HAM PHASE II - 5.50m Width

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Name of the Project:- HAM PHASE II Flexible pavement (5MSA) Intermediate lane with earthen shoulder including
10% Built up Section with CC pavement (Length 1 Km)

Sr. No. Item Amount Amount

(in Rupees) (in Cr)
1 Site Clearance and Dismantelling 80,625.00
2 Excavation And Earthwork/ Subgrade 69,56,536.09
3 Sub- Bases, Bases ( GSB 150mm, WMM 250mm) 89,20,263.58
4 Bases and Surface Course ( Bituminous 50mm DBM, 30mm BC) 63,63,873.75
5 Cement Concrete Pavement (DLC 150mm, PQC 280mm) 25,38,922.55
6 CD Structures/ Minor Bridges/Culverts (for 10m width)
Culvert 1 No per Km 6,00,000.00 6,00,000.00
Box Culvert 0.15 No per Km 7,00,000.00 1,05,000.00
MNB 0.1 No per Km 12,00,000.00 1,20,000.00
7 Drainage and Protection Works
Earthen Drain 900 Rmt 35.00 31,500.00
RCC Drain 150 Rmt 8,500.00 12,75,000.00
Drain @ HPC
8 Junctions
0.25 No per Km 10,00,000.00 2,50,000.00
9 Road Safety (Traffic Signs, Markings & Road Appruntenances)
1 No per Km 5,00,000.00 5,00,000.00
10 Project Facilty
1 No per Km 5,00,000.00 5,00,000.00
11 Miscellaneous
Utility Pipe 1 No per Km 1,00,000.00 1,00,000.00
12 Road Side Arboriculture /Tree Plantation
Utility Pipe 160 Rmt per Km 2,300.00 3,68,000.00

1 CIVIL COST 2,87,09,720.97 2.87

A Total Civil Cost of the Project 28709720.97 2.87
i Add Royalty Charges @ 5% of Civil Cost 14,35,486.05 0.14
B Total Civil Cost at the time of Project Preparation (A+i) 30145207.02 3.01
ii i) Periodic Maintenance charges @2.5 % 7,17,743.02 0.07
iii ii) Contingencies - Price Escalation @ 5 % of Civil Cost 14,35,486.05 0.14
C Total EPC Cost = B + ii + iii 3,22,98,436.09 3.23
iv GST @ 18% ( On C Cost) = 58,13,718.50 0.58
D Total Civil Cost Including GST @ 18% (D)= 3,81,12,154.59 3.81
v i) Authority Engineer charges @ 2% of (C) above 7,62,243.09 0.08
vi ii) Project Management Services charges 0.50% of (C) above 1,61,492.18 0.02
vii iii) Tree Cutting / Utility Shifting** 14,35,486.05 0.14
E Total Cost Uptodate 4,04,71,375.91
viii MSIDC Agency Charges 20,23,568.80 0.20
F Total Project Cost including Centages ( E+F ) 4,24,94,944.70 4.25
Per Km Project Cost 4.25
TCS Type- 5.5m BT width with 1.75m side shoulder each side (Formation Width 9m)

Reconstruction Flexible Pavement Length 1.000 Km

C/way 5.50 m width BC Soil - 25% Length
Paved Shoulder 0.00 m width CBR 8%
Earthen Shoulder 1.75 m width
Urban Section 1.00 m width
RCC Drain 0.75 m width

Measurement Sheet of TCS-7m

SSR Amount
Sr No Description No Length Width Depth Qty Unit Total Qty Rate Amount (Rs.)
Item No (Cr.)
A Site Clearance & Dismantling
Dismantling of Flexible
1 3.10 Pavements of Bituminous 1 1000 3.75 0.05 187.50 Cum 187.50 430.00 80,625.00 0.01
B Earthwork
Cut Qty- 1 1000 (5.75+7.75)/2 0.5 3375.00 Cum
Deduct qty as per sr no 1.12, for
flexible pavement dismantling
Net Cut Qty in Excavation- 3187.50
2 2.11 Ex. for roadway in soil. 3375 20% Cum 675.00 Cum
Ex. For BC Soil replacement 1 250 14.16 0.50 1770.00 Cum
Ex. For BC Soil replacement (at
2 100 1.00 0.50 100.00 Cum
2545.00 Cum 2545.00 119.00 3,02,855.00 0.03
3 2.13 Ex. for roadway in Hard Murum 3375 78% Cum 2632.50 Cum 2632.50 139.00 3,65,917.50 0.04
4 2.14 Ex. for roadway in Soft Rock 3375 2% Cum 67.50 Cum 67.50 177.00 11,947.50 0.00
Conveying materials obtained
from road cutting and Preparing
embankment to 97 % S.P.D.
5 2.25
for a lead of 50 to 300 m.

Qty taken from Utlized %

Ex. for roadway in Hard Murum 3375 78% 100% 2632.50
Ex. for roadway in Soft Rock 3375 2% 100% 67.50
Qty as per item no. 3 & 4
Total- 2700.00 Cum 2700.00 195.00 5,26,500.00 0.05
Providing earthwork from Other
6 2.28
i) Embankment Qty 1 1000 13.16 0.2 3232.00 Cum
for Reconstruction
Murum filling for BC Soil
ii) 1 250 13.16 0.50 1645.00
iii) Subgrade for Reconstruction 1 900 (11.16+13.16)/2 0.50 5472.00
vi) Murum Shoulder Filling 2 1000 (1.75+2.43)/2 0.34 1421.20
iii) Subgrade for Urban Section 2 100 1.00 0.50 100.00
Total 11870.20 Cum
Qty deduction as per Item No.
Net filling qty from outside- Net Fill Qty- 9170.20 Cum 9170.20 575.20 52,74,699.04 0.53
Transportation of unsuitable Soil
7 1 Km
& Hard Rock
from Soil 3375 20% Cum 675.00 Cum
BC Soil Qty 1870 1870.00
2545.00 Cum 2545.00 186.49 4,74,617.05 0.05
C Base & Sub Base
Rigid Pavement
G.S.B. with Gr.I close graded
8 3.01 1 100 7.00 0.20 140.00 Cum
Material by Plant Mix Method.
Flexible Pavement
GSB for Open Country
G.S.B. with Gr.I close graded
3.01 1 900 (10.36+11.16)/2 0.15 1452.60 Cum
Material by Plant Mix Method.
3.01 for Urban Section 2 100 1.00 0.20 40.00 Cum
Total- 1492.60 Cum 1492.60 2664.55 39,77,107.33 0.40
9 3.23 Wet Mix Macadam
for Open Country 1 1000 7.30 0.25 1825.00
for Urban Section 2 100 1.00 0.25 50.00
Total- 1875.00 Cum 1875.00 2636.35 49,43,156.25 0.49
D Pavement
Flexible Pavement
for Main C/way & PS
Primer coat at the rate of 0.60
10 3.29 1 900 7.00 6300.00 Sqm 6300.00 35.80 2,25,540.00 0.02
kg/sqm on Granular Base
Measurement Sheet of TCS-7m
SSR Amount
Sr No Description No Length Width Depth Qty Unit Total Qty Rate Amount (Rs.)
Item No (Cr.)
Tack Coat on Granular surface
11 3.32 with primer using Bitumen VG- 1 900 7.00 6300.00 Sqm 6300.00 20.00 1,26,000.00 0.01
30 at 2.75 Kg /10 Sq.m
D.B.M. Gr-1 SCADA Batch Mix
12 3.44 with VG-30 and Stone Dust 1 900 7.00 0.05 315.00 Cum 315.00 10896.70 34,32,460.50 0.34
Tack Coat using Bitumen VG-
13 3.30 1 900 7.00 6300.00 Sqm 6300.00 19.15 1,20,645.00 0.01
30 at 2.50 Kg /10 Sq.m
B.C. Gr-1 with SCADA and
14 3.48 Batch Mix with 5.2% Bitumen 1 900 7.00 0.03 189.00 Cum 189.00 11975.75 22,63,416.75 0.23
VG-30 and Stone dust Filler.
for Urban Section
Primer coat at the rate of 0.60
15 3.29 2 100 1.00 200.00 Sqm 200.00 35.80 7,160.00 0.00
kg/sqm on Granular Base

Tack Coat on Granular surface

16 3.32 with primer using Bitumen VG- 2 100 1.00 200.00 Sqm 200.00 20.00 4,000.00 0.00
30 at 2.75 Kg /10 Sq.m
D.B.M. Gr-1 SCADA Batch Mix
17 3.44 with VG-30 and Stone Dust 2 100 1.00 0.05 10.00 Cum 10.00 10896.70 1,08,967.00 0.01
Tack Coat using Bitumen VG-
18 3.30 2 100 1.00 200.00 Sqm 200.00 19.15 3,830.00 0.00
30 at 2.50 Kg /10 Sq.m
B.C. Gr-1 with SCADA and
19 3.48 Batch Mix with 5.2% Bitumen 2 100 1.00 0.03 6.00 Cum 6.00 11975.75 71,854.50 0.01
VG-30 and Stone dust Filler.
Rigid Pavement
20 5.13 Dry Lean Cement Concrete 1 100 7.30 0.15 109.50 Cum 109.50 4348.10 4,76,116.95 0.05
M-40 PCC Concrete Road With
21 5.09 Batch Mix Plant Fly Ash and 1 100 7.00 0.28 196.00 Cum 196.00 8350.85 16,36,766.60 0.16
with Paver.
Providing and fixing 32 mm
22 5.14 1 7.00 0.30 m C/C 22 Nos
diameter dowel bars.
No of Joints 1 100 4.50 m C/C 21 Nos
Total Qty- 462 Nos 462 538.00 2,48,556.00 0.02
Providing and fixing 12 mm dia.
23 5.16 1 100 0.50 m C/C 199 Nos 199 306.00 60,894.00 0.01
HYSD tie bars.
Cutting transverse contraction
24 5.17 1 100 4.50 m C/C 21 No.
21 7.00 147 Rmt
1 100 100 Rmt
Total- 247.00 Rmt 247.00 76.00 18,772.00 0.00
Providing polysuphide sealent
25 5.18 Total- 247.00 Rmt 247.00 311.00 76,817.00 0.01
to contraction joints.
Providing and laying 125 micron
26 5.19 1 100 7.00 Total- 700.00 Sqm 700.00 30.00 21,000.00 0.00
LDPE sheet
2,48,60,220.97 2.49

Summary- Cost in Rs. Cost in Cr. Cost per Km in%

Site Clearance & Dismantling 80,625 0.01 80,625 0.32%
Earthwork 69,56,536 0.70 69,56,536 27.98%
Base & Sub Base 89,20,264 0.89 89,20,264 35.88%
Flexible Pavement 63,63,874 0.64 63,63,874 25.60%
Rigid Pavement 25,38,923 0.25 25,38,923 10.21%
Total Cost 2,48,60,221.0 2.49 2,48,60,221 100.00%
9.00 m
C/Way 5.50 m BC 30 mm
PS 0.00 m 0.25 0.25 DBM 60 mm
ES 1.75 m ES PS C/Way PS ES WMM 250 mm
9.00 m 1.75 m 0 m 5.5 m 0 m 1.75 m GSB 200 mm
Widths BC 30 mm Subgrade 500 mm
Roadway 9.00 m DBM 60 mm BC Soil 500 mm
BC/DBM 5.5 m WMM 250 mm Total- 1540 mm
2.43 m 6 m 2.43 m
WMM 6 m
GSB 10.76 m 10.36 m
Subgrade 12.16 m GSB 200 mm
BC Soil 13.16 m 11.16 m

Subgrade 500 mm

13.16 m

BC Soil 500 mm

13.16 m

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