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Martindale: The

Complete Drug
Reference: 40th
EDITOR Robert Buckingham

SERIES – Breadth: No other source of drug information contains the wide range of
Martindale: 2020 content or the same level of detail, making it the ideal first-line reference
work as well as a trusted source of information for detailed and complex
drug enquiries
– Global coverage: The leading resource in terms of international content,
including information from over 43 countries
4912 pages
276 ! 219 mm – Objectivity: Respected for the accuracy of content, appraised and authored
22 May 2020 by experts with editorial independence from the pharmaceutical industry.
£585 / $825 Based on information from published papers, regulatory sources and
guidelines, with extensive referencing
Professional and scholarly – International adoption: Recognised, trusted and adopted worldwide

SUBJECT Martindale is depended upon by healthcare professionals

professionals throughout the world
MED072000: MEDICAL / for its reliable and comprehensive information on international drugs and
Pharmacy medicines. It is widely recognised for its unbiased and authoritative nature, as
MED023000: MEDICAL / well as its unprecedented international coverage, including information from 43
Drug Guides countries and regions.
MQP: Pharmacy /
dispensing A team of experts use the most clinically relevant and reliable information,
MMG: Pharmacology giving healthcare professionals a complete resource for reference on drugs and
MR: Medical study & medicines.
revision guides &
reference material Martindale contains proprietary drug information on preparations available
MQP Pharmacy / worldwide, and remains a critical tool for identification of the local equivalent of
dispensing a prescribed preparation and for assessing what alternatives might be suitable
MKG Pharmacology when needed.
MR Medical study &
revision guides &
reference material

Pharmaceutical Press www.pharmpress.com |

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