Time-Resolved Reflectivity Technique

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Time-resolved reflectivity technique: improvement

and applications
K. M. A. EL-Kader
Physics department, Faculty of science, Suez Canal University, Ismailia, Egypt

Abstract. A new method for determination of the reflectivity of Si in different phase transitions during
pulsed laser irradiation is presented in this paper. This method is applied on TRR spectra of crystalline sil-
icon (c-Si) in a medium of oxygen and amorphous hydrogenated silicon (a-Si : H). Time resolved reflectivity
(TRR) measurements on silicon has been made during pulsed XeCl excimer laser irradiation (308 nm, 28 nm
FWHM) in a medium of oxygen. The samples were irradiated in the energy density range 400–1100 mJ/cm2 .
The reflectivity was measured with a probe He-Ne laser (632.8 nm). Depending on the energy density of the
excimer pulse, heating, melting and resolidification of the surface were monitored by TRR spectra. From
these measurements we were able to determine the melting threshold energy density for c-Si, depending on
the energy densities, time of melting and maximum reflectivity have been measured. TRR spectra of a sample
with 3 µm thick a-Si layer for first shot of measurements were calibrated. A series of a-Si : H samples of the
same thickness (0.34 µm) irradiated with a constant energy density 450 mJ/cm2 and the three consecutive
TRR spectra of the irradiated samples were calibrated.

1. INTRODUCTION was done.

In this paper, we develop a new method for determi-
Ultrathin (10–100 Å) silicon oxide layer on silicon
nation the reflectivity in TRR spectrum during pulsed
are of fundamental interest because of their applica-
excimer laser irradiation. It is applied on TRR spectra
tion in MIS solar cells [1]. Low temperature process-
of c-Si irradiated with light from XeCl 308 nm in envi-
ing is desirable in order to prevent substrate degrada-
ronment of oxygen and a-Si : H spectra.
tion in the production of semiconductor-oxide overlay-
ers. Many processes have been proposed for Si which 2. MATERIALS AND METHODS
include chemical deposition (CVD), laser-induced CVD
The experimental set-up is similar to those usually
and laser irradiation in oxygen environment [2].
used for recent TRR measurements [9]. The c-Si sam-
Among other advantages, laser processing offers the
ples were irradiated in oxygen environment in a stain-
interesting possibility of local oxidation (to micron-
less steel chamber. An XeCl(λ = 308 nm) excimer laser
sized area). When pulsed laser irradiation is used, high
(LAMBDA LPX 250 iC) with 28 ns {full width at half-
temperatures are achieved at the near-surface region
maximum (FWHM)} pulses of roughly Gaussian shape
during short period of time, which ensures rapid and
has been used. The homogeneous part of the beam
localized processing. Several works have shown the ex-
has been transmitted through a rectangular diaphragm.
istence of enhancement of the oxidation process by ir-
During the experiment, the energy of the individual
radiating with visible and ultraviolet UV light [3,4]. TRR
pulses was measured with the pyrometer Coherent Lab-
measurements had been used to provide information
master equipped with measuring head LM-5 (the accu-
on whatever the process occurs in liquid or solid phase
racy of the relative value is better than 5%). The en-
in addition to record the reflectivity changes as oxida-
ergy density on the sample surface was controlled by
tion proceeds [2]. To our knowledge the melting thresh-
focusing the beam with a spherical fused silica lens
old, time of melting as a function of energy density and
(f = 180 mm) moved carefully by a micropositioner.
maximum reflectivity depending on energy density are
Typical dimensions of the laser spot on the sample
not determined.
were approx. 1–2× 2–4 mm2 and were determined with
Recrystallization of thin amorphous silicon (a-Si) lay- an accuracy of better than 5%. A probe beam of He-
ers using light sources was proved to be a suitable Ne laser (λ = 632.8 nm, 0.5 mw and unpolarized beam)
method for preparing polycrystalline silicon (pc-Si) [5] was focused in a spot with a diameter of approximately
which is used in the electronics industry, e.g., as metal 500 µm and angle of incidence 30 ◦ . The reflected beam
gate in metal-oxide-semiconductor transistors. was passed through an interference filter and its inten-
Several groups [6–8] have investigated the transfor- sity was measured by Si photodiode (rise time <1 ns).
mation of amorphous silicon to a polycrystalline phase. Photodiode signals were amplified with short-range am-
Recently TRR measurements have been performed to plifier (10–100 MHZ) and captured by the oscillograph
monitor the appearance and time evolution of various Philips PM 3323. Data were digitalized and processed
phase transitions in amorphous hydrogenated silicon by a personal computer.
(a-Si : H) during irradiation [7]. A lot of information are Si samples used in these experiments were cut from
missing because the reflectivity of the surface is un- 0.35 mm thick wafer of the Czochralski grown, p-type
known and only roughly description for the reflectivity Si (100)-oriented single crystal (5–12 Ω cm), polished. It
2 K. M. A. EL-Kader Vol. 1

was necessary to clean all samples with appropriate sol- where Rl (%): reflectivity of liquid Si at 632.8 nm = 73%
vents to remove any organic surface contaminants just [12] Rs (%): reflectivity of solid Si at 632.8 nm and room
before the experiment. The native oxide layer was re- temperature = 34.7% [13]. Rl ( mV): The maximum reflec-
moved by irradiating Si surface under vacuum with 120 tivited intensity of clean Si at E = 1077 mJ/cm2 from
pulses at energy density 450 mJ/cm2 [10]. The chamber Figure 1 it is equal to 0.135 mV.
was evacuated from air and filled with oxygen.
The a-Si : H layers have been prepared by a radio fre-
quency glow discharge deposition [7]. The samples pre- 0.14
pared with the following typical parameters: As the
substrate, 7059 Corning glass plates covered with two
evaporated strip Cr electrodes, the thickness of the 0.10

Reflectivity (mV)
samples was 0.34 µm irradiated with a variable number
of pulses with a constant energy density of 0.45 J/ cm2
which maximize the photoluminescence intensity. Sub- 0.06
strate temperature 250 ◦ C, working pressure 20 Pa, SiH4
flow rate 30 sccm and deposition rate of approximately 0.04
1 µm per hour. 0.02


3.1. Determination of the reflectivity in TRR. spectrum −0.02

50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450
This method allows us to determine the reflectivity of
any bulk or thin film semiconductors at 632.8 nm (He- Time (ns)
Ne laser) during pulsed excimer laser irradiation. TRR Figure 1. Time-resolved reflectivity spectrum for Probe He-
spectrum of c-Si at energy density ≥ 900 mJ/cm2 will Ne laser at E = 1077 mJ/cm2 .
taken as a reference for the calibration of any TRR spec-
trum because there is 38.3% difference between the re- (3) Add the value of the reflectivity of the solid
flectivity of solid Si and the reflectivity of liquid Si at the material (a-Si, SiO2 , etc.) at room temperature and at
same probe wavelength 632.8 nm. In our experiment, 632.8 nm to the reflectivity column.
Si photodiode has high sensitivity to low and rapidly
3.2. Application of the reflectivity method on Si irra-
changing light levels and good linearity of the detector’s
diated in oxygen environment using pulsed excimer
electrical response in following both rising and falling
laser. c-Si sample covered with native oxide layer was
light signals.
irradiated in stainless steel chamber filled with oxygen
It was reported that the reflectivity of He-Ne laser
in the energy density range from 400 to 1100 mJ/cm2 .
from silicon surface during pulsed excimer laser irra-
TRR spectra which have been obtained during irradi-
diation is influenced by a lot of parameters such as the
ation of c-Si were calibrated as in the previous section
incident laser pulse shape, medium of irradiation and
where F = 284 and Rs = 35% [14]. Plotting maximum re-
the Si surface condition for more details see [11]. For
flectivities of TRR spectra as a function of energy densi-
this reason Si surface was cleaned from the native oxide
ties, the experimental points in Figure 2. were obtained.
layer and Si was irradiated under vacuum.
To determine the reflectivity of any bulk or thin film 80
semiconductor materials in TRR spectrum the following
procedures were followed
(1) Clean Si sample was irradiated by pulsed excimer 70
Maximum reflectivity (%)

laser under vacuum with 30 pulses at energy density

range 900 to 1080 mJ/cm2 . The obtained TRR spectra
were analysized and it was found that the average re-
flected intensity is equal 0.135 mV. Figuer 1 represents
an example of TRR spectrum on clean c-Si (100) surface 50
irradiated by XeCl excimer laser at E = 1077 mJ/cm2 .
In Figure 1 the reflected intensity of the photodiode
(0.135 mV) is equivalent to 38.3%. This value represent 40
difference between reflectivity of liquid silicon Rl = 73%
and the reflectivity of solid Si at room temperature
(Rc = 34.7%). 30
200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400
(2) Multiply reflectivity column (mV) in TRR spectrum
Energy density (mJ/cm2 )
by the factor F
Figure 2. Maximum reflectivity of He-Ne laser as a function
Rl (%) − Rs (%) of energy density for SiO2 sample irradiated with pulsed
F= = 284 (1) XeCl excimer laser.
Rl ( mV)
Vol. 1 Time-resolved reflectivity technique 3

Three different regimes can be distinguished. be explained as a follows: intense UV radiation in the
In regime (A) (E ≤ 700 mJ/cm2 ) reflectivity slowly in- surrounding gaseous atmosphere can produce a gas-
creases from the value 35.1% (reflectivity of the solid molecule photolysis that can be effective in improving
SiO2 at temperature 300 K) to the value 40%. In Figure 3, the reaction rate at the surface
these points are represented by TRR spectra 1,2.
O2 + hν -→ 2O∗
O∗ + SiO -→ SiO2
(1) E = 410 mJ/cm2

70 (2) E = 597 mJ/cm2 Irradiation of O2 creates active oxygen species such as

(3) E = 700 mJ/cm2 atomic oxygen, ozone, or ionic oxygen, which react di-
(4) E = 740 mJ/cm2
5 rectly with Si surface. The absorption depth at (UV)
(5) E = 1033 mJ/cm2
wavelength is small (10 nm) [3, 4] so that the increase
(6) E = 1091 mJ/cm2
60 in the thickness of the oxide layer due to change the
Reflectivity (%)

oxygen content leads to decrease the amount of energy

4 which reach to the surface and consequently the maxi-
mum reflectivity decreased. H. Philipp [17] studied the
influence of the oxide layers on the determination of
the optical properties of Si and reported that the ef-
fect of this film is to reduce the reflectance from that
of a pure Si. This conclusion is in agreement with our
experimental results.
From dependence of maximum reflectivity on en-
ergy density in Figure 3, the melting threshold was de-
30 termined (700 mJ/cm2 ). The melting threshold is de-
100 200 300 400 fined as the intersection of straight lines interpolated
Time (ns) through the experimental data in the first part of the
Figure 3. Time-resolved reflectivity spectra of SiO2 Sample curve and the second one.
at 632.8 nm during pulsed XeCl excimer irradiation at dif- Maximum reflectivity corresponding to the measured
ferent energy densities.
melting threshold 700 mJ/cm2 is reflectivity of silicon
dioxide at the melting temperature and its value is 40%.
In regime (B) (700 ≤ E ≤ 800 mJ/cm2 ) reflectivity in- The measured time of melting as a function of the
creases rapidly from 40% to the value 66% the high re- incident energy density are shown in Figure 4.
flectivity of the liquid Si . Jellison et al. [15] show that
near the melting threshold the High reflectivity phase
signal was never less than a certain threshold value 200
and with increasing energy density of the laser pulse
the maximum reflectivity continuously increases from
its value corresponding to a hot solid to that of a liq-
uid. They proposed that this was due to the inhomoge-
Time of Melting (ns)

neous melting of the near-surface layer with a thickness

of about 20 nm. Qualitatively similar results from TRR
measurements were obtained by Foulon et al. [16] in the
case of ArF excimer laser irradiation. They concluded 100
that the reflectivity of liquid Si could be observed only
if the molten layer was thicker than certain thickness
roughly equal to the absorption length of the probe
beam in liquid Si. For thinner molten layers the reflectiv- 50
ity is a function of layer thickness. There is not abrupt
change of reflectivity at a particular value of E i.e. re-
flectivity of a two-layer system (liquid-mono Si) should
be considered, maximum reflectivity approaches reflec- 0
tivity of liquid Si. This part of dependence of maximum 600 700 800 900 1000 1100
reflectivity on energy density is represented in Figure 3 E (mJ/cm2 )
by TRR spectra 3 and 4. Figure 4. Time of melting as a function of energy density
In regime (C) (E ≥ 800 mJ/cm2 ) the maximum reflec- for SiO2 Sample.
tivity is approximately constant and is equal to 66.5%
this part of dependence is represented by TRR spec- These results pointed out the existence of two differ-
tra 5,6 Figure 3. The obtained maximum reflectivity ent melting thresholds. The first one, which is conident
value (66.5%) is less than maximum reflectivity of liq- with 700 mJ/cm2 , should correspond to the energy den-
uid Si at the same energy density this difference could sity required to nucleate the liquid phase. The sec-
4 K. M. A. EL-Kader Vol. 1

ond one, evidenced by the slope change at 760 mJ/cm2

corresponds to the energy density required to induce 50 48.6% 1 shot
a homogenous molten layer on top of the surface. 2 shot
45 3 shot
3.3. Phase transformation mechanisms involved in ex- 42.5%
cimer laser crystallization of a-Si : H thin films. To il- 41.8%
After calibration

Reflectivity (%)
lustrate the sensitivity of our method we selected the 40%
published TRR spectra from reference [7]. Figure 5 il-
lustrates TRR spectra during irradiation of a-Si : H layer
with three consecutive excimer laser pulses before cal- 35


0.02 28.5%
1 shot
2 shot 25
Reflected Intensity (mV)

0 100 200 300

3 shot
0.00 Time (ns)
Before calibration
Figure 6. TRR spectra after calibration during irradiation of
a-Si : H sample with consecutive excimer laser pulses whose
-0.02 serial number are indicated.


-0.04 Time-Resolved Reflectivity technique was improved

via calibration of the reflectivity in TRR spectrum. This
method successfully was applied on SiO2 sample, which
irradiated in oxygen medium to increase the thickness
0 100 200 300 of oxide layer. Melting threshold energy density was de-
Time (ns) termined to be 700 mJ/cm2 . The maximum reflectiv-
Figure 5. TRR spectra before calibration during irradia- ity at melting threshold was determined to be 40% at
tion of a-Si : H sample with consecutive excimer laser pulses He-Ne laser probe beam. Also TRR spectra for a-Si : H
whose serial number are indicated. samples were calibrated. The obtained results showed
that the sensitivity of the method to illustrate the differ-
Applying our calibration method the reflectivity col- ent phase transitions (a-Si, pc-Si and c-Si). This method
umn multiplied by factor F = 284 and the reflectivity represents progress in the field of laser annealing semi-
of a-Si at room temperature and 632.8 nm {Rs = 42.5% conductors because:
at 632.8 nm [18]} was added. Figure 6 shows the TRR (1) The analysis of the treated sample with pulsed
spectra after calibration. The end of TRR spectrum of laser will be done immediately during irradiation, it
the first shot is considered as a beginning for the next saves cost and time of analysis.
spectrum and so on. A-Si : H samples were irradiated (2) The problem of the oxidation of the irradiated
with energy density 450 mJ/cm2 , which is high enough sample will be finished where it is not need to break
to melt the sample surface. For the first pulse the tran- ultrahigh vacuum to transfer the sample from this tech-
sient reflectivity increased from the reflectivity of a-Si nique to other.
(42.5% at 632.8 nm) to the higher reflectivity of liquid (3) The reflectivity of the semiconductors could be
phase 48.6% and after the laser pulse absorbed the re- measured at high temperature without using high tem-
flectivity decreased to 28.5%. This result is evident be- perature furnaces, since the molten region is created by
cause the reflectivity of a-Si at melting temperature is laser irradiation.
47.6 ± 0.5 for the same probe He-Ne laser (632.8 nm)
[18]. The end of the reflectivity of the first pulse was ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
considered as a beginning the second pulse. For the sec-
I would like to thank Dr. V. Chab (institute of physics
ond pulse recrystallization process continue during the
Prague Czech Republic) for his continuous support dur-
absorption of the incident laser pulse the reflectivity in-
ing the experimental work.
creased from 28.5% to 40% and after pulse switch off the
reflectivity reverse its direction and decreased to 32.2%. REFERENCES
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