Vintage Analysis Basics Whitepaper

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The Basics Of


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Table of contents

Executive Summary- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3

An Overview of CECL- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4

An Intro to Vintage Analysis- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 5

Vintage Analysis Application- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 6

Vintage Analysis Challenges - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 12

Conclusion - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 13

About Sageworks & the Author - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 14

Additional Resources - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 15

Endnotes - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 16

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Executive Summary

he Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB)
is expected to issue a final standard of their
proposed current expected credit loss (CECL)
model during the first half of 2016. In order to comply
with the proposed changes, institutions will need
to examine, alter or change their allowance for loan
and lease losses (ALLL) methodology. The CECL
guidance is not prescriptive, and allows for a number
of methodologies to be used in order to fulfill the
requirements. Vintage analysis is an ALLL calculation
methodology that has been suggested as being the
possible new minimum standard for CECL compliance.

This whitepaper covers the background on CECL, how

vintage analysis fits into the picture and then explains
the basics and an overview of the methodology’s

5565 Centerview Drive | Raleigh, NC 27606 | 866.603.7029 | 3

An overview of CECL

Pre-register for One of the main impetuses for changing the current U.S. GAAP supported
post-release ALLL model is the FASB’s view that reliance on historic or incurred losses in
CECL webinar: reserve calculations does not allow an institution to reach a sufficient reserve
When the final guidance in a timely manner.1 Many, including Federal Reserve Board Chief Accountant
on the CECL model is Steve Merriett, cite this delayed recognition of credit losses as a factor in so
released, Sageworks
many institutions having inadequate reserves ahead of the financial crash of
will conduct a panel-
style webinar with 2008.2 Rather than incurred losses, going forward allowances will be based on
thought leaders from the CECL model, defined as,
top accounting firms
on everything there
“A current estimate of all contractual cash flows not expected to be
is to know about the
changes. collected incorporating: internally and externally available information;
information about past events, current conditions, and reasonable and
Pre-register now
supportable forecasts; and quantitative and qualitative factors specific
to borrowers and the economic environment including underwriting

Under the CECL model, there will be no triggers, thresholds or smoothing

mechanisms allowed in loss calculations; the shift here, is a movement to
recording losses as they become expected. If a loss is expected, it should
be recorded when that loss becomes known, even if this means basing this
expectation on forward looking factors.

When discussing forward looking factors, it is important to note that CECL

is not an attempt to capture unexpected or remote catastrophic events, which
will continue to be accounted for under regulatory capital. The focus is on
expected losses and changes to allowance calculations that will allow an
institution to better account for these types of losses.

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An Intro To Vintage Analysis
Vintage analysis accounts for expected losses by allowing an institution to
calculate the cumulative loss rates of a given loan pool and in so doing, to
determine that loan pool’s lifetime expected loss experience. This includes a
reasonable approximation of probable and estimable future losses gleaned by
applying historical gross charge-off information to forward looking qualitative
and environmental factors.

Introduction to Vintage Analysis

Vintage analysis is a method of evaluating the credit quality of a loan portfolio

by analyzing net charge-offs in a homogenous loan pool where the loans share
the same origination period. The method is widely used in the analysis of retail
credit card and mortgage portfolios, but as Michael L. Gullette, VP Accounting
and Financial Management at the American Bankers Association notes:

“The method could become a minimum requirement to support the

allowance for loan and lease losses (ALLL) estimate under the Financial
Accounting Standards Board’s (FASB) current expected credit loss
(CECL) model. Other analyses may be more appropriate than vintage
analysis as a basis for the ALLL estimate, however, because vintage
analysis allows for review of loan activity from the beginning of the life
of the loan (origination) to the end (pay-off or charge-off), it will likely
be the minimum requirement”.4

Vintage refers to origination period and is used synonymously. EY’s Pawel

Siarka notes, the term “vintage” is borrowed from the world of wine in that
wine connoisseurs traditionally evaluate a bottle on both its species of grapes
and the year in which the grapes were harvested.5 This distinction is an apt
and important one as vintage analysis requires appropriate segmentation and
stratification consistent with the requirements of ASC 450-20 (FAS 5) loan

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An Intro To Vintage Analysis

pool evaluation, with the added element that the loans in question share a
common origination period.

Including origination period in the stratification of a given loan pool allows for
a more accurate estimate of the unadjusted historical lifetime loss experience
because the entire life of the loan pool is included in the analysis. In other
evaluation methods, the inputs and statistics are not lifetime data points and
instead, cover a finite period of time. These gaps in time omit information
necessary to analyze lifetime loss experience.

“This [CECL] is not a tweak, and we do not believe that

existing methodologies are OK without any adjustment.”
- Steve Merriett, Chief Accountant, Federal Reserve Board

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Vintage Analysis Application

The table below illustrates the usefulness of vintage analysis as a forecasting

tool. The example shows four, four-year loan pools separated into vintages
and calculates the life of loan loss experience of each group in the cumulative
loss rate column. This is done by dividing each year’s net charge-offs by the
original principal balance (some may use original principal and interest, for
simplicity, principal alone is used below). The respective vintage’s original
principal balance remains the denominator in each annual calculation, as it
references the specific vintage’s original balance. The loss experience of this
original balance is tracked annually and summed over the life of the loan
leaving a cumulative, life of loan loss rate based on historic averages. For loans
originating in 2009, the total life of loan loss rate is 3.19% and the 2010 rate is
3.49%. The goal is to use the existing data to forecast future loss rates, denoted
in the blue shaded sections of the chart.

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Vintage Analysis Application

In addition to life of loan loss data, primary drivers like macroeconomic

indicators of qualitative factors can be added to the expected loss calculation
to reach a forecast supported by both quantitative and qualitative data points.
For example, by identifying the unemployment rate as a primary driver of
changes in the international, national, regional and local conditions qualitative
risk factor (Q factor), you can look for trends that correlate to historical loss
experience. If an increase in the unemployment rate leads to an increase in
charge-offs six months later, this information can be factored into forward-
looking loss projections. Additionally, identifying correlations between
different factors is similar to Q factor adjustments under the current, incurred
loss framework.

The goal is to express the impact of changes in external factors while

incorporating analysis of where the loan pool is in its loss history. In our
example, life of loan loss experience shows that a forecasted increase in the
unemployment rate, (taken from CBO or Treasury Department estimates, for
example), will have a bigger impact on loans in their second and third years
than on loans near maturity in year four.

Learn how Blue Ridge Bank is

preparing for CECL by moving
away from spreadsheets.

5565 Centerview Drive | Raleigh, NC 27606 | 866.603.7029 | 8

Vintage Analysis Application

The table below illustrates vintage analysis using six-year life of loan and loss
rate periods. Choose a common origination period (or vintage) and start with
the original balance of a homogenous loan pool. In the example, we see the
original balance of the 2009 vintage as $302,107,845. Over the next 6 years, life
of loan loss experience data is calculated by dividing each year’s net charge-
offs (charge-offs minus recoveries) by the original principal balance.

The goal is to gain information on how these losses are occurring and to
better discern trends; the loss rate data should correspond with quantitative
and qualitative factors as well as the institution’s underwriting standards
and any other relevant economic variables. By seeing trends, the institution
should be well placed to make adjustments to underwriting, loan pricing and
other areas to increase loss mitigation efforts. Institutions can also reserve an
amount more reflective of actual loss experiences than by simply relying on
disaggregated historical loss rates.

In the following two charts from the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis’
“FedPerspectives: An Overview of the Current Expected Credit Loss Model
(CECL) and Supervisory Expectations”, we see an example of vintage analysis
with average loss rates and cumulative loss rates for four vintages, each with a
four-year lifespan.

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Vintage Analysis Application

Three of them - 2009, 2010 and 2011 - have completed their cycles and have
corresponding loss rate data, while the 2012 vintage has one year to go. From
the Average Loss Rate By Vintage chart, we see that most losses occur in
years 2 and 3. Despite 2012 having a higher loss experience, we can identify
the larger trend and see that those losses have most likely peaked based on
historical experience. It is an example of how historical life of loan data can
help with forward-looking reserve and capital planning.

Charts accessed via

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Vintage Analysis Application

Further, if there is an anomaly, the institution can quickly isolate it and

respond accordingly by adjusting underwriting standards, loan pricing, loss
mitigation efforts or relevant qualitative adjustments. In the Cumulative to-
date Loss Rates by Vintage chart above, we see that 2012 has the same loss
percentage (4%) in three years as 2011 had in four. By comparing to historical
trends, an institution can estimate the loss experience to come, and in doing
so, more quickly react, resulting in a more accurate reserve.

Staying with the example in the above charts, an important distinction and
comparison to a traditional historical loss rate calculation,
(Loss Rate = [Charge offs – Recoveries]/Average Loan Balance) can be made.
In a historical loss rate analysis, reserve decisions are typically made on an
eight- or twelve-quarter lookback period, although this will vary by institution
depending upon what time horizon they deem appropriate.6 In the first chart
example, the fact that most losses occur in years two and three and then
sharply decline would not be evident until year four quarterly data trickles
into the calculation, replacing older quarterly data and suggesting a higher
necessary reserve. Lifetime data is key to determining an accurate expected
loss rate.

5565 Centerview Drive | Raleigh, NC 27606 | 866.603.7029 | 11

Vintage Analysis Challenges

Many institutions currently use a historical loss rate method to estimate their
ALLL and have processes in place to collect and analyze annual charge-off
data. The new requirements of the CECL model may compel institutions to
change current processes, collect different data and/or retain data for longer
periods of time. For example, if a current core processing system houses two
or three years (or 13 months in many cases) of historical loan-level data,
institutions may need to begin storing legacy data separately in anticipation of
CECL to ensure they have an adequate range of lifetime loan-level loss data.

In addition to broader data retention requirements, calculating reserves for

a portfolio with a multi-year expected loan life could increase complexity.
An ALLL estimate for a portfolio of loans with an expected life of four years
will necessitate four different ALLL estimates – one for each vintage.7 Finally,
disclosures related to credit quality may need to expand to address each
vintage. Using the first example, a portfolio with an expected life of four years
could also see disclosure requirements increase four-fold or more. Complexity
is one reason the Federal Reserve is advising institutions to start planning well
ahead of the CECL implementation date and document all changes early.

A lack of familiarity with vintage analysis could be an initial impediment to

widespread adoption. In a poll conducted by the Federal Reserve Bank of
St. Louis on October 30th, 2015, 81 percent of respondents were either not
familiar or only somewhat familiar with vintage analysis.8 Despite an expected
first quarter 2016 issuance of a final CECL standard, industry perceptions
that implementation will not take effect until 2019 or beyond coupled with
unfamiliarity, reluctance to change as well as switching costs could prompt
low, initial adoption of alternative evaluation methods like vintage analysis.

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The CECL method will move the ALLL calculation away from the
incurred loss model toward a current estimate of all contractual
cash flows expected to be uncollectable. As a result, forward looking
calculations will be factored in to ALLL calculations. CECL may not
require complex modeling for community banks and credit unions,
so any reasonable approach, like loss-rate, probability of default,
discounted cash flow, roll-rate or provision matrix methods using
loss factors may be appropriate to use as long as the method reflects
actual risk of default. Vintage analysis, with its focus on the lifetime
of a loan, from origination to payback or charge-off, may become
a minimum requirement when calculating, and documenting an
ALLL under the new guidance.

While not overly complicated, vintage analysis’ expanded data

retention and supporting factor requirements could necessitate
changes to current workflows and practices. Banks and credit
unions will need a way to document all final reserve calculations,
including qualitative and environmental factors applied to
quantitative reserve amounts. This process could take time and may
compel a best practice of collecting data and implementing process
changes ahead of anticipated CECL implementation dates. The goal
of any change is to help institutions improve the accuracy of their
allowance calculations. If the allowance mirrors the true risk in the
current portfolio, institutions can maximize their investable capital
in low allowance periods and adequately protect themselves when
economic conditions are less favorable.

5565 Centerview Drive | Raleigh, NC 27606 | 866.603.7029 | 13

About Sageworks
& The Author

Sageworks ( is a financial information company working

with financial institutions, accountants and private-company executives across
North America to collect and interpret financial information. Thousands of
bankers rely on Sageworks’ credit risk management solutions to streamline
credit analysis, risk rating, portfolio stress testing, loan administration and
ALLL calculation. Sageworks is also an industry thought leader, regularly
publishing whitepapers and hosting webinars on topics important to bankers.

Sageworks ALLL is the premiere

automated solution for estimating
a financial institution’s reserve. It
helps bankers automate their
ALLL process and increase consistency in their methodology, making it
defensible to auditors and examiners. Sageworks’ risk management consultants
also assist clients with the implementation of their ALLL models and guidance
interpretation. To find out more, visit

Brandon Russell is an Account Executive in the Risk Management Solutions

group at Sageworks, where he is primarily focused on helping community
banks and credit unions manage their allowance for loan and lease losses
(ALLL) provisions. Prior to joining Sageworks, Brandon served in various
business development roles at startup companies and Management
C.V., as well as Ipreo, a financial information, data, and software company
serving corporate investor relations, private capital markets, and the
institutional buy-side and sell-side. He received his master’s degree from
Georgetown University and his undergraduate degree from George Mason

5565 Centerview Drive | Raleigh, NC 27606 | 866.603.7029 | 14


“The Complete Guide to the ALLL,” Sageworks.

“ALLL Glossary,” Sageworks.

“2015 Review: FASB’s CECL Model,” Tim McPeak.

“CECL Preparation: An Illustrated Guide,” Sageworks.

“CECL Webinar, Everything there is to know about the FASB’s CECL guidance,”

“CECL Countdown: Prep for Q1 Release Webinar,” Sageworks.

“For ALLL news, resources, and discussions -,” Sageworks.

5565 Centerview Drive | Raleigh, NC 27606 | 866.603.7029 | 15


McPeak, Tim & Bayer, Ed. (2015) FASB’s CECL Model: How To Prepare Now, Sageworks. http://www.
Merriett, Steve, Wakim, Joanne & Satwah, Suchi . (2015) Fed Perspectives” An Overview of the Current
Expected Credit Loss Model (CECL) and Supervisory Expectations. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
Same as Cite 2
Gullette, Michael L. (2015). CECL Implementation Challenges: The Life of Loan Concept. A
Discussion Paper of the American Bankers Association.
Siarka, Pawel. (2011). Vintage Analysis As a Basic Tool For Monitoring Credit Risk. Mathematical Eco -
nomics 7(14) 213-228
Burnet, Billy (2013) What time horizon do financial institutions use within their FAS 5 reserves? http://

Same as Cite 4

Same as Cite 2

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