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customized medicine and dosing receives increasing
attention due to the high chances of undesirable side
Drug delivery is a type of technique used for efficient Three-dimensional printing is a form of additive
transport of a pharmacologically active component in the manufacturing technology in which a 3D object is created
body as desired to achieve required therapeutic efficacy by laying down successive layers of material by using
and safety. Within the last decade, considerable Computer-Aided Design (CAD) software. Therefore, it is
attention was focused on the development of novel drug also known by other terminologies such as layered
delivery systems and patient-centric drug products. 3D manufacturing, additive manufacturing, computer
printing is considered to be the most revolutionary automated manufacturing, rapid prototyping, or solid
ABBREVIATIONS: 3DP - Three-dimensional printing; ABS - Acrylonitrile butadiene styrene; AM - Additive manufacturing; API
Active pharmaceutical ingredient; CAD - Computer-aided design; EC – Ethylcellulose; FDA - Food and drug administration; FDM Fused
deposition modeling; HME - Hot melt extrusion; HPMC - Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose; PCL – Polycaprolactone;
PEG - Polyethylene glycol; PLA - Polylactic acid; PVA - Polyvinyl alcohol; PLGA - Poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid); PU – Polyurethane; PMMA
- Poly(methyl methacrylate); SLA – Stereolithography; SLS - Selective laser sintering; TIJ - Thermal inkjet; UV - Ultraviolet
5924 | Int J Pharm Sci Nanotech Vol 15; Issue 2, March−April 2022
freeform technology. 3D printing uses computerized It is an effective strategy to overcome some of the
drafting technology and programming to produce a 3D challenges of conventional pharmaceutical unit
object. The material is first ejected from a printer head operations (O Oyewumi, 2015). 3D printing technology
onto an x-y plane for creating the foundation of the has enabled unprecedented flexibility in the design and
object. Then the printer moves along the z-axis, and a manufacturing of complex objects, which can be utilized
liquid binder is ejected onto the base of the object to a in personalized and programmable medicine (Jose and
certain thickness. This process is repeated following the GV, 2018).
computer-aided drafting instructions until the object is In 3D printing, solid oral dosage forms can be printed
built layer by layer. After treatment, the unbound in a wide range of dosages release profiles, geometrics,
substrate is removed and the object is obtained (Maulvi, and size by simply modifying a digital model which
2019; Ursan, Chiu, and Pierce, 2013; Parulski et al., provides patients with tailored therapies. 3D printing
2021). can play a significant role in multiple active ingredient
The introduction of 3D printing technology in the dosage forms, where the formulation can be as a single
pharmaceutical industry has opened new horizons in the blend or multi-layer printed tablets with sustained-
research and development of printed materials and release properties. It reduces the frequency and number
devices. (Beg et al., 2020) Its main benefit lies in the of dosage form units consumed by the patient on a daily
production of small batches of medicines each with routine. 3D printing technology has high potential in
tailored dosages, shapes, sizes, and release individualized dosage form concept called the poly-pill
characteristics. concept. This brings about the possibility of all the drugs
In contrast to the conventional method 3D printing is required for the therapy into a single dosage form unit
more automated rapid and easy to use, customized, (Jose and GV, 2018; Gaurav et al., 2021).
sophisticated, and cost-effective (Solanki et al., 2018; Various techniques of additive manufacturing are
Singh et al., 2021). Indeed, the punches and dies-based such as powder bed-inkjet 3D printing, pressure-assisted
conventional tableting machines are fabricated for a micro syringe 3D printing, fused deposition modeling,
mass-production market and therefore lack in flexibility. selective laser sintering, stereolithography, etc (Jacob
3D printing on the other hand provoked much interest in et al., 2020).
pharmaceutics due to its large flexibility making it a Conventional Manufacturing - Conventional
promising tool to produce customized drug delivery manufacturing includes several steps as shown in
devices including solid oral dosage forms. Moreover, the figure 1.
most diversified and sophisticated drug delivery devices
Additive Manufacturing - Additive Manufacturing
for oral, dermal, and implantable administration can be
comprises the steps as shown in figure 2.
produced with high accuracy using 3D printers.
API- Patient
Exipient requireme Dispense
selection nt
First FDA
Inkjet photo-
First 3DP approved
prosthetic 3DP drug
based printing
leg product
SLS Powder Bed printing First 3DP (Spritam)
SLA exoskeleton
1984 1986 1988 1992 1996 2000 2002 2008 2012 2014 2015 2018
First Introduction
functional First
FDM First Inkjet Printer prosthetic of 4D
miniature printing
3D printed jaw
Pharmaceutical product is Computer programs such as cura 3D printers such as FDM, SLS, SLA
designed through computer aided ultimaker, slices the surfaces and then prints the product layer by
design (CAD) transfers to the 3D printer layer
Drop on drop Selective laser Drop on solid Fused deposition Pressure assisted
deposition sintering deposition modelling syringe
Ability to
create tablets
of any shape
and size
Ability to set
Ability to
the dosage
print small
batches of
for each
Ability to
replace a
large number
of drugs with
one tablet
Ability to
control the
process of
release of
Absence of
Numerous Knowledge
Absence of
Printing using
same Device
lead to
Restricted to
Global 3-D Printing
on Patent
Challenges tion
Changing of
g Processes Hardware &
Expensive to
d Drug
Medical Complex
Low cost of Applications Drug
Production of 3-D Release
printing Profile
Rapid Models for
Prototyping Surgical
of Tissues
and Organs
3D printing is in its initial phase in the liquid plastic material is transformed into a 3D
pharmaceutical industry on the other hand it is more object, layer by layer. It uses a laser as the power
advanced in the field of automobile, aerospace, source. (Horst, 2018).
biomedical, and tissue engineering. Advantages:
1. Speed
Pharmaceutical Field
Polymer Drug Delivery System References
(Tagami et al.,
Poly vinyl alcohol
Tablets, Capsule 2017; Wei et al., In the past several years there have been several types of
research conducted in the pharmaceutical field for
(Chi et al., dosage forms such as, in the year 2019 Tagami et. al.
Polylactic acid (PLA) Nanofibers
2020) showed that the organic solvent type, temperature, and
(GV et al., 2017; drug concentration greatly affects the drug loading and
Polycaprolactone Tablets, carbon around 5% curcumin can be incorporated into the PVA
(PCL) nanotubes
et al., 2017) filament using the soaking method (Tagami et al., 2019).
Hydroxypropyl In the year 2020, Asmari et. al. conducted a study for the
(Cheng et al.,
methylcellulose Matrix tablets
2020) comparison of dissolution profiles using 3D printed PVA
and commercial paracetamol tablets (Asmari, Sil, and
(Loureiro and Patel, 2020). In the year 2019 Wei et. al. performed a
Poly(lactic-co-glycolic Microsphere, capsules, Pereira, 2020;
acid) (PLGA) tablets, nanospheres Serris et al., study, in this study, the processability of PVA into melt-
2020) extruded filaments and then into 3D printed tablets by
(Beck et al., FDM was studied (Wei et al., 2020). In the year 2020,
Nano capsules, Tablets 2017; dos Santos Macedo et. al. conducted a study and the aim was to
et al., 2021) evaluate the processability of PVA-based filaments
(Homaee containing paracetamol made by hot-melt extrusion for
Ethyl cellulose (EC) Tablets Borujeni
fused deposition modeling (Macedo et al., 2020).
et al., 2020)
(Borandeh et al.,
Polyurethane (PU) Tablets, Hydrogel
2021) Application of 3D Printing in the
methacrylate) Tablets
(Petersmann et Pharmaceutical Field
al., 2019)
1. Rapid prototyping: It is used to create a real scale
Advantages of 3D Printing model of an object in a short lead time, using
Computer-Aided Design (CAD)
• High drug loading ability. 2. In the healthcare sector: Tools can be prepared for
• Cost reduction. surgery, medicines can be manufactured (Al-
• Customized and Personalized medication (Pandey Dulimi et al., 2021)
et al., 2020) 3. Reconstituting bones and body parts in forensic
• Accurate and precise dosing of potent drugs. pathology: Fingerprint examination, accident
• Enhanced productivity. reconstruction, structural, and industrial
• Treatment can be customized to improve patient
adherence, in the case of multidrug therapy with 4. Drug testing: It can fabricate complex geometries
multiple dosing regimens. to achieve various drugs releasing kinetics (Parhi,
• Suitable drug delivery for difficult to formulate
active ingredients.
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