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For constructing this project various materials are used since using suitable material is essential
for the success of this thesis. Material selection is one of the foremost functions of effective
engineering design as it determines the reliability of the design in terms of industrial and
economical aspects. A great design may fail to be a profitable product if unable to find the most
appropriate material combinations. So, it is vital to know what the best materials for a particular
design are. In this aspect engineers use several facts of materials to come to the most reasonable
decision. They are mainly concentrated on the properties of the materials which are identified as
the potential materials for that specific design.
basic facts to be consider in the selection of material
There are several considerations over material selection where this article series is going to be
concentrated on. When we talk about choosing materials for a component, we take into account
many different facts. These facts can be breakdown into the following.
mechanical properties
these are properties that influence the material’s reaction to applied loads. Mechanical properties
are used to determine how a material would behave in a given application, and are helpful during
the material selection and coating specification process. These properties include; Strength,
Hardness, Toughness, Brittleness, Ductility, Stiffness etc.
Wear of materials
Wear is a problem when the materials are contacting each other in a product. So, it must be
ensured that the selected materials have sufficient wear resistance make the material is more
suitable for the application. It is very important factor to be considered when selecting a material
for a particular design. In the engineering design process this has to be considered with great

it is an important engineering design criterion for designs open to the environment for a longer
period of time. Some materials are very likely to be corroded in the service depending on the
service environment. Therefore, it must be assured that the material is capable of being employed
for the particular design before selecting it.
ability to manufacture
Although the material is well capable of using for the design, it may be difficult to manufacture.
If this selection criteria is neglected the manufacture process might be very costly making it
unprofitable as a commercial product. So before selecting the materials this fact also must be
considered. To make the dimensions more accurate it has to be machined in the production. So,
the selected material must able to be machined with a minimum cost. Otherwise, there is no point
of selecting that material for that particular gear.
Availability of the material
Materiel Availability is a measure of the percentage of the total inventory of a system
operationally capable (ready for tasking) of performing an assigned mission at a given time,
based on materiel condition. We may find that sometimes the availability of the material
becomes a governing factor. When the desired material supply is limited, then a costly material
which is available in ample quantity may be chosen.
Cost is a critical fact to consider when selecting materials for a certain design for most products
because they are facing a severe competition in the including cost of the material and
cost of processing
The Cost of the material in most of the cases accounts about 50 % of the finished cost.
Obviously, the cost of the material is a major factor which influences the choice of the material
or process. the use of cheaper material will not always reduce the final cost of the component or
product. Use of cheaper material may be associated with higher processing cost due to large
number of operations to be performed and also more scrap. We can easily see that this
sometimes makes the overall cost more than that of expensive raw material in combination with
low processing cost due to lesser number of operations and lesser scrap. The type of material
affects the detailed aspect of design and hence the choice of material as well as the process is
selected at the early design state. In most of the industries, the processing cost (labor cost) and
other costs such as overhead costs account for about 50% of the production cost. Overhead cost
in automatic industries is much more than the other costs. If one can somehow reduce all such
costs, the total production cost will automatically reduce.
Power transmission system
To operate the metering mechanism power was taken from the rear wheels. For the transmission
of power from the rear wheels to metering mechanism, two sprockets were provided and
connected by means of a roller chain. One front wheel and two rear wheels were provided in
garlic planter. Rear wheels were provided to give stability to machine in stationary condition as
well as for power transmission and to maintain uniform depth of furrow. The shaft used here is
used to transmit power from the wheel to another shaft through a chain mechanism, used to
connecting the wheels and supporting the machine parts like the frame, the seed box and the
furrow opener. By considering the factors listed above carbon steel is selected because it has
very high strength, extreme hardness, resistance to wear, moderate ductility and machinability.
This means it can be easily machined compared to harder steels. Since, the shaft is connecting
and supporting machine element due to this factor it can develop bending stress and shear stress
due to its rotation. So, choosing carbon steel is preferable because its price is relatively low while
it provides material properties that are acceptable for many for this design
purpose 45 C 8 steel is selected.
Hopper for cloves (seed box)
Hoppers were designed to cover full width of the machine and located above the main is
a large trapezoidal prism shaped container with extensional parts that is used to store the garlic
seeds and contains the seed metering devices (Chain, Bearings and the cup). It is constructed
with some inclination in order to allow an easy movement of the cloves towards the metering
plate. The location of hopper in garlic-clove planter varied from 40 cm above the ground level, (2000). The capacity of box was determined by keeping the balance between the
weight of material filled (as it affects draft) and the field efficiency of the machine. Application
rates and field capacity values had to be taken into consideration. A 2 mm thick low carbon steel
(Mild Steel) sheet metal was used to construct the hopper. Low carbon steels generally contain
less than 0.25% carbon and cannot be strengthened by heat-treating (strengthening can only be
accomplished through cold working). The low carbon material is relatively soft and weak, but
has outstanding ductility and toughness. In addition, it is machinable, weld-able, and is relatively
inexpensive to produce.
Seed metering device
A metering device draws seed from bulk and delivers them at the desired rates in the seed tubes
for planting of garlic cloves in soil uniformly. A vertical plate cup or spoon type picking device
was employed as metering mechanism in the this cause the seed cup is fabricated with
an alloy steel and the disc which forms a chain like structure is fabricated with low carbon (mild
steel). The mild steel is selected for their property which is explained above and for fabricating
the cup AISI 4140 alloy steel is selected because of their improved properties as they include
impurities in their constituent.
Seed tube
When a body falls freely downwards then the heavier part of the body tends to come down first
and the lighter portion goes upward due to tube surface friction. Garlic cloves are thicker and
heavier at base portion as compared to top portion. Instead of allowing the cloves to fall freely, if
they slide along the tube, the chances would be better that they will fall upright in the furrow,
which will help in early germination of the garlic cloves. For this reason, three strips have been
provided throughout the length of the tube in which the size is based on the specified dimensions
of garlic seed in which the garlic cloves have length, width and thickness as 2.99 cm, 0.9 cm and
0.9 cm respectively as reported by Singh and Yadav (2000). the angle of inclination is 30°. The
strip has been provided for the reducing the kinetic energy, rolling force and to guide the garlic
cloves. the materials suitable for this part is mild steel, due to its property which fits for this
purpose. The seed tube is fabricated with mild steel due their property explained above.
Furrow opener
Furrow opener is soil-working element of a sowing device the role of which is to ensure such
deposition of seeds in the soil that optimum conditions for their germination and development
may be obtained. This apparently indicates all the important function of furrow openers.
Considering that optimum conditions for plant developments which depend on the type of soil its
preparation, moisture content and other similar factors and further on individual kinds of seeds
the furrow opener assembly consists of the shank and bottom soil engaging part of furrow
opener. The furrow opener mounted on the garlic planter should not make too narrow a furrow as
it will hinder in the placement of the seed at proper depth. A wider furrow opener will require
unnecessary more draft. the material selected for the fabrication of furrow opener is hardened
steel in which Hardened steel is resistant to wear, rough usage, high-impact pressure and shock,
Corrosion Resistance, Abrasion Resistance and Durability. These properties are better for
constructing furrow opener as it needs to be rigid.

An adjustment is a screw like structure which is used to adjust the furrow opener. The furrow
opener is adjusted during the time of normal condition which is retracted and in the operating or
planting condition which is extended.
Drive wheel
Drive wheel is a power transmission component, which is used to transmit rotational movement
to the seed cup using a set of chain drives by converting linear motion of pushing effect of a
human force in to rotational movement. It is mounted below the main frame of the machine.
Twelve spikes were provided on the outer periphery of the wheel to develop sufficient grip for
power transmission. The material selected for drive wheel is AISI 4140 alloy steel.

Chain and sprocket

A sprocket is a profile wheel with teeth that mesh with a chain in order to transmit power. As one
of the most widely used steel metals, carbon steel is highly malleable and comes in a range of
carbon content levels. Cold drawn carbon steel is selected over hot rolled carbon steel for the
design of sprocket. The cold drawn carbon steels are typically harder and stronger than the
standard hot drawn steels. As the metal is shaped at the lower temperature, the steels hardness,
resistance against tension breaking, and resistance against deformation is high. 40A45 Type “A”
plate sprocket with 4’’ stock bore is used for the metering shaft. 40A45 sprockets are ANSI
standard size that has 45 teeth and works with #40 roller chain. These sprockets are known as a
“Type A”, which is a hub less roller chain sprocket. The plate sprockets are durable, high
strength sprocket that is manufactured from 1045CD carbon steel. Hardened to help minimize
wear, then a black oxide finish is applied for corrosion resistance.
Supporting frame
The components of the garlic planter were mounted on the main frame (chassis) which was
supported by two-gauge wheels. The machine was also connected to the rigid hitch point of the
prime-mover. Mostly hollow square frames made up of mild steel were used in the sowing
machines. The frame was subjected to torsion and bending moment due to three tines arranged
on one line. The material taken for the frame was of size 4 cm × 4 cm square section with
thickness of material of 0.5 cm.
Handle is provided to control the direction of planter during working, taking turn in the field and
also operator exerts push on handle, if required by which proper depth of operation is controlled.
Handle is made up of mild steel pipes. This pipe was selected, as it is easily available in the
market, light in weight, cheaper in cost and strong enough to bear the load. One end of the
handle was attached to the front wheel for proper guidance. At the other end of the handle a cross
bar was mounted on both ends of which proper grips were provided to hold the planter.

Table: Bill of material

Parts Material property Density of material
Power transmission Carbon steel (45 c 8) σ=660Mpa ρ=7.85 g/cm3
system τ=80Gpa
E= 90-120Mpa
Hoper or seed box Mild steel σ=485-645Mpa ρ=7860 g/cm3
Seed metering device AISI 4140 alloy steel σ=655Mpa ρ=7.85g/cm3
Furrow opener Hardened steel σ =1474Mpa ρ=7.81 g/cm3
E =205Gpa
Drive wheel AISI 4140 alloy steel. σ=655Mpa ρ=7.85 g/cm3
Chain and sprocket Cold drawn carbon σ =440Mpa ρ=7.87 g/cm3
steel τ =220Mpa
E =205Gpa
Supporting system Mild steel σ=485-645Mpa ρ=7860 g/cm3
Frame Mild steel σ=485-645Mpa ρ=7860 g/cm3
Seed tube Mild steel σ=485-645Mpa ρ=7860 g/cm3
handle Mild steel σ=485-645Mpa ρ=7860 g/cm3
adjustment Mild steel σ=485-645Mpa ρ=7860 g/cm3

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