AVRT Technique
AVRT Technique
AVRT Technique
Below is a set of concepts and actions that will allow you to draw the
fact of full recovery into the only moment there is — the present
moment. On the next page is some additional introductory material,
which is then followed by the Crash Course on AVRT®, which has been
available without charge at this website since the dawn of the Internet
in 1995. Many thousands of seriously addicted people have promptly,
fully recovered solely by briefly studying these vital elements
of AVRT-based recovery.
1. Imagine how you would feel if you knew for a fact that that you’ll
never drink/use again, that your addiction is already ended, and
you’re free at last.
2. Notice your mixed feelings, (a) freedom and hope for a better life,
and (b) a sinking feeling related to total, lifetime abstinence.
4. Your Beast talks in your thoughts. Your Beast is your wild appetite
for the high-life, the desire to get high.
5. You can hear your Beast sowing seeds of self-doubt that you can
decide to never drink/use again and stick with it forever. That is your
Addictive Voice.
6. Your Addictive Voice (AV) is any thinking that supports or
suggests the possible future use of alcohol or other drugs. Your AV is
the sole cause of your addiction. Your Beast speaks with awesome
authority, but it is a mere desire, utterly powerless, a dependent
quadriplegic unable to wiggle your fingers.
8. Your Beast has only one fear, deprivation of its favorite fix. It fears
only one word, “never,” as in, “Never say never.” Therefore, that is
exactly what to say: “I will never drink/use again!” — the Big Plan of
AVRT-based recovery. Go ahead. Say it, and mean it.
9. The more you mean it, the stronger you’ll feel your Beast’s
emotional recoil. The more pain for your Beast, the better for you.
Say it again, and believe in yourself: I will never drink/use again. No
pain; no gain.
10. Feel the joy of victory! That is the Abstinence Commitment Effect
(ACE). Feel your Beast’s agony of defeat, the sinking, angry
feelings. Shift back and forth between your joy and its agony. As you
practice this, you’ll draw the fact of full recovery into the present
11. You’re fully recovered at the moment you say you are. Others will
catch on in due time.
13. Welcome your Beast into your life as a sign of health, and not
disease. Welcome your Addictive Voice as a sign that you know right
from wrong. In other words, to your Beast, anything that feels as good
as its favorite fix cannot be wrong. To you, nothing could be more
wrong than drinking/using, in the larger, moral sense of the word.
14. Now, you have two sets of eyes, the eyes of your Beast, and your
own, human eyes. The view is amazingly different from those polar
opposite viewpoints.
15. Enjoy the ACE, but realize that you have brought hardship and
broken hearts to others who have cared about you. Building bridges
back into the human family is an important part of AVRT-based
recovery. Your family needs your support and leadership today and in
the years to come.
16. Stay away from recovery groups of all kinds, set your confidence
for lifetime abstinence arbitrarily at 100%, recognize all self-doubt as
your Addictive Voice. Let the Beast count time, and you'll do fine.
front of your face and wiggle your fingers. Now ask your addiction to do the same. It can’t. This means that
you are ultimately the one in control here.
The AV not only hijacks your mind-voice, but also deceptively hides behind the pronoun “I”. It says “I could
really do with X right about now”, “I sure do miss doing X”, “Wouldn’t it be nice to do X right now, after all
I deserve it after today.” AVRT emphasises the fact that you are not your addictive voice, you just think you
are. When you recognise the AV as ‘not you’ and say no to it, it drops the “I” and starts using “you”, “us”, or
“we”. This is proof that it is not you.
When you say “No” to your AV, this happens: “I could really do with X right about now” becomes “Oh come
on, you could really do with X right now and you know it”. “I sure do miss doing X” becomes “Oh come on, you
definitely miss doing X, can’t you feel it?” “Wouldn’t it be nice to do X right now, after all I deserve it after
today.” becomes “We deserve to do X right now after all we’ve been through, how could you deny us this?”
At this point I have to clarify something. This is not the ‘tug of war’ that Allen Carr refers to. The ‘tug of
war’ is cognitive dissonance, which is where you have 2 or more conflicting belief systems and is a result of not
killing the big monster. “I really don’t want to do X because of this negative effect it gives me, but it also makes
me X so I want to do it”. This is the tug of war and is the doing of the big monster. Once the big monster is
dead by removing the brainwashing, the only voices telling you to engage in your addiction will come from the
little monster (the AV). Because the AV uses the pronoun “I”, confusing the AV with the big monster becomes
a possibility.
It’s also important to point out that the AV is a massive liar. It’s only concern is getting dopamine at whatever
cost. Your AV will try to convince you to put yourself in potentially deadly situations if it means getting a fix.
Earlier I said “When people fail with Easyway, according to Easyway, there are only 2 possible reasons, either
you didn’t follow the instructions properly or you failed to remove the big monster. I believe that this is
detrimental and I’ll explain why later.” I believe this is detrimental because failure to recognise the AV has
lead myself and others who have used Easyway to falsely believe we haven’t fully killed the big monster, so we
re-read the book to try to kill the brainwashing again even though we already have. Failure to recognise the
AV combined with the belief that ‘if you failed with Easyway it means you failed to kill the big monster’ will
cause you to focus your efforts on the big monster again when it’s already been defeated. You may end up in a
cycle of re-reading Allen Carr’s books, lasting a while then relapsing over and over again.
When the AV says something like “I want to do X now because it makes me X”, if you’ve undone the brainwashing
and removed the big monster you may think “But I know that this isn’t true, so why do I still believe it is?
Have I failed to completely undo the brainwashing”. The truth here is that you have removed the brainwashing,
evidenced by the fact that you know better than what your AV is telling you, it’s just that you think that the
AV is you because it used the pronoun “I”. Recognising the AV and forcing it to reveal itself by dropping the
“I” for “you”, “we” or “us” should confirm to you that it’s not the big monster here, it’s the little monster. If
it was indeed the big monster it wouldn’t replace the “I” for “you”, “we” or “us”.
Now when the AV says “Please, can we just do X one more time for old time sake, just one more?” and you say
“No”, you may feel an emotional response. You may feel fear or sadness. It’s extremely important to realise
that this feeling isn’t coming from you, it’s coming from it. If you’re unable to recognise the AV, you will think
this emotion is coming from you and will be more inclined to give in. Recognise the AV and the fact that the
emotions coming from it are not coming from you, then feel joy in this.
When you put both these methods together (if necessary, not all people seem to have a problem with the little
monster) and maintain a feeling of joy and elation whenever you recognise the AV, success is yours.
However, it has confused internet porn as one of these things that are
essential for your survival, as if you will literally die without it. It
should be pretty clear why this happens. When you use porn, your
brain is tricked into thinking you are having sex which in turn would
increase population and survival of your species, so you are supplied
with feel good chemicals as a reward. However, porn is not sex as we
all know. That's another lesson to be learned. When you feel urges for
porn, that's really just because your midbrain wants sex, not porn, and
by using porn, you are only falling short of satisfying your desires.
So, what you do is use your neocortex's (the human brain's) superior
intelligence over your animal brain to say "no." And not just no, but
never. The beast is dumb. It really thinks that you are sacrificing your
survival by choosing to not fap to pixels on a screen. When, in reality,
there are very significant costs to using porn, and it is the non-user
who is happier.
The only resources your Beast has are ones that you can control. The
feeling of being deprived of porn is merely a feeling, but it manifests
itself through thoughts and mental images in your head. However, the
language and mental imagery centres are all located within your
neocortex, and so is movement of your muscles. Try this. Put your
fingers in front of your face and wiggle them. Now ask your Beast to
do the same. See? You are the one in control here.
The Beast wants you to never quit ever, and to PMO for the rest of
your life. But, recognize the anxiety it feels when you think about
never PMOing again. Doesn't that mean that it is the one that's
scared? Scared of what? It's scared of you, and what you can do! It
knows that you can be free for life, because if not, then it wouldn't be
so stressed. Just think about people who fast for extended periods of
time. Although their Beasts know eating is essential for survival,
many still abstain from eating, because they are the ones in control of
their actions, not their Beasts. Only in this case, it’s made much
easier, because porn is not food, it's poison!
The Bully:
Some call the Voice a Beast and thus picture it as such. I for one call
it the Bully, with a capital B. And it really is. It’s so antagonistic.
Usually shower time used to be a bring "big urges" for me, and when
I sing in the shower the urge goes away. Now, I happen to not sing to
get rid of urges, because I know how to deal with those urges without
singing. Rather, I now sing just because I enjoy singing. The Bully
however points it out saying, “You’re singing! That means you’re
afraid of me!”, and that’s exactly what a bully would say. "You're
afraid of me!"
The Bully will literally put hope into you that a loved one dies or you
get sick, so that you suffer and thus have an "excuse" to PMO.
The Bully often puts images into my head of certain scenes. It will
also say, “Does X and Y type of porn exist?”, “Does this MO
technique exist?”. This is an attempt to make me have FOMO, but
I’m really not missing out on anything. Rather, I would be missing
out on a good happy life if I did decide to use.
The Bully says to me “You know that you can do it now. You’re
alone. You can get away with it. It’s so easy. Just do it.” and this often
creates a pang and a lot of discomfort.
There is no reason to fear or doubt. I know that fear creates pangs and
that there’s no reason to have FOMO. I know that there’s no reason to
doubt. Thousands of people have left the trap easily, and we can too if
we just easily eliminate the problems we have.
The Bully (with a capital B) projects many feelings onto you and I,
and it’s important to note that all these feelings are really its own.
When you feel fear that you won’t be able to make it with porn or that
you’ll suffer, it’s really the Bully feeling the fear that it won’t get its
The Bully has a defence mechanism where it will send what it feels
back to you.
If it mopes that it hasn’t been getting its fix, it will make you mope as
The Bully is desperate to find a way to hurt you. It’ll put fear, doubt,
moping, sorrow, anger, etc. Anything to get you back to its prison.
The Bully began as just a misguided little thing, thinking that you
need to PMO to survive, but then evolved into an evil horrible
monster. It used to work for you, to help you survive, but now it only
works for itself. It finally realizes that you can live without the drug.
But, it also now knows that if you stop using, it will die.
Some don’t even know the Bully is manipulating them. The Bully
wants to be envisioned as a nice little person who is harmless. The
Bully wants people to feel guilty for “killing and torturing” it.
Should you be guilty for killing the AV? No. It’s self-defence. If you
don’t kill it, it will kill you.
The Bully will project feelings of impatience onto you. It waits for
you to watch once more, and it makes you wait for the Moment of
Revelation or for the addiction to go. Waiting is bad. Impatience is
bad. Counting days is bad.
One trick that the Bully has is what I call “Decision making” and
what Jack Trimpey calls “Vertigo”. At times the Bully will just put
the thought in my head “Frick. I’ll just do it. Yeah, I’m going to do
it.” This is at its peak discomfort, and it is not the ex-user making the
decision. Rather, it’s the Bully. All that needs to be done is to laugh,
recognize, and ignore it.
Anyway, if you feel moping, doubt, or fear, it's either because the
Bully is projecting these emotions onto you, or it's for a totally
unrelated reason and has nothing to do with porn use (like if you're
just in a bad mood). Note that the Bully will try to make these
situations even worse, and using porn will only make these situations
I’m sure every ex-PMOer regrets PMOing, or the things they’ve done
while PMOing. I for sure do. I sometimes open my eyes and look at
myself in the mirror, confused. How was I ever a person like this?
How did that happen?
No. It’ll just cause more things to be regretful for. Just resolve never
PMOing again.
Guilt is saying that you did something bad. Shame is saying that you
yourself are bad. Guilt is good and constructive. Shame is not. Porn
use is surely something to be guilty about, but shame is different. The
Bully wants you to be ashamed, just as a school bully would want you
to cry after he bullies you. Many bullies will manipulate you into
thinking you’re stupid for falling for the prank, or that you deserve it,
and things like that. So too, PMO makes the user feel horrible about
themselves, as if they’re worthless failures. The Bully even tells
themselves “Gee, you weren’t able to quit this time. You must not be
able to quit at all.” You don’t have a character defect that makes you
watch. The only thing wrong with us in this situation is that we PMO.
And we have free will. With the mindset, AVRT, and removal of your
brainwashing, we can easily just not PMO anymore. The Bully is
always fuelled by having the ability to instil emotion into you. It can
be shame, anger, sorrow, desperation, but most of all, fear.
Chapter 8 – The Addiction
Survival or death
Just like that, your Addiction will ask you for dopamine.
For you, as the body owner, this is wrong because you’re
gonna destroy your life, your goals, etc.
But your Addiction has no visualization of the future and
your goals, the only thing it worries about is the present
moment. It wants to ensure that you get dopamine now.
You are not your Addiction. You are a healthy and mindful
owner of a capable body, you care about life, health,
happiness, rewarding challenges, hobbies, people. This is
You’ve been its slave for so long, but as you see, it only has
the power when you listen to it.
You will notice that you’ll have mixed feelings about this.
On one hand, you may have a sense of liberation, a feeling
of hope. On the other hand, you may feel somewhat
doubtful and unprepared about your choice.
You are the first feelings, the ones of liberation and hope.
Your Addiction loves the idea that one day you’ll slip back
inside the trap. It supports the use of porn, so don’t worry
if it looks like you still crave it – remember that it is not
you, it is the Addiction, your animal side that can’t
understand logical thinking.
In the next days, you may re-read this book, or you may
talk about quitting with someone, and you may notice
some discomfort while doing this, or even while thinking
about doing this: your Addiction doesn’t approve these
Maybe one day you will slip back into the trap. No worries,
you will just have given more fuel to the Addiction, which
will wake up and start suggesting again to watch more
porn. Repeat the process, beat it, feel the discomfort and
let the Addiction die.
Just acknowledge that you’ve made a terrible error and
you can decide to never do it again. You’re free of porn
every time you decide so, and the fact that your Addiction
doesn’t approve your choice has no importance.
Your Addiction liked you because you have arms, eyes, and
everything that was needed to remain addicted – it liked
to use you to satisfy its hunger for dopamine.