This document contains a summary of a candidate's personal details for a job application. It includes the candidate's name, gender, date of birth, contact information, address, education qualifications, test city preference, payment details, uploaded documents, and declaration. The key details are the candidate's name is Rameswar Acharya, gender is male, date of birth is January 8, 2004, qualification is appearing for a diploma in chemical engineering, test city preference is Berhampur, and payment of 500 was made successfully online.
This document contains a summary of a candidate's personal details for a job application. It includes the candidate's name, gender, date of birth, contact information, address, education qualifications, test city preference, payment details, uploaded documents, and declaration. The key details are the candidate's name is Rameswar Acharya, gender is male, date of birth is January 8, 2004, qualification is appearing for a diploma in chemical engineering, test city preference is Berhampur, and payment of 500 was made successfully online.
This document contains a summary of a candidate's personal details for a job application. It includes the candidate's name, gender, date of birth, contact information, address, education qualifications, test city preference, payment details, uploaded documents, and declaration. The key details are the candidate's name is Rameswar Acharya, gender is male, date of birth is January 8, 2004, qualification is appearing for a diploma in chemical engineering, test city preference is Berhampur, and payment of 500 was made successfully online.
This document contains a summary of a candidate's personal details for a job application. It includes the candidate's name, gender, date of birth, contact information, address, education qualifications, test city preference, payment details, uploaded documents, and declaration. The key details are the candidate's name is Rameswar Acharya, gender is male, date of birth is January 8, 2004, qualification is appearing for a diploma in chemical engineering, test city preference is Berhampur, and payment of 500 was made successfully online.
Application Status Application Numbe Name of the Candi
PaymentSuccess r date JET027419 RAMESWAR ACHARY A Gender Candidate Type Category Male Non Employee Ward General (Non EW) (Jharkhan d, Odisha and Mahar ashtra candidates on ly) Date of Birth Domicile Candidate's Mobile 08/Jan/2004 Odisha Number 8260296799 Guardian's Mobile Candidate's Mail ID Number acharyarameswar1@ 9937981283
Minimum Qualifica Institute Name Qualification Statu
Test City Preference Details
Test City Preferenc
e1 Berhampur
Payment Details
Amount Payment Mode Payment Status
500 online Payment Success
Documents Uploaded
Candidate Photo Signature
Document View / Download
To view your copy of your Domicile Certificate here: Click here.
I here by declare that the information furnished by me in the application i
s correct and nothing has been concealed. In case any information furnis hed by me is found to be incorrect, my candidature/registration may be c ancelled/terminated.