Eidas Supported Ssi May 2019 0

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The purpose of this document is to stimulate the discussion on how identity management solutions
based on the Decentralised Identity / Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI) paradigms can benefit from the
trust framework created by the eIDAS Regulation.

1. The DID / SSI approach to identity and Verifiable claims

Self-Sovereign Identity is an emerging concept associated with the way identity is managed in the
digital world. According to the Self-Sovereign Identity approach, users should be able to create and
control their own identity, without relying on any centralised authority.

Self-Sovereign Identity is based on the use of Decentralised Identifiers. As stated in the current DID
specification of W3C1:

“Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs) are a new type of identifier for verifiable, "self-sovereign" digital
identity. DIDs are fully under the control of the DID subject, independent from any centralized
registry, identity provider, or certificate authority. DIDs are URLs that relate a DID subject to means
for trustable interactions with that subject. DIDs resolve to DID Documents — simple documents
that describe how to use that specific DID. Each DID Document may contain at least three things:
proof purposes, verification methods, and service endpoints. Proof purposes are combined with
verification methods to provide mechanisms for proving things. For example, a DID Document can
specify that a particular verification method, such as a cryptographic public key or pseudonymous
biometric protocol, can be used to verify a proof that was created for the purpose of authentication.
Service endpoints enable trusted interactions with the DID controller”

As DIDs are just an identifier, they do not provide information about the subject itself. In practice,
DIDs are used in combination with Verifiable Claims (VC) to support digital interactions in which
information about the subject must be shared with third parties, by proving to those third parties
that the DID subject has ownership of certain attestations or attributes. This proof is based on the
cryptographic link between the VC, the DID subject the VC is about, and the issuer of the VC, which
can be the own DID subject (self-asserted claims), or a trusted entity. Trust on the issuer is
established either by trusting the issuer’s DID (e.g. out-of-band, bilateral relationship, trusted lists)
or by any other means. The third party can then use the presented cryptographically protected proof
to verify the ownership and trustworthiness of the claims about the subject.

As the presentation of the claims is managed totally by the users, they can decide on which specific
pieces of information about themselves they want to share with third parties; by means of this
selective disclosure of attributes privacy and personal data protection is reinforced.

The flow of information of the verifiable claims generation and use is depicted in the picture below,
coming from the W3C working draft of the Verifiable Credentials Data Model (1.0)2. In this Data
Model, credentials are considered as a set of one or more claims made by an issuer.


For implementing DID and VC, organisations working on Self-Sovereign Identity are relying on the
use of Distributed Ledgers / Blockchains to support the registry of identifiers. In particular, the
Decentralised Identity Foundation (DIF) is proposing the architecture shown in the picture below,
based on the following components3:

 User agent: A program, such as a browser, mobile App or other Web client, that mediates
the communication between holders, issuers, and verifiers.
 Universal Resolver: a server featuring a pluggable system of DID Method drivers that enables
resolution and discovery of DIDs across any decentralised system
 Universal Registrar: a server that enables the registration of DIDs across any decentralised
system that produces a compatible driver.
 Identity Hubs: secure personal datastores that coordinate storage of signed/encrypted data,
and relay messages to identity-linked devices.



Identity Hub

User Agent

Universal Resolver


DID blockchain
Universal registrar

2. The eIDAS Regulation

The Regulation (EU) N°910/2014 on electronic identification and trust services for electronic
transactions in the internal market (eIDAS Regulation)4 adopted on 23 July 2014 provides a
predictable regulatory environment to enable secure and seamless electronic interactions between
businesses, citizens and public authorities.

In this regard, the eIDAS Regulation:

 ensures that people and businesses can use their own national electronic identification
schemes (eIDs) to access public services in other EU countries where eIDs are available.
 creates an European internal market for electronic trust services by ensuring that they will
work across borders and have the same legal status as traditional paper based processes.

Additionally, the eIDAS regulation sets the principle of non-discrimination of the legal effects and
admissibility of electronic documents in legal proceedings, stating that an electronic document
cannot be rejected as an evidence solely because it is in electronic form. As the Regulation defines
‘electronic document’ as any content stored in electronic form, in particular text or sound, visual or
audiovisual recording, this legal effect applies also to “blocks” in a blockchain


2.1. eIDAS electronic identification
For electronic identification, eIDAS relies on the principle of cross-border and legally enforceable
mutual recognition between Member States. According to eIDAS, online public services requesting
authentication are obliged to recognise eID schemes notified by other Member States, being the
notifying Member State responsible for the authentication provided by these eID schemes. Although
recognition is mandatory for public services, private services can also recognise notified foreign eID
schemes on a voluntary basis.

Technically, this mutual recognition is ensured by the eIDAS Interoperability framework 5, based on
the deployment of national eIDAS nodes managing the cross-border exchange of information.

A simplified view of the eIDAS interoperability framework is depicted in the figure below:

Country A Country B
Relying Party

Citizen Member Node Node
State B SAML 3
Proxy-Service Proxy-Service

1 2 4
Connector Connector Identity
6 5
Service MDS

2.2. eIDAS trust services

eIDAS ensures that the trust services provided by service providers who comply with the
requirements in the Regulation (e.g. qualified service providers) can be accepted as evidence in legal

eIDAS recognises 5 different trust services:

 Electronic signature (eSignature): is the expression in an electronic format of a person’s

agreement to the content of a document or set of data.

More information about eIDAS eID and the interoperability framework can be found in the CEF Digital portal:

 Electronic seal (eSeal): used by legal persons, it is similar in its function to the traditional
business stamp. It can be applied to an electronic document to guarantee the origin and
integrity of a document.
 Electronic Timestamp (eTimestamp): links an electronic document, such as a purchase order,
to a particular time, providing evidence that the document existed at that time.
 Website Authentication Certificates (WACs): are electronic certificates that prove that a
website is trustworthy and reliable. They ensure that the website is linked to the person to
whom the certificate is issued. They also help avoid data phishing.
 Electronic Registered Delivery Service (eDelivery): allows the user to send data
electronically. It provides proof of sending and delivery of the document and protects the
sender against the risk of loss, theft, damage or unauthorised alterations.

eIDAS also distinguishes 3 types of signatures / seals, according to the degree of legal certainty they
can provide:

 Simple: Demonstrates the intent of the signer, it is associated with the document or data the
signer intends to sign or seal.
 Advanced: Simple electronic signature, which also
o Identifies, is uniquely linked and under the sole control of the signer/sealers
o Detects subsequent changes to the document
 Qualified: Advanced electronic signature, which also
o Is based on a qualified certificate (a certificate issued by a qualified trust service
provider, which must verify the identity of the signatory)
o Is created using a qualified signature creation device (a device that has been
certified as providing a high degree of security in the signature creation process)

Qualified electronic signatures have the same legal effect as hand written signatures.

According to eIDAS, a qualified electronic signature based on a qualified certificate that has been
issued by a trust service provider established in one of the EU Member States is valid in the rest of
Member States. Also, pubic services in Member States must recognise both qualified and advanced
electronic signatures that comply with the defined ETSI formats (ASiC, PAdES, CAdES, XAdES).

3. The need for verified identities

When interacting in the digital world, we can consider three different situations concerning the
possibility of disclosing the real identity of the parties:

 Fully anonymous interaction, when there is no (or extremely remote) chance of linking the
digital identity to the actual identity of person in the real world
 Anonymous identity, but verifiable under certain conditions (for example, the use of
pseudonyms that can be traced to the real identity under judiciary request)
 Fully disclosed real identity, when attributes allowing identifying uniquely the person (e.g.
full name and surname, date of birth, national identification number) are provided

It must be borne in mind that, in order to be applied in practice, the self-sovereignty principle by
which the user can decide which personal information is to be disclosed should be balanced with the
requirements legitimately imposed by the party the user is interacting with. This means that there

will be use cases in which users will be requested by the relying parties to disclose their actual
identities, in order to be granted access to the digital services they are providing (e.g. government
services). Moreover, when presenting verifiable claims about themselves issued by third parties, the
trustworthiness of the claims is rooted on the authority of those parties, which implies that verifying
that the issuer of the claim is really the entity it is supposed to be becomes essential.

This means that a comprehensive approach to identity management should consider those use cases
in which a strong verification of the actual identities of the parties intervening is needed. Under the
the DID / SSI approach, the trust on the actual identities of the parties necessary for those use cases
is built out of the system, as the specifications does not foreseen mechanisms for binding the digital
identifiers to real-world entities. Usually, the problem is solved by relying on known entities (e.g.
companies with which there is already a business relationship), who can act as endorsers of others.
However, this poses some difficulties if the system intends to be scaled up to a large dimension
(internationally or even globally) as many of the entities participating in the system will be unknown
because there is no record of previous interactions. Here is precisely where the trust framework
created by the eIDAS Regulation can play a key role, since it does not require a previous relationship
between the parties for verifying their identities in the digital world; they can rely on the verification
done by the entities entitled for that: trust service providers and identity providers of the electronic
identification schemes.

4. Linking the DID with the identity provided by eIDAS

Under the eIDAS framework, digital identity is asserted in two different ways, depending on how this
digital identity is used:

 By means of an authentication done with a notified electronic identification (eID) scheme,

when identification is required to access online services
 By means of the production of an electronic signature or an electronic seal, when the
identity of signer / sealer needs to be associated to the content signed or sealed. This is
done in practice by using electronic certificates issued by trust service providers

Both ways could be used for linking the DID to the actual identity data of the DID owner; however,
the effect they can produce is significantly different

6.1. Linking the DID with the identity provided by a notified eID scheme
Under eIDAS, providers of online services can authenticate their users by means of their notified eID
schemes; for doing that, they need to be connected to an eIDAS node that will transfer their
authentication request to the eIDAS node of the country issuing the eID means associated to the eID
scheme used by the users. In the authentication response, together with the result of the
authentication, service providers can receive a set of data identifying uniquely the user (the eIDAS
Minimum Data Set6).

The link of the DID with the eIDAS Minimum Data Set can be done by allowing the user agent
managing the DID to perform an eIDAS authentication, acting as a service provider (as shown in the

Composed of 4 mandatory attributes: Current family name(s), Current first name(s), Date of birth, a
unique identifier as persistent as possible in time, plus 4 optional ones: First name(s) and family name(s)
at birth, Place of birth, Current address, Gender

figure below). This authentication could be done at the moment of the creation of the DID, or later.
In order to ensure the trustworthiness of the link, the user agent needs to guarantee that the
legitimate owner of the DID is the same person that is authenticating via eIDAS.


AT eIDAS ES eIDAS Identity

Node Node Provider(s)

User agent
eIDAS Identification data
ID: ES/AT/02635542Y
Family Name: García
DID: 123456789abcdefghi First Name: José
Date of birth: 1970-10-10

After creating the link, the identification data coming from the eIDAS Minimum Data Set would
become part of the attributes that the user could disclose to third parties. However, it must be
noted that, from the point of view of those third parties, these identification data would be self-
asserted, as they cannot rely on the eIDAS node to verify them. This is because eIDAS eID is meant to
be used for authenticating when accessing to services, but not for providing claims about identity
that can be verified by others different from those who are requesting the authentication.

6.2. Linking the DID with the identity provided by an electronic certificate
Natural persons
Under eIDAS, natural persons can obtain electronic qualified certificates for signing. Those qualified
certificates are supplied by trust services providers, which must verify the identity of the person
before issuing them. The qualified certificate must contain at least the name of the signatory, or a
pseudonym (if which case it must be clearly indicated). Together with the certificate, the user
receives the pair of keys associated to it; the private key for signing, and the public key for verifying
the signature.

As Self-Sovereign Identity relies on the use of public / private keys associated to DIDs for verification,
the link between the DID and the actual identity can be easily achieved by using the pair of keys
corresponding to a qualified certificate as the pair of keys associated to the DID (instead of keys self-
generated in the user agent), thus creating a cryptographic connection between the DID and the
certificate. This is shown in the picture below.


Certificate identification data

Name: José García

DID Public key certificate

DID Private key Certificate Public key

Certificate Private key

User agent

DID: 123456789abcdefghi

Additionally, the use of the keys of the qualified certificate as the keys associated to the DID implies
that anytime something is signed with the private key of the DID (which is the same as the one of the
qualified certificate), the signature will have the status of an advanced signature produced with a
qualified certificate according to the eIDAS Regulation. This status allows the receiver of the signed
document to benefit from an increased legal certainty, something especially relevant in those use
cases relying on claims self-asserted by the user.

As in the previous case, after creating the link with the certificate, the identification data contained
in the certificate could become part of the attributes that the user is able to disclose to third parties.
However, differently from the previous case with the eIDAS eID, now those third parties can verify
these identification data independently; they just need to check the validity of the qualified
electronic certificate linked to the public key associated to the DID.

At this point some privacy concerns may arise with regards to the degree of anonymity that the link
between the DID and the electronic certificate (which contains identification data) can offer. In
principle, any party having access to the public key of the DID could trace back the identity data of
the user by connecting this public key with the corresponding electronic certificate, and the
certificate with the identification data it contains. However, it must be noted the following:

 Although the public key is public by definition, the electronic certificate corresponding to it
does not have to be public; users can keep control of this certificate, sharing it only with
those parties that need to verify their true identity
 Although the qualified electronic certificate contains identification data of the person, the
eIDAS Regulation does not oblige these identification data to identify uniquely a person; in
fact it only requires that the certificate includes the name of the person, which in most
cases will not be enough for a unique identification
 Moreover, the eIDAS Regulation allows substituting the name of the person, in the
qualified certificate, by a pseudonym. By using this option, privacy could be strengthen
although in this case the link with the actual identity only can be established with the
participation of the trust service provider, which keeps the record of the association
between the pseudonym and the actual identity of the person.

It is also worth noticing that in the scenario described above the link between the certificate and the
DID is implicit, by sharing the same pair of keys. This link can also be made explicit by adding the DID
as an attribute of the electronic certificate, as the eIDAS Regulation allows including additional
identity information as long as it does not prevents interoperability.

Legal persons
As the eIDAS Regulation allows also legal persons to use electronic certificates to ensure the
authenticity and integrity of the data and documents they produce (by means of electronic seals as,
according to eIDAS, only natural persons can sign electronically), a logic similar to the one describe
above could be applied for linking the DID of legal persons to their actual identities. It has to be
noted that, although eIDAS differentiates legally between signatures and seals, in practical terms
seals are the same as electronic signatures, as the production of a sealed document uses the same
mechanisms and standards as the production of a signed document.

Therefore, in the case of legal persons, the link between the DID and the actual identity would be
done by associating the pair of keys of the qualified electronic certificate for sealing issued to the
legal person to the DID corresponding to that legal person.

Similarly to the case of natural persons, this implies that, under this configuration, any time that the
legal person signs electronically something with the private key of its DID (which is the same as the
one of the qualified certificate for sealing), the signature will have the status of an advanced seal
produced with a qualified certificate according to the eIDAS Regulation. This is especially important
in the case of using verifiable claims; if the relying party receives a verifiable claim about a subject
that is sealed with the private key of a qualified certificate for sealing of a legal person, it can have
the certainty that the document has been actually produced by that legal person, and that the
content has not been tampered.

It must be also noted that in the case of legal persons the privacy concerns do not apply, as qualified
electronic certificates for sealing do not any contain personal data, only identification data
corresponding to the legal person. According to eIDAS, these identification data are at least the
name of the creator of the seal and, where applicable, the registration number as stated in the
official records.

This means that by making publicly available the qualified certificate for sealing of the legal person,
any third party receiving a claim issued under the DID of the legal person can easily verify the actual
identity of the organisation behind that DID (e.g. a governmental agency), and, based on this real
identity, decide if they consider or not the claim trustworthy enough, without the need of
establishing a previous trust relationship with the issuer.

As in the case of natural persons, the link between the DID of the legal person and its qualified
electronic certificate can be made explicit in the certificate itself, by including the DID as one of the
additional attributes of the legal person.

5. Applying eIDAS to the Verifiable Claims lifecycle

To illustrate how eIDAS can support the use of DIDs and Verifiable Claims, an explanation of an
eIDAS founded Verifiable Claims lifecycle, based on the description contained in the Verifiable Claims
Use Cases document of the W3C Working Group (Note 08 June 2017)7 follows:

7.1. Creation of the Verifiable Claim

In this first example, a user will request a Verifiable Claim. Consider this illustration:

Expanding on these steps:


1. Jane asks her User Agent to help her get a Verifiable Claim about her identity.

2. Her user agent connects her to a certificate issuer that is able to verify her identity.

3. The issuer examines her documentation.

In this step, the issuer needs to verify Jane’s identity before issuing the requested credential to her.
To do so, the issuer needs to identify her (that is, to know who she is, so that they can issue the
credential that corresponds to her and not to another person) and authenticate her (that is, to
ensure that she is actually the person she is claiming to be). Regarding identification, the issuer also
needs that the identification data provided by Jane when she is proving her identity are relevant to
them, that is, can be matched to the identification data about Jane that they keep in their databases.
That way, they will be able to look for them and access to those records containing the information
about Jane that the credential should include.

This means that, unless that there has been a previous creation of a link between Jane’s DID and her
identification data in the issuer’s database, Jane’s DID is meaningless for the issuer, and she will
need to authenticate with a means capable of providing meaningful identification data. To do so
there are different options:

 She can use an authentication means specific of the issuer (e.g., if the issuer is a university
and she is asking for a certification of her degree, this can be the user and password of her
student account)
 She can use a generic eID recognised by the issuer, such an eIDAS notified eID scheme
 She can authenticate with her DID but providing trusted identification data linked to it, like
the identification data of her eIDAS notified eID or her qualified electronic certificate
described above.

4. They are satisfied, so the issuer generates a Verifiable Claim for Jane that includes
information about her identity linked to their own trusted credential.

At this point, the issuer faces two issues:

 First, it has to generate a verifiable claim associated to Jane’s DID, because Jane’s DID is
what identifies her in the Verifiable Claims ecosystem. However, Jane is not known by her
DID by the issuer, but by her actual identification data (e.g. her first name and family name).
So unless the issuer can rely on a trusted link between Jane’s DID and Jane’s identification
data in the issuer’s databases, they will not be able to issue a claim about Jane associated to
her DID. As explain above, this trusted link can be based on her eIDAS notified eID or her
qualified electronic certificate.
 Second, it has to certify that the claim was actually issued by them, so that any verifier can
be sure of the supposed trustworthiness of the claim derived from the identity of the issuer.
To do so, they will provide with the claim a credential linked to the issuer’s DID, such as an
electronic signature with the DID’s private key. The problem is that unless there is an
existing trusted link between the issuer’s DID and their real identity known already by the
verifier, the verifier cannot judge on the trustworthiness of the claim. However, if the issuer
links their DID with a qualified electronic certificate for sealing, and signs the claim with the

corresponding private key, the true identity of the issuer can be known by the verifier
without a previous relationship between them, as the verifier can use the certificate for
verifying user’s identity without the participation of the issuer (just by getting to the trust
service provider that supplied the certificate).

5. The issuer delivers the credential back to Jane's User Agent.

6. Jane views the credential to ensure it reflects her requirements.

7. When she is satisfied, she instructs her User Agent to save the Verifiable Claim so she can use
it in the future.

8. The UA communicates with her Credential Repository, instructing it to store the new claim.

9. The Credential Repository returns a list of the claims it is holding for Jane to the UA.

10. The UA shows Jane her claim collection - confirming everything she has available.

7.2. Use of the Verifiable Claim

In this example, a holder of a claim needs to use that claim in a typical commerce situation:

1. Jane decides to shop on the web site WinesOfTheWorld.example.com (merchant).

2. The merchant's site requires Jane be 21 years of age and requests Jane prove this (via a user
agent-supported API call).

3. Jane's user agent asks her credential repository for the proof.

4. The credential repository shows Jane three Verifiable Claims it knows of that can assert this
claim (e.g., her passport, driving license, and birth certificate).

5. Jane selects one of these and authorizes that it be shared with the merchant.

6. The credential repository returns the selected claim as a response to the user agent-
supported API call, which in turn delivers it to the merchant.

7. The merchant's server verifies that the claim is valid and satisfies the requirement.

For the merchant to verify the validity of the claim, they need to be sure of the identity of the issuer
of the claim. For example, if Jane is using her birth certificate, this certificate is worthless unless the
organisation issuing the certificate is recognised by the merchant as an authoritative source for that
kind of information (as it may be case if the certificate is issued by the Civil Registry of many
countries). As for the merchant the only information about the identity of the issuer will be their
DID, they can only trust the issuer if they already know that DID and the actual organisation behind
it. However, if the issuer has linked their DID with their qualified certificate for sealing, the merchant
does not need to know that DID beforehand to trust it; they can verify the true identity (in the sense
that it is legally enforceable under eIDAS) of the DID owner by validating the qualified electronic
certificate associated to that DID.

8. The merchant redirects the user agent to the web site with appropriate authorization.


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