From Localization To Delocalization in The Quantum Coulomb Glass
From Localization To Delocalization in The Quantum Coulomb Glass
From Localization To Delocalization in The Quantum Coulomb Glass
The generic model for spinless interacting disordered electrons is the quantum Coulomb
glass [12]. In this paper we use a straight-forward generalization of the quantum Coulomb
glass to spinful electrons. It is defined on a regular hypercubic lattice with g = Ld (d is
the spatial dimensionality) sites occupied by N = N↑ + N↓ = 2Kg electrons (0 < K < 1).
To ensure charge neutrality each lattice site carries a compensating positive charge of 2Ke.
The Hamiltonian is given by
X X 1 X X
H = −t (c†iσ cjσ + h.c.) + ϕi niσ + (niσ − K)(njσ′ − K)Uij + UH ni↑ ni↓ (1)
hiji,σ i,σ 2 i6=j,σ,σ′ i
where c†iσ and ciσ are the creation and annihilation operators at site i and spin σ, and hiji
denotes all pairs of nearest-neighbor sites. t is the strength of the hopping term, i.e., the
kinetic energy, and niσ is the occupation number of spin state σ at site i. We parametrize
the interaction Uij = e2 /rij by its value U between nearest-neighbor sites. The Coulomb
repulsion between two electrons at the same site is described by the Hubbard interaction UH
The random potential values ϕi are chosen independently from a box distribution of width
2W0 and zero mean. The boundary conditions are periodic and the Coulomb interaction is
treated in the minimum image convention (which implies a cut-off at a distance of L/2).
A numerically exact solution of a quantum many-particle system requires the diagonal-
ization of a matrix whose dimension increases exponentially with system size. This severely
limits the possible sample sizes. In order to overcome this problem we have developed the
HFD method. The basic idea is to work in a truncated Hilbert space consisting of the
corresponding Hartree-Fock (Slater) ground state and the low-lying excited Slater states.
For each disorder configuration three steps have to be performed: (i) find the Hartree-Fock
solution of the problem, (ii) determine the B Slater states with the lowest energies, and
(iii) calculate and diagonalize the Hamilton matrix in the subspace spanned by these states.
The number B of new basis states determines the quality of the approximation, reasonable
values have to be found empirically.
100 t=
G(0) [e2/h]
10 0.1
10-4 0.01
(a) (b)
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 0 0.5 1 1.5 2
FIG. 1. d.c. conductance G(0) for a system of 4 × 4 lattice sites occupied by (a) 8 spinless
electrons or (b) 8 spin-up and 8 spin-down electrons for different U and t. The disorder strength
is fixed to W0 = 1, the Hubbard energy is UH = 0.5, the broadening is γ = 0.0625, and the HFD
basis size is B = 500. The data points represent logarithmical averages over 400 samples.
seems to vanish at a larger kinetic energy (which we did not reach in the simulations). A sys-
tematic investigation of the dependence of the conductance on U and UH will be published
In summary, we have studied the influence of electron-electron interactions on Anderson
localization for spinless and spinful electrons in two dimensions. For strong disorder moder-
ate interactions significantly enhance the transport. This enhancement is much stronger for
spinful than for spinless electrons. Identifying a real phase transition and thus establishing a
connection between these findings and the experiments on Si-MOSFETs requires a finite-size
scaling analysis of the conductance. This remains a task for the future.
This work was supported in part by the NSF under grant no. DMR–98–70597 and by the DFG
under grant no. SFB 393/C2. T.V. thanks the Aspen Center for Physics and the University of
Oregon for hospitality during the completion of this paper.
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