Consent Form Surgery

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Informed Consent
for Surgery,Medical treatment and anaesthesia

Name of patient ______________________________ Age ______ Sex ___

Father’s / Husband’s name _______________________________________

Complete postal address _________________________________________

Telephone nos. ________________________________________________

1. We [patient and the patient party and relatives] have come to Sen Nursing
Home on our own will. We are fully aware that all the relevant facilities for
the treatment are available over here.
2. By signing on this informed consent form we hereby authorize Dr.
_____________________________ and his team to operate upon Mr. /Mrs.
the following surgical procedure
I / we have been explained the name of the surgery, why it is being done and
what is the indication of the surgery, the amount of the risk involved in it,
the possibility of deterioration of the condition of the patient have been
explained to me/ us which we fully understand and are ready to go ahead
with it.
3. I hereby authorize the doctor and his team to use any appropriate
technique of anesthesia as they deem proper in my case.
4. I hereby authorize the doctor to use the medications during the surgery,
transfuse blood [if need be].We fully understand that if at all the blood
transfusion is required it is our duty and responsibility to arrange the blood.
5. We have been fully given to understand that sometimes during the
surgery, emergency can arise because of which extra surgery and medical
treatment which is more and besides the planned surgery has to be carried out.
In certain cases of laparoscopic surgery at times open surgery has to be carried
out in view of unforeseen surgical circumstances. In such an eventuality the
expenditure also goes beyond the planned expenditures. I am ready for this
extra risk and extra expenditure [if at all required]. In cases of laparoscopic
surgery, for some reason it the hospital stay crosses two days, the expenditure
goes beyond the planned expenditure for which I am / we are ready.
6. I have been explained the high risk in my case because of following points
7. No promises have been made to me or any guarantees given to me by the
doctors or the hospital.
8. I hereby solemnly affirm that I / we have fully gone through this
consent form, understood it in letter and spirit. Before I signed all the
vacant spaces and non essential points have been cut.
Signed after reading

Patient’s signature _________________________________

Patient’s thumb impression

Father’s/ Husband’s signature ________________________

Doctor’s signature _________________________________

In case patient is a minor or mentally compromised, guardian’s signature


Witness ____________________Date and time.

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