Sal000117a - N200M
Sal000117a - N200M
Sal000117a - N200M
Mid-Range Chemiluminescence
NOX-NO2-NO Analyzer
N Series Platform Features The Model N200M uses the proven chemiluminescence detection principle,
combined with a state-of-the-art modular architecture, and intuitive operating
Color Touch-Screen software to provide accurate and dependable measurements of Nitric Oxide
Graphics Display (NO), Nitrogen Dioxide (NO₂) and total Nitrogen Oxides (NOx) gases for use in
extractive type CEM systems.
Two Front Panel USB Ports
The instrument reaction cell uses a diffusion-based inlet nozzle to minimize
Modular Internal Hardware build-up of contamination on the optics, reducing the frequency of
Design maintenance and minimizing drift. Stability is further enhanced using an
automatic baseline reference cycle which compensates for any potential
All DC-powered Internal
baseline drift. The result is sensitive, accurate, and dependable performance
Components under the harshest operating conditions.
Large Internal Data Storage Instrument functions and controls are managed through a series of integrated
microprocessor-controlled modules utilizing a simple and reliable CAN Bus
Serial and TCP/IP Ethernet
communications architecture. Each module is independently assembled and
Included calibrated allowing easy and fast field replacement to maximize instrument
Digital and Analog
Expansion Options Intuitive operation and calibration of all N Series products is achieved through
the NumaView™ Software interface. The graphical user interface (GUI) is
Indicator Illuminated Soft customizable, giving the user fast and efficient access to instrument status,
Power Switch as well as measurement data and diagnostic parameters in either numeric or
graphical form. NumaView™ Remote Software (included at no charge) provides
Split Fold-Down Rear Panel the same virtual interface and complete instrument control, as well as access to
the instrument’s large internal data storage buffer from a remote PC or tablet.
N200M Specifications
9970 Carroll Canyon Road, San Diego, CA 92131
© 2021 Teledyne API
Phone 858-657-9800
Fax 858-657-9816
Printed documents are uncontrolled. SAL000117A
Email [email protected] (DCN 8338) 01.04.21