Pejman Ibrahim

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Journal of

Risk and Financial


Financial Performance of Iranian Banks from 2013 to 2019:
A Panel Data Approach
Pejman Ebrahimi 1, * , Maria Fekete-Farkas 2 , Parisa Bouzari 3 and Róbert Magda 2,4

1 Doctoral School of Economic and Regional Sciences, Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life
Sciences (MATE), 2100 Gödöllő, Hungary
2 Institute of Economic Sciences, Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences (MATE),
2100 Gödöllő, Hungary; [email protected] (M.F.-F.); [email protected] (R.M.)
3 Department of Industrial Management, Lahijan Branch, Andishmand University, 44 Lahijan, Iran;
[email protected]
4 Vanderbijlpark Campus, North-West University, Vanderbijlpark 1900, South Africa
* Correspondence: [email protected]; Tel.: +36-707-193-926

Abstract: It is widely believed that the financial system is dependent on the banking industry, and its
strength and development are vital for economic prosperity. This paper tried to show the financial
performance of Iranian banks listed on the Tehran Stock Exchange (TSE) during 2013–2019, as the
research population. The statistical population included 18 banks listed on the TSE from 2013 to
2019, which were sampled using a screening method. The results indicated a significant relationship
between explanatory variables of capital ratio and the financial performance of banks in all models.

 However, a significant negative relationship was found between the inflation rate and the financial
Citation: Ebrahimi, Pejman, Maria
performance of banks in all models. Furthermore, it seems that banks with high asset strength are
Fekete-Farkas, Parisa Bouzari, and more profitable than the others. Regulators should guarantee that banks remain highly capitalized
Róbert Magda. 2021. Financial for a viable banking sector in Iran.
Performance of Iranian Banks from
2013 to 2019: A Panel Data Approach. Keywords: financial performance; bank-specific factor; macroeconomic factors; panel data
Journal of Risk and Financial
Management 14: 257. https://
1. Introduction
Academic Editors: Peter
It is widely believed that the financial system is dependent on the banking industry
J. Stauvermann and Ronald
and its strength and development are vital for economic prosperity (Bouzari et al. 2020).
Ravinesh Kumar
The efficiency of banks has been reported as one of the important factors of economic
success. Moreover, as different banks have different management levels, the various types
Received: 13 April 2021
Accepted: 5 June 2021
of financial intermediation are expected to have different performances (Chen 2020).
Published: 8 June 2021
According to Rengasamy, the word “performance” means carrying into the execution
or achievement or performing specific activities or fulfilling obligations. Therefore, “bank
Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neutral
performance” can be defined as “the reflection of the way a bank uses its resources in a form
with regard to jurisdictional claims in
which enables it to achieve its goals. In addition, the bank performance also implicates
published maps and institutional affil- employing a series of indicators to reflect the status of the bank and, in a way, its ability to
iations. achieve the desired objectives (Rengasamy 2012). It is possible to investigate the financial
performance of the banks of an economy to evaluate their economic health (Haque and
Sharma 2011).
It has been reported that bank profitability can be assessed at the micro and macrolevels
Copyright: © 2021 by the authors.
of the economy. At the microlevel, profit is vital for a competitive banking institution and
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
the most inexpensive source of funds. It is also a requirement for successful banking in a
This article is an open access article
period of growing competition in financial markets (Aburime 2008). At the macrolevel, a
distributed under the terms and profitable banking sector is capable of bearing the negative shocks and it can help boost the
conditions of the Creative Commons stability of the financial system (Athanasoglou et al. 2008). Banks are looking for new tech-
Attribution (CC BY) license (https:// niques for boosting their services. To figure out the achievement of superior performance, managers and policymakers have raised this question: “What drives performance?” To an-
4.0/). swer this question, researchers are looking for the operational details (Soteriou and Zenios

J. Risk Financial Manag. 2021, 14, 257.

J. Risk Financial Manag. 2021, 14, 257 2 of 15

1999). An important prerequisite for answering this question is to measure profitability.

Return on total assets, return on total equity and net interest margin are the main tools for
evaluating Islamic and Conventional banks (Abduh and Alias 2014; Robin et al. 2018).
According to the recent profitability of the banks in Iran, some elements have been
observed clearly by The Central Bank of Iran (CBI) as the specifications of banks (such as re-
assessment of assets and increased capital, significant growth of common and noncommon
properties, sale of excess property, clearance of government debts, and overdue receivables
with overdraft from the central bank, increased net income and profit, and positive mone-
tary indicators). Thus, these banks boosted their status in the national banking system by
enhancing their performance indicators, reforming the structure, and standardizing the
financial statements.
Iran’s economy has faced sanctions against the banking system since 2006. Due to
its economic structure (the bank-oriented system), the performance of this sector will be
very effective in the general situation of Iran’s economy. Therefore, the possibility of Iran’s
economic vulnerability to sanctions increased because of the extensive financial support of
the banking system for the government (Keimasi et al. 2016). The financial sanctions exclude
Iran from the worldwide messaging system used to arrange international money transfers,
making international payments very difficult and constraining other bilateral economic
flows (Dizaji and Van Bergeijk 2013). Despite these important changes in the Iranian
banking system, there has been no empirical research about the impact of the sanctions on
the profitability of the Iranian banking industry due to the lack of accurate and publicly
available statistics. It should be noted that Iranian banks are in specific conditions and
their performance cannot be compared with other groups of banks worldwide because of
some reasons, e.g., crippling US sanctions, no sustainable economy, and unstable inflation.
Furthermore, it should be mentioned that some previous studies have emphasized capital
adequacy (positive), loan intensity (negative), management efficiency (negative), lagged
GDP growth (positive) and real interest rate (positive) had the same significant effect
on banks’ profitability in Iran. Meanwhile, liquidity had the positive effect on banks’
profitability in Iran. On the other hand, size, credit risk and industry concentration had
opposite effect on banks in Iran (Al-Harbi 2019). Meanwhile, Ebrahimi et al. (2016) shown
that internal factors—the amount of capital and the size of the bank—have a positive impact
on profitability. Besides, structural factors including market share and concentration are
shown to have a positive impact on profitability whereas ownership appears to have no
significant impact. Furthermore, inflation and economic cycles—among environmental
factors—exhibit a positive impact on profitability.
Banks affect economic growth mainly through the capital accumulation channel.
While it appears that the stock market does cause growth through the productivity channel
as well (Taghipour 2009), Iranian banks can reduce transaction and acquisition costs by
acquiring information about investment opportunities, aggregating and equipping savings,
monitoring investments and corporate governance, facilitating the exchange of goods and
services, distributing and managing risk. Finally, it leads to better allocation of resources
and, ultimately, to increased economic growth.
This paper aims to show the financial performance and profitability of Iranian banks
from 2013 to 2018 using a panel regression framework. Although the financial performance
has been comprehensively studied in the theoretical and empirical literature, there is scant
specific research simultaneously investigating the impact of bank-specific, industry-related,
and macroeconomic factors on the financial performance in Iran. The study applied a
distinctive balanced panel data set covering bank-level annual data of Iranian banks.
Contrary to numerous empirical studies on profitability, corporate governance along with
variables controlling for other bank-specific, industry-related, and macroeconomic factors
are also taken into consideration in this framework, following Robin et al. (2018) and
Ekinci and Poyraz (2019).
In the second part of the study, the focus is on a literature review related to the topic.
The third section provides information related to data collection and methods. In the fourth
J. Risk Financial Manag. 2021, 14, 257 3 of 15

section, a panel data approach is used to analyze the data obtained from banks listed on
the Tehran Stock Exchange (TSE), which were sampled using a screening method. The
conclusion and discussion parts are focused on important notes, managerial implications,
some limitations, and suggestions for future research.

2. Literature Review
It has been argued many times that financial development enhances economic growth
by enabling efficient intertemporal allocation of resources, capital accumulation, and
technological innovation. The activities of the banking sector further accelerated through
an extended banking network and credit expansion with strengthened risk management
practices as depicted in the improved asset quality, healthy liquidity ratios, adequate
profitability, and high-quality capital levels ensuring sufficient risk absorption capacity
(Jahfer and Inoue 2014).
Banking supervision is an essential aspect of modern financial systems, seeking
crucially to monitor risk taking by banks to protect depositors, the government safety net,
and the economy as a whole against systemic bank failure and its consequences (Davis and
Obasi 2009). Effective banking supervision is one of the basic preconditions for ensuring
the correct functioning of the country’s economic system. The main purpose of banking
supervision is to maintain the stability of the financial system and increase its confidence
by reducing the risk for depositors and other creditors.
The bank profitability and performance shows the use of the bank resources to achieve
its goals (Mirbargkar et al. 2020) and covers a set of indicators showing the bank status
and its ability to achieve the objectives (Memmel and Raupach 2007). The performance of
banks is assessed to determine their operational results and their overall financial condition,
measure their asset quality, management quality, efficiency, and the achievement of their
objectives, and determine their earning quality, liquidity, capital adequacy, and the level
of bank services (Kamandea et al. 2016). So far, several ratios, such as return on assets
(ROA) (Flamini et al. 2009), return on equity (ROE) (Saona Hoffmann 2011), and the net
interest margin (NIM) (Ben Naceur and Goaied 2008) have been applied for the bank
profitability measurements.
Banks are different in terms of profitability. Several factors affect the profitability and
financial performance of banks (Tharu and Shrestha 2019). Empirical studies investigating
the financial performance of banks use variables that fall into three groups: (1) individual
bank-specific factors, (2) banking sector/industry-specific factors, and (3) macroeconomic
indicators (Alfadli and Rjoub 2020).
The bank performance determinants have been investigated by several empirical
studies (Bourke 1989; Athanasoglou et al. 2008; Salim et al. 2016). There are internal and
external determinants, with the former covering bank-specific management decisions,
for instance, the level of liquidity, credit exposure, capital ratio, operational efficiency,
and bank size. The external determinants are industry-related, such as reform policies or
regulations, ownership or concentration, and macroeconomic indicators, e.g., inflation,
GDP growth, and broad money growth (Robin et al. 2018). The management of commercial
banks, stakeholders, and other interest groups, such as the central bank and the govern-
ment, can benefit from identifying the bank-specific factors and their influences on the
bank profitability and performance. Several internal bank-specific factors, external, and
industry-specific factors (Kamandea et al. 2016) have been identified by evaluating the
internal aspects that determine the profitability and financial performance of commercial
banks. Profitability can be influenced by several macroeconomic indicators, such as eco-
nomic growth (Kosmidou 2008), financial market structure, and macroeconomic conditions
(Pasiouras and Kosmidou 2007).
According to Kosmidou (2008), a significant negative effect of inflation on profitability
was reported in Greek banking during the EU financial integration. According to Athana-
soglou et al. (2008), macroeconomic factors shape the profitability of Greek banks. A study
by Sufian and Kamarudin (2012) revealed that profitability was affected greatly by the
J. Risk Financial Manag. 2021, 14, 257 4 of 15

growth in GDP and inflation. Ongore and Kusa (2013) found that macroeconomic variables
did not influence the performance of commercial banks in Kenya at a 5% significance level.
Gautam (2018) believed that gross domestic product could significantly affect the
financial performance of commercial banks. A nonsignificant positive relationship was
found between the GDP growth rate and the performance of banks, whereas this parameter
was negatively and nonsignificantly influenced by the interest rate (Nyabakora et al. 2020).
Both the inflation rate and the exchange rate had nonsignificant negative influences on
the bank performance at a 10% significance level. It has been reported that the capital and
assets of banks are significantly involved in determining profitability (Robin et al. 2018).
Bourke (1989) and Molyneux and Thornton (1992) reported a positive relationship between
the level of capital (capital ratio) and profitability. Jha and Hui (2012) showed that the
capital adequacy ratio (CAR) negatively influenced ROA while it had a positive influence
on ROE.
According to Adam (2014), the financial performance of the Erbil Bank was influenced
by the positive behavior of its financial position and some variables of its financial factors.
Then, it was reported that the total financial performance of the Erbil Bank was boosted
regarding liquidity ratios, asset quality ratios or credit performance, and profitability ra-
tios (NPM, ROA, and ROE). According to Alshatti (2016), bank profitability is influenced
positively by the variables of capital adequacy, capital, and leverage, but it is negatively
influenced by the variable of asset quality. Profitability is believed to be driven mainly by
capital strength and asset quality in Bangladesh (Robin et al. 2018). Therefore, a suitable
banking policy or raising capital base and asset quality are essential to guarantee a viable
banking sector in this country. Gautam (2018) found a positive relationship between ROA
and CDR, with the latter affecting the financial performance of commercial banks; the inter-
est margin was positively affected by the bank size (Demirgüç-Kunt and Huizinga 1999).
Pasiouras and Kosmidou (2007) argued that the specific characteristics of banks
are influenced by the profitability of both domestic and foreign banks. According to
Athanasoglou et al. (2008), bank-specific and macroeconomic factors, except for bank
size, form the profitability of Greek banks, and other industry structure variables do not
significantly influence the profitability. Higher levels of technical efficiency can be observed
in larger and more profitable banks.
Olson and Zoubi (2011) conducted an empirical study on MENA banks and revealed a
positive correlation between bank size and accounting profitability. Sufian and Kamarudin
(2012) reported that profitability was influenced by bank size. According to Tharu and
Shrestha (2019), bank size is not affected by profitability (ROA). Rao and Lakew (2012)
argued that the key determinants of bank profitability in Ethiopia were the internal factors
being under the control of the bank management. Bouaziz and Triki (2012) highlighted a
significant effect of board features on the financial performance of Tunisian companies.
Ongore and Kusa (2013) revealed that the board and management decisions were the key
drivers of the financial performance of commercial banks in Kenya.
AlQudah et al. (2019) showed that politically connected directors were a stumbling
block in the way to positively improve performance. They also found board independence
was no significantly linked with ROA. Haris et al. (2019) argued that the presence of
politically connected directors in the board negatively influenced the bank profitability.
Haris et al. (2020) reported an inverted U-shaped relationship between capital ratio
and profitability. This indicates profitability increases with an increase in capital ratio up to
a certain level, while a further increase in capital ratio beyond that level decreases prof-
itability. Lucky and Nwosi (2015) showed a significant relationship between asset quality
and the profitability of commercial banks in Nigeria. Mule et al. (2015) reported a positive
association between ROE, profitability, and firm size. Ali and Puah (2019) also indicated
that bank size, credit risk, funding risk, and stability had statistically significant impacts on
profitability. The term “concentration” originates from the structure-conduct performance
theory, indicating that a high concentration is positively related to profitability. Ekinci and
Poyraz (2019) found a significant positive relationship between bank concentration (CR3)
J. Risk Financial Manag. 2021, 14, 257 5 of 15

and profitability. Stančić et al. (2014) found that the proportion of independent directors on
the board is negatively but insignificantly related to bank profitability. Kaymak and Bektas
(2008) and Pathan et al. (2007) presented evidence of a significant positive relationship
between the board independence and the performance of Turkish and Thai banks. Al-Harbi
(2019) suggested that equity, foreign ownership, real gross domestic product growth, and
concentration could foster bank profitability. Ameur and Mhiri (2013) and Yanikkaya et al.
(2018) reported a negative correlation between profitability and GDP growth. Rahman
et al. (2015) found that GGDP to be an important factor for NIM and conversely, inflation
was found as an important determinant of ROA and ROE. Aburime (2008) revealed that
political affiliation had a positive nonsignificant impact on the bank profitability in Nigeria.
Saeed (2014) concluded that the inflation rate negatively affected bank profitability whereas
it had a positive influence on bank size.
Nouri Nouri Borojerdi et al. (2010) showed that the banking industry concentration
had a positive relationship with bank profitability. In the banks of Iran, Arjomandi et al.
(2012) showed that the banking industry’s technical efficiency level—which had improved
between 2003 and 2006—deteriorated after regulatory changes were introduced in Iran. The
results obtained also show that during 2006–2007, the industry’s total factor productivity
increased by 32 percent. Hami (2017) showed that inflation has a negatively significant
effect on financial depth and also a positively significant effect on the ratio of total deposits
in banking system to nominal GDP in Iran during the observation period. Moreover, the
existence of an equilibrium relationship between inflation and other three indicators of
Iran‘s financial development used in this study was rejected. Shahchera and Jozdani (2012)
indicated profitability increased up to a certain level with an increase in the capital ratio,
while a further increase in the capital ratio beyond that level decreased the profitability.
The current study addresses the following hypothesis:
There is a significant relationship between the explanatory variables (capital ratio,
asset quality, bank size, concentration ratio, political director, independent director, GDP
growth rate, and Inflation) and the profitability of banks.

3. Methodology
3.1. Data Collection
There are 8 public banks and 18 private banks operating in Iran, among which only
19 banks are listed on the Tehran Stock Exchange. The required information was obtained
from the TSE software. All data are categorized in this software for every year and every
bank separately. Thus, the statistical population included the banks listed on the TSE
from 2013 to 2019, which were sampled using a screening method. Due to the severe
financial sanctions against Iran, especially the banking sanctions, the focus of the present
research was on the selected years. In the last 7 years, Iranian banks have experienced
various conditions after the crippling financial sanctions. Although it was hoped that the
situation would improve with the advent of the joint comprehensive plan of action (known
as Barjam in Iran), the results of internal and statistical analyses show that Iranian banks
have experienced complex conditions in the context of financial sanctions, which was the
main reason for reviewing the data in the selected period. Because the statistical population
was probably limited, the following inclusion criteria were considered for sample selection:
1. The final fiscal year of the bank should be until the last day of the year.
2. The bank should have unceasingly operated in the TSE from 2013 to 2019.
3. Comprehensive information and notes, along with the financial statements of the
bank, should be accessible.
4. The equity share of the bank should be positive during the study period.
5. The fiscal year of the bank should be unchanged during the study period.
Ultimately, data from 18 banks were analyzed after screening the banks. The websites
of TSE ( (accesses on 15 February 2019) and CBI ( (accesses on
15 February 2019) were visited to gather the data related to the research variables.
J. Risk Financial Manag. 2021, 14, 257 6 of 15

3.2. Variable Description

3.2.1. Dependent Variables
This study employs three measures of profitability as follows. ROA is defined as the
ratio of net profit after tax divided by total assets (Rivard and Thomas 1997; Pasiouras and
Kosmidou 2007), ROE is measured by net profit after tax to shareholders’ equity, and net
interest margin (NIM) is measured by net interest income (interest income minus interest
expense) divided by total assets (Dietrich and Wanzenried 2011).

3.2.2. Independent Variables

Following the literature discussed in Section 2, and based on the empirical studies of
Robin et al. (2018) and Ekinci and Poyraz (2019), the major factors influencing profitability
measures are listed as follows:
Capital ratio (TC/TA): This reflects the bank’s capability to absorb losses incurred
due to poor asset quality. The capital ratio is measured as the total capital divided by
total assets.
Asset quality (TL/TA): This variable, which is used to represent the asset quality, is
also an indicator of liquidity. It is defined as the ratio of total loans to total assets.
Bank size (SIZE): Bank size is measured by the natural logarithm of total assets.
Concentration ratio (CR3): The three-bank deposit concentration ratio (CR3) is in-
cluded in our model to capture the effect of market concentration.
Political director in the bank board (PD): This variable is a dummy variable defined as
PD = 1 if any politically linked person is on the bank board and zero otherwise.
Independent director in the bank board (ID): This variable is a dummy variable
defined as ID = 1 if any independent director is on the bank board and zero otherwise.
GDP growth rate (GDPG): This variable is measured by the real GDP growth rate.
Inflation (INF): CPI inflation rate is used as a proxy.

3.3. Data Analysis

The main research hypothesis was tested using the panel data approach (Al-Homaidi
et al. 2020) initiated by doing the unit root test for stationary. To ensure the use of the panel
method, a likelihood ratio test (LRT) was used (Ebrahimi et al. 2019).
A Hausman test (Hausman 1978) was used to differentiate between fixed and random
effects. In addition, Pearson’s correlation test was done (Appendix A) to eliminate any
multicollinearity. The research model is based on those introduced by (Trabelsi and Trad
2017) and (Tan and Floros 2012). The relationship between research variables was tested
using the following model based on (Robin et al. 2018).

Zit = β0 + γ1 (TC/TA)it + γ2 (TL/TA)it + γ3 SIZEit + γ4 CR3t + γ5 PDit + γ6 IDit + γ7 GDPGt + γ8 INFt + eit (1)

where z is expressed as the measure of profitability in terms of either ROA, ROE, or NIM.
The explanatory variables are capital ratio (TC/TA), asset quality (TL/TA), bank size
(SIZE), concentration ratio that is calculated based on deposits (CR3), a dummy for political
director (PD) in the bank board, a dummy for independent director (ID) in the bank board,
GDP growth rate (GDPG), and inflation (INF).

4. Results
Table 1 shows the descriptive statistics of the research variables. In the first step, it is
essential to test the stationary of the series using the LLC test (Levin et al. 2002). Table 2
shows that all variables are stationary.
J. Risk Financial Manag. 2021, 14, 257 7 of 15

Table 1. Descriptive statistics of research variables.

Variables Mean Std. Dev. Min. Max.

ROA 0.149 0.196 0.001 0.859
ROE 0.284 0.257 0.001 1.054
NIM 0.235 0.238 0.035 1.243
TC/TA 1.514 3.852 0.001 22.410
TL/TA 0.447 0.481 0.001 3.607
SIZE 6.318 0.760 5.232 8.014
CR3 88.259 19.834 52.635 111.000
PD 0.634 0.483 0.000 1.000
ID 0.619 0.487 0.000 1.000
GDPG 437.107 25.994 385.874 467.414
INF 18.471 9.510 9.000 34.700

Table 2. Unit root test for stationary.

Trend & Intercept

Variables Level Decision
LLC Test
ROA I(0)
(0.000) *
ROE I(0)
(0.000) *
NIM I(0)
(0.000) *
TC/TA I(0)
(0.000) *
TL/TA I(0)
(0.000) *
(0.000) *
CR3 I(0)
(0.000) *
PD I(0)
(0.000) *
ID I(0)
(0.000) *
(0.000) *
INF I(0)
(0.000) *
Note: * signify 1%. Prob. values are shown in brackets and the other values are the statistics.

Before the model estimation, the presence/absence of multicollinearity between in-

dependent variables was verified using Pearson’s correlation. Here, H0 and H1 show the
absence and presence of multicollinearity between the independent variables, respectively.
H0 is accepted, rejecting the presence of multicollinearity between independent variables
that have values less than 0.8 (Tabachnick et al. 1996; Ebrahimi and Mirbargkar 2017).
Afterward, considering the significance of cross-section F (prob. < 0.05) in the tests
of redundant fixed effects (Table 3), the Hausman test was done for selecting the model
type in the panel. The probability of cross-section random (prob. < 0.05) in the Hausman
test inspires the fixed effect model. Table 3 shows the analysis of fixed effect panel data
regression with the use of WLS linear regression to overcome the equality of variances
between series.
J. Risk Financial Manag. 2021, 14, 257 8 of 15

Table 3. Estimation results of the panel regression analysis.

Variables Model 1: ROA Model 2: ROE Model 3: NIM

3.292 1.636 4.327
(0.001) * (0.088) *** (0.000) *
0.655 0.039 0.289
(0.513) (0.968) (0.772)
−7.812 1.450 0.855
(0.000) * (0.149) (0.394)
−1.501 3.212 1.042
(0.136) (0.001) * (0.299)
−0.448 0.499 1.390
(0.654) (0.618) (0.167)
3.279 2.012 1.441
(0.001) * (0.000) * (0.243)
1.434 1.188 3.261
(0.154) (0.236) (0.001) *
−1.663 −1.674 −3.129
(0.099) *** (0.096) *** (0.002) ***
7.561 5.565 4.454
(0.000) * (0.000) * (0.000) *
R-squared 58.6% 50.6% 51.4%
Probability (F) 0.000 0.000 0.000
Durbin-Watson (DW) 1.778 2.030 1.715
Probability (Cross-section F) 0.008 0.000 0.000
Probability (Hausman test) 0.000 0.000 0.006
Total observations 126 126 126
Note: * and *** represent 1% and 10%, respectively. Prob. values are shown in brackets and the other ones are the
t-statistic values.

Table 3 shows the results of the model estimation using the cross-section method
and fixing the heteroscedasticity problem through cross-section weights. According to the
F-statistic significance level, the model is verified at a 99% confidence level.
The results show that (a) the R-squared value of 58.6 reveals that 58.6% of the data fit
the ROA’s regression model, (b) the R-squared value of 50.6 reveals that 50.6% of the data
fit the ROE’s regression model, and (c) the R-squared value of 51.4 reveals that 51.4% of
the data fit the NIM’s regression model. Moreover, Durbin-Watson statistics (DW) did not
show any autocorrelation
There is a significant relationship between the explanatory variables with the capital
ratio and the financial performance of banks in all models (ROA: t-statistic = 3.292; prob =
0.001; ROE: t-statistic = 1.636; prob = 0.088; NIM: t-statistic = 4.327; prob = 0.000). Size has a
significant relationship with the financial performance of banks (t-statistic = −7.812; prob =
0.000) only in the ROA model. A negative coefficient shows that the financial performance
of banks decreases with increased size. A significant relationship is established between
three-bank deposit concentration ratio and the financial performance of banks in the ROE
model (t-statistic = 3.212; prob. = 0.001). ID has a significant positive relationship with the
financial performance of banks in ROA and ROE models. GDP growth rate has a significant
relationship with dependent variables (t-statistic = 3.261; prob = 0.001) only in the NIM
model. There is a significant negative relationship between inflation rate and the financial
performance of banks in all models (ROA: t-statistic = −1.663; prob = 0.099; ROE: t-statistic
= −1.674; prob = 0.096; NIM: t-statistic = −3.129; prob = 0.002).
J. Risk Financial Manag. 2021, 14, 257 9 of 15

5. Discussion
To achieve the research objectives, six-year panel data for 18 banks were analyzed
using the multiple linear regression model. The panel data of banks were applied to
observe the effects over years and across banks. The effects of determinants on the financial
performance of banks, as expressed by ROA, ROE, and NIM, were assessed in this study.
A significant positive relationship was found between the capital ratio (TC/TA) and
the financial performance of banks (ROA, ROE, and NIM), revealing that well-capitalized
banks earn more profits as they possibly use less external funding and, consequently, the
cost of funding is low and profits are high. This result is in agreement with some other
empirical studies, e.g., Berger (1995); Pasiouras and Kosmidou (2007); Kosmidou (2008);
and García-Herrero et al. (2009). No significant relationship was found between the asset
quality (TL/TA) and the financial performance of banks. This is not consistent with the
empirical studies by Robin et al. (2018) and Ekinci and Poyraz (2019).
The industry-related factor, i.e., concentration, was positively linked with the bank
profitability (ROE). Increased concentration led to reduced competition and increased
profitability. According to the structure conduct performance paradigm, the key prof-
itability determinant is increased by market power, driven by increased market growth
and concentration. Smirlock (1985); Molyneux and Thornton (1992); Robin et al. (2018),
and Ekinci and Poyraz (2019) also showed that there is a positive relationship between
concentration and profitability.
According to one of the estimated regressions (ROA), bank size and profitability ratios
were negatively linked. Pasiouras and Kosmidou (2007) also found a negative relationship
between bank size and performance. However, Hauner (2005); Kosmidou (2008), and
Robin et al. (2018) found a positive relationship between bank size and profitability. In
the other two regressions, no significant relationship was found between bank size and
performance (ROE and NIM). This is because small banks can develop better relationships
with local businesses and customers and provide them with favorable proprietary informa-
tion in setting contract terms and making better credit underwriting decisions, and thereby
increasing the profitability ratios of banks. There was a significant relationship between
independent directors and bank profitability (ROA and ROE). It could be concluded that
independent directors are adequate in Iranian banks, and they can effectively monitor the
management of the bank, resulting in increased bank profit. However, Robin et al. (2018)
found that the relationship between independent director and bank profitability is not
statistically significant.
Politically connected directors in banks can extract resources at a lower cost, through
their political connections. On the other hand, from a moral hazard perspective, politically
connected banks have fewer incentives to be efficient because they expect their political
connections to be used to collect deposits under two different deposit insurance regimes
(blanket guarantee and limited guarantee) or these banks should be bailed out due to
their political connections in the event of difficulty (Nys et al. 2015; Abdelsalam et al.
2017). In a politicized economy, banks with politically connected directors on the board
tend to lend more money at a lower cost and offer favorable terms to firms linked to
politicians. Politically connected directors influence board decisions by allowing more
political interference to pursue political objectives at the expense of banks, which adversely
affects the performance (Liang et al. 2013). Politically connected directors sitting on bank
boards may have political goals to achieve, which leads the bank to perform poorly (Haris
et al. 2020). The results show that the relationship between PD and profitability was not
significant in all the three estimated regressions. This is consistent with an empirical study
by Robin et al. (2018). However, several other studies found that there is a relationship
between political directors and bank profitability (Hung et al. 2017; Haris et al. 2019).
Unlike the results of Robin et al. (2018) and Ekinci and Poyraz (2019), GDP growth
positively influenced the bank performance (NIM) in this research, revealing that an
improvement in the general income in the economy is profit-enhancing. GDP growth
positively influenced loan demand and the supply of deposits; therefore, it positively
J. Risk Financial Manag. 2021, 14, 257 10 of 15

affected bank profitability. These outcomes are consistent with well-documented literature
that GDP growth will boost bank profitability in the long run. Inflation enters negatively
in all three regressions (NIM, ROA, and ROE). However, Robin et al. (2018) and Ekinci
and Poyraz (2019) showed that this relationship is positive. These negative relationships
between inflation and profitability in the Iranian banking sector show that predicting
inflation in Iran is not easy and the interest rates are adjusted accordingly. Hence, the link
between interest revenue and interest expense negatively influences profitability.

6. Conclusions
This study assesses the financial performance of banks in Iran from 2013 to 2018.
It aimed to show the influences of bank-specific characteristics, industry-related, and
macroeconomic indicators on the profitability of the sample banks. According to our results,
large banks are less profitable (measured by ROA). Because the bank size is negatively
related to ROA and it had a nonsignificant effect on increasing ROE and NIM, banks
should not try to boost their growth for enhancing their performance. Besides, greater
market power (i.e., higher concentration) brings about higher bank profit (measured by
ROE). Moreover, the GDP growth effect passes through to higher banking profitability
(measured by NIM), though CPI inflation reduces the profitability (measured by ROA,
ROE, and NIM) of the sample banks. Thus, the government should adopt the relevant
policies to accelerate economic development because a high GDP growth may increase
the profitability of Iranian banks. Given the high inflation rate in Iran and its negative
effect on the profitability of banks, the management and policymakers of banks in Iran
are recommended to find better strategies to tackle the inflation effect to pave the way for
surge of profits, attract investors, and avoid liquidation.
According to our findings, banks, where the board independence is largely observed,
show a high financial performance (measured by ROA and ROE). Consequently, indepen-
dent directors play an active and significant role in independent statements and recommen-
dations during the corporate decision-making process. To form the board structure, the
presence of non-executive directors is of tremendous importance. Therefore, if the purpose
of board independence is to boost performance, such efforts might be right. A significant
impact was not observed for the loan-to-asset ratio (TL/TA) and political directors in the
bank board on profitability measures, though greater capital strength (TC/TA) brings about
higher profitability (measured by ROA, ROE, and NIM). Thus, it seems that banks with
high asset strength are more profitable than the others. Regulators should guarantee that
banks remain highly capitalized for a viable banking sector in Iran.
The importance of the capital ratio in banks is so great that the international com-
munity has set a minimum for it. Banks rely on their capital to withstand losses due to
nonrepayment of loans granted, poor market conditions, and some operational problems.
Thus, larger capital ratios result in higher capital coverage against potential losses because
banks with higher capital ratios are more stable and more secure, even in financial crises,
against losses and debt repayments. They accept more risk and are encouraged to pay
off loans and facilities in the hope of high returns and increased bank profits. As the
bank size increases, the bureaucracy and other associated factors increase, which have a
negative effect on the bank’s profit. Therefore, it can be concluded that if the cost of banks
does not decrease as banks become larger, the bank size will have a negative relationship
with ROA. The bank concentration coefficient is positive and statistically associated with
ROE. This result supports the view that banks with higher market power gain higher
profits. The existence of competitive conditions will increase the risk of bank operations
and, on the other hand, will reduce the bank returns. Thus, researchers conclude that
centralized banking can be more effective than competitive banking. Therefore, it is clear
that the intensity of focus on the banking industry can have significant consequences on
the ROE of banks by affecting the efficiency and effectiveness of resources (in the desired
or unfavorable direction).
J. Risk Financial Manag. 2021, 14, 257 11 of 15

The performance and profitability of the banking system is a vital issue. One of the
most important challenges for the Iranian banks, which causes their constant disruption,
is the prevailing economic sanctions in Iran. For this reason, this study collected and
reviewed the data of Iranian banks during the economic sanctions from 2013 to 2019. This
is what distinguishes this study and makes it innovative, important, and valuable because
it can provide useful results to these banks. The results obtained in this study can help
political decision-makers to evaluate the cost-benefit of making international decisions and
provide appropriate theoretical and research foundations to deal with sanctions, reduce
their impact, and consequently strengthen and stabilize the banking structure. According to
the results of the research, in the conditions of severe economic fluctuations and sanctions
under political conditions, Iranian banks with a higher capital ratio can take more risks.
They increase their returns and income by providing more credits, facilities, and loans,
and as a result, they will have better financial performance and maintain the competitive
position of the banking system. Policymakers of Iranian banks must consider an optimal
level for the banks’ capital ratio so that they can remain profitable. The larger banks in
Iran receive greater unilateral support from the central bank. They are able to hedge their
risks by using central bank resources, and this support often leads to a reduction in the
performance of banks. Moreover, due to the economic conditions of Iran in the last decade,
the blocking of resources of some banks and the impossibility of paying new facilities have
reduced the volume of financial transactions of customers and also the market share of
banks. As a result, large banks were unable to manage scale costs and showed weaker
financial performance than smaller banks. Therefore, the bank size should be considered in
such a way as to be able to offer a diverse range of banking services based on market needs
and effectively implement financial performance improvements by managing scale cost
reduction and applying innovative methods.
Due to the insignificant effect of the political directors on the board of directors on the
financial performance of banks and their high salaries, the shareholders and members of
the general meeting are suggested to think about removing and dismissing these directors.
Future researches are suggested to compare the results of this research with other
banks in Islamic countries involved in sanctions. Researchers can also use other indicators
to measure financial performance, such as the CAMEL index and re-interpret relationships
with the new model. As with other studies, there are also limitations in the course of
conducting this research, including the difficulty in access to some data from Iranian banks;
hence, the validity of the data should be carefully extended to other investigations.

Author Contributions: Conceptualization, M.F.-F. and P.E.; methodology, P.E. and P.B.; software,
P.E.; validation, M.F.-F., R.M. and P.B.; formal analysis, P.E.; investigation, P.B.; resources, R.M.;
data curation, P.B.; writing—original draft preparation, P.E. and P.B.; writing—review and editing,
P.E., M.F.-F. and R.M.; visualization, P.E.; supervision, M.F.-F. and R.M.; project administration,
R.M.; funding acquisition, R.M. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of
the manuscript.
Funding: This research has received no external funding.
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Data Availability Statement: Not applicable.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.

Appendix A
Correlation matrix for the three research models:
J. Risk Financial Manag. 2021, 14, 257 12 of 15

Table A1. Correlation matrix for the ROA model.


ROA 1.000000 0.301803 0.206643 −0.451223 −0.069704 0.064017 0.132346 0.064295 −0.01240
TC/TA 0.301803 1.000000 0.056731 −0.107797 −0.110731 −0.053274 −0.007961 −0.028520 0.114952
TL/TA 0.206643 0.056731 1.000000 −0.454996 0.014656 −0.012935 0.019161 0.052354 0.058062
Size −0.451223 −0.107797 −0.454996 1.000000 −0.063024 0.000542 −0.047887 −0.008440 0.061073
CR3 −0.069704 −0.110731 0.014656 −0.063024 1.000000 0.061691 −0.103782 −0.012081 −0.58303
PD 0.064017 −0.053274 −0.012935 0.000542 0.061691 1.000000 −0.085671 0.027157 −0.14202
ID 0.132346 −0.007961 0.019161 −0.047887 −0.103782 −0.085671 1.000000 0.090557 0.05129
GDPG 0.064295 −0.028520 0.052354 −0.008440 −0.012081 0.027157 0.090557 1.000000 0.13046
INF −0.012402 0.114952 0.058062 0.061073 −0.583037 −0.142027 0.051290 0.130467 1.00000

Table A2. Correlation matrix for the ROE model.


ROE 1.000000 0.266544 −0.010970 0.038075 0.032470 0.033567 −0.008535 0.038068 −0.0122
TC/TA 0.266544 1.000000 0.056731 −0.107797 −0.110731 −0.053274 −0.007961 −0.028520 0.11495
TL/TA −0.010970 0.056731 1.000000 −0.454996 0.014656 −0.012935 0.019161 0.052354 0.05806
Size 0.038075 −0.107797 −0.454996 1.000000 −0.063024 0.000542 −0.047887 −0.008440 0.06107
CR3 0.032470 −0.110731 0.014656 −0.063024 1.000000 0.061691 −0.103782 −0.012081 −0.5830
PD 0.033567 −0.053274 −0.012935 0.000542 0.061691 1.000000 −0.085671 0.027157 −0.1420
ID −0.008535 −0.007961 0.019161 −0.047887 −0.103782 −0.085671 1.000000 0.090557 0.05129
GDPG 0.038068 −0.028520 0.052354 −0.008440 −0.012081 0.027157 0.090557 1.000000 0.13046
INF −0.012299 0.114952 0.058062 0.061073 −0.583037 −0.142027 0.051290 0.130467 1.00000

Table A3. Correlation matrix for the NIM matrix.


NIM 1.000000 0.229434 0.051770 0.115590 0.048775 −0.065412 −0.011409 0.083408 −0.0980
TC/TA 0.229434 1.000000 0.056731 −0.107797 −0.110731 −0.053274 −0.007961 −0.028520 0.11495
TL/TA 0.051770 0.056731 1.000000 −0.454996 0.014656 −0.012935 0.019161 0.052354 0.05806
Size 0.115590 −0.107797 −0.454996 1.000000 −0.063024 0.000542 −0.047887 −0.008440 0.06107
CR3 0.048775 −0.110731 0.014656 −0.063024 1.000000 0.061691 −0.103782 −0.012081 −0.5830
PD −0.065412 −0.053274 −0.012935 0.000542 0.061691 1.000000 −0.085671 0.027157 −0.1420
ID −0.011409 −0.007961 0.019161 −0.047887 −0.103782 −0.085671 1.000000 0.090557 0.05129
GDPG 0.083408 −0.028520 0.052354 −0.008440 −0.012081 0.027157 0.090557 1.000000 0.13046
INF −0.098055 0.114952 0.058062 0.061073 −0.583037 −0.142027 0.051290 0.130467 1.00000

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