DLL Tle6 Entrep Ict WK 1 10
DLL Tle6 Entrep Ict WK 1 10
DLL Tle6 Entrep Ict WK 1 10
G. Finding practical
application of concepts
and skills in daily living
H. Making generalizations What qualities should an What are the types of How to start own business? What is the relationship What are the ways in
and abstractions about the entrepreneur must have? entrepreneur? between the buyer and the earning money?
lesson seller?
I. Evaluating learning Identify 5 qualities of Identify the types of Discuss briefly how to start Describe the buyer-seller List down 5 ways on how to
entrepreneur entrepreneur own a business. relation. earn money.
J. Additional activities for List down 5 entrepreneurs List down 5 entrepreneurs you
application or remediation you know and their qualities. know and their type.
Reflect on your teaching and assess yourself as a teacher. Think about your students’ progress this week. What works? What else needs to be done
VI. REFLECTION to help the students learn? Identify what help your instructional supervisors can provide for you so when you meet them, you can ask them relevant
A. No. of learners who
earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who
require additional activities
for remediation who
scored below 80%
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish
to share with other
A. References
1. Teacher’s
Guide pages
2. Learner’s
3. Textbook The Basics of Better Family Living ICT and Entrepreneurship ICT and Entrepreneurship ICT and Entrepreneurship
pages pp. 5-13 pp. 3 & 11-12 pp. 13 pp. 7
Reflect on your teaching and assess yourself as a teacher. Think about your students’ progress this week. What works? What else needs to be done to help
the students learn? Identify what help your instructional supervisors can provide for you so when you meet them, you can ask them relevant questions.
A. No. of learners who
earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for
remediation who
scored below 80%
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No.
of learners who
have caught up
with the lesson
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my
teaching strategies
worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties did
I encounter which
my principal or
supervisor can help
me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials
did I use/discover
which I wish to
GRADE 1 to 12 School LIANGA CENTRAL ES Grade Level VI
LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and Time (WEEK 3) Quarter
share with other
B. Establishing a purpose Motivate the child by presenting Can you create your What are the things you should How to be successful in
for the lesson a K-W-L Chart about having a product? remember before you do your creating your product?
business. product?
C. Presenting Ask the pupils where can they Show samples of different Present the procedures in Show a sample business
examples/Instances of find different entrepreneur. products making the product. proposal.
the new lesson
D. Discussing new Discuss ways on how to start Group Work: Group Work: Let the pupils say something
concepts and practicing own business on pages. TXT 5- Let the pupils Let the pupils create about the proposal
new skills # 1 13 & TXT 2-3 identify ways, their own product. See presented.
E. Discussing new steps or guides to page 7-10 Group Work:Make their own
concepts and practicing create their own business proposal for their
new skills # 2 product. See page chosen product. See page 7
11-12 and report it in class
Plan their own
See page 3.
Report it in class.
F. Developing mastery How can you start your own What are the things you Did you able to make your Let the pupils describe an
(leads to Formative business? should consider when product? ideal entrepreneur using
Assessment 3) planning a product? manila paper
G. Finding practical Why do you start your business Why is planning in creating How do you apply what you
application of concepts to help your family? a product important? have learned in your daily
and skills in daily living living?
H. Making generalizations How can you start your own What are the things you How to be successful in How will you able to make a
and abstractions about business? What are the things should consider when creating your product? good business proposal?
the lesson you should remember? planning a product to sell?
I. Evaluating learning True or False: Think of a product you Evaluate pupils’ product Evaluate pupils’ business
1.In deciding what type of want to create to sell. Make through a Rubrics. proposals using a rubric.
business to get into, it might be a plan about it.
good to start with a hobby or
2.Whatever you decide on, you
have to remember to keep your
costs down while maintaining the
quality of your product.
J. Additional activities for Bring the materials you’ll
application or need in creating your
remediation product tomorrow.
VI. REFLECTION Reflect on your teaching and assess yourself as a teacher. Think about your students’ progress this week. What works? What else needs to be done to
help the students learn? Identify what help your instructional supervisors can provide for you so when you meet them, you can ask them relevant
A. No. of learners who
earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for remediation
who scored below 80%
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No. of
learners who have
caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I
wish to share with other
B. Performance Practices safe and responsible use of wikis, blogs, and audio and video conferencing tools
C. Learning Posts and shares materials Posts and shares materials on Participates in video and audio Explains the advantages and
Competencies/Objectiv on wikis in a safe and blogs in a safe and responsible conferences in a safe and disadvantages of using online
es HOLIDAY responsible manner manner responsible manner tools to gather data
Safe and responsible use of Safe and responsible use of Safe and responsible use of Safe and responsible use of
2. Learner’s Material
3. Textbook Pages
4. Additional Reference
from Learning
B. Other Learning https://link.quipper.com https://link.quipper.com https://link.quipper.com https://link.quipper.com
Resources Powerpoint Presentation Powerpoint Presentation Powerpoint Presentation Powerpoint Presentation
A. Reviewing previous Review about the previous How to post and share How to post and share How do you participate in
lesson or presenting knowledge of pupils materials on wikis in a safe and materials on blogs in a safe video and audio conferences in
the new lesson regarding ICT responsible manner? and responsible manner? a safe and responsible
B. Establishing a purpose How do you show How do you show responsibility How do you show How do you show responsibility
for the lesson responsibility in using ICT? in using ICT? responsibility in using ICT? in using ICT?
C. Presenting Today, we will going to Today, we will going to discuss Today, we will going to discuss Today, we will going to
examples/instances of discuss how to post and how to post and share materials how to participate in video and explain the advantages and
the new lesson share materials on wikis in a on blogs in a safe and audio conferences in a safe disadvantages of using online
safe and responsible responsible manner. and responsible manner. tools to gather data
D. Discussing new Ask pupils prior knowledge Ask pupils prior knowledge Ask pupils prior knowledge Ask pupils prior knowledge
concepts and practicing using the K-W-L chart using the K-W-L chart using the K-W-L chart using the K-W-L chart
new skill #1
E. Discussing new Identify the ways on how to Identify the ways on how to post Identify the ways on how to Identify and explain the
concepts and practicing post and share materials on and share materials on blogs in how to participate in video and advantages and disadvantages
new skill #2 wikis in a safe and a safe and responsible manner. audio conferences in a safe of using online tools to gather
responsible manner. and responsible manner. data.
Discussions Discussions Discussions
F. Developing mastery What are the ways on how What are the ways on how to How to participate in video and Whatare the advantages and
(Leads to Formative to post and share materials post and share materials on audio conferences in a safe disadvantages of using online
Assessment) on wikis in a safe and blogs in a safe and responsible and responsible manner? tools to gather data?
responsible manner? manner?
G. Finding practical
applications of
concepts and skills in
daily living
H. Making generalizations Wikis can be accessed in a Different topics can be We should be careful in using Using communication
and abstractions about tap of a finger or a click of a discussed on blogs. But like any video and audio conference technology is one of the best
the lesson mouse. Having these in other ICT, safe and responsible tool. We should use this tool in gifts in our present days. We
mind, a responsible author usage of blogs is highly a safe and responsible manner can now communicate easily to
may pertain to the practices encouraged. Respecting other for our own good and others. everyone, wherever they are or
listed above to make sure ideas and opinions is a basic wherever we are. We can get
that his wiki is adhering to its rule in communication, all the information and data we
main purpose: “To share especially in the online world. need. We can also gather data
factual and truthful that we need in our research
information that is founded using online tools. But using
on the idea of collaborative online tools in data gathering
trust”. has its advantages and
disadvantages. It’s better to
know the pros and cons of
using it for us to really maximize
1. No. of learners who
earned 80% on the
formative assessment
2. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for
3. Did the remedial
lessons work? No. of
learners who have
caught up with the
4. No. of learners who
continue to require
5. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
6. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
7. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I
wish to share with other
K. Reviewing previous How do you participate in What are the advantages What are the disadvantages of What are the steps in creating
lesson or presenting video and audio of using online tools to using online tools to gather data? an online survey form using
the new lesson conferences in a safe and gather data? google forms?
responsible manner?
L. Establishing a purpose How do you show If there are advantages, What is an online survey? Can you create your own
for the lesson responsibility in using are there also online survey form?
ICT? disadvantages of using
online tools to gather data?
M. Presenting Today, we will going to Today, we will going to Today, we will going to study Today you will going to create
examples/instances of explain the advantages of explain the disadvantages of how to create an online survey. an online survey using Google
the new lesson using online tools to using online tools to gather forms.
gather data data
N. Discussing new Ask pupils prior Ask pupils prior knowledge Online survey form is a Group the pupils.
concepts and practicing knowledge using the K-W- using the K-W-L chart questionnaire that you can use to Dicus the steps in creating
new skill #1 L chart gather data over the internet. It is survey form using Google
very cheap for the part of the forms.
researcher, one whose doing
data gathering, and it is very
accessible for the part of those
who will answer the survey.
O. Discussing new Identify and explain the Identify and explain the Discuss the ways on how to
concepts and practicing advantages of using disadvantages of using online create an online survey form.
new skill #2 online tools to gather tools to gather data.
Discussions Discussions
P. Developing mastery What are the advantages What are the advantages of What arethe steps in creating an Pupils will create their online
(Leads to Formative of using online tools to using online tools to gather online survey form? survey forms.
Assessment) gather data? data?
Q. Finding practical
applications of
concepts and skills in
daily living
R. Making generalizations Using communication Using communication To create an online survey form, Will you able to create your
and abstractions about technology is one of the technology is one of the best first you should have an online online survey forms?
the lesson best gifts in our present gifts in our present days. We survey tool.
days. We can now can now communicate easily Creating an online survey form is
communicate easily to to everyone, wherever they very easy. You will find it very
everyone, wherever they are or wherever we are. We useful in gathering data. The
are or wherever we are. can get all the information challenge is to convince
We can get all the and data we need. We can respondents to complete the
information and data we also gather data that we need online survey form, but you can
need. We can also gather in our research using online always explain and put a
data that we need in our tools. But using online tools in disclaimer to let the respondents
research using online data gathering has also its a know about the importance of
tools. But using online disadvantages. It’s better to your survey, as well as their
tools in data gathering has know the pros and cons of rights and privacy. Just
its advantages. using it for us to really remember to use information
maximize it. technology such as online survey
form responsibly.
S. Evaluating learning Cite 5 advatages of True or False. What are the steps in creating Evaluate pupils output using a
using online tools to 6. It is cheaper an online survey form using rubric.
gather data . 7. Easier to gather data google forms?
8. Unreliable responses
9. Limited interaction
between the
respondentsand the
10.Flexible design of a
8. No. of learners who
earned 80% on the
formative assessment
9. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for
10. Did the remedial
lessons work? No. of
learners who have
caught up with the
11. No. of learners who
continue to require
12. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
13. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
C. Learning Disseminates an online survey form Process an online survey data Uses functions and formulas in an Uses functions and formulas in Uses functions and formulas in
Competencies/Objectives TLE6IE-0e-10 TLE6IE-0e-11 electronic spreadsheet tool to an electronic spreadsheet tool to an electronic spreadsheet tool
perform advanced calculations perform advanced calculations to perform advanced
onnumerical data onnumerical data calculations onnumerical data
TLE6IE-0f-12 data TLE6IE-0f-12
II. CONTENT Gathering and organizing information Gathering and organizing Analyzing information using Analyzing information using Analyzing information using
using ICT information using ICT ICT ICT ICT
3. Textbook Pages
4. Additional Reference
from Learning Resource
B. Other Learning https://link.quipper.com https://link.quipper.com https://link.quipper.com https://link.quipper.com https://link.quipper.com
Resources Powerpoint Presentation Powerpoint Presentation Powerpoint Presentation Powerpoint Presentation Powerpoint Presentation
A. Reviewing previous lesson What is an online survey? How to disseminate an online How to process an online survey What are the functions in an What are the formulas in an
or presenting the new survey? data? electronic spreadsheet? electronic spreadsheet?
B. Establishing a purpose for Why are formulas created?
the lesson
C. Presenting After producing an online survey Today, you will learn how to Today, you will learn about What are the functions in Today you will going to
examples/instances of the form, what is the next step you have process an online survey data. spreadsheet and Microsoft Excel. Microsoft Excel? perform calculations with
new lesson to ensure? functions.
D. Discussing new concepts Identify the steps in disseminating an From the data summary provided Discuss the following: Define what is function. Go over with the functions
and practicing new skill #1 online survey. by the online survey tool, it would 1. Spreadsheet program Identify its elements. already discussed.
be easy to analyze it. Here are 2. Microsoft excel Give examples of fuctions.
some points to remember in
analyzing the survey data.
E. Discussing new concepts Discuus each step. Discuss each point. Discuss what are formulas and Discussions. Give each pupils task to
and practicing new skill #2 Sharing ideas. examples of it. perform using the
F. Developing mastery (Leads What is the purpose of a survey if it How to process an online survey What is an spreadsheet program? What is a function? Compare the monthly salaries
to Formative Assessment) will not be disseminated? data? What are the formulas in Microsoft What are its elements? paid by Company A with those
Excel? paid by Company B. Find the
sum and average of salaries
for each company using
Microsoft Excel’s functions and
G. Finding practical How do spreadsheet makes
applications of concepts our work easier?
and skills in daily living
H. Making generalizations and Disseminating form is just very easy. A summary of the responses will Spreadsheet program processes Functions are ready-made
abstractions about the The challenge, however, is to make show you the number of responses and carries out calculations on the formulas that perform a series of
lesson respondents commit to answer and to the survey and the results for data entered by the user. operations on a specific range of
complete your survey. They have to every question. It will also provide Microsoft Excel is one of the most values. For example, to
be convinced to take part of the you the percentage of each powerful and most popular determine the sum of a series of
development of the research or the question. Aside from that, this will electronic spreadsheet tool numbers in cells A1 through H1,
study. give you a summary in a form of available. It offers unmatched you can enter the function
different graphs, like a bar graph, spreadsheet, database, and chart =SUM(A1:H1), instead of
line graph and pie graph that you creation abilities all rolled into one entering =A1+B1+C1+ and so
can also use to support your data software application. on.
analysis and results.
Every function consists of the
following three elements:
I. Evaluating learning What are the ways/ steps in / or x. What is spreadsheet program? Using Microsoft Excel
disseminating a google online survey 1. Look for the number of What arethe different formulas in functions:
form? respondents who Microsoft Excel? Give examples.
completed the survey. =AVERAGE: Calculates the
2. Filter the data by mean or average of group of
subgroup, for example, numbers
check a specific age
group responded to your =SUM: Adds the values and
survey. calculates the total in a range
3-5. of cells
1. No. of learners who earned
80% on the formative
2. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
3. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
4. No. of learners who
continue to require
5. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
6. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
7. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish
to share with other
E. Performance Standards Communicates and collaborates online through audio, video conferencing, and e-group
F. Learning Uses audio and video conferencing Uses audio and video conferencing Uses audio and video Uses audio and video Uses audio and video
Competencies/Objectives tools to share ideas and work with tools to share ideas and work with conferencing tools to share ideas conferencing tools to share ideas conferencing tools to share
others online others online and work with others online and work with others online ideas and work with others
Identify Video conferencing software Identify Audio and Video The Video Conferencing Video Conferencing using Skype online
TLE6IE-0g-13 conferencing guidelines Webquest TLE6IE-0g-13 TLE6IE-0g-13
TLE6IE-0g-13 TLE6IE-0g-13
II. CONTENT Communicating and Collaborating Communicating and Collaborating Communicating and Collaborating Communicating and Communicating and
using ICT using ICT using ICT Collaborating using ICT Collaborating using ICT
7. Textbook Pages
8. Additional Reference
from Learning Resource
D. Other Learning https://link.quipper.com https://link.quipper.com https://link.quipper.com https://link.quipper.com https://link.quipper.com
Resources Powerpoint Presentation Powerpoint Presentation Powerpoint Presentation Powerpoint Presentation Powerpoint Presentation
K. Reviewing previous lesson What are the formulas in an What are the different audio and What are the different audio and Describe video conferencing in Summative Test
or presenting the new electronic spreadsheet? video conferencing software? video conferencing guidelines? webquest.
L. Establishing a purpose for What is video and audio conference?
the lesson
M. Presenting Today, you will the audio and video Today, you will learn the video Who is familiar with skype
examples/instances of the conferencing guidelines conferencing webquest application?
new lesson
N. Discussing new concepts Define audio and video conference. Identify the guidelines to follow What do you know about Share prior knowledge in using
and practicing new skill #1 before, during and after a Webquest? skype
Use the K-W-L chart
O. Discussing new concepts Identify Video conferencing software Discuss each guidelines. Discuss the video conferencing Discussions.
and practicing new skill #2 Discussions. Sharing of ideas. webquest
P. Developing mastery (Leads What are the different video What are the guidelines to follow What is video conferencing What is skype?
to Formative Assessment) conferencing software?? before, during and after a webquest?
Q. Finding practical
applications of concepts
and skills in daily living
R. Making generalizations and Audio and video conference are For effective audio and video Webquest is an inquiry-oriented There are many audio and video
abstractions about the conferences using phones and/ or conferencing, the guidelines must activity, using Internet resources, conference tools you can use,
lesson computers. Skype, ooVoo and be followed. which encourages pupils and but Skype is one of the
Google Hangouts are examples of students to use higher order commonly used tools in terms of
these. thinking skills to solve a problem. video conference. It is also one
Here, you are provided with online of the most reliable and easy to
resources and use this use. Just remember the
information constructively to solve responsible way of using Skype
the presented problem rather than and any other communication
just cutting and pasting material technology. Use communication
into an assignment or project. technology to promote the rights
of others and not maliciously.
Use communication technology
to enhance our lives and our
communication with others.
S. Evaluating learning Identify the following: List down some guidelines to follow Now, create a simple Webquest in Create your own skype account.
your blogger account with the title
1. It is a conference using 1. Before " Video Conferencing in the
phones only. 2. During Classroom”.
2. It is a conference using 3. After the conference
computers with video.
3. It is the most popular voice
and chat application.
4. It offers video calls up to 10
5. It allows free video
conference upto 12 users.
T. Additional activities for
application or remediation
8. No. of learners who earned
80% on the formative
9. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
10. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
11. No. of learners who
continue to require
12. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
13. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
14. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish
to share with other
H. Performance Standards Communicates and collaborates online through audio, video conferencing, and e-group
I. Learning Uses audio and video conferencing Uses audio and video conferencing Uses audio and video Uses audio and video Uses audio and video
Competencies/Objectives tools to share ideas and work with tools to share ideas and work with conferencing tools to share ideas conferencing tools to share ideas conferencing tools to share
others online others online and work with others online and work with others online ideas and work with others
TLE6IE-0g-13 TLE6IE-0g-13 TLE6IE-0g-13 TLE6IE-0g-13 online
II. CONTENT Communicating and Collaborating Communicating and Collaborating Communicating and Collaborating Communicating and Communicating and
using ICT using ICT using ICT Collaborating using ICT Collaborating using ICT
U. Reviewing previous lesson What are the formulas in an What are the different audio and What are the different audio and Describe video conferencing in What are the things we’ve
or presenting the new electronic spreadsheet? video conferencing software? video conferencing guidelines? webquest. learned this week?
V. Establishing a purpose for What is video and audio conference?
the lesson
W. Presenting Today, you will the audio and video Today, you will learn the video Who is familiar with skype
examples/instances of the conferencing guidelines conferencing webquest application?
new lesson
X. Discussing new concepts Define audio and video conference. Identify the guidelines to follow What do you know about Share prior knowledge in using Pupils will be grouped into 4.
and practicing new skill #1 before, during and after a Webquest? skype Each group will discussed
conference. what have they learned from
Use the K-W-L chart the previous days.
Y. Discussing new concepts Identify Video conferencing software Discuss each guidelines. Discuss the video conferencing Discussions. Discussions.
and practicing new skill #2 Discussions. Sharing of ideas. webquest
Z. Developing mastery (Leads What are the different video What are the guidelines to follow What is video conferencing What is skype?
to Formative Assessment) conferencing software?? before, during and after a webquest?
AA. Finding practical
applications of concepts
and skills in daily living
BB. Making generalizations and Audio and video conference are For effective audio and video Webquest is an inquiry-oriented There are many audio and video
abstractions about the conferences using phones and/ or conferencing, the guidelines must activity, using Internet resources, conference tools you can use,
lesson computers. Skype, ooVoo and be followed. which encourages pupils and but Skype is one of the
Google Hangouts are examples of students to use higher order commonly used tools in terms of
these. thinking skills to solve a problem. video conference.
CC. Evaluating learning Identify the differenet video List down some guidelines to follow Now, create a simple Webquest in Create your own skype account. Application of what had
conferencing softwares. your blogger account with the title learned
4. Before " Video Conferencing in the
5. During Classroom”.
6. After the conference
DD. Additional activities for
application or remediation
15. No. of learners who earned
80% on the formative
16. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
17. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
18. No. of learners who
continue to require
19. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
20. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
21. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish
to share with other
J. Content Standards Demonstrates knowledge and skills to create knowledge products
L. Learning Uses the advanced features of a Uses the advanced features of a Uses the advanced features of a Uses the advanced features of a Uses the advanced features of
Competencies/Objectives slide presentation tool to create a slide presentation tool to create a slide presentation tool to create a slide presentation tool to create a a slide presentation tool to
multimedia presentation with text, multimedia presentation with text, multimedia presentation with text, multimedia presentation with create a multimedia
graphics, and photos; hyperlinked graphics, and photos; hyperlinked graphics, and photos; hyperlinked text, graphics, and photos; presentation with text,
elements; animation; and embedded elements; animation; and elements; animation; and hyperlinked elements; animation; graphics, and photos;
audio and/or video embedded audio and/or video embedded audio and/or video and embedded audio and/or hyperlinked elements;
TLE6IE-0i-15 TLE6IE-0i-15 TLE6IE-0i-15 video animation; and embedded
TLE6IE-0i-15 audio and/or video
II. CONTENT Creating knowledge products Creating knowledge products Creating knowledge products Creating knowledge products Creating knowledge products
NN. Additional activities for Pratical Test Pratical Test Pratical Test Pratical Test Pratical Test
application or remediation
22. No. of learners who earned
80% on the formative
23. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
24. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
25. No. of learners who
continue to require
26. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
27. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
28. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish
to share with other
O. Learning Uses the moviemaking software to Uses the moviemaking software to Uses the moviemaking software to Uses the moviemaking software Uses the moviemaking
Competencies/Objectives create a multimedia presentation create a multimedia presentation create a multimedia presentation to create a multimedia software to create a
TLE6IE-0j-16 TLE6IE-0j-16 TLE6IE-0j-16 presentation multimedia presentation
TLE6IE-0j-16 TLE6IE-0j-16
II. CONTENT Creating a Multimedia Presentation Creating a Multimedia Presentation Creating a Multimedia Presentation First Quarterly Test First Quarterly Test
using the Movie Making Software using the Movie Making Software using the Movie Making Software
I. References
17. Teacher’s Guides
SS. Discussing new concepts Show the movie maker and ask the Discussions.
and practicing new skill #2 pupils to tell something about learn how to make a presentation
it.Discussions. using a moviemaker.
TT. Developing mastery (Leads What is Movie maker? How to learn how to make a
to Formative Assessment) presentation using a moviemaker.?
UU. Finding practical
applications of concepts
and skills in daily living
VV. Making generalizations and Using computer applications in learn how to make a presentation Multimedia presentations aid in
abstractions about the creating presentations is helpful to using a moviemaker? better topic demonstration. This
lesson even make it more exciting. Aside opens up new avenues in sharing
from using the usual presentation ideas to an audience that is more
software, a presentation be stimulating than the usual slide
converted into a multimedia
equivalent by using a moviemaking
WW. Evaluating learning What are the features of Movie How to learn how to make a Pratical Test
maker? presentation using a moviemaker?
XX. Additional activities for Pratical Test
application or remediation
29. No. of learners who earned
80% on the formative
30. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
31. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
32. No. of learners who
continue to require
33. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
34. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
35. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish
to share with other
A wiki is a collaborative website that is intended to be repository of information on a vast range of topics that is
maintained by multiple authors and sources. The term “wiki” came from the Hawaiian term “wiki-wiki”, which
means “quick”. In contrast to a blog (which can only be modified or deleted by a single author), wikis can be
edited, modified or deleted by anyone who has access to it.
Considering that a wiki is susceptible to fraud and misleading information, it is the responsibility of an author to
make sure that any data posted on a wiki is a fact and is undoubtedly real. All wiki sites are founded on the idea
of “collaborative trust”, which states the notion that an author would not include contents that are incorrect and
To make sure that only true and reliable information is posted, an author must observe the following practices:
1. Wikis are available to anyone who has an access to the Internet, make sure that your articles are well
written and well researched. You must also get your information from reliable sources only.
2. In writing a wiki, a topic must be placed in its proper category to allow readers to search it easily. Wikis
tend to change over time, so arranging them chronologically is not necessary.
3. Use the simplest terms as possible. Avoid using words that are too technical that might confuse the
reader even more. Remember that they are reading your article to gain information, not to be puzzled.
4. When writing, observe the proper use of words. Do not include terms that seem offensive and
derogatory to anyone. Personal opinions are also discouraged in writing a wiki, for this may reduce the
integrity of your article.
5. Do not include any material that is considered confidential. These information includes those that
involve the national security and even the personal security of an individual or a group.
6. In editing a document or article, make sure that you are adding up the correct information. Including
incorrect information in an article may cause confusion to the readers. This will also affect the credibility
of the wiki, as well as your credibility as an author.
7. Do not engage in article vandalism; an act of intentionally posting erroneous articles.
8. As an author, you must be open to any criticism and correction as long as these are intended to
enhance the contents of your article.
There is no doubt that the wide spread of use of the Internet gave way to faster sharing and delivering of
information across the globe. Wikis can be accessed in a tap of a finger or a click of a mouse. Having these in
mind, a responsible author may pertain to the practices listed above to make sure that his wiki is adhering to its
main purpose: “To share factual and truthful information that is founded on the idea of collaborative trust”.
Blog came from the word web log. It is a series of entries or posts on a website. In our time, there has been a
great development on blogs. It is now designed to be more interactive where the blogger (the one who owns a
blog) can have a discussion with his/her readers. Readers can leave their comments and they can also leave a
link of other blogs to further the discussion. In this way, communications advances and ideas flourishes.
Everyone can have a blog. For a beginner, it can be used as an online site where individuals can focus on a
specific topic, for example, a blog containing a series of experience of a student (student’s life blog) or a blog
containing articles about food in the Philippines (food blog). Different topics can be discussed on blogs. But like
any other ICT, safe and responsible usage of blogs is highly encouraged. Respecting other ideas and opinions is
a basic rule in communication, especially in the online world.
Listed below are reminders in safe and responsible posting and sharing materials on blogs.
4. The blogger is responsible for all his posts in his blog. He should always consider the implications of a
post. He should also consider the effects of it to others; whether it can help or it can devastate others.
5. The blogger should always be respectful. He should not insult other bloggers as well as his readers.
One thing that blogging contributes to communication is its venue to have a fruitful discussion of any
topics so he should maintain that objective. Also, it is not polite to insult others because of one’s race,
disabilities, gender or class.
6. The blogger should provide his readers valuable information. He should therefore, check the facts, of
whatever topics he is discussing. Readers read blogs for entertainment, but bloggers must provide a
valuable information while entertaining the readers. He should also remember that writing is a
7. To avoid misinterpretations about opinions and ideas, the blogger should explain things in-context.
Context is the situation of an experience or event. It is the situation that precedes the blog post.
8. Citation of sources is one of the important reminders of being a responsible of blogger. The blogger
should give credit to those whose credits are due, for example, if he posts images that are not his, he
should acknowledge where it came from or who owns it. Failure to cite any of his sources is a form of
stealing, and it is very unethical.
Hope this list will guide you to a safe and responsible manner of blogging. Enjoy blogging!
Audio and video conference is a conference between two or more people over the internet. It is commonly used
to supplement face to face meetings. It can be used for business meetings, class meetings, talking to friends and
relatives in another location. Skype is an example of an audio and video conference tool.
We should be careful in using video and audio conference tool. We should use this tool in a safe and responsible
manner for our own good and others. We listed below some reminders in participating in video and audio
1. Ask permission when joining in video and audio conferences. It is basic in entering a conversation. It is
a show of respect.
2. Sending a spam or letting anyone use your account to send spam to others is not allowed. Usually
spam is a message regarding advertisement of dubious products and dubious scheme on how to get
rich etcetera. Sending a spam message is not respecting others’ privacy. Also, spams are used for theft
and some other money generating purposes.
3. Avoid uploading or downloading inappropriate images that will cause harm to others especially to
children. Communication technology is created and developed to give convenience to users and not the
other way around.
4. Do not send a virus. The virus can cause harm to computer. Some viruses can erase all your files and
can cause great damage in the computer.
5. Be respectful. When talking to anyone via internet, always be careful with your words. Don’t insult
others and respect other’s opinion. Also, do not transmit any content that is threatening, unlawful,
libelous and abusive.
6. Always try to give a smart and concise answer. When using a video and audio conference tool in a
meeting, act like as if it is a real face-to -ace meeting. Direct to the point answer is the key to every
7. Do not talk to others while having a video and audio conference. It would cause confusion to the other
party of the conference.
8. Do not leave the conference without permission from others. It would be unpleasant if you leave the
conference without bidding goodbye.
Using communication technology is one of the best gifts in our present days. We can now communicate easily to
everyone, wherever they are or wherever we are. We can get all the information and data we need. We can also
gather data that we need in our research using online tools. But using online tools in data gathering has its
advantages and disadvantages. It’s better to know the pros and cons of using it for us to really maximize it.
Here are the advantages and disadvantages of using online tools to gather data.
1) It is cheaper
Using online tools to gather data is much cheaper than conducting a real interview and survey. All you have to do
is to create an online survey form and send it out to your respondents. You just have to talk to all your
respondents (online) to answer and complete the survey form.
Because of the internet that can connect to a vast number of people, you can just get the data that you need in a
span of a few days. For example, if you need a hundred respondents, it is faster to conduct a survey and get
their answers online than conducting a real survey work. And the respondent's answer will be automatically
stored in an online database tool.
Online survey tools have a flexible design that can cater a simple or complex survey form. Complex type of
survey form can be easily created over the internet and respondents can answer it easily too.
Respondents must have an internet connection in order to answer the survey or questionnaire. The online survey
tools cannot reach those who don’t have the luxury of having an internet connection nor a computer.
The interviewer in online tools is not present. The questions are not designed to have follow up questions and it
can’t explore the respondent's answer.
3) Unreliable responses
It is the heaviest disadvantage of using online tools to gather data. Because of the absence of a physical
interviewer, respondents can just answer the questions without thinking if their answer will contribute to the
Online survey form is a questionnaire that you can use to gather data over the internet. It is very cheap for the
part of the researcher, one whose doing data gathering, and it is very accessible for the part of those who will
answer the survey. Online survey forms are usually used by businesses. They use it to gather more data from
their customers. They use it to know the reaction of the customers in their products. Sometimes it is used to
gather data for an educational research and it is a great help for researches.
To create an online survey form, first you should have an online survey tool. There are so many online survey
tools, but in this case, we will learn how to create an online survey form using Google forms.
Here are the steps to create an online survey form using Google forms.
2) Search for the forms. If you can’t find it on the first page, click even more from Google.
3) Search for Home & Office. Under this category, you’ll see Forms. Click Forms.
5) Answer all the required text fields. Your form must have a title and a short description of your survey form.
6) Place your question under the Question Title. Use your Help Text to explain how to answer the question
(example: Choose from 1-10, 1 for the lowest and 10 for the highest.)
7) Choose what type of question you want to ask. You can choose from Multiple choice, checkboxes, paragraph
text and other types of questions.
10) Once done, you can already send the form to people you wish to ask questions from. Click Send form.
11) You can choose the way you want to send your online survey form. You can send the link of your online
survey form or you can send it via social networking sites or you can just put the email addresses of those you
want to send your form to.
13) After you send the survey form, you will be asked where the responses are to be forwarded. Choose the new
spreadsheet. There is also an application which can analyze the data of your survey forms. Click Create if you’re
finished. You now have successfully created a survey form!
Creating an online survey form is very easy. You will find it very useful in gathering data. The challenge is to
convince respondents to complete the online survey form, but you can always explain and put a disclaimer to let
the respondents know about the importance of your survey, as well as their rights and privacy. Just remember to
use information technology such as online survey form responsibly.
At the end of this lesson, you should learn how to disseminates an online survey form.
It is easy to do an online survey form using Google forms. It only takes minutes to create it. It is likewise cheaper
than carrying a manual survey. There is no need to spend money for a field worker or for your fare to conduct a
house to house and office to office activity. A computer and an internet connection are only the things needed in
creating an online survey form. And in this manner, your can save energy and time can be utilized for other
bodily functions.
After producing an online survey form, the next step you have to ensure is to distribute it to others or to your
chosen respondents. What is the purpose of a survey if it will not be disseminated? Disseminating an online form
is very simple.
2) You will see a box that contains choices on how to disseminate your survey form. The first choice is for you to
share a link of your created form. In doing so, copy the link and send it to your respondents. The other one is for
you to send your form via social networking site and the last one is for you to share your form by entering names
or email addresses of your respondents and it will be sent via email.
3) After choosing how to disseminate your form, click Done. And it will be sent to your respondents accordingly. If
you chose to email it, the email addresses that you added will receive an email about your form and your
respondents will answer it.
Disseminating form is just very easy. The challenge, however, is to make respondents commit to answer and
complete your survey. They have to be convinced to take part of the development of the research or the study.
Learn how to process an online survey data at the end of this lesson.
The survey is one of the essential components in research, specifically in data gathering. A survey is defined as
a general view, examination, or description of someone or something, and online survey is one of the many ways
to gather data. An online survey is a set of questions that target audience who can only complete the survey thru
the internet. These are usually created as web forms with a database where participants’ answers are
automatically stored and analyzed by a certain system that was set up based on the context of the survey.
This is an example of a questionnaire made in a google form (just one way of conducting an online survey).
A summary of the responses will show you the number of responses to the survey and the results for every
question. It will also provide you the percentage of each question. Aside from that, this will give you a summary in
a form of different graphs, like a bar graph, line graph and pie graph that you can also use to support your data
analysis and results.
From the data summary provided by the online survey tool, it would be easy to analyze it. Here are some points
to remember in analyzing the survey data.
1. Look for the number of respondents who completed the survey. The respondents who completed the
survey will serve as the baseline. Number of responses to a given question is called frequencies.
Examining the frequencies will draw the basic picture of the data.
2. Filter the data by subgroup, for example, check a specific age group responded to your survey. You can
draw an analysis based on their age bracket because their answers were influenced by their age. Find
the frequencies of an age group with a specific question. Example, the answer of teenagers are higher
in relation to the answer of late 20’s in terms of using chat button in social networking sites. It means
that chat button is commonly used by teenagers.
3. Use the longitudinal analysis or trend analysis if possible. Trend analysis is tracking how the responses
to specific questions change over time. Example, if in the year 2000 the answer to number 1 question
above is relatively lower than the survey conducted this year, we can say that usage of social media has
an upward trend through the years.
4. Compare the answers of your respondents to a specific question. You can also draw an analysis in this.
It says something about the topic you’re studying. In the example above, 2/3 of the respondents'
answered “3-5” when they asked “Ilang social networking site ang meron ka?”. It means that a
significant number of your respondents is active in using social networking sites, and it is an indication
that social networking sites are used to communicate and therefore it is effective in communication
5. In an online survey tool, you can also see the completion rate of respondents. This data will gauge you
how your survey fits your respondents. It will not analyze your survey data per se, but it can analyze the
whole survey questionnaire.
There are many ways to analyze your survey data according to the study conducted. This list is just one of many
ways to analyze the data.
In this lesson, you will use function and formulas in an electronic spreadsheet tool to perform advanced
calculations on numerical data.
Spreadsheet program processes and carries out calculations on the data entered by the user. For example, a
computer model of a school’s budget might show that the school might run out of money before the end of the
term if it hires an extra teacher.
Microsoft Excel is one of the most powerful and most popular electronic spreadsheet tool available. It offers
unmatched spreadsheet, database, and chart creation abilities all rolled into one software application.
Spreadsheets are made up of columns and rows of numbers. Free alternatives include OpenOffice Calc and
Google Docs, which runs in a web browser.
**What is a Formula?
Worksheets use formulas to perform calculations on the data you enter. With formulas, you can perform addition,
subtraction, multiplication, and division using the values contained in various cells.
Formulas typically consist of one or more cell addresses and/or values and a mathematical operator, such as +
(addition), - (subtraction), * (multiplication), and / (division). Every formula must begin with an equal sign (=).
Entering values with different mathematical operators is the same as entering formulas.
For example:
Solves for the average of the values in cells A1 through A3.
Functions are ready-made formulas that perform a series of operations on a specific range of values. For
example, to determine the sum of a series of numbers in cells A1 through H1, you can enter the function
=SUM(A1:H1), instead of entering =A1+B1+C1+ and so on.
Try it!
Compare the monthly salaries paid by Company A with those paid by Company B. Find the sum and average of
salaries for each company using Microsoft Excel’s functions and formulas.
Try it! Solution
=SUM: Adds the values and calculates the total in a range of cells
Company A
Company B
The total salary for each company is Php 280,000 while the average salary for each company is Php 40,000.
Company A
Company B
At the end of this lesson, you should be able to use audio and video conferencing tools to share ideas and work
with others online.
One of the audio and video conferencing tools is Skype. You can use skype to chat, to have an audio and video
conference with others. Video conferencing tools are commonly used to supplement face to face meetings. It can
be used with an internet connection. It is reliable because you can hold meetings whenever you need to and
wherever you are. It is also efficient to use Skype because you can do multiple things at the same time.
Video conference can also be used for personal reasons. Some family members that are far away can hold a
video conference with their families. In this case, it can ease the feeling of longing, of a family member for his
When you have an assignment or a project and you don’t have enough time to meet face to face because of your
schedule, you can use skype to talk about your assignment or project. You can share your ideas and your
knowledge to your groupmates online.
In using Skype, your computer must have a camera and microphone. Here are the steps to hold an audio and
video conference using skype.
1) Make a Skype account. Go to www.skype.com and follow the necessary steps to have an account.
2) First, add the person you want to talk to. Click the People.
3) Click Add a contact. Look for the icon of the person with an addition sign to his upper right.
4) Type his/her Skype name or email address. And then the Skype will find him/her.
6) And then send your request to the person you want to talk.
7) After you add him/her, you can click the video icon to have a video conference with him/her. Or you can just
call him/her by clicking the phone icon.
There are many audio and video conference tools you can use, but we focused on Skype here in our lesson
because it is one of the commonly used tools in terms of video conference. It is also one of the most reliable and
easy to use.
Just remember the responsible way of using Skype and any other communication technology. Use
communication technology to promote the rights of others and not maliciously. Use communication technology to
enhance our lives and our communication with others.
n this lesson, you will learn to use an e-group to share ideas and work with others.
An e-group can be defined as a group of persons or individuals who come together and communicate using or
thru the internet with the same goals and objectives to share ideas, different opinions, and experiences that can
be shared and get from each individual. There are different types and kinds of e-groups where you can choose
from, you just have to ensure that you have an existing email address as this is needed for you to be invited or to
make an e-group.
E-groups are very helpful to everybody like students and organizations to make their work and life easier by
simply communicating and sharing their thoughts with the group. One of the examples of an e-group is the
Yahoo Group. In this lesson, we will use Yahoo Groups to show how an e-group works. Let’s start to learn how to
post an idea to the Yahoo Group.
1. After clicking Groups, you will see the list of your yahoo groups. We will open the group SCDE1fagarcia.
2. You will see the group’s name (SCDE1fagarcia). Click the New Topic.
3. Once you see this interface, you can already start by writing the subject of your post. You can also
insert a poll in your post if you want to get their opinion via voting.
4. After writing your message, click Send. It will be sent to all the members of the group SCDE1fagarcia.
Here are the steps on how to reply to a conversation on your yahoo group.
1. Select the group’s name (SCDE1fagarcia). Click the conversation.
2. You will see the conversations posted in the group (SCDE1fagracia). Choose one of the messages that
you want to answer.
3. When you click one of the conversations, you will see the message. Click reply and type in your
message, hit send and wait for your group members’ reply.
At the end of this lesson, you should be able to use the advanced features of a slide presentation tool to create a
multimedia presentation with text, graphics, and photos; hyperlinked elements; animation; and embedded audio
and/or video.
Slide presentation has been the go-to medium in different presentations as it has almost all the functions needed
and it is easy to navigate. Not only can you add text, graphics, and photos, it also provides the capability to add
more complex objects like hyperlinked elements, animations, and even embedded audio and/or video.
The following are the steps to access the advanced features of a slide presentation tool to help you create a
multimedia presentation. In this module, we will use Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation. Open the MS
PowerPoint tool and always make sure to save every time changes are made to avoid losing all your work.
1) Add text
Put the title to be used on the first slide by clicking the text box provided and typing inside it. Once the title page
is done, add another slide.
2) On the second slide, there are default text boxes. Try to create your own text box by going to the Insert tab
and choose Text box.
Bring the cursor to the part of the page where you want to create a text box. Type the content inside the box.
You may resize the table or re-locate it on the slide by navigating the circle and square points on the edges.
Notice that under the Insert tab, there many options for you to put different objects to your work. You can insert
tables, images, illustrations, links, text, symbols, and media.
A shortcut on the slide can also be found. This allows addition of tables, charts, graphic, picture, clip art, and
media clip easier.
Once you click Picture, it will open a window to your Picture folders to choose which image to add.
Choose the image, add it, and resize or re-locate depending on your preference.
Putting hyperlink is like creating a link that acts like a shortcut to another object when clicked. An element (text,
image, video, object) on the slide can be linked in different ways:
1. Choose the object by clicking it or selecting it. In this example, the word Introduction is selected.
2. Click Hyperlink under the Insert tab and it will open a window to choose an option to hyperlink the
highlighted text.
3. Click Place in This Document and choose the slide number where you want the highlighted text to be
directed when clicked. In this case, Slide 5. Introduction. After clicking it, hit OK.
4. Upon returning to the slide, the word Introduction should be underlined and should change color.
5. To test if the hyperlink works, the slide should be on the presentation mode. Go to the Slide Show tab
and click From Current Slide.
6. Click the hyperlinked text, Introduction, and it should take you to Slide 5 where you linked it. Note: The
cursor should turn into a little hand icon to indicate that it’s a hyperlink.
Do the same for hyperlinking images and videos to the same presentation.
1. Do steps 1 and 2 to hyperlink the element. In this case, the whole chart will be hyperlinked.
2. The same Insert Hyperlink window will appear but this time, click Existing File or Webpage. Choose the
file you want to open when the linked element is clicked. You may navigate your way to the folder it is
3. Test if the hyperlink works by doing steps 5 and 6 done in hyperlinking to another slide.
4. It should open the document chosen. Click Esc on your keyboard to go back to the presentation.
1. Do steps 1 and 2 to hyperlink the element. In this case, the whole chart will be hyperlinked.
2. From the Insert Hyperlink window, choose Existing File or Web Page. Enter the web page link to the
Address box and click OK.
3. Do the same steps mentioned to test the hyperlink. It should open the webpage when clicked. Note:
Make sure you are connected to the internet to be able to load the website.
4) Add animation
There actually more ways to make your presentation more interesting with the presentation maker. Learn the
advanced options discussed so it will be easier for you to use more functions as you enjoy navigating the
presentation tool.
At the end of this lesson, you should be able to use the moviemaking software to create a multimedia
Using computer applications in creating presentations is helpful to even make it more exciting. Aside from using
the usual presentation software, a presentation be converted into a multimedia equivalent by using a
moviemaking software. A moviemaking software allows a user to create, edit, and publish videos that may also
incorporate images and music. Most of the time, a moviemaking software is used to create presentations that are
out of the box.
There are multiple moviemaking software that a user may either buy or download for free. In order to fully utilize
them, it is important to be familiar with its features and how to use them. In order to create a multimedia
presentation, a user must do the following procedures (considering that the chosen moviemaking software is
already installed):
1) Create a folder where all the resources will be placed. This will make them more organized.
3) Import the needed resources by clicking “Add Videos and Photos” or by dragging the files onto the work area.
4) After importing, you may now edit the video. Listed are some of the most common editing options:
Key Points
Multimedia presentations aid in better topic demonstration. This opens up new avenues in sharing ideas
to an audience that is more stimulating than the usual slide presentation.
Having the necessary skills in moviemaking will help an individual in creating multimedia presentations
that are fun but very informative.