Aces ICMD 2009
Aces ICMD 2009
Aces ICMD 2009
Head Office Kawan Lama Building 5th Floor Summary of Financial Statement
Jl. Puri Kencana No. 1, Meruya-Kembangan (Million Rupiah)
Jakarta 11610 2007 2008 2009
Phone (021) 582-2222 (Hunting), 582-8282 Total Assets 704,403 790,277 970,556
Fax (021) 582-4022, 582-1520 Current Assets 575,711 619,284 775,772
of which
E-mail: [email protected] Cash and cash equivalents 99,648 98,688 395,772
Website: Trade receivables 13,960 7,695 8,447
Business Trade (Electronic, Kitchen Appliance, Tools, Inventories 91,618 197,984 95,569
Non-Current Assets 128,691 170,992 194,784
Gardening, Plumbing, and kitchen sets) of which
Company Status PMDN Fixed Assets-Net 48,036 82,784 105,122
Deffered Tax Assets 5,673 3,487 6,476
Investments n.a n.a n.a
Financial Performance: The Company recorded net in- Other Assets 18,689 21,856 22,872
come amounted IDR154 billion in 2009, increasing from IDR130 Liabilities 117,521 112,819 102,787
million booked in 2008. Current Liabilities 103,971 91,853 73,186
of which
Brief History: The Company established with name PT. Trade payables 63,469 52,080 29,509
Kawan Lama Home Center on February 3rd 1995 in Jakarta. Taxes Payable
Accrued expenses
After RUPS Company change the name with PT. Ace Indori- Non-Current Liabilities 13,550 20,966 29,601
Minority Interests in Subsidiaries n.a n.a 1
tel Perkakas. And then on September 24th 2002 the company
change the name to be PT. Ace Hardware Indonesia. The com- Shareholders' Equity
Paid-up capital
pany is concentrated in Home Center General Trades sector- Paid-up capital
in excess of par value 353,904 353,904 368,122
ing. Retained earnings (accumulated loss) 61,477 152,053 328,146
PT ACE Hardware Indonesia has successfully obtained Net Sales 886,625 1,222,170 1,358,775
the certificate of ISO 9001-2000 (for Quality Management Sys- Cost of Goods Sold 559,483 719,449 806,337
Gross Profit 327,142 502,721 552,437
tem) with the registration number ID04/0470 on 24 September Operating Expenses 230,276 338,244 374,236
2004. This certificate is given by SGS, as Official Registration Operating Profit (Loss) 96,866 164,477 178,201
Other Income (Expenses) (11,669) 18,980 28,129
Board that has done the assessment for the process of Retail Profit (Loss) before Taxes 85,198 183,458 206,330
for Home Improvement at PT ACE Hardware Indonesia. Ace Profit (Loss) after Taxes 60,068 130,643 154,443
Home Center in Mall Artha Gading is inaugurated as the big- Per Share Data (Rp)
Earnings (Loss) per Share 35 76 90
gest home improvement center in Indonesia on July 9 th , 2005. Equity per Share 342 395 506
With a shopping space over 10.000 M2 and more than 40.000 Dividend per Share 3 n.a n.a
Closing Price 870 750 1,510
best quality merchandises, Ace Home Center Mall Artha Gad-
Financial Ratios
ing is definitely the frontliner of home improvement center in PER (x) 24.84 9.85 16.77
this country. PBV (x) 2.54 1.90 2.98
Dividend Payout (%) 9.96 n.a n.a
Dividend Yield (%) 0.40 n.a n.a
(million rupiah)
2010 2009
June June
Total Assets 1,049,987 879,192
Current Assets 743,746 705,489
Non-Current Assets 306,241 173,703
Liabilities 116,292 98,636
Shareholders' Equity 930,741 780,556
Net Sales 737,327 618,775
Shareholders Profit after Taxes 78,695 67,230
PT Kawan Lama Sejahtera 59.97%
The Northern Trust S/A AVFC 11.83% ROI (%) 7.49 7.65
Public 28.20% ROE (%) 8.46 8.61
No Type of Listing Listing Date Trading Date Number of Shares Total Listed
per Listing Shares
PT CLSA Indonesia, PT Dinamika Usahajaya
Stock Price, Frequency, Trading Days, Number and Value of Shares Traded and Market Capitalization
1,000 20
- -
Jan-09 Feb-09 Mar-09 Apr-09 May-09 Jun-09 Jul-09 Aug-09 Sep-09 Oct-09 Nov-09 Dec-09 Jan-10 Feb-10 Mar-10 Apr-10 May-10 Jun-10