Release Notes
Release Notes
Release Notes
8 Release Notes
These release notes provide information about new features, improvements, and resolved issues for FireMon's Security Intelligence Platform. This includes the four main SIP modules - Security Manager, Administration, Policy Planner, and
Policy Optimizer. As well as Risk Analyzer, FMOS updates, data collector and device changes, and resolved Support tickets. Any additional 9.8 releases (for example, 9.8.2) will be added to this document.
Caution! At the time of the FMOS 9.8 release, AWS deployment install script procedures are still being tested. If you plan to deploy the FMOS 9.8 release to an AWS environment, we recommend waiting until FireMon has completed
testing. Updates to install readiness will be posted on the User Center.
Device Support
Improved ICMPv6 support across the majority of non-Tier-1 device packs.
Check Point: Updated the process for granular change made by a user for Check Point R8x.
F5 Networks: updated change detection and AFM usage Regexes to now allow for Central Syslog Server support.
Cisco FirePower: The following improvements have been made:
Updated object group normalized service names related to Inline services.
Automation update to resolve failures while attempting to modify a Network Group Object.
Fortinet: The following improvements have been made:
Normalization will include normalizing the interfaces as enabled and the DHCP IP address definition.
Normalize the IP 'scope' for defined FQDN objects.
Added the ability to correctly normalize and display Internet Service Objects along with the associated IP addresses.
Palo Alto Panorama: The following improvements have been made:
Extended the ability to make the Granular Change by User normalization mapping optional.
Added the ability to plan and implement change by inline IPs in Policy Planner instead of only supporting IPs tied back to defined network objects.
Scheduled reports sent by email to another recipient now requires that recipient be an active user in the system.
Custom Control Report has been updated to allow Management Stations to be selected as targets of the report.
Security Rules Report has been updated to group output data by Device.
Rule Consolidation Report has been updated to improve the handling of Inline rules.
Added functionality to display the inbound and outbound policy associated with an interface for Juniper MX and Cisco IOS / IOS-XR devices.
Improved scheduled objects to automatically define "AutoDocs" for rule documentation. This change will take the security rule scheduled object definition and auto-populate the stored rule expiration field.
Added the ability to set the device group used for auto design and rule recommendation on a per ticket or per requirement level.
Added the ability to import requirements from an existing ticket.
Enhanced integration between device APA and change plan rule recommendations.
Improvement Tickets:
DEVICE-6293 [Check Point R80] Update granular changes by user Device Support
DEVICE-6439 [Palo Alto Firewall] Additional file with set notation for our regex controls Device Support
DEVICE-6383 [F5 Big-IP] Change detection central syslog regex Device Support
DEVICE-6447 [Fortinet] Destination objects causing normalization to display *Any objects Device Support
FMOS-2340 Update individual FMOS Health checks to replace "required" with "recommended" FMOS
FMOS-2472 fmos-img Jenkins job should not fail because of errors uploading rpms.json FMOS
FMOS-1910 CAT I - The x86 Ctrl-Alt-Delete Key Sequence Must Be Disabled On RHEL 8 FMOS
FMOS-1911 CAT I - The systemd Ctrl-Alt-Delete Burst Key Sequence in RHEL 8 Must Be Disabled FMOS
SIP-28847 [Admin] Network Taps - Update Network Segments List Page Administration Center
SIP-26232 [Admin] Network Taps List Page Administration Center Network Modeling
SIP-28399 [Map] Support Transparent Firewalls - Detail Panels Administration Center Network Modeling
SIP-28387 [Map] Network Taps Create/ Edit Modal Administration Center Network Modeling
SIP-28301 [Map] Network Taps - Right Click Actions Administration Center Network Modeling
SIP-28389 [Map] Network Tap Groups - Keylines Combos Administration Center Network Modeling
SIP-28613 [Risk Scanner Plugin] 'Support file' Support Administration Center Security Manager
SIP-28509 [SIP] - Add NetworkTapGroup constraints Part II Network Modeling Security Intelligence
SIP-25967 UI/Backend Validation on Service and Network Object Creations Policy Planner
SIP-26383 [Risk Scanners] Change any reference from "plugin" to "pack" Risk Analyzer
SIP-28639 Rule Documentation - Populate Duration in Rule Documentation Security Intelligence Platform
SIP-28658 [Policy View] Display Policy Information for Interfaces Security Manager
SIP-29021 Policy View - Revert Changes Colors Back to Original Security Manager
SIP-27236 [URL Category] Policy View to Include URL Categories Security Manager
SIP-28660 [Interface List Page] Display Policy Information for Interfaces Security Manager
SIP-28839 [a-team] APA Map Right Click Actions Not Working Security Manager
SIP-28986 [Transparent Firewalls] Update Device SIQL to support Transparent Mode Security Manager
56 issues
SIP-28567 Green toast shows when zone imports fail Administration Center Security Manager
SIP-29255 DC- Log Monitoring Status is not reflected correctly on UI. Administration Center Security Manager
SIP-28902 [SUPPORT][9.7][On Change Report] Scope change causes report to kick off at unintended change events Administration Center
SIP-28856 "No Results Found" display on Device and Management Station Page Administration Center
SIP-28872 [FMPOC] Bulk update only updates a subset of the fields Administration Center
SIP-29019 Device retrieval doesn't work after fmos update until VM is rebooted Administration Center Security Manager
SIP-24332 Implementation Status is wrong when a device can only commit Global Policy Controller Policy Planner
SIP-28102 [PCA] Errors when there are more than one rule changes in empty policy Network Modeling
SIP-28937 [FMPOC] [Rule Recommendation] Incorrect reference rule for SRX Network Modeling
SIP-28901 [Upstream Filtering][9.7] Route mode doesn't support multi-path routes Network Modeling
SIP-28880 [SUPPORT] Rule recommendation does not build a rule with all existing objects Network Modeling
SIP-28819 routes used in APA are empty after deleting a network tap Network Modeling
SIP-28892 [9.7] Licensing Not Enforced on Network Rule Rec Network Modeling
SIP-28899 [SUPPORT][9.7] Attack From Here Results in Stack Trace Network Modeling
SIP-28510 [Clone Server] Don't log auto design failure message in ticket history if auto design completed successfully Policy Planner
SIP-25871 Reset Filter doesn't Clear Filters on Assets or Vulnerabilites Page Risk Analyzer Security Manager
SIP-28905 [SUPPORT][9.7] Tenable import getting into an unexpected loop Risk Analyzer
SIP-27996 Network segment modal should not show devices with no interfaces Security Intelligence Platform
SIP-28662 [SUPPORT] Zone CSV Exports do not include Compliance Zones when run from Device and Device Group views Security Intelligence Platform
SIP-28362 [Map] Not allowing right click in Chrome Security Intelligence Platform
SIP-26231 Map does not auto refresh when an interface is removed from a network segment Security Intelligence Platform
SIP-29304 JMS/STOMP reply messages to SecMgr are failing due to missing type property Security Intelligence Platform
SIP-28364 [SUPPORT] Map not rendering correctly on VDI/RDP/Citrix based browsers Security Intelligence Platform
SIP-28897 [SUPPORT][9.7] Revisions getting stuck in "FINALIZING" status Security Intelligence Platform
SIP-28881 Reindexing failing after 9.7 RC2 update on large internal customer restore VM Security Intelligence Platform
SIP-28992 Map Display is Missing After Network APA Result Security Intelligence Platform
SIP-29051 [SUPPORT] Unable to modify SAML Authentication Server configuration Security Intelligence Platform
SIP-29034 [SUPPORT] Mixed case interface names resolving to the same uppercase version causes map generation to fail Security Intelligence Platform
SIP-28876 Connectivity Count produces %%KEY NOT FOUND%% with more than 10 numbers Security Manager
SIP-28875 [SUPPORT] Controls show as failed, but SIQL returns results Security Manager
SIP-28873 [FMPOC] Removed NAT Rules not displaying in Policy View Security Manager
SIP-28577 [SUPPORT] [9.6] SIQL not seeing new values when bulk update clears fields Security Manager
SIP-28595 [Transparent Firewalls] Network Tap Group Layout Issue Security Manager
SIP-29033 Change report objects first column not aligned Security Manager
SIP-29071 Panorama not retrieving after 9.6.2 upgrade to 9.7.1 until reboot Security Manager
SIP-28929 [SUPPORT] NdFinish throws DateTimeException which keeps revisions in finalizing status Security Manager
SIP-28930 [SUPPORT] NdFinish throws ZoneRulesException. Revisions show as failed. Security Manager
SIP-28893 [9.7] No changes shown on enterprise change dashboard for user 'rwalz' after upgrade to 9.6.1 Security Manager
FMPOC-795 SIP WEB session timeout issue on FMOS v9.7.2 Administration Center
FMPOC-749 Customer cannot not retrieve config from 3 Checkpoint CMAs Device Support
FMPOC-783 Fortigate rules with external connectors normalizing as ANY, causing removable false positives Device Support
FMPOC-813 Service objects not seen in PP for Check Point FW (FMOS v9.7.2) Device Support
FMPOC-815 [9.7] Check Point CMA Discovered Devices - No policies available for selection (v9.7.69 device pack) Device Support
FMPOC-807 DB backup does not run properly after updating to FMOS v9.7.2 FMOS
FMPOC-727 Juniper SRX device never completes normalization, earlier FMOS versions work fine Network Modeling
FMPOC-755 [FMPOC] Juniper SRX - Rule Rec issue Network Modeling
FMPOC-797 Check Point CMA R80 Retrieval error Security Intelligence Platform
FMPOC-752 Change comparison and change report not showing when there is a NAT rule deleted Security Manager
FMPOC-810 Fortigate firewall default routing is not visible on FMOS v9.7.2. Security Manager
FMPOC-765 [FMPOC] CheckPoint firewall - service object normalization issue(Korean language-Hangle) Security Manager
FMPOC-747 Bulk Update does not change several items around Retrieval and Monitoring
RT-431 [9.6.3 build 379] Check Point R80 CMA is not getting normalized with specific set of offline configuration files, with same files it gets normalized on 9.6.2 GA build Administration Center
RT-425 [Controls] "Allowed Services" lookup field is not getting displayed in "Allowed Services Control Properties" section while editing the "Allowed Services" control. Administration Center
RT-474 [9.8.0 build 177] Check Point R80 CMA is not getting normalized with specific set of offline configuration files, with same files it gets normalized on 9.8.0 RC1 build Administration Center
RT-476 [9.6.5 build 500] Juniper SRX device provides "Retrieval Error" after offline config file import for a specific test scenario, same scenario works fine on 9.6.5 build 498 Administration Center
RT-460 9.7.2 - Build 271 - CLI commands are not getting generated Policy Planner
RT-459 [9.7.2 Build 271] Policy Planner -> Automation status remains "Running" at Implement stage while pushing Security Rules and Objects on devices. Policy Planner
RT-428 [Logged Connections] Security Rules Page is not getting displayed when clicked on Hit count under Policy dashboard > Logged Connections Security Manager
RT-456 9.6.3 RC1 Build 429: SMW->Risk Analyzer-> Assets and Vulnerabilities - Earlier selected filters are getting applied when new filters are applied. Security Manager
FMOS-1813 Health check failed message after finishing FMOS Setup UI in AWS FMOS
FMOS-1821 DB, ES roles not removed when database instance is shut down FMOS
FMOS-2133 TEST FAILURE: azure release/9.5 240 (FMOS 9.5): Timed out running health checks FMOS
DEVICE-6316 [SUPPORT] [Amazon AWS] Retrievals don't get expected data Device Support
DEVICE-6537 [AWS] ACL Normalization of ANY in inbound/Dest and the outbound/Src rules Device Support
DEVICE-6542 [FMPOC] Missing Policy routes when no ACL are applied to interfaces. Device Support
DEVICE-6419 [SUPPORT] [F5 - BigIP] Automation fails when trying to create network objects Device Support
DEVICE-6489 [Palo Alto Panorama] Rule Modify Automation Issue when Rule Name Changed Device Support
DEVICE-6498 [Palo Alto Firewall/VSYS] Change how Rule Modify Automation works when Rule Name is changed Device Support
DEVICE-6561 [Cisco IOS] Rule automation fails with NullPointerException Device Support
DEVICE-6421 [Check Point R80 CMA] Don't call logout function if login function fails to retrieve a sessionid Device Support
DEVICE-6517 [FMPOC] [Check Point R80 CMA] Retrievals stuck in show-task loop Device Support
DEVICE-6521 [SUPPORT] [Check Point R80 CMA] Some child devices are not discovered Device Support
DEVICE-6538 [FMPOC][Check Point] Retry counter incrementing on failed task Device Support
DEVICE-6544 [FMPOC] [Check Point R80 CMA] Service normalized as any Device Support
DEVICE-6574 [SUPPORT] [Check Point R80] Rules with no policy-targets are not normalized Device Support
DEVICE-6747 [FMPOC] [Check Point R80] Set scope for Any network object Device Support
DEVICE-6765 [FMPOC] [Check Point R80] Current scope of service objects limits us to just user created objects in Policy Planner Device Support
DEVICE-6645 [SUPPORT] [Check Point R80 CMA] Normalization fails with NoSuchMethodError Device Support
DEVICE-6739 [FMPOC] [Check Point R80 CMA] Retrieve routes for CMAs when domain is not set Device Support
DEVICE-6282 [Cisco FirePower] GPC Managed Section - Duplicate Rule Status Issue Device Support
DEVICE-6340 [SUPPORT] [Cisco ASA FWSM Context] Hit count retrievals fail with UnicodeDecodeError Device Support
DEVICE-6362 [SUPPORT] [Cisco IOS XR] Handle BGP routes with no network Device Support
DEVICE-6463 [Cisco ACI Tenant] Check For Change Additional Stuff to Ignore Device Support
DEVICE-6464 [FMPOC] [Cisco Meraki] Handle named groups and objects in security rules Device Support
DEVICE-6469 [SUPPORT] [Cisco IOS XR] Run bgp commands for each VRF Device Support
DEVICE-6503 [FMPOC] [Cisco Meraki] Handle paging for more than 1000 networks Device Support
DEVICE-6520 [SUPPORT] [Cisco IOS XR] Duplicate routes cause rule recommendation to give weird results Device Support
DEVICE-6552 [SUPPORT] [Cisco ISE] Normalization fails with NPE Device Support
DEVICE-6569 [SUPPORT] [Cisco FMC] Normalization Throws NPE filterAPPs Device Support
DEVICE-6575 [SUPPORT] [Cisco ASA] Normalization fails with ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException Device Support
DEVICE-6611 [FMPOC] [Cisco Meraki] Retrieval fails with 'No connection adapters were found' error Device Support
DEVICE-6640 [FMPOC] [Cisco Meraki] Normalization fails with NPE Device Support
DEVICE-6528 [FMPOC][Juniper SRX] Revision stuck in "Finalizing" for more than 12 hours Device Support
DEVICE-6434 Scope is missing from some objects of Panorama and its managed devices Device Support Policy Planner Security
DEVICE-6360 [SUPPORT] [Palo Alto VSYS] Check for change retrievals fail with FileNotFoundError Device Support
DEVICE-6363 [SUPPORT] [Juniper QFX] Routes not retrieved when setting enabled Device Support
DEVICE-6375 [SUPPORT] [Fortinet VDOM] Retrievals fail with timeout error Device Support
DEVICE-6380 [SUPPORT] [Palo Alto] Handle URL Categories with '.' in the name Device Support
DEVICE-6342 [Panorama] VSYS FromServer retrievals can fail when Panorama has never successfully committed to child firewall Device Support
DEVICE-6417 [FMPOC] [Palo Alto] dosTcpSynEnable device property is not set to true Device Support
DEVICE-6430 [FMPOC] [VMware NSX-T] Normalization fails with NPE Device Support
DEVICE-6435 [SUPPORT] [Fortinet Fortigate VDOM/Firewall] Normalization fails with ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException Device Support
DEVICE-6437 [FMPOC] [Palo Alto Firewall/VSYS] Device properties not set as expected Device Support
DEVICE-6438 [SUPPORT] [Fortinet Fortigate VDOM] Normalization fails with UnsupportedOperationException Device Support
DEVICE-6458 [SUPPORT] [Palo Alto Panorama] Set scope to 'Predefined' for service 'application-default' Device Support
DEVICE-6461 [FMPOC] [Fortinet FortiManager] Handle child devices with no IPs Device Support
DEVICE-6478 [SUPPORT] [Palo Alto Firewall/VSYS] Check global xpath for application objects Device Support
DEVICE-6486 [SUPPORT] [Fortinet FortiGate VDOM] Retrieval fails with timeout Device Support
DEVICE-6491 [SUPPORT] [Palo Alto VSYS/Firewall] Rule normalized without policyRules section Device Support
DEVICE-6492 [SUPPORT] [Palo Alto Panorama] Add setting to skip granular change log retrieval Device Support
DEVICE-6499 [SUPPORT] [Palo Alto Firewall] Research why NdUpload sometimes sends 5 NdPolicyDTOs Device Support
DEVICE-6516 [FMPOC] [F5 BigIP] Retrieval fails for extremely complex configurations Device Support
DEVICE-6518 [SUPPORT] [Palo Alto] Password logged in clear text when connection times out Device Support
DEVICE-6555 [SUPPORT] [Fortinet] Prevent problem records for aliased interfaces/zones Device Support
DEVICE-6602 [SUPPORT] [Fortinet Firewall] [Fortinet FortiGate VDOM] Invert wildcard masks Device Support
DEVICE-6628 [FMPOC] [Fortinet firewall] [Fortinet FortiGate VDOM] Normalize external-resource objects with no definition Device Support
DEVICE-6500 [Cisco IOS/Cisco XR/Nexus] Automation of array type network objects fails Policy Planner
DPE-1474 [FMPOC] [Sophos XG] CLI retrieval fails when login disclaimer is present
164 issues
Resolved Support Tickets: Support Ticket
Key Summary Number
SUPPORT-5298 Customer is unable select the RA module using the device group that we set up. 138342
SUPPORT-5304 Normalization durations longer than expected, impacting daily change reports 137551
SUPPORT-5423 Zone CSV Exports do not include Compliance Zones when run from Device and Device Group views 139650
SUPPORT-5432 F5 FW Unable to add cloned object to existing on-device object group 139574
SUPPORT-5449 Policy Optimizer Tickets Stating "Do not have permission to view this rule" 139950
SUPPORT-5462 Application-Default Service Object in Policy Planner is not available for Panorama 140032
SUPPORT-5478 Rule Recommendation appears to be limiting to two objects or providing incorrect results 140413
SUPPORT-5479 Normalized Palo Alto firewall policy not showing application objects even though they exist on the policy 140422
SUPPORT-5482 APA map fails to load 140439
SUPPORT-5485 Fortigate VDOM device pack retrieval error after upgrade 140460
SUPPORT-5494 Juniper SRX Devices Failing to Display Security Rules or Policies 139885
SUPPORT-5515 Check Point CMA is not discovering all of its managed devices in SIP 139992
SUPPORT-5554 SIP does not detect new firewalls added to CMA 141070
SUPPORT-5568 FMC has good check for change retrieval but is not normalizing. Child devices: FTD's are normalizing. 139706
SUPPORT-5571 SAML in 9.7.1 missing Service provider Metadata BOX - SAML not working after Upgrade from 9.6.2 141167
SUPPORT-5577 After upgrade to 9.6.2, getting errors on GUI login - Backend Server Unavailable and I/O reactor status: stopped 141193
SUPPORT-5582 Check Point R80 FW Normalization not taking "Install-on" column into consideration, causing reduced number of rules to appear on gateways 141273
SUPPORT-5626 Device health page shows alert even when everything is working 141550
SUPPORT-5637 Device health page shows alert even when everything is working 141632
59 issues
Improvement Tickets:
DEVICE-6778 [Check Point CMA R80] Implement option to push to gateway when committing to manager Device
DEVICE-6677 ASA & Context- Modify DevPack to allow customer to define port used for Automation Device
3 issues
SIP-29219 [FMPOC] Can't add destination for route on synthetic router Administration Center
SIP-29240 [a-team] 404 Error Finding Risk Icon Template Administration Center
SIP-29305 [Check Point] Behavior issue when all interfaces aren't in a zone Network Modeling
SIP-29540 [SUPPORT] Rule recommendation shows error for devices when using subnet Network Modeling
SIP-29210 Updating a network tap group deletes an IP address on the network segment Network Modeling
SIP-29196 network model not getting updated when a network tap group is created Network Modeling
SIP-29213 network tap group network segment is not deleted when network tap group deleted Network Modeling
SIP-29134 [SUPPORT] Policy Optimizer mismatched data causes review to show as 'The rule does not exist on the device' Policy Optimizer
SIP-29715 Policy Planner - Import from ticket- Import button is not working . Policy Planner
SIP-29201 Policy Planner - Import Requirements Import Behavior Modal when there are no requirements Policy Planner
SIP-29505 Pop-up indicating there are existing requirements even when there are no existing requirements Policy Planner
SIP-29561 [SUPPORT] Improve validation of IPv4 and IPv6 addresses Policy Planner
SIP-28877 [SUPPORT] PP not ignoring disabled workflow tickets when checking for conflicts Policy Planner
SIP-28928 [SUPPORT] Filter Save function does not allow for modification as expected Policy Planner
SIP-29703 [SUPPORT] Import Requirement Doesn't Work During Ticket Creation In Custom Workflow in FMOS v9.8 Policy Planner
SIP-29209 Policy Planner - Import Requirements Object is not Validating Month Formatting Security Intelligence Platform
SIP-29135 [SUPPORT] Device Consistency Report shows changes that don't exist Security Intelligence Platform
SIP-28896 [SUPPORT] [9.7][Rule Consolidation Report] Not Completing Security Intelligence Platform
SIP-29316 [SUPPORT] Compliance and assessment setting not being persisted Security Intelligence Platform
SIP-28413 [Rule Recommendation] Remove support for editing Panorama config when targeting a firewall or vsys device Security Manager
SIP-29107 [SUPPORT] Regex Multi-pattern controls give unexpected results Security Manager
FMPOC-811 Policy normalization failed for CheckPoint VSX on FMOS v9.7.2 Administration Center
FMPOC-778 APA is not considering the available route on Cisco Router Device Support
RT-396 [Auto Design] Fails when "any" is added in source, destination and service field for Fortinet VDOM offline device Network Modeling
RT-469 [9.8.0 Build 160 - Security Rules Report ] PDF/HTML Report generated for Custom Query are not getting highlighted in report Security Manager
DEVICE-6777 [AWS] Organization INFO Logging Authorization header Creds Device Support
DEVICE-6763 [SUPPORT] [Amazon AWS] Normalization failing with NPE Device Support
DEVICE-6730 [Juniper MSeries] Automation Clone v6 into v4 and other Assumptions Device Support
DEVICE-6769 [Juniper SRX] GPC 'null' Exception During Managed Section Creation Device Support Global Policy
DEVICE-6785 [Cisco IOS-XR] Do not generate partial commands on exception Device Support
DEVICE-6787 [Check Point MDS] Automate Service "any" with application as only application Device Support
DEVICE-6752 [Cisco ASA/ASA Context] Automation not handling inline network objects correctly Device Support
DEVICE-6669 [Cisco ASA] CLI generation fails if retrieval username is blank Device Support
DEVICE-6766 [FMPOC] [Check Point R80] Handle access-role defined with any user Device Support
DEVICE-6877 [SUPPORT] [Check Point R80] Host objects lose IP address with 9.7.74 device pack Device Support
DEVICE-6727 [FMPOC] [Cisco Meraki] No security rules normalized due to IllegalStateException Device Support
DEVICE-6783 [Cisco ACI Tenant] Regex issue with Check for Change Device Support
DEVICE-6726 [SUPPORT] [Palo Alto] Handle circular dependencies during normalization Device Support
DEVICE-6675 [F5 BigIP] Rule-list ruleName not normalized consistent with non-rule-list-rules Device Support
DEVICE-6889 [SUPPORT] [Juniper SRX] Logical sub interfaces no longer normalized Device Support
60 issues
SUPPORT-5347 Policy Planner showing ticket conflicts from disabled workflows 139095
SUPPORT-5372 Clean up reports are either failing or never completing on FTDs with 1000s of rules each 139258
SUPPORT-5512 Policy Planner Ticket Filter Save Function not working as expected 140694
SUPPORT-5517 Policy Optimizer Review Requests Stating "Do not have permission to view this rule" 140739
SUPPORT-5551 Multi Regex Patterns not returning expected results - Passing when nothing matches 131041
SUPPORT-5587 Device consistency report is not correctly processing Network Objects and Security Rules 141068
SUPPORT-5627 Policy Planner tickets generating error when assigning during Implementation Stage 141690
SUPPORT-5631 R80 CMA does not normalize after 9.6.3 upgrade 141650
SUPPORT-5644 Notify Only Upon Failure does not stay enabled 141797
SUPPORT-5657 Normalization are failing for Palo Alto Panorama after upgrading to 9.6.3 and Panorama 10.1.6 H3 141867
SUPPORT-5730 Import Requirement Doesn't Work During Ticket Creation In Custom Workflow in FMOS v9.8 142658
SUPPORT-5752 Check Point device objects lose their IP information after retrieval with newer device pack 142991
SUPPORT-5757 9.8.0 SRX Not all interfaces (reth) being normalized. 143014
21 issues
Improvement Tickets:
No issues found
FMPOC-788 Rule Recommendation is not executed properly by Fortigate vdom firewall Device
DEVICE-6674 [F5 BigIP] Automation that uses a rule-list that has multiple references will not modify all instances Device
DEVICE-6750 [Check Point R80 CMA] Retrieval fails when using Policy Package Name(s) to Ignore setting Device
DEVICE-6894 [SUPPORT] [Check Point R80 CMA] Normalization fails with IllegalStateException Device
DEVICE-6893 [SUPPORT] [Palo Alto] Zones not normalized on security rule Device
DEVICE-6755 [FMPOC] Rule recommendation does not return results for interfaces names with spaces and/or special characters Device
8 issues
SUPPORT-5748 MSSP Customer Subdomain device retrievals are still failing after upgrade from 9.6.4 to 9.7.2 142490
3 issues
Update FMOS
Note: Not all device changes are included with an updated release. For specific device issues, please contact support personnel to get the latest device pack for the vendor.
Caution! During the update process, all FireMon Security Intelligence Platform components will be stopped and connectivity will be terminated. Please consider updating your product during periods of low product use to minimize the
effects of this loss of connectivity.
Prerequisite: Before installing any updates, it’s advisable to verify that you have a successful backup. If not, creating a backup is advised.
Note: If you are updating from 9.6.x or 9.7.x, a new install with a previous backup restore is not needed. If you are updating from a release that is three (or more) behind current release, please contact [email protected].
For a distributed environment, there is a specific server order to install the update.
1. Database Server
2. Application Server
3. Data Collector
For a single-server environment, install the update on the application server first and then any data collectors.
Prerequisite: Shutdown your application server. At the prompt, type the following command: fmos maintenance begin
The ISO image file should be copied to /var/tmp and then use that path in the fmos update command.
9. Access the appropriate server (either application server or database server).
10. At the prompt, type the following command:
For existing 9.x users who have set the update channel: fmos update
For users not updating from 9.x: fmos update /var/tmp/<filename> (replacing <filename> with the name of the file you downloaded)
11. You will be guided through the update process.
12. You will be asked to reboot the server. Type Y at the prompt to start the reboot process.
13. For a single-server environment, repeat the steps to update any data collectors. For a distributed environment, repeat the steps to update the application server (if you have multiple applications servers, update each one-at-a-time
and reboot each individually) and then data collectors.
For new installs: After installing v9.8, refer to the FMOS User Guide topic Set the FMOS Update Channel.
For installing 9.8: After the data collector is up and running you must manually enter the data collector’s IP address in its properties page.
Update Notifications
The User Center has an RSS feed available for Security Intelligence Platform releases and documentation. If you would like to subscribe to this feed, you can find it on the Downloads page in the User Center.