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Journal of Advanced

Environmental effects of enhanced oil recovery Environmental

methods Research and

Sheerzad Ahmadzadeh1 ,Parya Torkaman2, Seyedeh Saba Kalati3, Arezou

Jafari2*, Ramin Karimzadeh2* Vol. 1, No.1
page 39-48 ,winter 2023
1. Department of petroleum engineering, Amirkabir university of Technology, Received 5 November 2022
Tehran, Iran Accepted 18 February 2023
2. Faculty of Chemical Engineering, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran
3. Department of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering, Sharif University of Tech-
nology, Tehran, Iran

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Nowadays, application of enhanced oil recovery methods has

increased; therefore it’s necessary to determine their impacts
on environment and human life. So, this research investigates
the environmental impacts of conventional enhanced oil recov-
ery methods and new methods such as using electromagnetic
waves, ultrasound waves, and nanoparticles. The investigations
show that electromagnetic waves and ultrasound can effectively
remove many environmental pollutants. Characteristics of the key words
wave and the type of formation determine that these waves have
different effects on the formation, and efforts should be made environmental effects
to understand these effects to prevent damage to the formation.
Nanoparticles can also reduce the quantity of pollutants in the enhancing oil recovery
environment. According to the mechanisms of entrapment of
nanoparticles in the porous medium, they may remain in the heavy oil upgrading
reservoir and find their way to the underground water over time,
electromagnetic waves
so their environmental effects should be considered in the long
[ DOI: 10.22034/jaert.1.1.39 ]

term. A better knowledge of new methods of increasing oil ex- ultrasound waves
traction will lead to the identification and use of more suitable
methods with less environmental effects (compared to conven- nanoparticles
tional methods).
*To whom correspondence should be addressed:
[email protected] , [email protected]
Sheerzad Ahmadzadeh, et al, ...

1. Introduction physical properties and upgrade the quality. Heavy

Nowadays, energy production is one of the most oil has a low ability to absorb these waves, so the
critical issues in the world. With the advancement use of nanoparticles improves this process and
of technology, in addition to fossil fuels, other absorbs these waves. On the other hand, there is
sources of energy production have also been used, evidence that the combination of ultrasonic meth-
and the amount of energy from fossil fuels has ods and catalytic nanoparticles due to the cavita-
decreased in recent years. However, a large part tion phenomena and the combination of catalytic
of the energy needed in the world is still provided nanoparticles and electromagnetic wave radiation
through fossil fuels and mainly from crude oil. On increases electromagnetic heating and the efficien-
the other hand, considering the decrease of light cy of nanocatalysts [3],[4]. Enhancing oil recovery
crude oil resources, it is necessary to use more and heavy oil upgrading through the simultaneous
heavy and extra heavy oil reservoirs. The use of using waves and nanocatalysts or nanoparticles
heavy crude oil is not desirable due to its high vis- has the advantages of thermal recovery and in-si-
cosity and high amounts of sulfur, heavy metals, tu upgrading. Furthermore, these approaches are
and nitrogen. For this reason, many heavy crude economical and environmentally friendly since, in
oil reservoirs have remained untouched. The high this research, the effects of these processes have
viscosity of heavy oil causes friction between the been investigated. In general, the various methods
oil and the reservoir’s wall and pipe, resulting in a of enhancing oil recovery should have the least ad-
pressure drop in the pipe and transmission lines. As verse environmental effects. Also, these methods
a result, due to the low driving force in heavy oil do not endanger the ability of future generations
reservoirs to overcome the pressure drop induced to meet their needs, so evaluating the environmen-
by the high viscosity of the fluid, the recovery fac- tal effects of various processes of enhancing oil
tors in such reservoirs are deficient, and oil trans- recovery before and after accomplishing them is
mission would be associated with some problems critical. The various parameters examined in as-
and difficulties [1]. Heavy oil recovery is more sessing environmental effects are shown in Figure
complicated than conventional oil reservoirs due 1. Since many aspects of these methods have not
to the inherent characteristics of these reservoirs, been fully investigated, investigating environmen-
such as very high viscosity, low oil mobility, high tal effects is needed for a more reasonable and
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ratio of carbon to hydrogen, and a high number practical understanding of these processes. There-
of heteroatoms [2]. So far, heat recovery methods fore, this research investigates the environmental
such as thermal EOR methods, including steam effects of current enhancing oil recovery processes
flooding, cyclic steam stimulation, In-situ com- [4 -5].
bustion and steam assisted gravity drainage have Therefore, the environmental effects of con-
been used. Although these methods are technically ventional methods of enhanced oil recovery are
successful, there are still economic and environ- briefly and usefully discussed. Then the environ-

Figure1-The parameters examined in the assessment of environmental effects

mental challenges because they are expensive and mental effects of new techniques for enhancing
emit many greenhouse gases, such as carbon di- oil recovery are discussed and investigated. The
[ DOI: 10.22034/jaert.1.1.39 ]

oxide, into the environment. The abovementioned methodology of environmental impact assessment
obstacles have all become a driving force for a bet- of enhanced oil recovery methods in this research
ter solution for oil recovery in these reservoirs [2]. is depicted in Figure 2.
The use of new methods of enhancing oil recovery, 1.1. Environmental effects of conventional
such as electromagnetic and ultrasound heating, methods of enhancing oil recovery
could warm the oil, decrease viscosity, improve its
Journal of Advanced Environmental Research and Technology 40
Environmental effects of enhanced oil ...

Figure2- The methodology of environmental impact assessment of enhanced oil recovery methods
- Water Flooding oil, and drilling mud to the surface. As a result of
The first environmental effect of water flood- the Tinsley Field explosion, Danbury Resources
ing is the risks caused by corrosion and leakage; Company was forced to clean 27,000 tons of con-
of course, these risks are attending in all recov- taminated soil and 32,000 barrels of liquid from
ery processes. As a result of this process, large the environment [7].
amounts of water are produced and consumed; - Thermal method (steam injection)
the produced water needs to be treated and han- The most significant environmental effect of the
dled. Storage of this water has little safety, and its thermal method of enhancing oil recovery could
treatment or purification for other uses is often ex- be the consumption of a considerable amount of
pensive. This amount of water could later cause energy and fuel to produce and refine a relatively
more pollution, especially on the earth’s surface. small amount of oil. However, recently solar en-
Also, this process is caused to sinkhole formation ergy has been utilized in some thermal processes
and the collapse of some formations due to water to reduce fossil fuel consumption in steam injec-
movement through the water wells; an example of tion. However, the energy consumption of this
the formation of this sinkholes has been observed approach is still elevated. Like other recovery
in West Texas [7]. methods, this method also has the risk of corrosion
-Immiscible CO2 injection and destruction, which can cause the well to fail
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When CO2 reacts with water in oil formations, it and eventually leak and explode. Since some for-
produces carbonic acid, lowering the formation’s mations may contain more acidic compounds, the
pH and creating a corrosive environment that can risk of corrosion and hydrogen sulfide production
increase the risk of subsurface issues such as leaks depends on the location of the well compared to
and blowouts. Also, the blowout can create more the CO2 injection method. The high temperature
leakage paths to subsurface water. In addition, of the injected steam causes additional pressure
the built acidic environment (with low pH) can on the wells, so the wells must be built to resist
cause the irritation and dissolution of some rare temperature-related destruction. Construction is
and polluting elements such as barium, calcium, the most critical factor in preventing leakage and
chromium, strontium, and iron in the underground explosion in enhancing oil recovery. A miserable
and produce hydrogen sulfide. It is a very toxic example of safety issues and surface contamina-
gas that may be present in the reservoir before in- tion from a blowout during the thermal recovery
jecting CO2. If there is a leak, there is a possibility process occurred in June 2011 in California’s old-
of its release, and it can cause underground wa- est oil field[7].
ter pollution and even the death of people in the - Thermal method (in situ combustions)
oil well derrick [7]. The explosion in the injection In the in-situ combustion method and during
well causes the release of CO2 into the air. The re- the combustion process at high temperatures, wa-
lease of this gas and air pollution can harm wild ter-soluble secondary chemical compounds (for
animals and people in that area. In 2011, a 37-day- example, metals and metal oxides) are formed.
[ DOI: 10.22034/jaert.1.1.39 ]

long explosion at Tinsley Field, Mississippi, poi- Excessive heating of sand can cause corrosion in
soned the oil field workers and choked animals in wall of pipes and fluid leakage. Also, it’s difficult
the area. In addition to the mentioned cases, ex- to remove produced water with acidic properties
plosions near the surface can cause environmental and containing petroleum and pollutant metals. In
pollution due to the entrance of production fluids, short, the possibility of groundwater pollution in

41 Journal of Advanced Environmental Research and Technology

Sheerzad Ahmadzadeh, et al, ...

enhancing oil recovery, particularly in areas where rises with increasing temperature. At the same
underground water is the primary source of water time, water vapor can modify the soil structure and
production, should be considered [5]. increase its porosity, which is favorable for pollut-
2. Environmental effects of the method of en- ant mass transfer. Moreover, the more significant
hancing oil recovery by electromagnetic waves difference between pollutant boiling point and soil
temperature caused the more significant effect of
Electromagnetic waves include very low fre-
pollutant polarity in selective heating on pollutant
quency, low frequency, radio waves, microwaves,
removal efficiency. Finally, considering the ad-
infrared, visible light, ultraviolet, X-rays, and gam-
equate removal of pollutants in wet soil samples
ma rays [9]. Bara and Babadagli, (2015) stated that
(10%) compared to dry soil samples, it can be said
in this method, fewer greenhouse gases are emit-
that water significantly increases the effectiveness
ted compared to other methods of steam-based oil
of soil cleaning due to distillation and the removal
recovery. Also, less water is needed than the steam
of pollution [12].
injection method, so it is more acceptable from an
environmental issue. Microwave waves can cause Some ionizing waves, such as X-rays and gam-
the destruction of bacteria in the soil and reservoir ma waves contain a level of electromagnetic ener-
areas affected by the waves [10]. Microwave heat- gy that could destroy the atoms and molecules in
ing is used to clean environments contaminated the body’s organs and change the chemical reac-
with volatile organic compounds (such as poly- tions inside the body. During that, the molecules
cyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), polychlori- are partially or completely converted into ions.
nated biphenols, etc.). Volatile organic compounds These waves could cause damage to the human
are converted into lighter and more volatile com- body. Non-ionizing waves include the range of
pounds during microwave radiation and can be re- low frequencies in the spectrum of electromagnet-
moved from the environment or contaminated soil. ic waves. In this category of waves, the energy of
In this process, the temperature increase causes electromagnetic waves is less than the amount that
the pollutants to enter the vapor phase and exit the can leave effects on atomic levels, but these waves
soil [11]. The results of the research of Falciglia can only create thermal effects.
et al., (2017). show that the removal rate of PAH Typical sources producing these waves usually
pollutants in microwave heating with 1000 W do not have enough energy to damage human tis-
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and time irradiation over 10 minutes is about 70- sues. However, at higher power waves that occur
100%. The four primary effective mechanisms in in high-voltage power and transmitters, there is a
removing PAHs are thermal desorption, molecular possibility that they could have long-term effects
bond cracking, selective thermal evaporation, and on human health. Some researchers have stated
removal of contaminants due to steam distillation that exposure to non-ionizing waves with high
processes, which are presented in Figure 3. Selec- power density can cause risks such as cancer, tu-
tive heating occurs when soil and pollutants con- mor, headache, fatigue, Alzheimer’s, and Parkin-
vert the absorbed microwave energy into heat due son’s disease. However, until now, researchers
to their different dielectric properties. Generally, have not discussed the effects of long-term ex-
the solubility of organic compounds in the water posure. Exposure to non-ionizing radiation is not
[ DOI: 10.22034/jaert.1.1.39 ]

Figure 3- Mechanisms for removing polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from soil

Journal of Advanced Environmental Research and Technology 42

Environmental effects of enhanced oil ...

safe. Radio waves cover waves with a frequency ated via a longitudinal mechanical wave with a
of 30-300 GHz. These waves can heat human body frequency higher than 20 KHz and are classified
tissue, and in case of prolonged exposure, they into low frequency (20 KHz – 1 MHz) and high
may cause damage to body tissues. Also, there is frequency (above 1 MHz) [17]. Ultrasonic tech-
a possibility that injuries such as skin burns, deep nology is a clean and green technique for degrad-
burns, heat exhaustion, and heatstroke may occur. ing organic pollutants and could remove persistent
The eye is also vulnerable to these waves because organic pollutants, petroleum hydrocarbons, and
the lack of blood flow to cool the cornea can lead heavy metals from the soil. The investigations
to cataracts [9]. demonstrated that the ultrasonic technique is most
Researchers have also investigated the impact useful when utilized with other techniques, such as
of microwave heating on different minerals and Electrokinetic Remediation and soil washing. Ul-
formations. Wang et al., (2016). investigated the trasonic irradiation in several mechanisms based
effects of microwave heating on tight sandstone. on acoustic cavitation could cause inactive mi-
The results revealed that depending on dielec- croorganisms in water [18]. The ultrasonic wave
tric properties, the temperature of tight sandstone could also be used effectively in oil well cleaning,
could rise to 400°C. Thermal expansion gradient removing or preventing asphaltene deposition in
and water loss in clays could cause fractures and the porous medium, removing formation damages
increase permeability and porosity. Furthermore, caused by drilling and completion fluids, etc. [19].
Calcite and Feldspar disappeared as the primary Wag et al., (2020). investigated the impacts of ul-
cement in sandstone [13]. trasonic waves on cores. They observed that ultra-
Zhu et al., (2018). indicated that microwave sonic waves could improve the cores’ permeabili-
heating could develop the pore structure of oil ty depending on the wave’s frequency and power.
shales through Kerogen decomposition, jet flow However, formation damage could also occur in
pressure, evaporation of volatile material, and wave frequencies above 40 KHz [20]. Ghamartale
thermal stress depending on the output power and et al., (2019). investigated the effects of an ultra-
irradiation time [14]. Hu et al., (2018), examined sonic wave with a frequency of 20 kHz and power
the effects of microwave heating with an output of 300 W for 1 minute (7 seconds and 3 minutes
power of 1000w and irradiation time of 3 minutes pause) to investigate the impact of ultrasonic wave
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on different formations, including tight sandstone, on flow behavior and pore structure. The Scan-
sandstone, shale, and carbonate. The results indi- ning Electron Microscope (SEM) results showed
cate that the shales have higher temperatures due that ultrasonic waves could alter rock morpholo-
to the high pyrite, clay, and organic material con- gy by causing microfractures and separating rock
tent. Microwave heating could cause an increase particles. Creating microfractures could result in
in shale flow ability, and shales could crumble into permeability increment, while particle separation
pieces under microwave heating, while the im- could increase or decrease permeability. In Do-
pacts of microwave heating on other samples were lomite samples, ultrasonic waves cannot cause
negligible. In addition, the pores of shale could be fracture propagation and permeability increment
enlarged due to clay shrinkage. Bitumens could because of their heterogeneity, crystalline, and
block pores of shales with low thermal maturity compact texture. In other words, if microfractures
under microwave heating. Microwave heating has were created, it could not result in effective per-
negligible influence on sandstone and carbonate meability due to high heterogeneity and unsuitable
samples because their main components, includ- connection. Also, due to their brittle texture, ultra-
ing quartz and Calcite, are transparent to micro- sonic waves could have more substantial effects
wave heating. In tight sandstones, evaporating of in Limestone samples than in dolomite samples.
water and pore enlargement could cause fractures Furthermore, existing sand and Lithic as loose el-
[15]. Furthermore, the results of Lu et al., (2017). ements in these rock samples could cause accept-
experiments on different minerals revealed that the able migration, while ultrasonic irradiation can
[ DOI: 10.22034/jaert.1.1.39 ]

zones of Ferrum rich could absorb more micro- result in pore throat plugging and permeability
wave heating and have more temperature rise [16]. reduction [21].
3. Environmental impacts of the method of en- 4. Environmental impacts of the method of en-
hancing oil recovery by ultrasonic waves hancing oil recovery by nanoparticles
Ultrasonic waves are the form of energy gener- Nanoparticles due to their small sizes in the na-

43 Journal of Advanced Environmental Research and Technology

Sheerzad Ahmadzadeh, et al, ...

noscale could penetrate the reservoir and inter- tions between nanoparticles and porous medium
act with oil molecules and decompose them into during the flow of nanoparticles in the porous me-
smaller and lighter molecules. They can also have dium.
interactions with rock surfaces and fluid, and con- Guo et al., (2016). showed that in-situ catalysts
sequently alter some of their properties including combined with thermal injection methods could
heat conductivity, density, surface tension reduc- result in the reduction of environmental impacts
tion, wettability, and specific heat improvement on oil production. Besides, Hashemi et al., (2014).
and demulsification [22]. The high surface-to-vol- revealed that when metal nanoparticles are added
ume ratio of nanoparticles and their reactivity en- to thermal injection methods, greenhouse gases
abled them to remove heavy metals, colors, or- release especially CO2 reduces to 50% compared
ganochlorines, organophosphorus, volatile organic with the case without nanoparticles. However,
materials, bacteria, viruses from the environment. in the same process, the production of total gas-
Some of the nanoparticles such as Carbon nano- es such as CO2, CO, H2S, and hydrocarbon gases
tubes, ZVI nanoparticles, and Silver nanoparticles are doubled in the presence of nanoparticles indi-
could be utilized for water treatment. Besides, cating that more H2S might have been produced
nanoparticles such as Zinc Oxide, Titanium Oxide, [2]. Montgomery et al., (2015). showed that H2S
and Tungsten Oxide can be applied as a photocat- production only occurs within a special tempera-
alyst, and change organic pollutants into harmless ture and pressure window, in other words, H2S
materials. Nanoparticles can also remove oil leak- production could be minimal if the process was
ages from water and remove toxic gases from the controlled within a specific operating window
air [23]. [2]. Despite the positive environmental impacts of
The interactions between the injected nanopar- nanoparticles, their toxicity should be determined.
ticles and reservoir pore throat walls or between The toxicity of nanoparticles depends on differ-
nanoparticles could cause considerable retention ent parameters including source, dose, dimension,
of nanoparticles in a porous medium and finally durability, mass, number, surface area, size, sur-
result in wettability alteration of the rock surface face chemistry, aggregation of nanoparticles, as-
and permeability reduction. Some metal nanopar- pect ratio, surface-coating, and function [25]. To
ticles due to larger sizes in comparison with the construct a more helpful comparison and create a
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pore throats might plug the pore throats (Mechan- more proper arrangement between the new meth-
ical plugging). The main mechanism of interac- ods and the conventional methods of enhancing oil
tion between nanoparticles and porous medium is recovery, according to the research conducted and
surface deposition and plugging by nanoparticles the classification of the resulting information was
(mono-particle or multi-particles). This mecha- done. This dialogue is presented in Table 1.
nism mainly depends on the surface charge and 5.Challenges & future work
roughness of the rock or porous medium, the sur-
There are several fundamental issues associated
face charge of nanoparticles, nanoparticle size to
with the environmental impacts of enhanced oil
pore size ratio (separation distance), nanoparticle
recovery methods that need to be addressed in the
concentration, and salinity, temperature, and injec-
tion rate [24].. Figure 4 depicts different interac-
[ DOI: 10.22034/jaert.1.1.39 ]

Figure 4- Different interactions between nanoparticles and porous medium

Journal of Advanced Environmental Research and Technology 44

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Table 1 – Comparison between environmental impacts of conventional enhanced oil recovery methods and new meth-

Substance injection
Main Environ- (steam, polymer, Microwave irradi-
Water Flooding Ultrasonic irradiation Nanoparticle
mental impacts CO2 or Hydrocar- ation
bon gas)
Emissions of SO2,
NOx and dust from
Emissions of SO2, less emission of
the equipment and -
NOx and dust from greenhouse gases in
vehicles used to Could result
the equipment and Ultrasonic enhanced comparison with the
clean, pressurize in reduction in
vehicles used to oil recovery method steam injection as
Impact on air and inject water, greenhouse gas-
transport, pressurize has less negative im- thermal enhanced oil
Emissions of CO2 es when it used
and injection sub- pact on air quality recovery method and
from the equipment steam based
stances (and/or heat other conventional
used to pressurize EOR methods.
steam). EOR methods.
and clean injection
Chemicals penetrat- -consuming
ing subsurface and -Consuming less amount water in
groundwater due to Ultrasonic irradiation water in comparison case of nanopar-
the proximity of the has no negative impact with steam injection ticle flooding
wellbore to ground- on water resource, method.
water. Polymers - It can cause inactive -Microwave irradi- -It could have
and gases are often microorganism in ation could remove negative impact
Impact on wa- Consuming large
injected alongside water in several some of pollutants on water re-
ter resources amount water
water, additionally, mechanisms based on in water resourced sources in case
steam is produced acoustic cavitation. based on wave of reaching to
using local water - Consuming less characteristics and water resource.
resources, which amount water. distance from wave So it›s necessary
causes a slight risk source. to determine
of consuming local their toxicity.
water resources.
Increased land Increased land
take resulting from take resulting from
Increased land
the need to store the need to store
increased land take Increased land take take resulting
water/demineral- water /demineral-
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resulting from the need resulting from the from the need
ization equipment ization equipment
Land usage to install equipment need to install equip- to install equip-
in addition to the in addition to the
required to irradiate ment required to ment required to
equipment required equipment required
ultrasonic wave irradiate microwave inject nanoparti-
for pressurization, for pressurization,
cle with fluid
injection and injec- injection and injec-
tion wells. tion wells.
Visual impact
due to physical
Visual impact due Visual impact due Visual impact due to Visual impact due to
presence of
to physical presence to physical presence physical presence of physical presence of
Visual impacts equipment for
of water storage and of fluid storage and equipment for irradia- equipment for irradi-
injection of
injection equipment injection equipment tion of ultrasonic wave ation of microwave
with fluid
Laboratory results
Laboratory results
showed that micro-
showed that ultrasonic
wave irradiation
waves could cause Small risk
Small risk of Small risk of could cause micro
micro fracture propa- of induced
Seismic dis- induced seismicity induced seismicity fracture propagation
gation and expansion seismicity from
turbance and from the pressures from the pressures and expansion based
based on wave charac- the pressures
subsidence applied during applied during on wave character-
teristics and formation applied during
injection injection istics and formation
type. However, there is injection
type. However,
small risk of induced
there is small risk of
induced seismicity
Noise resulting
[ DOI: 10.22034/jaert.1.1.39 ]

Noise resulting from Noise resulting from from equipment

equipment used to equipment used to noise generated from noise generated from used to pressur-
pressurize and inject pressurize and inject related equipment related equipment ize and inject
the water the substance the fluid and

45 Journal of Advanced Environmental Research and Technology

Sheerzad Ahmadzadeh, et al, ...

* It is essential to conduct more investigations waves on different formations depending on the

on the simultaneous impacts of nanoparticles and formation type and wave characteristics could re-
electromagnetic or ultrasonic waves on the envi- sult in improvement or deterioration of formation
ronment in different aspects including the numeral quality.
of greenhouse gases released, removing pollutants 3- A combination of novel EOR methods with
from the environment, retention of nanoparticles conventional methods may result in a decrease in
in the porous medium, and impacts of electromag- the negative environmental impacts of conven-
netic and ultrasonic waves on the formation in the tional EOR methods. For example, adding metal
presence of nanoparticles. nanoparticles to steam-based EOR methods could
* It is also necessary to prepare comprehensive result in a reduction in CO2 production compared
information on the toxicity and non-toxicity of with the case without nanoparticles. However, it is
nanoparticles. Furthermore, it’s important to do necessary to do more investigations into the simul-
more studies on the environmental impacts of con- taneous impacts of novel and conventional EOR
ventional EOR methods and novel EOR methods methods on the environment.
such as adding nanoparticles to steam-based meth- 4- Based on the different Mechanisms of retention
ods, water flooding, gas injection, etc. of nanoparticles in the porous medium, nanoparti-
6- Conclusion cles could remain in pores and reach the ground
According to the novelty of the new approach waters. Furthermore, nanoparticles could enter the
of heavy oil upgrading and enhanced oil recovery human body while operations, therefore it’s essen-
such as electromagnetic waves, Ultrasonic waves, tial to determine their environmental impacts in
and nanoparticles, there are still undiscovered per- the long term, their toxicity, and their non-toxicity.
formances of the mentioned methods and it’s nec- 5- It is possible for the nanoparticles used to stick
essary to determine their environmental impacts. to the formation of the reservoirs and get trapped
Based on the studies it can be deduced that: in some holes. Therefore, the optimal amount of
nanoparticles to enhance oil recovery and also pre-
1- Novel enhanced oil recovery methods seem to
vent damage to the formation should be taken into
be more eco-friendly and have fewer negative en-
vironmental impacts.
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2- Impacts of electromagnetic and ultrasonic

[ DOI: 10.22034/jaert.1.1.39 ]

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