-Conditioning (HVAC) Works (2017) published by CPWD
8. HVAC Equations, Data, and Rules of Thumb by Arthur A. Bell Jr., PE
9. HVAC Systems Testing, Adjusting & Balancing By Sheet Metal And Air Conditioning Contractors’ National Association, Inc
10. Fundamentals of HVAC Systems by Robert McDowall, P.
11. A Text Book of Refiguration and Air conditioning by R S Kurmi and J K Gupta
* The industrial assignment shall be based on peer-to-peer assessment for a total of 10 marks (on a scale of 1 to 10) and in the event of a group
assignment the marks awarded will be the same for the entire group, the developmental assessment will be for a total of 20 marks and based on
MCQ/case study/demonstration and such other assignment methods
9.a) 5
Instructions to students:
Students will have the opportunity to update their final report submission for SEE 2 post CIE 6 in order to enable them to address the feedback received
during their CIE 6 assessment and also work towards achieving the desired project/case outcomes
1 Case submission 20
2 Case presentation 20
3 Case innovation 20
4 Result 20
5 Viva voce 20
Total 100
Evaluation Student
5 4 3 2 1
Parameters Score
Superficial analysis
Insightful and Thorough Incomplete
Analysis of the of some of the No analysis of the
thorough analysis analysis of most analysis of the 4
issues issues in the issue
of all the issues of the issues issues
problem statement
Well documented,
Comments on
reasoned and Appropriate, well
pedagogically thought out
solutions / Little and/or
appropriate comments about Superficial and / or
strategies (The inappropriate
comments on solutions, or inappropriate No action to all
solution may be solutions to all of
solutions, or proposals for solutions to some issues in the 2
in the problem the issues in the
proposals for solutions, to most of the issues in the problem statement
statement problem
solutions, to all of the issues in the problem statement
already or statement
issues in the problem
proposed by
problem statement
learnings and
Total 14/20
Evaluation Student
5 4 3 2 1
Parameters Score
Questions and
Excellent and salient Questions and
discussion points that discussions
Involvement of addressed Little or no
elucidated material to addressed Did not
the class / important attempt to
develop a deep important engage the
Examiners information that engage the
understanding superficial issues of class /
developed class / 1
Appropriate and the problem examiner and
• Questions understanding examiner in
imaginative activities statement Limited poor listening
• Discussions Appropriate demonstrating
used to extend use of activities to skills
• Activities activities used to their learning
understanding in a clarify
creative manner understanding
Total 12/20
Examiners comments and discussions with some discussions with discussions with questions and
Queries discussion with connection made to limited reference to no reference to did not
appropriate content theory/research theory/research theory/research participate in
supported by the discussions.
Has not 4
Provides limited
Provides detailed and Provides adequate and provided
Provides appropriate and somewhat
appropriate mostly appropriate appropriate
Conclusions conclusion for the appropriate
conclusion for the conclusions for the conclusions for
problem statement conclusions for the
problem statement problem statement the problem
problem statement
Total 13/20
Finding new The newly The newly The newly discovered The newly No new 5
processes / models / discovered discovered processes / models / discovered processes /
approaches processes / models processes / models approaches have processes / models models /
/ approaches are / approaches are of limited application but / approaches has approaches
of good quality and appropriate quality relevant to the restricted were
relevant but limited problem application identified
Proposing ideas and Various ideas and Various ideas and Some ideas or Few ideas have No ideas or 3
innovative solutions innovative solutions innovative solutions innovative solutions been proposed innovative
in terms of processes have been proposed have been proposed have been proposed solutions
/ models / and their as well as the but the process of have been
approaches and how application have outline of the applying them hasn't proposed
they can be applied to been clearly process to apply been specified
solve the problem on outlined them
Using creativity Wherever necessary Creativity Creativity techniques Creativity Creativity 2
techniques to provide creativity techniques are are utilized at times in techniques are technique are
and reason good techniques are frequently utilized less than 50% of the used a few times not utilized
ideas which are utilized to analyse in more than 50% occasions only to analyse
original and and solve the of the occasions and solve the
unconventional problem problem
Finding constraints Constraints and Constraints and A critical analysis is Only a description No 3
and weak points in weak points are weak are identified undertaken of the working constraints
existing processes / understood process and or weak
models / approaches methods are points have
or methods provided been
Total 13/20
Advanced Manufacturing
MANUFACTURING. This specialisation course is taught in Bootcamp mode. Bootcamps are 12 weeks,
intense learning sessions designed to prepare you for the practical world – ready for either industry or
becoming an entrepreneur. You will be assisted through the course, with development-based
assessments to enable progressive learning. Conventional manufacturing processes, have their inherent
drawbacks which cannot be eliminated. In other words, due to their technological constraints, it is not
always feasible to produce various components in terms of geometry, dimension, and strength, etc. CNC
machining can have difficulties in machining complex shapes due to tool accessibility. High temperature
and tool wear are other considerations while machining hard materials.
Advancement in manufacturing processes has drawn preeminent interest from researchers and
industry. This makes the process of manufacturing more productive and highly efficient. Advancement
of technology has been done by several approaches to combine different manufacturing processes with
similar objectives of increasing material removal rate, improving surface integrity, reducing tool wear,
reducing production time, and extending application areas. A combination of different processes opens
new opportunities and applications for manufacturing various components that are not able to be
produced economically by processes on their own.
In this course, you’ll learn how to Select a suitable materials and Processes in Advanced manufacturing
in accordance with the present Manufacturing Scenario.
Leading to the successful completion of this bootcamp, you shall be equipped to either do an Internship
in an organisation working on Advanced Manufacturing solution or do a Project in the related field.
After the completion of your Diploma, you shall be ready to take up Production Supervisor, Engineer,
Production Manager and also can become Entrepreneur in the related field and more
This course will teach you about Advanced materials, Advanced Processes, Advanced Manufacturing,
Advanced Inspection and Diagnostics. Details of the curriculum is presented in the section below
Before the start of this specialisation course, you will have prerequisite knowledge gained in
the first two years on the following subjects:
Diploma in Mechanical Engineering C 20 2020 - 21
Course Outcomes: At the end of the Course, the student will be able to:
Select Suitable materials, process parameter and produce the component for different
Advanced Manufacturing Processes
Prepare a 3-D Model for a given component and develop the model using 3-D Printing
Check the components for Functionality and conformance to defined standards using
different instruments
Plan an IIOT adoption in the Manufacturing Sector
Week CO PO Day 1st session (9am to 1 pm) L T P 2ND session (1.30pm to 4.30pm) L T P
4 1 1 • Explain the Principle, Construction and
Working of Electron Beam Machining
4 (EBM) 3
• Explain the Process Parameters that
Tutorial (Peer discussion on Industrial influence Beam intensity and Metal
assignment) Removal Rate
• Discuss the Characteristics of EBM
• Calculate Metal Removal Rate
• Present a Video on the Applications of
1 2 Prepare a job using EBM 4 Prepare a job using EBM 3
• Study the component drawing • Study the component drawing
• Select the process Parameter • Select the process Parameter
• Perform the process • Perform the process
• Check for dimensional accuracies • Check for dimensional accuracies
1 3 • Explain the Principle, Construction and • Explain the Principle, Construction and
Working of Laser Beam Machining (LBM) 3 Working of Plasma Arc Machining 3
• Discuss different Laser materials used in (PAM) and Cutting
LBM • Discuss different types of Gas/ Gas
• Discuss the Characteristics of LBM Mixture in PAM
• Calculate Metal Removal Rate • Explain Process Parameters that
• Present a Video on the Applications of LBM influence PAM
• Discuss the Characteristics of PAM
• Calculate Metal Removal Rate
• Present a Video on the Types of Plasma
Arc Torches used and its application
• Present Videos on the Applications of
1 4 Prepare a job using LBM 4 Prepare a job using PAM 4
• Study the component drawing • Study the component drawing
• Select the process Parameter • Select the process Parameter
• Perform the process • Perform the process
• Check for dimensional accuracies • Check for dimensional accuracies
5 CIE 1– Written and practice test Assessment Review and corrective action 3
6 2 1 Binding Mechanisms/Techniques- 3
Tutorial (Peer discussion on Industrial 4 1) Discuss on Chemical induced Binding
assignment) • Reactive binding
• Polymerization
2 2 2) Discuss on Secondary phase assisted 3 3) Liquid Fusion 3
binding • Low Viscous flow
• Adhesive Additives • Melting: Partial Melting, Full
• Evaporation and Hydration Binding Melting
• Liquid Phase Sintering: In-Process, 4) Solid State Sintering
Post Process infiltration
2 3 3 • Introduction to 3 - D Printing 3
Explain Generic AM Process
1. 3D Cad Modelling • Discuss and demonstrate the working
2. STL File Conversion principle and Construction of 3-D
3. File transfer to machine Printing Machine
4. Machine Set up • Interface CAD Software with Machine
5. Part building • 3-D Scanning and transferring the file
6. Part Removing to 3-D Printing machine
7. Post- Process
2 4 Develop an AM Process required to produce the given Component on a 3-D Printing machine 7
Week CO PO Day 1st session (9am to 1 pm) L T P 2ND session (1.30pm to 4.30pm) L T P
8 2 1 Develop an AM Process required to produce
the given Component on a 3-D Printing
Tutorial (Peer discussion on Industrial 4
assignment) • Prepare a Solid model and convert to
STL File 3
• Select a suitable material for the given
2 4 Develop an AM Process required to produce the given Component on a 3-D Printing machine 7
3 2 Perform measurement with desired accuracy to check the components for Functionality and conformance to 7
defined standards using different instruments like Vernier caliper, Vernier height gauge, Micrometer, Depth
Gauge, Bevel Protractor, Sine bar, Dial Indicator
3 3 Perform measurement with desired accuracy to check the components for Functionality and conformance to 7
defined standards using different instruments like Vernier caliper, Vernier height gauge, Micrometer, Depth
Gauge, Bevel Protractor, Sine bar, Dial Indicator
3 4 Demonstrate the construction and working Principle of Profile Projector 7
Check the Dimensional Accuracies of the Models using Profile Projector
5 Developmental Weekly Assessment Assessment Review and corrective action 3
6 Industry Class on used cases on 3D Printing + 5
Industry Assignment
Week CO PO Days 1st session (9am to 1 pm) L T P 2ND session (1.30pm to 4.30pm) L T P
11 4 1 Industry 4.0- Meaning
Tutorial (Peer discussion on Industrial Overview and Video Presentation on 3
assignment) Industry 4.0 Technologies
Benefits of Industry 4.0 in Manufacturing
4 2 Explanation on IOT and IIOT- Components Present a video on the components and 3
and Functions, Architecture of IOT and IIOT 4 Architecture of IOT and IIOT for a particular
4 3 Explain IIOT technologies- IIOT protocols Present a video on IIOT technologies 3
and standards, Device management, 4
Connectivity and networking, Security
4 4 Explain IIOT adoption in Manufacturing- Present a video on Three dimensions of 3
Three dimensions of IIOT’s impact in IIOT’s impact in manufacture.
manufacture-Dimension 1. Visibility into
shop floor and field operations, Dimension 4
2. Visibility into the manufacturing supply
chain, Dimension 3. Visibility into remote
and outsourced operations.
5 CIE 5– Written and practice test Assessment Review and corrective action 3
13 g) Identification of the problem statement
(from at least 3 known problems) the
g) Secondary research on various industries and their
students would like to work as part of the
operations to identify at least 3 companies along with the
project – either as provided by faculty or as 40Hrs
areas of work interest and develop an internship plan that
identified by the student. Document the
clearly highlights expectations from the industry during the
impact the project will have from a
technical, social and business perspective.
h) Design and develop a cover letter for an internship request
h) Design and develop the project solution or
to all 3 identified companies and the resume to be submitted
methodology to be used to solve at least
to potential companies.
one of the problems identified.
i) Prepare for an internship interview to highlight your
i) Prepare a project plan that will include a
interests, areas of study, career aspirations and personnel
schedule, WBS Budget and known risks
competence – including the areas of learning you expect to
along with strategies to mitigate them to
learn during internship.
ensure the project achieves the desired
1. Andreas Gebhardt “Understanding Additive Manufacturing: Rapid Prototyping, Rapid Manufacturing” Hanser Gardner Publication
2. Kamrani A.K. and Nasr E.A., “Rapid Prototyping: Theory and practice”, Springer
3. Liou L.W. and Liou F.W., “Rapid Prototyping and Engineering applications: A tool box for prototype development”, CRC Press
4. Tom Page “Design for Additive Manufacturing” LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
5. Chua C.K., Leong K.F., and Lim C.S., “Rapid prototyping: Principles and applications”, Third edition, World Scientific Publishers
6. Ian Gibson, David W. Rosen, Brent Stucker “Additive Manufacturing Technologies: Rapid Prototyping to Direct Digital Manufacturing”
7. Rapid Prototyping: Laser-based and Other Technologies, Patri K. Venuvinod and Weiyin Ma, Springer, 2004.
8. Electron Beam welding, Schultz H., Woodhead Publishing, 1994
9. Principles of Plasma Discharge and Materials Processing, Lieberman M.A. and Lichtenberg A. J., Wiley Interscience, 1994.
10. Additive Manufacturing of Metals: The Technology, Materials, Design and Production, Li Yang · Keng Hsu · Brian Baughman Donald
Godfrey · Francisco Medina Mamballykalathil Menon · Soeren Wiener, Springer, 2017.
11. Laser Additive Manufacturing of High-Performance Materials, Dongdong Gu, Springer, 2015
12. An Introduction to MEMS, Published in 2002 by PRIME Faraday Partnership
13. Unconventional Machining Process by Dr N Senthil Kumar, ARS Publications
14. Unconventional Machining Processes by Dr S Senthil, Suchithra Publications
15. Benedict. G.F. “Nontraditional Manufacturing Processes”, Marcel Dekker Inc., New York, 1987.
16. Mc Geough, “Advanced Methods of Machining”, Chapman and Hall, London, 1998.
17. Paul De Garmo, J.T.Black, and Ronald.A.Kohser, “Material and Processes in Manufacturing” Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., 8thEdition,
New Delhi , 2001.
18. IIoT A Complete Guide - 2021 Edition by Gerardus Blokdyk
19. A Practical Guide for IoT Solution Architects By Dr Mehmet Yildiz
20. The Second Machine Age: Work, Progress and Prosperity in a Time of Brilliant Technologies by Erik Brynjolfsson and Andrew McAfee.
CIE Assessment Assessment Mode Max Marks
In hours
* The industrial assignment shall be based on peer-to-peer assessment for a total of 10 marks (on a scale of 1 to 10) and in the event of a group
assignment the marks awarded will be the same for the entire group, the developmental assessment will be for a total of 20 marks and based on
MCQ/case study/demonstration and such other assignment methods
Note: Theory to be conducted for 1 hour and practice for 3 hours, total duration of exam – 4 hours
Instructions to students:
Students will have the opportunity to update their final report submission for SEE 2 post CIE 6 in order to enable them to address the feedback received
during their CIE 6 assessment and also work towards achieving the desired project/case outcome.
9.a) 5
1 Case submission 20
2 Case presentation 20
3 Case innovation 20
4 Result 20
5 Viva voce 20
Total 100
Evaluation Student
5 4 3 2 1
Parameters Score
Comments on
reasoned and Appropriate, well
solutions /
pedagogically thought out Little and/or
strategies (The Superficial and / or
appropriate comments about inappropriate No action to all
solution may inappropriate
comments on solutions, or solutions to all of issues in the
be in the solutions to some of 2
solutions, or proposals for the issues in the problem
problem the issues in the
proposals for solutions, to most problem statement
statement problem statement
solutions, to all of the issues in the statement
already or
issues in the problem statement
proposed by
learnings and
Total 14/20
Evaluation Student
5 4 3 2 1
Parameters Score
Questions and
Excellent and salient Questions and
discussion points that discussions
Involvement of addressed Little or no
elucidated material to addressed Did not
the class / important attempt to
develop a deep important engage the
Examiners information that engage the
understanding superficial issues of class /
developed class / 1
Appropriate and the problem examiner and
• Questions understanding examiner in
imaginative activities statement Limited poor listening
• Discussions Appropriate demonstrating
used to extend use of activities to skills
• Activities activities used to their learning
understanding in a clarify
creative manner understanding
Total 12/20
reasoning beyond
the class learning.
Outcome achieved
beyond the problem
Made effective use of Made good use of class 3
class principles, principles, models and
Made some use of Poorly applied
models and theories. theories Some creative
Application of class principles, Made limited use of class
Also used creativity ideas were explored to
class learning in models and theories class principles, principals,
to find effective find desired outcome
problem solving No creative ideas or models and theories models and
results appropriate but within the
models explored theories
to industry beyond framework of class
class learning. learning
Queries Excellent 2
Poor or no
response to Good response to Satisfactory response Limited response
Response to response to
comments and questions and to questions and to questions and
Class / questions and
discussion with discussions with some discussions with discussions with
Examiners did not
appropriate content connection made to limited reference to no reference to
Queries participate in
supported by theory/research theory/research theory/research
the discussions.
Has not 4
Provides limited
Provides detailed and Provides adequate and provided
Provides appropriate and somewhat
appropriate mostly appropriate appropriate
Conclusions conclusion for the appropriate
conclusion for the conclusions for the conclusions for
problem statement conclusions for the
problem statement problem statement the problem
problem statement
Total 13/20
Finding new The newly The newly The newly discovered The newly No new 5
processes / models / discovered discovered processes / models / discovered processes /
approaches processes / models processes / models approaches have processes / models models /
/ approaches are / approaches are of limited application but / approaches has approaches
of good quality and appropriate quality relevant to the restricted were
relevant but limited problem application identified
Proposing ideas and Various ideas and Various ideas and Some ideas or Few ideas have No ideas or 3
innovative solutions innovative solutions innovative solutions innovative solutions been proposed innovative
in terms of processes have been proposed have been proposed have been proposed solutions
/ models / and their application as well as the but the process of have been
approaches and how have been clearly outline of the applying them hasn't proposed
they can be applied to outlined process to apply been specified
solve the problem on them
Using creativity Wherever necessary Creativity Creativity techniques Creativity Creativity 2
techniques to provide creativity techniques are are utilized at times in techniques are technique are
and reason good ideas techniques are frequently utilized less than 50% of the used a few times not utilized
which are original utilized to analyse in more than 50% occasions only to analyse
and unconventional and solve the of the occasions and solve the
problem problem
Finding constraints Constraints and Constraints and A critical analysis is Only a description No 3
and weak points in weak points are weak are identified undertaken of the working constraints
existing processes / understood process and or weak
models / approaches methods are points have
or methods provided been
Total 13/20
Welcome to the curriculum for the Specialisation Pathway - E-Mobility. This specialisation
course is taught in Bootcamp mode. Bootcamps are 12 weeks, intense learning sessions
designed to prepare you for the practical world – ready for either industry or becoming an
entrepreneur. You will be assisted through the course, with development-based assessments
to enable progressive learning.
The automotive industry is already expanding and growing faster than before. With these
advancements in place, it is evident that EV is creating ripples, redefining transportation in a
new way. While these developments are fascinating, the evolving nature of the sector makes it
complex with each passing day, and hence, a complete understanding of the system and in-
depth exposure is necessary.
Leading to the successful completion of this bootcamp, you shall be equipped to either do an
internship in an organisation working on E Mobility or do a capstone project in the related field.
After the completion of your Diploma, you shall be ready to take up roles like a design or
maintenance assistant and can rise up to the level of a design or maintenance engineer, also can
become Entrepreneur in the related field and more
This course will teach you to manage electric vehicle complexity, optimize vehicle
performance, and more by using Model-based Systems and better understand the intricate EV
Before the start of this specialisation course, you will have prerequisite knowledge gained in
the first two years on the following subjects:
1st year -Engineering Mathematics, Communication Skills, Computer Aided Engineering
Graphics, Statistics & Analysis, Basic IT Skills, Fundamentals of Electrical and Electronics
Engineering, Project Management skills Engineering Materials and Mechanical Workshop
2nd year-Mechanics of Materials, Machine Tool Technology, Manufacturing Process, Fluid
Power Engineering, Product Design and Development, Operations Management, CNC
Machines and Elements of Industrial Automation, in this year of study, you shall be applying
Diploma in Mechanical Engineering C 20 2020 - 21
your previous years learning along with specialised field of study into projects and real-world
Course Outcomes
After completing the course, the students will be able to:
Analyze the use of different power electronics converters and electrical machines in
electric vehicles.
Analyze the use of different energy storage systems, charging system, their control
techniques, and energy management technology for electric vehicles
CO- 05
Demonstrate the electrical systems and communication protocols in Electric vehicles
Model the Electric vehicle and analyze its performance using a simulation software
Week CO P O Days 1st session (9am to 1 pm) L T P 2ND session (1.30pm to 4.30pm) L T P
3 1 1 • Explain and Demonstrate the 2 1
4 Architecture, working principle,
Tutorial (Peer discussion on Industrial Major component, performance
assignment) parameter, merits and demerits of
Plug-in hybrid vehicles (PHEV)
Week CO P O Days 1st session (9am to 1 pm) L T P 2ND session (1.30pm to 4.30pm) L T P
7 4,6 1 4 • Modeling of Electric vehicle 3
Tutorial (Peer discussion on Industrial batteries and battery pack by using
assignment) simulation software
9 5 1 Tutorial (Peer discussion on Industrial Trace and Test all Electrical & Electronic 3
assignment) components & circuits
Week CO P O Days 1st session (9am to 1 pm) L T P 2ND session (1.30pm to 4.30pm) L T P
11 6 1 4 Model the Electric vehicle by using 3
simulation software and analyze the EV
performance parameters such as speed,
Torque, Top speed reached, distance
Tutorial (Peer discussion on Industrial travelled, SOC, regenerative braking effort,
assignment) current, voltage for different drive cycles,
electric drives & power rating, and also
analyze the impact of vehicle dynamics like
rolling resistance, air drag, frontal area,
weight of the body etc on EV performance
6 2 Model the Electric vehicle by using simulation software and analyze the EV performance parameters 7
such as speed, Torque, Top speed reached, distance traveled, SOC, regenerative braking effort, current,
voltage for different drive cycles, electric drives & power rating, and also analyze the impact of vehicle
dynamics like rolling resistance, air drag, frontal area, weight of the body etc on EV performance
6 3 Model the Electric vehicle by using simulation software and analyze the EV performance parameters 7
such as speed, Torque, Top speed reached, distance traveled, SOC, regenerative braking effort, current,
voltage for different drive cycles, electric drives & power rating, and also analyze the impact of vehicle
dynamics like rolling resistance, air drag, frontal area, weight of the body etc on EV performance
6 4 Model the Electric vehicle by using simulation software and analyze the EV performance parameters 7
such as speed, Torque, Top speed reached, distance travelled, SOC, regenerative braking effort, current,
voltage for different drive cycles, electric drives & power rating, and also analyze the impact of vehicle
dynamics like rolling resistance, air drag, frontal area, weight of the body etc on EV performance
5 CIE 5– Written and practice test 5 Assessment Review and corrective action 3
13 1 Internship Project
a) Secondary research on various industries and their a) Identification of the problem statement (from at
operations to identify at least 3 companies along least 3 known problems) the students would like to
with the areas of work interest and develop an work as part of the project – either as provided by
internship plan that clearly highlights expectations faculty or as identified by the student. Document the
from the industry during the internship. impact the project will have from a technical, social
b) Design and develop a cover letter for an internship and business perspective.
request to all 3 identified companies and the b) Design and develop the project solution or
resume to be submitted to potential companies. methodology to be used to solve at least one of the
Prepare for an internship interview to highlight your problems identified.
interests, areas of study, career aspirations and Prepare a project plan that will include a schedule, WBS,
personnel competence – including the areas of learning Budget and known risks along with strategies to mitigate
you expect to learn during internship. them to ensure the project achieves the desired
1. Iqbal Husain, Electric and Hybrid Vehicles –Design Fundamentals, CRC Press
2. Mehrdad Ehsani, Yimin Gao, Sebastian E.Gsay, Ali Emadi, Modern Electric, Hybrid Electric and Fuel Celll vehicles-Fundamentals -
Theory and Design”, CRC Press
3. Energy Storage by Robert A. Huggins, Springer Publication
4. Handbook of Energy Audit, Albert Thumann P.E. CEM, William J. Younger CEM, The Fairmont Press Inc., 7th Edition.
5. Energy storage (A new approach) by Ralph Zito Wiley Publication
6. Energy Management Handbook, Wayne C. Turner, The Fairmont Press Inc., 5th Edition,Georgia
7. Energy Storage Systems, Alfred Rufer, CRC Press
8. Chang Liang Xia,”Permanent Magnet Brushless Dc Motor Drives and Controls” Wiley 2012.
9. Bimal K Bose, " Modern Power Electronics and AC Drives", Pearson Education, Second Edition, 2003
10. Miller. T. J. E., "Brushless Permanent Magnet and Reluctance Motor Drives", Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1989
11. Kenjo. T and Nagamori. S, "Permanent Magnet and Brushless DC Motors", Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1989.
12. Robert .L.Boylsted,and Louis Nashelsky, "Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory”, Pearson Education,9th edition,2009
13. David A Bell, "Fundamentals of Electronic Devices and Circuits”, Oxford University Press, 2009.
14. Albert D Halfride & William D Cooper, “Modern Electronic instrumentation and Measurement techniques”, Prentice Hall of India
Pvt Ltd., 2007.
15. Rajendra Prasad, “Electrical Measurements & Measuring instruments”, C Publishers, 4th Edition, 2004
CIE Assessment Assessment Mode Max Marks
In hours
* The industrial assignment shall be based on peer-to-peer assessment for a total of 10 marks (on a scale of 1 to 10) and in the event of a group
assignment the marks awarded will be the same for the entire group, the developmental assessment will be for a total of 20 marks and based on
MCQ/case study/demonstration and such other assignment methods
Note: Theory to be conducted for 1 hour and practice for 3 hours, total duration of exam – 4 hours
Instructions to students:
Students will have the opportunity to update their final report submission for SEE 2 post CIE 6 in order to enable them to address the feedback received
during their CIE 6 assessment and also work towards achieving the desired project/case outcome.
1 Case submission 20
2 Case presentation 20
3 Case innovation 20
4 Result 20
5 Viva voce 20
Total 100
Comments on
reasoned and Appropriate, well
solutions /
pedagogically thought out Little and/or
strategies (The Superficial and / or
appropriate comments about inappropriate No action to all
solution may inappropriate
comments on solutions, or solutions to all of issues in the
be in the solutions to some of 2
solutions, or proposals for the issues in the problem
problem the issues in the
proposals for solutions, to most problem statement
statement problem statement
solutions, to all of the issues in the statement
already or
issues in the problem statement
proposed by
learnings and
Total 14/20
Evaluation Student
5 4 3 2 1
Parameters Score
Questions and
Excellent and salient Questions and
discussion points that discussions
Involvement of addressed Little or no
elucidated material to addressed Did not
the class / important attempt to
develop a deep important engage the
Examiners information that engage the
understanding superficial issues of class /
developed class / 1
Appropriate and the problem examiner and
• Questions understanding examiner in
imaginative activities statement Limited poor listening
• Discussions Appropriate demonstrating
used to extend use of activities to skills
• Activities activities used to their learning
understanding in a clarify
creative manner understanding
Total 12/20
Evaluation 5 4 3 2 1 Student
Parameters Score
Finding new The newly The newly The newly discovered The newly No new 5
processes / models / discovered discovered processes / models / discovered processes /
approaches processes / models processes / models approaches have processes / models models /
/ approaches are / approaches are of limited application but / approaches has approaches
of good quality and appropriate quality relevant to the restricted were
relevant but limited problem application identified
Proposing ideas and Various ideas and Various ideas and Some ideas or Few ideas have No ideas or 3
innovative solutions innovative solutions innovative solutions innovative solutions been proposed innovative
in terms of processes have been proposed have been proposed have been proposed solutions
/ models / and their as well as the but the process of have been
approaches and how application have outline of the applying them hasn't proposed
they can be applied to been clearly process to apply been specified
solve the problem on outlined them
Using creativity Wherever necessary Creativity Creativity techniques Creativity Creativity 2
techniques to provide creativity techniques are are utilized at times in techniques are technique are
and reason good ideas techniques are frequently utilized less than 50% of the used a few times not utilized
which are original utilized to analyse in more than 50% occasions only to analyse
and unconventional and solve the of the occasions and solve the
problem problem
Finding constraints Constraints and Constraints and A critical analysis is Only a description No 3
and weak points in weak points are weak are identified undertaken of the working constraints
existing processes / understood process and or weak
models / approaches methods are points have
or methods provided been
Total 13/20