R601 - Bma7000101 - Ifu - en - Ver 1.0 - 20220525
R601 - Bma7000101 - Ifu - en - Ver 1.0 - 20220525
R601 - Bma7000101 - Ifu - en - Ver 1.0 - 20220525
Rash exudate: Wipe the rash exudate with a sterile swab and place it in a sterile test tube with preservation solution. Break the swab at break point and
close the tube tightly, the collected specimen should be used for immediate testing.
Please pay attention to the aseptic operation during sample collection. During the transportation and storage of clinical specimen, the repeated freeze-
thaw should be avoided. If the transportation cannot be guaranteed at – (20±5) ℃, the samples should be transported at least at 0-8 oC. The shelf life
of the samples at – (20±5) ℃ is 4 months. The accurate clinical information of the samples, such as specimen number, date of onset and date of
collection, should be attached during the transport and preservation process.
1. Nucleic Acid Extraction (Pre-PCR)
Extract viral nucleic acid according to the instructions of the nucleic acid extraction kits. The extracted nucleic acid should be tested immediately or
stored at -(20±5)℃. The types of samples that require nucleic acid extraction include:
1.1. Clinical sample: the clinical sample to be tested;
1.2. Positive Control: Take 200μL positive control and process it at same time with the samples at the same time.
1.3. Negative Control: normal saline or sterile water supplied by user.
* We have validated the following kits for nucleic acid extraction from plasma or rash exudate specimen:
⚫ Nucleic Acid Extraction Kit (Magnetic Bead Method) (Mole Bioscience), using the 32M, 96M or FAST96 instruments (Mole Bioscience).
Monkeypox Virus Nucleic Acid Detection Kit (Fluorescent Probe-based real-time PCR assay) Instructions for Use
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Jiangsu Mole Bioscience Co., Ltd.
6-7th Floor, G116 Building, No.805, Jiankang Avenue,
Medical New&Hi-tech District,
Taizhou ,Jiangsu Province, China
[email protected] www.molechina.com
⚫ Viral RNA Extraction Kit (Spin Column) (Mole Bioscience). recommended*
If you use nucleic acid extraction kits from other suppliers, please verify first.
For positive control, the Ct value in FAM channel should be between 25.00 and 30.00, in VIC/HEX channel should be ≤ 35.00. For negative control,
the Ct value in FAM channel should be negative, in VIC/HEX channel is negative in general, but sometimes, it is positive, in this case, the results of
the test are still valid. The above conditions must be met at the same time in the same test, otherwise the PCR reaction is considered invalid and the
test needs to be reconducted. Details as follows:
1. When the Ct value in HEX/VIC channel (internal control) of the sample is ≤ 35.00, the Ct value in FAM channel (MPV) is > 43.00 or there is no
typical S-type amplification curve, the tested sample is determined as a monkeypox virus negative sample.
2. When the Ct value in HEX/VIC channel (internal control) of the sample is ≤ 35.00, the Ct value in FAM channel is ≤ 43.00 with a typical S-
shaped amplification curve, the tested sample is determined as a monkeypox virus positive sample.
3. When the concentration of monkeypox virus in the sample is too high, the amplification of the internal control might be inhibited, it can be directly
reported as a monkeypox virus positive sample, or the nucleic acid can be diluted and retested.
4. When the FAM signal and HEX/VIC signal are both negative, please re-sampling or re-extract nucleic acid.
The results of this kit are only for aiding to diagnosis and shall not be used as the sole basis for diagnosis or exclusion, and should be analyzed by
combination with clinical symptoms. A negative result indicates the viral concentration in the sample is lower than the detection limitation of the kit,
in this situation, the infection cannot be excluded.
The optimal sample type and the time to reach maximum titer after infection have not been verified. Therefore, collecting samples in the same patient
at different times and multiple locations may help to avoid false-negative results.
The following conditions can also cause a false positive or false negative test result:
1. The results can be affected by collecting, disposing, transporting and storage of samples, and any errors in these processes will result in a false
2. The mutation of sequence related to primers or probes used in this kit may cause false-negative results.
3. Cross-contamination during sample processing may lead to false positive, and the FAM channel detection results of the negative control showed
an amplification curve.
1. The test is manually operated. Experimental personnel who perform this test should have received professional training in gene amplification or
molecular biology diagnostics and be qualified for relevant experimental operations. There should be reasonable biosecurity precautions and
protective procedures in the laboratories. The test should only be performed in laboratories that follow safety practices according to the applicable
Biosafety Regulations in Microbiological and Biomedical Laboratories.
2. The whole detection process should be carried out in three areas: the first area is for reagent preparation. The second area is for specimen processing
and reaction system preparation. The third area is for amplification, fluorescence detection and results analysis. Instruments, equipment and lab
coats should be used independently in each area to prevent contamination.
Monkeypox Virus Nucleic Acid Detection Kit (Fluorescent Probe-based real-time PCR assay) Instructions for Use
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Jiangsu Mole Bioscience Co., Ltd.
6-7th Floor, G116 Building, No.805, Jiankang Avenue,
Medical New&Hi-tech District,
Taizhou ,Jiangsu Province, China
[email protected] www.molechina.com
3. In the testing process, should always take care to avoid RNase contamination, wear disposable gloves without fluorescent substances (Frequent
replacement is recommended), use the disposable thin-walled 200μL PCR tube (or 96-well PCR plate with optical film) and pipette tips with
filter. Never touch the reaction tube directly with bare hands.
4. The handling of Clinical Specimens should be performed in the biosafety cabinet to ensure the safety of laboratory staff and prevent environmental
pollution. Harmful and/or toxic specimens and reagents in the experiment should be properly placed and stored, and in charge by an assigned
person. Waste should be disposed properly in special containers. Lab bench, equipment such as operator's stations, pipettes, centrifuges, and PCR
thermocyclers etc., should be regularly wiped and disinfected with 1.0% sodium hypochlorite and/or 70% ethanol. Laboratory room, ultra-clean
bench should be treated with an ultraviolet lamp regularly and after each experiment.
5. Before the experiment, reagents should be fully thawed, mixed well, and centrifuged for a few seconds to bring down all the liquid to the bottom
of the centrifuge tubes. When preparing the reaction solution, attention should be paid to: mixing all liquids on the vortex mixer, not blowing with
the pipette to avoid bubbles, and centrifuging the reaction mixture solution for a few seconds. Use the kit before the expiration date and do not
combinate the reagents with different batch numbers.
Manufacturing date and expiration date: view on label
Number: BMA7000101
Effective Date: 2022-05-25
Monkeypox Virus Nucleic Acid Detection Kit (Fluorescent Probe-based real-time PCR assay) Instructions for Use
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Jiangsu Mole Bioscience Co., Ltd.
6-7th Floor, G116 Building, No.805, Jiankang Avenue,
Medical New&Hi-tech District,
Taizhou ,Jiangsu Province, China
[email protected] www.molechina.com
版本号 生效日期 本次变更原因,依据及详细变更内容
0.0 2022-05-23 初始版本
1.0 2022-05-25 更新说明书排版(标识、抽提描述、去除PCR空白、注意事项、局限性描述、增加采样
Monkeypox Virus Nucleic Acid Detection Kit (Fluorescent Probe-based real-time PCR assay) Instructions for Use
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