It 405 Ac 11 2013

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CHAROTAR UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY Seventh Semester of B. Tech. Examination (CE/IT) Now 2013 17405 Advanced Computing Date: 23.11.2013, Saturday ‘Time: 10:00 am To 01:00 pm “Maximum Marks: 70 Instructions: ‘The question paper comprises of two sections. Section and I must be attempted in separate aniswer sheets Make suitable assumptions and draw neat figures wherever required Use of scientific calculator is allowed SECTION ~ Q-1 (a) What is cloud computing? List and Explain the roots of cloud computing? {05} (b) Write the limitations of cloud computing application, (02) Q-2 (a) What is virwalization? Explain any three types of virtualization in brief. What is Full [04] Virtualization and Pare virtualization? Write the difference between Full viriualization and Para virtualization, (b) Explain the cloud computing deployment mode! with example. List and explain the (07) Characteristics of Cloud Computing. What are the pros and cons of cloud computing? (©) “Para-virtuslization provides superior performance over full server virtualization.” (03) Justify the statement. What is hypervisor? oR Q-2 (a) What is Xen hypervisor? What are the purposes of Domain 0 and Domain U in Xen (04) virtualization? (b) Explain the cloud computing delivery mode! with example, Explain the deployment (07) of cloud computing in brief (c) Whatis hypervisors? Write the differences between type | hypervisors [03] and type 2 hypervisors? What is hypervisor? Explain desktop virtualization and epplication virtualization, Q-3 (a) What is MPICH cluster? Explain the role of /etc/hosts file and shared directory in it. [07] Write down the steps to Setup compute cluster using MPICH library in Ubuntu (b) Google App Engine provides the facility of Platform as a Service (PaaS). Justify the [07] statement. List the steps to deploy application on Google App Engine. What is Google App Engine? List and explain the functionality provided by Google App Engine? oR Page 1of 2 Q-3 (a) What is Map Reduce programming? Explain the purpose of scaling out and combiner [07] function with example. What is Hedoop? Explain how Hedoop is used in distributed computing? (b) What is job tracker and task trackers in Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS)? List [07] the Areas where HDFS is no! a good fit, Write the functionalities of name node and data node in Hadoop. SECTION - 11 Q-4 Define cluster computing and explain its components with an architecture diagram in (07] detail. Q5 (a) (@ There are five nodes in a cluster with response time of 10,20,30,40 and 50 nano [04] seconds respectively. To expand the cluster, 5 more nodes with response time 20,40,60,80,150 nano seconds ere added. After adding new nodes, will the performance of sysiem improve or degrade as a whole? =, Gi) Differentiate between cluster, grid and cloud computing. [03] (b) Explain the role of RMS (Resource Management and Scheduling) technique in (07) Resource Scheduling in cluster computing. OR (b) Explain HPVM (High Performance Virtual Machine) and CLUMPS (Clusters of [07] SMP) with their advantages. Q6 (a) (i) Why Grid is consider as next generation intemet? How Grid provides restricted [04] acess to resources? Gi)List major grid computing methods and discuss any one, 03] (b) Explain the role of virtual organization in grid computing, 107] OR (b) Discuss in detail implementing production grids. 07) Page 2 of 2

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