Whats The Use of Wondrin Sheet Music
Whats The Use of Wondrin Sheet Music
Whats The Use of Wondrin Sheet Music
Assai moderato JULIE: (softly and earnestly)
What’s the use of won - d’rin’ if he’s good or if he’s bad, Or
if you like the way he wears his hat? Oh! what’s the use of won - d’rin’, If he’s
good or if he’s bad? He’s your fel - ler and you love him. That’s all there is to
Copyright © 1945 by WILLIAMSON MUSIC
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SheetMusicDirect.com Order 9200438 | 1 copy purchased by Julie Turner on Oct 27, 2023 at 8:22am CDT
that. Com - mon sense may tell you that the
mf p
end - in’ will be sad, And now’s the time to break and run a -
way. But what’s the use of won - d’rin’ if the
end - in’ will be sad? He’s your fel - ler and you love him.
SheetMusicDirect.com Order 9200438 | 1 copy purchased by Julie Turner on Oct 27, 2023 at 8:22am CDT
There’s noth - in’ more to say.
Some - thin’ made him the way that he is, Wheth - er he’s false or
true And some - thin’ gave him the things that are his
One of those things is you. So When he wants your kiss - es you will
mf p
SheetMusicDirect.com Order 9200438 | 1 copy purchased by Julie Turner on Oct 27, 2023 at 8:22am CDT
give them to the lad, And an - y - where he leads you, you will
walk and an - y - time he needs you, you’ll go
(a tempo)
run - nin’ there like mad! You’re his girl and he’s your fel - ler
(a tempo)
(rit.) ( )
And all the rest is “talk!”
SheetMusicDirect.com Order 9200438 | 1 copy purchased by Julie Turner on Oct 27, 2023 at 8:22am CDT