Dimensions of Church Growth

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Introduction: Seeing the big picture

As leaders, one of the most important traits we must develop is seeing things correctly; i.e.; from God’s
perspective. What then could be God’s perspective as regards His Church? What’s the big picture? For
me, I’d say, individually and collectively; GROWTH (John 15: 16 – 18). But how do we measure a church’s
growth? Rick Warren said “a church’s strength is measured by its sending capacity, not its seating

We know we are growing when CYF is a place:

 Where the hurting, depressed and confused can find love, help, hope and forgiveness.
 A family where young believers are groomed to spiritual maturity through the Word and prayer.
 Where believers are prepared for ministry by helping them discover their gifts and talents.
 Where many are sent out as career missionaries and church workers and everyone is fulfilling a
personal life mission.
 Where replicating Jesus to a dying world is the highest priority as we reach out to others.

Are we there yet? Not at all. But this is the vision and it is high time we started running with it.

Dimensions of Church Growth

Rick Warren teaches that healthy, lasting church growth is multi – dimensional. There are 5 dimensions
that every church should grow as seen in Acts 2: 42 – 47. Every church needs to grow:

 Warmer through Fellowship

 Deeper through Discipleship
 Stronger through Worship
 Broader through Ministry
 Larger through Evangelism

We must learn how to grow in all 5 dimensions. This will give us a dual result: Faithfulness &
Fruitfulness; Quality & Quantity.

Purpose Driven Growth

What is the driving force behind our church?

Tradition: That’s not how we used to do it.

Personality: What does the leader want?
Finances: How much have we saved?
Events: Keeping people busy.
Seekers: Compromising to becoming contemporary
Programs/Projects: Energy goes into these rather than developing people.

Strong churches are built on purpose. Plans, programs and personalities do not last. But God’s purposes
do. The starting point for every church should be the question, “why do we exist?” Until we know what
our church exists for, we have no foundation, no motivation and no direction for ministry.
The Purposes of the Church

A purpose-driven church is committed to fulfilling all five tasks that Christ ordained for his church to

Purpose #1: Love the Lord with all your heart. Matt. 4:10; Ps. 34:3

The word for this purpose is worship. Worshipping God is the church’s first purpose.

Purpose #2: Love your neighbor as yourself. Eph. 4:12

The word for this is ministry. The church exists to minister to all kinds of needs: spiritual, emotional,
relational and physical.

Purpose #3: Go and make disciples. Matt. 28: 19 – 20; Acts 1:8

The church exists to communicate God’s word. We are ambassadors for Christ responsible to share the
Good News wherever we go.

Purpose #4: Baptizing them. Eph. 2:19

The word for this is fellowship. The church exists to provide fellowship for believers.

Purpose #5: Teaching them to obey. Col. 1:28

The word for this is discipleship. The church exists to edify and educate God’s people developing them
to spiritual maturity.

The church exists to exalt, edify, encourage, evangelize and equip. This is what we are called to do. To
achieve this, we must be clear on the primary and secondary issues of church growth.

The primary issues are: Who is our Master? What is our Message? What is our Motive?

The secondary issues are: Who is our Market? What are our Models? What are our Methods?

Explaining the Church’s Purposes

Purpose Task Objective Target

Life Basic The Church Emotional
Component Human Provides Benefit
Outreach Evangelize Mission Community My Witness Purpose to A Focus Significance
Live For
Worship Exalt Magnify Crowd My Power to A Force Stimulation
Worship Live On
Fellowship Encourage Membership Congregation My People to A Family Support
Warmth Live With
Discipleship Edify Maturity Committed My Walk Principles A Stability
to Live By Foundation
Service Equip Ministry Core My Work Profession A Function Self Expression
to Live Out

Conclusion: Fruitfulness is a command. We must run and be a church that will bear fruit that will last?
Practically, what is God’s purpose for CYF? How can CYF fulfill God’s purposes for her?

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