Time-Resolved Reflectivity Technique
Time-Resolved Reflectivity Technique
Time-Resolved Reflectivity Technique
Abstract. A new method for determination of the reflectivity of Si in different phase transitions during
pulsed laser irradiation is presented in this paper. This method is applied on TRR spectra of crystalline sil-
icon (c-Si) in a medium of oxygen and amorphous hydrogenated silicon (a-Si : H). Time resolved reflectivity
(TRR) measurements on silicon has been made during pulsed XeCl excimer laser irradiation (308 nm, 28 nm
FWHM) in a medium of oxygen. The samples were irradiated in the energy density range 400–1100 mJ/cm2 .
The reflectivity was measured with a probe He-Ne laser (632.8 nm). Depending on the energy density of the
excimer pulse, heating, melting and resolidification of the surface were monitored by TRR spectra. From
these measurements we were able to determine the melting threshold energy density for c-Si, depending on
the energy densities, time of melting and maximum reflectivity have been measured. TRR spectra of a sample
with 3 µm thick a-Si layer for first shot of measurements were calibrated. A series of a-Si : H samples of the
same thickness (0.34 µm) irradiated with a constant energy density 450 mJ/cm2 and the three consecutive
TRR spectra of the irradiated samples were calibrated.
was necessary to clean all samples with appropriate sol- where Rl (%): reflectivity of liquid Si at 632.8 nm = 73%
vents to remove any organic surface contaminants just [12] Rs (%): reflectivity of solid Si at 632.8 nm and room
before the experiment. The native oxide layer was re- temperature = 34.7% [13]. Rl ( mV): The maximum reflec-
moved by irradiating Si surface under vacuum with 120 tivited intensity of clean Si at E = 1077 mJ/cm2 from
pulses at energy density 450 mJ/cm2 [10]. The chamber Figure 1 it is equal to 0.135 mV.
was evacuated from air and filled with oxygen.
The a-Si : H layers have been prepared by a radio fre-
quency glow discharge deposition [7]. The samples pre- 0.14
pared with the following typical parameters: As the
substrate, 7059 Corning glass plates covered with two
evaporated strip Cr electrodes, the thickness of the 0.10
Reflectivity (mV)
samples was 0.34 µm irradiated with a variable number
of pulses with a constant energy density of 0.45 J/ cm2
which maximize the photoluminescence intensity. Sub- 0.06
strate temperature 250 ◦ C, working pressure 20 Pa, SiH4
flow rate 30 sccm and deposition rate of approximately 0.04
1 µm per hour. 0.02
Three different regimes can be distinguished. be explained as a follows: intense UV radiation in the
In regime (A) (E ≤ 700 mJ/cm2 ) reflectivity slowly in- surrounding gaseous atmosphere can produce a gas-
creases from the value 35.1% (reflectivity of the solid molecule photolysis that can be effective in improving
SiO2 at temperature 300 K) to the value 40%. In Figure 3, the reaction rate at the surface
these points are represented by TRR spectra 1,2.
O2 + hν -→ 2O∗
O∗ + SiO -→ SiO2
(1) E = 410 mJ/cm2
Reflectivity (%)
lustrate the sensitivity of our method we selected the 40%
published TRR spectra from reference [7]. Figure 5 il-
lustrates TRR spectra during irradiation of a-Si : H layer
with three consecutive excimer laser pulses before cal- 35
0.02 28.5%
1 shot
2 shot 25
Reflected Intensity (mV)
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