Was, Were, Wasn't, Werent

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Rena----- running Talia----- dancing They------reading a They------acting in a Dora----- writing

last week. yesterday. book last night. play last Thursday. yesterday.

She----- sitting on a He ------wearing a We --------holding She-----in a I----- playing

tree. short an hour ago. flags yesterday. princess custom. baseball .

They------listening She----- with her It-------sunny two Amir-----watching The kids----

to the story. grandma last week. days ago. TV last night. dragging a car.

Mom ----- cooking My friends----- Nora----- eating They ------shaking My brother------

this morning. diving last week. watermelon. hands a minute ago. good at basketball.

Find the mistakes in the paragraph then correct them.

Last week we went in a field trip to a musume, I were with my friends who
was excited to be with Ms.John. She weren't boring at all, actually she were
telling us interesting things about some old paintings. We was very happy.

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