Becoming TasD

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How to support teachers in becoming teachers as designers of student-

centred approaches

Article · November 2023


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3 authors:

Heilyn Camacho Lone Dirckinck-Holmfeld

Aalborg University Aalborg University


Geoffrey Tabo
Gulu University (GU)


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How to support teachers in becoming teachers as
designers of student-centred approaches
Heillyn Camacho, Aalborg University, Denmark
Lone Dirckinck-Holmfeld, Aalborg University, Denmark
Geoffrey Tabo, Gulu University, Uganda

This article presents a design-based research (DBR) methodology to develop a teacher
professional development intervention that is aimed at helping teachers become designers of
student-centred e-learning activities. The intervention was tested at Gulu University (GU) and
Maseno University (MU), and a set of activities and tools, as well as six design principles, were
recommended for future interventions. The findings suggest that becoming a designer requires
teachers to transform their understanding of their practices and to develop teachers as
designers (TasD) mindsets. Further research is needed to conceptualise these mindsets and to
map and compare the epistemological traditions of learning, design and teaching practices.

Teachers as designers, learning design, design for learning, design process, designerly ways of
thinking, student-centred learning.

At different levels, teachers are increasingly tasked with designing contexts, frameworks, tools,
technologies, learning environments (i.e. physical and digital) and learning activities to prepare
their students for a constantly changing world. Teachers must cope with twenty-first century
learning and teaching dynamics, which demands a paradigm shift from teacher- and
curriculum-centred approaches to learner-centred and problem-oriented approaches. The
integration of new technologies demands that teachers not only prepare students for meeting
the demands of Industry 4.0 regarding competences and knowledge but also incorporate these
emerging technologies into their teaching practices to support and foster learning, which
requires changing their pedagogical and teaching methods (Miranda et al., 2021).

To address these new educational challenges, teachers need to develop new competences and
ways of acting. A promising approach is the incorporation of design in the educational field –
particularly emphasising teaching as a design profession (Laurillard, 2012; Warr & Mishra,
2021), with a specific request for teachers to become designers. When there is considerable
research scaffolding teachers in their designer roles, for example, focusing on methodologies
(Conole, 2014; Conole & Weller, 2008), tools (Yeoman & Carvalho, 2019), design process
(Camacho et al., 2018; Young & Perovic, 2018) and patterns (Goodyear, 2005) to guide/support
teachers to create designs, we know that some teachers do not perceive themselves as
designers and face challenges in applying design principles to their practice (Camacho et al.,
2018). To explore and empower teachers to approach educational problems as design
challenges, more research is needed. This research should not only focus on providing teachers
with methodologies, tools and processes for applying design in their teaching practice but also
help shape their role as designers and provide tools to aid in this process.
In this theory-based and empirically tested work, we seek to contribute to design interventions
to support teachers in becoming teachers as designers (TasD). We explore two questions: What
is required for teachers in higher education to view themselves as designers? How can
professional development activities prepare teachers to become TasD? The empirical work in
this study was conducted in two universities in the East African region.

This article is structured into six sections. First, we explore how the literature outlines design
and education to better develop and conceptualise TasD and review key academic work on
TasD. Second, we present our research methodology: design-based research (DBR). Third, we
illustrate the design of the intervention (prototype). Fourth, we share the experience of
conducting the intervention at Gulu University (GU) in Uganda and Maseno University (MU) in
Kenya. Fifth, we propose design principles for future interventions to support university
teachers in becoming TasD, followed by the conclusion.

Teachers as designers (TasD)

Research on teaching and design is broad and covers several disciplinary fields. One of the most
comprehensive studies that discusses the different schools of teaching and design is the work
of Warr and Mishra (2021). By conducting a literature review, the authors identified ten strands
of scholarships that describe TasD and how these strands are conceptually related. The authors
employ the term ‘strand’ to characterise clusters of research that are thematically linked and
utilise teaching and design constructs in a comparable manner. Even if Warr and Mishra limited
their analysis only to publications with the K12 sector, we find their work relevant to
contextualising our understanding of TasD within higher education.

Warr and Mishra identify strands such as learning design (Conole, 2013; Goodyear &
Dimitriadis, 2013; Laurillard, 2012), where the focus is creating artefacts to scaffold the design
process of curriculum learning activities, helping teachers make informed decisions for their
designs and making them sharable; learning by design (Kolodner et al., 2003), which is
considered a design pedagogy (a way of learning); design thinking (Meinel & Krohn, 2022),
which in recent years has become very popular in the educational context and has been utilised
not only as a pedagogy to teach but also as a design epistemology that provides arguments
regarding how designers think. Further, we also find design based research, collaborative
curriculum design and participatory research. These three strands focus on the collective effort
of teachers, researchers and other stakeholders to develop artefacts, learning activities or
curriculums. The different strands are connected by the suggestion that design is a key activity
of teachers and that teaching can be considered a design profession, with the difference being
the approaches of the different researchers for who is doing the design, the role of the
teachers, how to support the design process, why framing TasD and the understanding of
design (Warr & Mishra, 2021).

This article focusses on the strand of TasD. The specific term of TasD has been more often cited
in the field of technology-enhanced learning (TEL) (Kali et al., 2015; Mishra & Koehler, 2006).
However, the term has recently expanded to other areas of teaching practices (Henriksen et al.,
2020; Kirschner, 2015). In the context of this paper, TasD are practitioners in higher education
who, because of their teaching practice, constantly face different type of challenges. University
teachers have in general been educated not as teachers but as research practitioners within
their fields. Furthermore, TasD are different from professional learning designers; the latter are

professionals who assist teachers with applying technology or innovative pedagogies to
improve their teaching practice or professionals who design for learning but do not teach
(Altena et al., 2019). We do not refer to teachers who help professional designers to design.

In this study, we widen the field of what is designed for beyond TEL. We acknowledge and
agree that technology has changed teaching and learning practices, necessitating a design
perspective to address this complex and ill-structured challenge. However, teachers need to be
designers to address other challenges, such as a) designing a curriculum that fits current and
future societal needs, b) generating new learning activities to develop twenty-first-century
needs, c) adapting and redesigning innovative pedagogies, d) finding ways to motivate students
to stay in school, e) finding ways to communicate and collaborate with various stakeholders, f)
devising different approaches to promote students’ and teachers’ well-being and g) finding
ways to becoming learning organisations.

We are aligned with the perspective of Kirschner (2015), who states that TasD must excel in at
least three distinct fields. First, TasD must possess deep knowledge about the subjects they
teach. Second, they should be well-versed in the art and science of teaching and learning,
encompassing an understanding of diverse pedagogical approaches to effectively achieve
educational goals. Last, teachers need to grasp the science of design.

This last aspect is the add-on for TasD, because in their role of designers, teachers should be
aware of and knowledgeable in the design field: the process, mind-sets, tools and materials.
Therefore, TasD are teachers who aim to improve a current situation into a preferred situation
by applying rational decision-making (Simon, 1969). TasD are aware that design requires a
creative approach to solving problems and demands great competence regarding reflection ‘in’
and ‘on’ action (Schon, 1983). They also use designerly ways of thinking (such as creativity,
curiosity, openness to different perspectives, collaborative work approaches and willingness to
embrace ambiguity) and knowing when to face and approach ill problems (Cross, 2011). TasD
convert educational challenges into design challenges and based on the collection of data on
students, stakeholders and the context, generate solutions in collaboration with students,
colleagues and other stakeholders.

Related work of supporting teachers in becoming designers

There is no doubt that teachers engage in design (Garreta-Domingo et al., 2018); however,
many teachers do not identify themselves as designers (Henriksen et al., 2020) or are unfamiliar
with the practice of design (Bennett et al., 2018). Actually, the design practice for many
teachers is tacit; they do not use explicit design knowledge to design their courses and
frequently base their design practice on previous experiences (Conole, 2013). Recently, there
have been substantial efforts in testing and development of different proposals to support
teachers in incorporating design knowledge in their teaching practices.

Some of these proposals are actionable knowledge about design in the form of specific steps
that teachers should follow. For example, ABC Learning Design (Young & Perovic, 2018) is a
method for systemic and collaborative design and redesign of learning experiences in higher
education. This method guides educators to identify the specific learning goals and learning
activities in which students should engage during a course module. Other examples are the 7Cs
of Learning Design proposed by Conole (2014) and the learning design conceptual framework
(Dalziel et al., 2016).
Another proposal that is highly related to the previous proposal is to scaffold the design process
through materials, where these materials support the dialogical process, sharing of ideas and
making implicit assumptions explicit. These approaches heavily rely on visual thinking.
Examples of these approaches are the work of (Yeoman & Carvalho, 2019), who designed a set
of cards to facilitate application of the Activity-Centred Analysis and Design method and the D-
Thinking Toolkit to apply design thinking in education developed by Tschimmel et al. (2017).

We also find proposals that involve teachers in concrete design processes using specific design
methodologies. Research indicates that teachers change their views and meaning of teaching as
a design science if they experience a real design process (delimitate the problem, gather and
analyse data, co-create with others and use design tools such as brainstorming, diagrams, and
visual thinking) using their own practice problems. In other words, rather than offering
procedural design approaches, design should be learnt by engaging in design (Gachago et al.,
2017). Within this approach, there is the work of Henriksen et al. 2020, who explore how the
design thinking framework (Stanford Design Thinking Model) can serve as a framework for
teachers to engage and solve real problems in education. Other examples of these kinds of
approaches are the work of Boloudakis et al. (2018) and that of Brown et al. (2020). Recent
approaches, albeit few, focus on changing the values of teachers (Chai & Koh, 2017) and design
mind-sets (Baran & AlZoubi, 2023; Noh & Karim, 2021).

Despite a strong research focus on learning design within educational research in the last
decade, further research is needed. To facilitate the process of teachers becoming TasD, we are
especially interested in the addition of three elements to the current research. First, we begin
by emphasising the importance of explicitly addressing design knowledge. We firmly believe
that if we consider teaching as a design profession, then we must treat design knowledge with
the seriousness that it deserves. The following questions should receive dedicated and explicit
attention when supporting teachers to become TasD: What is design? What truly happens
during the design process? How can we approach problems with a designer's ways of thinking?
How can we perceive learners through the lens of design?

Second, it is crucial to address design ways of thinking. As mentioned above, many teachers do
not consider themselves designers. They have simply not viewed their profession from that
perspective, and/or they do not know how designers think and work. To address this issue, an
open discussion about their assumptions and beliefs about teaching and design may be fruitful
to change their way of thinking.

Last, to carefully design learning spaces to foster the transformation to TasD, our assumption is
that physical, online and hybrid spaces must be re-designed to facilitate a designerly way of
working (co-creation, visualisation, iteration, flexibility and partnerships).

Research methodology
Our work is anchored within the context of the Digital Learning Innovation (DLI) project, which
is aimed at developing a methodology to implement student-centred e-learning in universities
in the East African region (Camacho & Dirckinck-Holmfeld, 2020) The DLI project followed the
DBR methodology: 1) understanding and analysis of the practical problem with researchers and
practitioners, 2) development of a solution (prototype) informed by theoretical inputs, 3)

iterative process of testing and redefining the solution and 4) reflection to produce design
principles (Reeves, 2006).

Based on steps 1 and 2 of the DBR methodology, the team formulated the first prototype of the
student-centred, e-learning implementation methodology, which is composed of five phases:
envisioning, preparing, piloting, scaling up and maturing (Figure 1). The description of the
methodology and the tools can be accessed at

Figure 1: Student-Centred e-Learning Implementation Methodology

The methodology proposes specific tools for implementing each phase; therefore, a micro-DBR
process was conducted to develop each of the tools proposed for each phase.

In this work we present only the micro-DBR process to develop the Learning Designer
Workshop (LDW), which is the first tool in the preparing phase (figure 1). Note that the project
did not initially have the concept of TasD, so working with TasD evolved through the DBR

To generate the first LDW prototype, the project group ran some design workshops and
reviewed the literature to inform it (Altena et al., 2019; Bower & Vlachopoulos, 2018; Camacho
et al., 2018; Conole & Weller, 2008; Conole & Wills, 2013; Dalziel et al., 2016; Frick et al., 2013;
Gauntlett, 2014; Groeger & Schweitzer, 2020; Henriksen et al., 2017; Kohls, 2019; Laurillard,
2012; Lorenzetti et al., 2016; Tracey & Hutchinson, 2016; Tsoukas, 2009; Young & Perovic,
2018). The first prototype of the LDW considered the following theoretical guidelines: 1) it
should support teachers to become familiar with an explicit design process that generates a
shareable design; 2) teachers would make conscious and explicit pedagogical choices; 3) the
learning space should support productive dialogues, knowledge co-creation, visual thinking,
collaboration, creativity and play learning; 4) teachers should be provided new tools from the
design thinking field; and 5) teachers should be supported to reflect on their role as designers,
with the aim of reshaping their professional identity.

The LDW is aimed at guiding academic staff in designing meaningful student-centred learning
experiences for an e-learning or blended learning environment. The workshop lasts 30 hours
over the course of four or five days, including an online microlearning course to share content
about TasD, design for learning and user-centred design.

The first pilot was conducted at Gulu University (GU) during Aug-Sep 2021. The LDW had 20
participants drawn from the faculties of Business and Development Studies, Education and
Humanities, and Science and staff from the Library and directorate of technologies services.
Participant composition included nine females and 11 males. Most of the participants were
young lecturers with master’s degrees, with only two having attained a PhD. However, the
teaching experience ranged from four to 20 years at a university. The group was divided into
two macro groups, which were further subdivided into two subgroups. The two macro groups
engaged in different activities.

The second pilot was conducted at Maseno University (MU) during Oct–Nov 2021. The MU pilot
study comprised 12 participants from the Faculty of Education, with a learning designer from
the e-Campus. The participants comprise five males and eight females. Two participants had
teaching experience ranging from seven to 10 years, while the remaining faculty members had
accumulated 15 or more years of teaching experience. Importantly, all participants held a PhD
degree. The learning designer also functioned as a local facilitator. The group was divided into
two subgroups, were engaged in the same activities.

Data were collected in each of the different activities that were implemented at GU and MU
(see Table 1). Furthermore, the project team had design and reflection sessions to obtain the
final prototype presented in the following section.

Table 1: Activities and data collected at GU
Activity Data and format
Microlearning online course Exercises completed by the
LDW (on-site): Videos with the
Macro group 1: ITC staff and library staff members from presentation, material
computer science were introduced to tools to understand produced by the teachers
students/users (day 1). They collected data through interviews and audios from the
and observations about their users (days 2 and 3) and completed reflection session
Personas and Learner Empathy map templates with the
collected data (day 4). There was a reflection session at the end
of the LDW.
Macro group 2: Staff members from the other faculties
completed the exercises presented in figure 2 (three full days),
with the exception of empathy with students. Instead, they had
a short future workshop with students. There was a reflection
session at the end of the LDW.
Working session to analyse the results of the workshops to Word document with the
continue development of the prototype. This two-hour session minutes for the sessions and
was conducted only with the project leaders and local leaders. audios.

The pilot at MU was organised in a manner similar to the pilot at GU, with the exception that
they only engaged in the activities of macro group 2. Another difference between the two pilots
was that the activities in MU were performed in a hybrid modality, meaning that the teachers
and a local facilitator were in the same physical room at MU and the facilitators from Denmark
participated by Zoom. The data were analysed to obtain inputs, and the prototype was relevant
to help teachers become TasD and to improve the prototype of the LDW.

Prototype of the Learning Designer Workshop (LDW)

The prototype of the LDW is presented visually in Figure 2 (see following pages). The figure
represents the improved prototype after the MU pilot. The prototype distinguishes two main
activities: introduction to TasD and a process to design courses within the framework of SC-e-
learning. The introduction of TasD includes three activities (1–3 in Figure 2), and the design
process is composed of five activities (4–8 in Figure 2). Each activity is facilitated through a
canvas (the canvases can be downloaded as PDFs here:, which was
carefully designed to produce a concrete outcome, and materials such as markers, Post-it
notes, Legos, flip paper, stickers and a deck of cards. Activities 1–7 should take place in a design
thinking environment to facilitate the physical, social and psychological dimensions of the
design process.

Figure 2: Prototype of the Learning Designer Workshop

Experience of teachers working with the prototype

In this section we present the third step of the DBR methodology: the iterative process of
testing and redefining the prototype of the LDW. We observed from the data that different
elements interwind to create an experience that was significant and meaningful for the
participants; however, we attempted to reflect separately on three main aspects – materials,
the process and outcomes, which allowed us to improve the prototype and generate more
elaborate design principles for supporting teachers to become designers. Before reading the
next sections, we recommend having a look at figure 3 to get a glimpse of how the teachers
worked in GU and MU.

Material suitability – Tools and space

Regarding materials, we refer to the canvases (tools) used in the different activities (1–7 in
Figure 2), the materials to work with the canvases and the learning space where the activities
took place. The canvases are not just a visual representation in digital or paper format; they
represent the embedded actions that the participants were guided to do.

The canvases and the specific materials to work on them promote new ways of interacting,
reflecting, thinking (individually and collectively), co-creating, making decisions and learning. As
one person from MU stated:

The tools were good because they allowed us to give honest opinions. The tools made us
to do some critical thinking. The tools enable us to come up with our real challenges. At
one point we were looking at is it really competency? So then we need capacity building.
Is it infrastructure? Is it our attitude? The tools unconsciously enable you to respond in
an honest manner. (V-MU-RS-F)

The Future Workshop (FW, canvas 4) supports a problem-solving mindset, which is a key
element in design thinking. The tool scaffolded the groups to collectively identify the key issues
that they were facing and to define and select the significant issues to work on. The FW
provided a framework to collect inputs from each group member and form a common
understanding, moving from individual opinions and experiences to collective reflections and
decisions. The tool was totally new for the group in MU, and as one participant (teacher)
indicated, it ‘throws them out of balance’ but in a positive way because it broke their traditional
way of thinking and idea of participating roles. The FW provided a dialogical space where all
voices contributed – producing two metaphors for the significant problems, as they wanted to
focus on including their vision for the future. The developed problems were how to design for
large classes based on SC approaches, such as problem based learning (PBL), and how to train
teachers on learning design.

The tools adapted from the design thinking tools, such as learner personas and empathy maps
(EMs), were meaningful, useful and revelatory for the participants. Those tools are concrete
ways to understand students and empathise with the needs, desires, challenges, frustrations
and strengths of the learners. These tools helped to create genuine SC learning and start the
process of thinking about how to deal with the diversity of talents and needs in the classroom
that need to be approached with different strategies.

Figure 3: Glimpse of work carried out in GU and MU

Furthermore, collecting data from students with these tools and presenting visually enabled
teachers to get insights into the students’ behaviour. For example, when presenting the results
of the EMs, one group indicated that the class dropout rate was high during the COVID-19
pandemic, highlighting that a lecturer could start a class with 100 students and finish with only

one-third (V-GU-EM-P). But the inputs from a group of students, showed that students
mentioned that internet access was quite expensive and that sometimes they had access for
only two hours (the duration of a lecture), but lectures sometimes did not start on time,
meaning that they did not have enough internet access to finish the lecture (M-GU-FW). Such
behaviour (starting lectures late) that was normal in face-to-face classes did not cause major
problems for the students. In the new setting (online teaching), it became a problem, and
teachers could see and understand it well from the EMs. The EMs also revealed the students’
frustrations with the assessment and grading on the digital platform used by the university
during the pandemic. The teachers wondered if these frustrations were derived from the
students’ lack of training in the use of the platform (V1-UCDW-EM).

The suitability of the tools is closely related to the use of materials provided to work with the
tools and in the learning environment. The unusual approach of using tangible materials (Legos,
prototyping materials, cards, markers, stickers, etc.) to design a course was perceived as a
valuable way to support thinking, knowledge sharing and co-creation and had an impact on
how to perceive and understand design. One person indicated:

We were able to collaborate and come up with one finished diagram that represents our
thoughts and expresses our ideas, and it was quite critical because we had to reason, it
had to make sense, be logical, you know, we discovered and expressed ourselves in all
these forces without even thinking consciously about. (…) The visual aspect is very
important; it relates to a lot of your senses, what you see, what you hear, how you react.
The tools were more engaging by having the visual element. If we are talking about
collaboration, dialogue and communication, it is a plus to have those kinds of visual
tools. (V-MU-RS-F)

Visual thinking tools were applied in all workshops, and gradually, a rich data, information and
knowledge space was created. Each group created ‘corners’ with its canvas, which allowed
constant validation, referencing and checking of information that enabled a continuous
knowledge creation process. There were several instances of participants making statements
such as ‘Do you remember that Monday we were working with the FW and that we came up
with this metaphor?’ They were referring to materials hanging on the walls.

The movable small whiteboards were also a game-changing factor in the interaction of the
groups, as they a) were used to materialising and systematising the ongoing discussion and
b) could move the whiteboards easily to different working spaces within the room. This
underlines that all tools affect the design process, denoting the importance of being intentional
when equipping design-learning spaces. In general, the participants appropriated the space,
which then facilitated the different stages of the design process. This setting was perceived as a
valuable in a context that does not typically provide many opportunities for such types of

Regarding improvements to the prototype, canvas 7 needs to be redesigned, because even

though it includes all the elements that a course designer needs to consider, it is difficult for the
teachers to take all the elements at once. Furthermore, we can identify a missing tool: the
technological tools to support the design process – that is, advanced technologies that can
quickly and easily process and visualise data, such as AI, learning analytics, machine learning,
and big data.
Relevance of the process
At the beginning, the teachers did not see themselves as designers. We observed a change as
the teachers participated in the flow of the design process as a co-creation experience. They
engaged in different discussions and reflections and slowly progressed in the production of
tangible and valuable outcomes of designing an e-learning course within the frame of an SC
approach. As such, the prototype was successful in promoting and encouraging reflection in
and on action (Schon, 1983). Participants reported to have been challenged by the different
activities to reflect and explicitly state their learning and teaching theories, problems and
assumptions. The process motivated them to make the implicit explicit, and by doing so, they
negotiated meaning, came to a mutual understanding and sometimes made adjustments or
changes to their meanings or ways of thinking.

The participants highly appreciated working with their own real challenges and getting things

In these sessions we had WORKSHOPS, which means you are exposed and you
implement, you do your work. [We] evaluate, scientifically, what the impact of what we
have learnt to our learners is [and] the impact on our staff. Where are we now, and what
is the impact of this? (V-MU-RS-F)

Normally, when we do training, the learning goes with the trainers; for us, it remains
here. You came at the right time. (V2-UCDW-EM)

In the test at GU, we assembled teachers, ICT staff and library staff to work together, which was
valuable for the three different groups. The groups were able to better understand each other’s
challenges, daily tasks and perspectives, being the most significant contribution of getting to
work together to find solutions. The groups experienced the benefits of interdisciplinary
collaborative work. One of the teachers reflected on the experience of working in a
multidisciplinary group:

If you see this combination, the work from different entities there, [and] if we work in
collaboration with the library, the ICT, and this department, we are able to improve on
the quality of learning and teaching, and [as] stated from the start, it was student-
centred learning. So, as the three teams can come together and see how we can design
or improve on these platforms that we have (…), then certainly, this gentleman [referring
to the person from the ICT department] is well blessed. Thank you for being around us,
because we can voice out. (V2-UCDW-EM)

Important feedback on the prototype is to find a balance between the process and the product.
The design process was oriented towards producing a course designed with the SC-e-learning
approach, which is innovative in several ways. However, this approach poses the risk of leading
teachers back to the traditional way of thinking when asked to design a course. In our data we
found examples of this challenge. During our GU pilot, we guided the teachers in selecting a
course to be redesigned within the SC framework. However, we did not explicitly ask them to
identify problems with the course itself. Here, we observed that teachers went back to the
model of planning a ‘content-based’ course and did not focus on competences and student’s
needs and desires, even though they were aware of this approach. When brainstorming about
learning activities, they could come mainly with the activities that they already had in the

course. We believe that we unintentionally moved the teachers to a zone where they knew
very well what to do, and they started ‘doing business as usual’. The intervention of the
facilitators and the use of inspirational cards helped teachers move out of this ‘zone’.

At MU, we modified the process based on what we had learnt from GU, but here also, the
teachers were somewhat stuck in the course metaphor. Even though they came up with
different real problems that they were facing and chose two problems as design challenges, we
altered the problem-solving process because the canvas guided to a preestablished solution: ‘a
course’. We do not know if the solution to their problems could have been something different
than a course. From the perspective of scaffolding to help teachers experience the design
process, the fact that our steps lead to designing a course might have affected the freedom of
teachers to explore and follow unexpected solutions.

We have modified our prototype, clarifying that teachers should identify problems for a specific
teaching and learning activity (often a course) and then start the design process from there.
However, as the aim is to support teachers to become designers, they should not be working to
design a course in their first training but focus on identifying an educational challenge and
finding a solution, going beyond the course metaphor. This finding is particularly important – as
it demonstrates the need to be deliberate and explicit in the definition of the concepts used in
the methodology, which should also be mirrored in the scaffolding materials (especially canvas
7, which needs to be redesigned).

The prototype achieved the goals of designing courses within the SC framework, as each of the
groups finished with a course blueprint and adopted/adapted new SC activities and
technologies. Furthermore, the groups implemented their blueprints in a learning management
system. We can state that the prototype also achieved the aim of moving teachers closer to
being designers, as they became aware of their design practice and started engaging in
designerly ways of thinking.

Canvases 1 and 2 allowed teachers to engage in deep reflections and discussions about their
roles as designers. At the beginning the participants did not consider themselves designers and
instead saw themselves as professors/teachers. Even though they could recognise that they do
design, they visualised a designer in the light of an artist, architect, fashion designer and the
like. However, as they went deeper into their teaching practice, they realised that they also do
design in this context.

When arguing to call teachers, designers, some of the groups concluded, ‘Every teacher has a
unique way of planning and delivering lesson content’, ‘we train graduates to adapt to a
dynamic world’ and ‘we collaborate in research works and projects’. When differentiating
teachers from those who act as designers, the main differences were that the latter ‘empathise
with the needs of the learners’ and ‘focus on formative learning’, ‘learning happens in two
ways’ (meaning that teachers also learn) and TasD ‘are inspirational, creative, innovative and
interact with the learner’ (M-MU-C1&2).

We consider that promoting design-thinking mindsets might have a strong influence on the way
teachers think and do things, which might help to enrich their practice. Design tools and the
design process are important, but they materialise from a particular way of thinking. Then by

strengthening ways of thinking, in this case as designers, the focus transitions from tools and
procedures to values and ways of working. In other words, it is not necessarily learning about
and how to use, for example, personas, but learning the value and relevance of being SC and
empathic. It is not about using Legos bricks but understanding that we think and communicate
differently through materials, that expressing untangled concepts (such as feelings) might be
easier by using visual thinking and that a little piece of Lego might trigger a totally different way
to understand a situation or generate an idea.

Design principles to support teachers in becoming designers

In this section we present five design principles to be considered when working with
interventions for TasD, which respond our second research question: how to facilitate
professional development activities to prepare teachers to become designers?

Principle 1: Create learning experiences for teachers by introducing TasD to concrete design
models and tools.

Our field test supports the use of concrete design models to help teachers manage the
messiness of the design process and create a structure to understand design processes, as the
literature presents several design processes. Having concrete tools (such as the canvases) for
each of the design steps provides actionable knowledge for teachers. However, as designers,
we also need to be critical of the conceptualisations, which are materialised in the supporting
tools, for example reflect on the use of the metaphor of ‘courses’. This principle of providing
concrete tools aligns with the works of (Brown et al., 2020; Henriksen et al., 2020; Yeoman &
Carvalho, 2019).

Principle 2: Facilitate genuine learning experiences through participation in a creative and

collaborative problem-oriented process based on teachers’ own realities.

This principle is aligned with the work of Henriksen, Gretter, and Richardson (2020), who
indicate that teachers might change their view and meaning of teaching as design science if
they experience a real design process using their own practice problems.

Principle 3: Explicitly emphasise designerly ways of thinking.

It was evident from our pilots that the participating teachers did not consider themselves
designers. However, when they were first introduced to the concept and then participated in
the different activities, the demonstration of attributes such as empathy for students,
metaphorical thinking, visual thinking, problem roots, thinking with Legos, co-creation and
critical reflection, they started to understand the relevance. Processes and tools of design
thinking are grounded in a set of mindsets which originate from a culture of a specific way of
thinking (Schweitzer et al., 2016).

Most of these ways of thinking are closely related to the practice that teachers as professionals
already perform; however, we argue that design thinking mindsets should more explicitly
become part of teachers’ values.

Principle 4: Provide physical, social and temporary learning spaces that allow for co-creation,
embodiment and sensemaking with others.

The influence of space on the learning process (Bøjer, 2021), knowledge creation (Nonaka &
Takeuchi, 1995) and innovation and creativity (Kohls, 2019) is well documented. Physical space
affects how people think and behave and how and with whom they interact; therefore, when
we engage teachers in a set of activities to foster the transformation to designers, the space
(physical and digital) should be designed to facilitate the kind of interactions and knowledge
creation that we intend to support.

Principle 5: The purposive use of materiality in design is an important element in bringing

teachers closer to being designers.

Thinking through materials facilitates conversations, creates knowledge, fosters participation,

facilitate to convert tacit knowledge into explicit and enables the formation of innovative
spaces, among other purposes. Many teachers are used to oral communication; therefore,
working with Legos, Post-it notes, sketching tools, card sorting materials supports the
externalisation of thoughts and fosters creativity, communication, understanding and co-
creation. Thinking through materials supports the immersion of teachers into the practice of
designers and enhances the experience.

In this work we used DBR to create a teacher professional development intervention that helps
teachers to become designers and to design SC-e-learning activities. The proposal includes
specific tools, a concrete set of activities, a set of ways of thinking to be promoted and a set of
design principles to be considered in future interventions.

The intervention was tested in two different settings in East African universities, demonstrating
that the method has the necessary qualities to achieve the expected goals. The intervention is
the first step in the journey of training teachers to become designers. The best way to develop
teacher as designer skills is by performing the role as a part of everyday practice – in other
words, by approaching real complex problems and addressing them with a design mindset and
design approach. While we observed that teachers related quickly with the new design practice
and recognised that they as teachers do design in different ways, the intervention also
documented that the development of design skills and mindsets demands time, resources and
a willingness to change on the part of both teachers and institutions (Rylander Eklund et al.,

Most of the teachers were immersed in a social practice that has some design traits, but it is
not practiced as a design craft. Therefore, becoming TasD demands a transformation in the way
that teachers understand their own practices in relation to the design practice (practice and the
cultural context in which the design thinking methods and mindsets emerge) to get the full
potential of applying a design perspective to current teaching practices.

In this respect we note the need for further research to map and compare the epistemological
traditions of learning, design and teaching practices to obtain a better understanding of TasD.
There are many shared values of constructivist, experiential and situated learning theories and
design practice. These shared values are applied by teachers when teaching but not when
designing for learning. Explicit examples of certain learning theories that can be reformulated in
design for learning might provide a meaningful learning experience for teachers, as it might
help them connect previous knowledge to a new practice (design).

We consider that our prototype provides good scaffolding for the teachers to become
designers; however, we should be careful not to fall into ‘lobotomy’, a metaphor used by
Verganti (2017) to refer to a practice in management of making design thinking so digestible
that it eradicates the creative power of designers. We need to find a balance to keep ambiguity,
emotions, intuition, confusedness, play with images, metaphors, storytelling, the prototype and
sensemaking of the design practice while still helping teachers to get relevant outcomes for
their practice.

Finally, we recommend further research on TasD mindsets, supporting teachers to incorporate

design into their teaching practice. Some sound studies have defined design thinker mindsets
(Baran & AlZoubi, 2023; Brown et al., 2020; Vignoli et al., 2023), but a well-elaborated mindset
for TasD has not been elaborated. We consider that the Scandinavian literature on IT didactic
design (Levinsen & Sørensen, 2019) may contribute to developing a framework for a TasD

We are particularly thankful to the Centre of Excellence in ICT and Learning established through
the Building Stronger Universities programme, which is funded by Danida; the Digital Learning
Initiative, funded by Access2innovation; PIVØ; Consufé; CanopyLAB; Gulu University; and
Maseno University staff and students for actively participating in this research project and the
administration for granting the much-needed permissions to conduct this project.

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