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18, 2023

Time Activities Specific Objective Technique on

supervision/ Resource
person/ Materials

2:00 pm – 2:30 pm Arrival at the hospital To meet with the other group c/o Head Nurses

2:30 pm – 2:50 pm Orientation to Duty To Orient and prepare the c/o Head nurses
area, and Tasks group to go on duty

2: 50 pm – 3:00 pm Patient Assignment Assign patients to each student c/o Head nurses with
approval from Clinical

3:00 pm – 3:30 pm Endorsement To obtain data about the 2nd year students
patient and to know what to supervised by HN and
anticipate in providing care Clinical Instructor

3:30 pm – 4:00 pm Receiving the patient; To establish rapport and gather Divide into subgroups
Initial assessment; baseline data for nursing care; and assign a HN to each
Initial bedside care; and carry out initial bedside
With guided rounds care; H/N will also do rounds
from H/N and check on 2nd years and
guide them accordingly

4:00 pm – 4:30 pm Check medications, To perform and carry out Individual supervision
carry out doctor’s existing or to start orders with Clinical Instructor
orders, bedside care and HN

4: 30 pm – 5:30 am Checking of initial Checking initial gathered VS c/o HN and with

gathered data, and and prepare/guide Focus for supervision of the
plotting FDAR Charting; guiding in Clinical Instructor
TPR Sheet

5:30 pm – 6:00 pm Taking VS for 6 pm and For the students to experience c/o HN By subgroup
giving medications due basic tasks at the hospital supervision
at 6 pm, CBG setting and to assess their
monitoring knowledge about pharma.

6:00 pm – 6:30 Charting of the patient’s For the students to be able to c/o HN and with
vital signs using pencil, see the content of a patient supervision of the
referring abnormal vital chart, and to learn what to do Clinical Instructor
signs to CI/ staff nurses in case there is abnormal vital
and start sample signs of the patients. To learn
charting. what is the content the nurse’s
notes using the FDAR

6:30 pm – 8:00 pm FDAR Charting To finalize the sample chart c/o HN and Clinical
Instructor. Individual

8:00 pm- 9:00 pm Bedside Care and Continue Bedside care and c/o HN and with
prepare for 10pm VS prepare to take 10pm VS and supervision of Clinical
taking / plotting plot accordingly Instructor

8:00 pm- 9:00pm Shift by Shift Break Have break; divide students by

9:00 pm - 10:30 pm Reviewing the patient’s To make sure that all c/o HN and Clinical
chart for documentation necessary data are transcribed Instructor. Individual
(e.g. VS, TPR, in the patient’s chart checking

10:30 - 11: 15 pm Aftercare, re-checking Discuss, Evaluate, and Critic c/o HN and Clinical
the status of patients Instructor
post conference with
2nd-year students Evaluation as a group

Time Activities Specific Objective Technique on

supervision/ Resource
person/ Materials

2:30 pm – 2:50 pm Arrival at the hospital To meet with the other group c/o Head Nurses

2: 50 pm – 3:00 pm Patient Assignment Assign patients to each student c/o Head nurses with
approval from Clinical

3:00 pm – 3:30 pm Endorsement To obtain data about the 2nd year students
patient and to know what to supervised by HN and
anticipate in providing care Clinical Instructor

3:30 pm – 4:00 pm Receiving the patient; To establish rapport and gather Divide into subgroups
Initial assessment; baseline data for nursing care; and assign a HN to each
Initial bedside care; and carry out initial bedside
guided rounds from HN care; H/N will also do rounds
and check on 2nd years and
guide them accordingly

4:00 pm – 4:30 pm Check medications, To perform and carry out Individual supervision
carry out doctor’s existing or to start orders with Clinical Instructor
orders, bedside care and HN

4: 30 pm – 5:30 am Checking of initial Checking initial gathered VS c/o HN and with

gathered data, and and prepare/guide Focus for supervision of the
plotting FDAR Charting; guiding in Clinical Instructor
TPR Sheet

5:30 pm – 6:00 pm Taking VS for 6 pm and For the students to experience c/o HN By subgroup
giving medications due basic tasks at the hospital supervision
at 6 pm, CBG setting and to assess their
monitoring knowledge about pharma.

6:00 pm – 6:30 Charting of the patient’s For the students to be able to c/o HN and with
vital signs using pencil, see the content of a patient supervision of the
referring abnormal vital chart, and to learn what to do Clinical Instructor
signs to CI/ staff nurses in case there is abnormal vital
and start sample signs of the patients. To learn
charting. what is the content the nurse’s
notes using the FDAR

6:30 pm – 8:00 pm FDAR Charting To finalize the sample chart c/o HN and Clinical
Instructor. Individual

8:00 pm- 9:00 pm Bedside Care and Continue Bedside care and c/o HN and with
prepare for 10pm VS prepare to take 10pm VS and supervision of Clinical
taking / plotting plot accordingly Instructor

8:00 pm- 9:00pm Shift by Shift Break Have break; divide students by

9:00 pm - 10:30 pm Reviewing the patient’s To make sure that all c/o HN and Clinical
chart for documentation necessary data are transcribed Instructor. Individual
(e.g. VS, TPR, in the patient’s chart checking

10:30 - 11: 15 pm Aftercare, re-checking Discuss, Evaluate, and Critic c/o HN and Clinical
the status of patients Instructor
post conference with
2nd-year students Evaluation as a group

Time Activities Specific Objective Technique on

supervision/ Resource
person/ Materials

2:30 pm – 2:50 pm Arrival at the hospital To meet with the other group c/o Head Nurses

2: 50 pm – 3:00 pm Patient Assignment Assign patients to each student c/o Head nurses with
approval from Clinical

3:00 pm – 3:30 pm Endorsement To obtain data about the 2nd year students
patient and to know what to supervised by HN and
anticipate in providing care Clinical Instructor

3:30 pm – 4:00 pm Receiving the patient; To establish rapport and gather Divide into subgroups
Initial assessment; baseline data for nursing care; and assign a HN to each
Initial bedside care and carry out initial bedside

4:00 pm – 4:30 pm Check medications, To perform and carry out Individual supervision
carry out doctor’s existing or to start orders with Clinical Instructor
orders, bedside care and HN

4: 30 pm – 5:30 am Checking of initial Checking initial gathered VS c/o HN and with

gathered data, and and prepare/guide Focus for supervision of the
plotting FDAR Charting; guiding in Clinical Instructor
TPR Sheet

5:30 pm – 6:00 pm Taking VS for 6 pm and For the students to experience c/o HN By subgroup
giving medications due basic tasks at the hospital supervision
at 6 pm, CBG setting and to assess their
monitoring knowledge about pharma.

6:00 pm – 6:15 Charting of the patient’s For the students to be able to c/o HN and with
vital signs using pencil, see the content of a patient supervision of the
referring abnormal vital chart, and to learn what to do Clinical Instructor
signs to CI/ staff nurses in case there is abnormal vital
and start sample signs of the patients. To learn
charting. what is the content the nurse’s
notes using the FDAR

6:15 pm – 7:30 pm FDAR Charting To finalize the sample chart c/o HN and Clinical
Instructor. Individual

7:30 pm- 8:00 pm Bedside Care and Continue Bedside care and c/o HN and with
prepare for 10pm VS prepare to take 10pm VS and supervision of Clinical
taking / plotting plot accordingly Instructor

8:00 pm- 9:00pm Shift by Shift Break Have break; divide students by

9:00 pm - 10:00 pm Reviewing the patient’s To make sure that all c/o HN and Clinical
chart for documentation necessary data are transcribed Instructor. Individual
(e.g. VS, TPR, in the patient’s chart checking

10:00 – 10:15 pm Aftercare, re-checking Perform aftercare and cleaning c/o HN and Clinical
the status of patients up of charts Instructor
10:15pm – 10:45pm Rotational Exam Rotational Exam c/o Head Nurse

10:45pm – 11:00pm post conference with Discuss, Evaluate, and Critic c/o HN and Clinical
2nd-year students Instructor

Evaluation as a group

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