Aloha POSv12.3 Data Security Implementation Guide
Aloha POSv12.3 Data Security Implementation Guide
Aloha POSv12.3 Data Security Implementation Guide
Security v12.3
Implementation Guide
Use with CFC and new Aloha Manager
Copyright © 2014, NCR Corporation - All rights reserved. The information contained in this publication is confi-
dential and proprietary. No part of this document may be reproduced, disclosed to others, transmitted, stored in
a retrieval system, or translated into any language, in any form, by any means, without written permission of
NCR Corporation.
NCR Corporation is not responsible for any technical inaccuracies or typographical errors contained in this publi-
cation. Changes are periodically made to the information herein; these changes will be incorporated in new edi-
tions of this publication. Any reference to gender in this document is not meant to be discriminatory. The
software described in this document is provided under a license agreement. The software may be used or copied
only in accordance with the terms of that agreement.
POS Data Security
Implementation Guide
Table of Contents
Using This Guide to Meet PCI Requirements..................................................................... 1-1
Build and Maintain a Secure Network.................................................................... 1-12
Protect Cardholder Data ..................................................................................... 1-22
Maintain a Vulnerability Management Program....................................................... 1-27
Implement Strong Access Control Measures .......................................................... 1-28
Regularly Monitor and Test Networks.................................................................... 1-37
Maintain an Information Security Policy ................................................................ 1-41
Upgrading Client Accounts.................................................................................................. 2-1
Working with Backup Files ....................................................................................2-3
Safeguarding Cardholder Data After Upgrading ........................................................2-3
Using the CleanPAN Utility as Part of an Upgrade .....................................................2-4
Frequently Asked Questions ............................................................................................... 3-1
General PCI DSS Information ................................................................................3-3
NCR Aloha Suite and PCI DSS Information ..............................................................3-7
Additional Resources .......................................................................................... 3-10
PCI DSS Configuration Checklists ......................................................................................A-1
Aloha Cryptography .............................................................................................................B-1
EDC Data Flow ......................................................................................................................C-1
Aloha Log Files, Locations, and Contexts .........................................................................D-1
Aloha File Structure..............................................................................................................E-1
Aloha Point-to-Point Encryption ......................................................................................... F-1
Acceptance of a given payment application by the PCI Security Standards Council, LLC (PCI SSC) only
applies to the specific version of that payment application that was reviewed by a PA-QSA and subse-
quently accepted by PCI SSC (the “Accepted Version”). If any aspect of a payment application or ver-
sion thereof is different from that which was reviewed by the PA-QSA and accepted by PCI SSC – even
if the different payment application or version (the “Alternate Version”) conforms to the basic product
description of the Accepted Version – then the Alternate Version should not be considered accepted by
PCI SSC, nor promoted as accepted by PCI SSC.
No vendor or other third party may refer to a payment application as “PCI Approved” or “PCI SSC
Approved”, and no vendor or other third party may otherwise state or imply that PCI SSC has, in whole
or part, accepted or approved any aspect of a vendor or its services or payment applications, except to
the extent and subject to the terms and restrictions expressly set forth in a written agreement with PCI
SSC, or in a PA-DSS letter of acceptance provided by PCI SSC. All other references to PCI SSC’s
approval or acceptance of a payment application or version thereof are strictly and actively prohibited
When granted, PCI SSC acceptance is provided to ensure certain security and operational characteris-
tics important to the achievement of PCI SSC’s goals, but such acceptance does not under any circum-
stances include or imply any endorsement or warranty regarding the payment application vendor or the
functionality, quality, or performance of the payment application or any other product or service. PCI
SSC does not warrant any products or services provided by third parties. PCI SSC acceptance does not,
under any circumstances, include or imply any product warranties from PCI SSC, including, without lim-
itation, any implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for purpose or noninfringement, all of which
are expressly disclaimed by PCI SSC. All rights and remedies regarding products and services that have
received acceptance from PCI SSC, shall be provided by the party providing such products or services,
and not by PCI SSC or any payment brands.
The contents of this document are also reviewed annually for accuracy, in relation to the current version
of Payment Application Data Security Standards (PA-DSS) in force at the time of the review. As new or
modified standards become available, we modify the document to address these changes.
When interim changes occur in the document, we place a revision date on page three, above the Table
of Contents, to indicate the date of the revision. The Feature History table, at the end of the document,
provides information about the general nature of modifications made to the document.
Document Availability
The latest version of this document is available on the Reseller Portal, the Corporate User Portal, and
from members of the NCR team. Copies of this document relating to versions of Aloha that are not offi-
cially released are only available from internal sources, in accordance with agreements in force for the
use of such versions. If you have any difficulty obtaining an up-to-date copy of this document for your
version of Aloha, please contact a member of the NCR team for assistance.
Independent security consultants have validated the NCR Aloha Suite as conforming to these require-
ments, when configured correctly. It is the sincere aim of NCR to offer this document to help resellers
and merchants understand the nature of these requirements, and how best to configure and use the
Aloha system to comply with these requirements.
Please see RKS documents 10485 and 10486 for supported operating systems.
Version 2.0 of the PCI DSS requirements, the most recent version, is available in its entirety
for download in PDF format at the following URL:
Several versions of Aloha have been validated against different versions of security standards, as pub-
lished by the Payment Card Industry Security Standards Council (PCI SSC). For this reason, it is
extremely important to upgrade your Aloha installation to the latest version of Aloha validated against
the appropriate security standards, as it becomes available. A current list of validated versions of Aloha,
and the standards against which they have been validated are available from the following link:
Refer to the table on page 3-8, in the Frequently Asked Questions section of this document,
for more information about validated versions of Aloha, and their respective expiration dates.
Going forward, the following Aloha products will use the new version numbering strategy:
• Aloha Update
• Aloha Configuration Center
• Aloha Electronic Draft Capture
• Aloha Order Point
• Aloha Point-of-Sale
Please be aware that an upgrade to the security key is required before upgrading or installing NCR
Aloha Suite v12.3.
POS DSHB v12.3 Implementation Guide Using This Guide to Meet PCI Requirements 1 - 1
1 - 2 Using This Guide to Meet PCI Requirements POS DSHB v12.3 Implementation Guide
The PCI DSS requirements contain detailed information about practices and considerations you need to
use to establish a secure site. The tables in this section serve as a springboard to the remainder of this
document, to help you comply with PCI DSS requirements, and in many cases to exceed these require-
We use two images in these tables to help you identify the types of help available in this document:
Identifies links you can use to access places in the document where we discuss topics and con-
figurations that relate to and directly address PCI DSS compliance requirements.
Identifies links you can use to access places in the document where you can get tips on things
you can easily do that make your site more secure than the basic PCI DSS requirements. These
items are generally regarded as ‘best practices.’
If you are viewing this document in PDF format, you can quickly navigate back to your original
starting point in the tables, or any previous location, by holding down the left Alt key on the
keyboard, and pressing the left arrow key.
All sites and other applicable entities must comply with all PCI DSS requirements, whether they are
listed in the tables in this section or not. The PCI DSS Requirements tables list only the requirements
that relate directly to Aloha software products. Requirements not listed in the tables do not relate
directly to Aloha software products, or their configuration. Omission of these requirements is not
intended to imply that sites or other entities are not required to comply with these requirements.
POS DSHB v12.3 Implementation Guide Using This Guide to Meet PCI Requirements 1 - 3
Build and Maintain a Secure Network
Requirement Requirement Summary, and Links
Requirement 1: Install and maintain a firewall configuration to protect cardholder data
1.1 Establish firewall and You must establish a formal process for installing and configuring firewalls and
router configuration stan- routers to protect access from external networks, create and maintain a network
dards, as listed in the diagram, and more. Compliance with this requirement does not specifically relate
main PCI DSS require- to the NCR Aloha Suite or associated applications.
ments. Configure the Windows network with firewalls, both software and hard-
1.2 Build firewall and You must establish firewall and router protection between untrusted networks
router configurations that and the cardholder data environment. Compliance with this requirement does
restrict connections not specifically relate to the NCR Aloha Suite or associated applications.
between untrusted net- Install hardware firewalls between the Aloha network and any outside
works and any system connections.
components in the card-
holder data environment. Install a perimeter firewall between the wireless network and the Aloha
1.4 Install personal fire- You must use a software firewall on any mobile or other employee device, to
wall software on any make its connection to the Aloha network secure.
mobile and/or employee- Analyze all laptops, tablet computers, or other devices employees
owned computers with intend to use for connecting to the network, and verify a software fire-
direct connectivity to the wall is installed, active, and configured correctly to access the network
Internet (for example, in a secure manner.
laptops used by employ-
ees), which are used to
access the organization’s
Requirement 2: Do not use vendor-supplied defaults for system passwords and other security
2.1 Always change ven- You must change all vendor-supplied device names, user names, and passwords
dor-supplied defaults previously configured in file servers, terminals, routers, and other peripherals
before installing a system used in the Aloha network. This requirement includes any default device names,
on the network, including user names, and passwords configured in equipment purchased from NCR Cor-
but not limited to pass- poration, such as file servers and terminals.
words, simple network Change all default device names, user names, and passwords previ-
management protocol ously configured in listed devices, prior to connecting them to the card-
(SNMP) community holder data network.
strings, and elimination
of unnecessary accounts.
1 - 4 Using This Guide to Meet PCI Requirements POS DSHB v12.3 Implementation Guide
Protect Stored Cardholder Data
Requirement Requirement Summary, and Links
Requirement 3: Protect Stored Cardholder Data
3.1 Keep cardholder data Establish policies minimizing the storage of cardholder data, and defining the
storage to a minimum by quantity and method of data retention and disposal. Use configuration that
implementing data reten- enhances minimization of sensitive data storage.
tion and disposal policies, Create secure payment card tenders, minimizing storage of sensitive
procedures and pro- cardholder data.
Securely delete files previously containing sensitive data.
3.2 Do not store sensitive Do not store sensitive cardholder data after authorization is complete.
authentication data after By design, the NCR Aloha Suite and associated software satisfies this
authorization (even if requirement by automatically deleting sensitive authentication data
encrypted). after authorization processes are complete. No manual configuration is
necessary or possible.
We suggest using Aloha CleanPAN to remove possible residual sensitive
cardholder data. This is especially critical for older systems, using Aloha
5.3.15 or earlier.
3.3 Mask PAN when dis- Mask the PAN (primary account number) in all locations where it can display, and
played (the first six and in all cases when it prints.
last four digits are the By design, the NCR Aloha Suite and associated software satisfies this
maximum number of dig- requirement by automatically masking the PAN. Only the last four digits
its to be displayed). are ever revealed in plane text. No manual configuration is necessary or
Use Security Roles to control access to PAN in the Audit report. Aloha
automatically logs access to PAN any time it occurs. Create security
roles based on need for access.
Disable Windows print spooling, to prevent inadvertent storage of sen-
sitive cardholder data.
3.4 Render PAN unread- Use one-way hash or other cryptographic methods listed in the main PCI DSS
able anywhere it is stored requirements, to render the PAN unreadable, regardless of location or method of
(including on portable storage.
digital media, backup By design, the NCR Aloha Suite and associated software satisfies this
media, and in logs) by requirement by using strong encryption techniques to render the PAN
using any of the unreadable, if stored. All instances of the PAN, when stored, are
approaches listed in the encrypted and unavailable for view.
main PCI DSS require-
POS DSHB v12.3 Implementation Guide Using This Guide to Meet PCI Requirements 1 - 5
Requirement Requirement Summary, and Links
3.5 Protect any keys used Prevent compromise of any manually created keys used to secure the Aloha net-
to secure cardholder data work, or any part of it, including associated networks, such as wireless.
against disclosure and By design, the NCR Aloha Suite and associated software satisfies this
misuse. requirement by automatically managing primary encryption keys with-
out requiring user intervention. The only manually created keys in the
NCR Aloha Suite are associated with the creation, configuration, and
maintenance of wireless networks.
3.6 Fully document and Key management processes and procedures must be formally established and
implement all key-man- completely documented.
agement processes and By design, the NCR Aloha Suite and associated software satisfies this
procedures for cryp- requirement by automatically managing primary encryption keys with-
tographic keys used for out requiring user intervention. The only manually created keys in the
encryption of cardholder NCR Aloha Suite are associated with the creation, configuration, and
data, as listed in the maintenance of wireless networks.
main PCI DSS require-
1 - 6 Using This Guide to Meet PCI Requirements POS DSHB v12.3 Implementation Guide
Maintain a Vulnerability Management Program
Requirement Requirement Summary, and Links
Requirement 5: Use and regularly update anti-virus software or programs
5.1 Deploy anti-virus Install industry standard, well respected antivirus software on the Aloha file
software on all systems server, and on all terminals.
commonly affected by Install antivirus, per requirement.
malicious software (par-
ticularly personal com-
puters and servers).
5.2 Ensure that all anti- Establish a policy and a process for downloading antivirus updates, configuring
virus mechanisms are these to occur automatically, if possible, and that periodic scans are also enabled
current, actively run- and configured to run. Ensure that the antivirus is always actively running, and is
ning, and generating generating audit logs.
audit logs. Establish a process for downloading antivirus updates frequently. Daily
is not too often. Require someone in the organization to verify fre-
quently that the antivirus is actually running and generating logs.
Examine the antivirus audit logs on a frequent, regular basis to verify
the program is adding new information constantly, and to identify threats dealt
Requirement 6: Develop and maintain secure systems and applications
6.1 Ensure that all sys- Locate and install all security patches and firmware updates available for every
tem components and device used in the Aloha network. This process must include routers, physical
software are protected firewall devices, wireless access points, computers, and any other type of device
from known vulnerabili- that may impinge upon maintaining the security of the Aloha network, and in
ties by having the latest particular the cardholder data environment.
vendor-supplied security As part of your ongoing efforts to maintain a secure cardholder data
patches installed. Install environment, install all security updates and patches available.
critical security patches
within one month of
6.2 Establish a process to List all devices and system components that may require periodic updates, and
identify and assign a risk establish a process to look for program and security updates on a regular basis.
ranking to newly discov- Create a list of devices requiring periodic updates, and a plan for
ered security vulnerabili- obtaining and installing all updates discovered.
Requirements 6.3 These requirements are applicable only for custom software applications. If a site
through 6.6 uses exclusively Aloha software products, these requirements are met automati-
cally by the Aloha software PA-DSS validation status.
POS DSHB v12.3 Implementation Guide Using This Guide to Meet PCI Requirements 1 - 7
Requirement Requirement Summary, and Links
7.2 Establish an access Establish a permissions-based system for controlling access to data and program
control system for sys- configuration elements that begins with denying all access. Add access, based on
tems components with the needs of the user.
multiple users that Use the Security Role feature to control access to data and program
restricts access based on features.
a user’s need to know,
and is set to “deny all”
unless specifically
allowed. This access con-
trol system is detailed in
the main PCI DSS
Requirement 8: Assign a unique ID to each person with computer access
8.1 Assign all users a Assign a unique ID to all users, both BOH and FOH, before allowing them to
unique ID before allowing access the system.
them to access system The Aloha system satisfies this requirement by assigning a unique ID to
components or card- each new employee record you create.
holder data.
8.2 In addition to assign- Requires the use of the typical forms of identification methods, in conjunction
ing a unique ID, employ with the unique ID; something you know, something you have, or something you
at least one of the meth- are.
ods listed in the main PCI By default, the Aloha system satisfies this requirement by using pass-
DSS requirements, for words in conjunction with unique IDs for BOH or FOH access. Other
authenticating all users. methods of authentication are also available.
8.3 Incorporate two-fac- Verify two-factor authentication is in use for the Aloha system, and for remote
tor authentication for access to the system, as well.
remote access (network- Command Center and Secure Access provide secure remote application
level access originating access.
from outside the net-
work) to the network by
employees, administra-
tors, and third parties.
(For example, remote
authentication and dial-in
service (RADIUS) with
tokens; terminal access
controller access control
system (TACACS) with
tokens; or other technol-
ogies that facilitate two-
factor authentication).
8.4 Render all passwords At no time should the application exposed passwords typed by employees as
unreadable during trans- plain text. When stored, passwords must be secured with strong cryptography.
mission and storage on The Aloha system satisfies this requirement by using strong cryptogra-
all system components phy when storing passwords.
using strong cryptogra-
8.5 Ensure proper user Require proper management of user identification and authorization credentials
identification and authen- for personnel accessing payment application software.
tication management for Aloha software products automatically manages credentials for pro-
non-consumer users and gram access.
administrators on all sys-
tem components, as Establish rules for access to Aloha software products with regard to
listed in the main PCI employee access parameters, including password requirements, rota-
DSS requirements. tion, and expiration.
1 - 8 Using This Guide to Meet PCI Requirements POS DSHB v12.3 Implementation Guide
Requirement Requirement Summary, and Links
Requirement 9: Restrict physical access to cardholder data
9.1 Through 9.10 Compliance with requirements within PCI DSS Requirement 9 involve activities
and processes not related to Aloha software products. This document includes a
very brief description of how to begin meeting these requirements. Refer to the
main PCI DSS version 2.0 document, available from the PCI Security Standards
POS DSHB v12.3 Implementation Guide Using This Guide to Meet PCI Requirements 1 - 9
Regularly Monitor and Test Networks
Requirement Requirement Summary, and Links
Requirement 10: Track and monitor all access to network resources and cardholder data
Requirements 10.1 Aloha software products satisfy these requirements by default behavior, with lit-
through 10.5, and tle or no possibility of configuration or modification. The areas requiring attention
requirement 10.7 for these requirements are as follows:
The Aloha system satisfies the requirement to log Aloha and EDC pro-
gram activity automatically, without the ability to disable logging.
Enable Windows audit logging, and configure it to record log-in and log-
out events, and access events to directories related to Aloha software
Some debugging information is configurable, but we recommend
restricting the amount of information captured, except when actively
troubleshooting site difficulties.
10.6 Review logs for all The Aloha system makes it easy for you to view log files from within the
system components at configuration management tool. Although you can view the contents of
least daily. Log reviews these files, they are not available for edit.
must include those serv-
ers that perform security
functions like intrusion-
detection system (IDS)
and authentication,
authorization, and
accounting protocol
(AAA) servers (for exam-
ple, RADIUS).
Requirement 11: Regularly test security systems and processes.
Requirements 11.1 Compliance with requirements within PCI DSS Requirement 11 involve activities
through 11.5 and processes not related to Aloha software products. This document provides a
very brief description of how to begin meeting these requirements. Refer to the
main PCI DSS version 2.0 document, available from the PCI Security Standards
1 - 10 Using This Guide to Meet PCI Requirements POS DSHB v12.3 Implementation Guide
POS DSHB v12.3 Implementation Guide Using This Guide to Meet PCI Requirements 1 - 11
Build and Maintain a Secure Network
The Aloha system installs and runs within the environment defined by Windows. The Aloha network also
depends on the networking settings established in Windows. Although a comprehensive discussion of
networking is beyond the scope of this document, you can perform specific changes that will increase
the security of your network, as discussed in this section.
1 - 12 Using This Guide to Meet PCI Requirements POS DSHB v12.3 Implementation Guide
not related to any NCR applications. The table below lists application specific services and their
Windows dependences but is not a complete list of required services for Windows to function.
Once you have identified all required services on your system, disable the remaining services.
Service Products BOH FOH Notes
CtlSvr NCR Aloha Suite x
RfsSvr NCR Aloha Suite x
EdcSvr NCR Aloha Suite x
AeMInStoreService NCR Aloha Suite x
AlohaAlertEngine NCR Aloha Suite x x
AlAdmSvr NCR Aloha Suite x Radiant Auto Loader (RAL)
Radiant Takeout and NCR Aloha Takeout x
Radiant Takeout Ser- NCR Aloha Takeout x
vice Monitor
Radiant Online Site NCR Aloha Online x
Agent Service Site Agent
Aloha Kitchen Service NCR Aloha Kitchen x
Radiant Command NCR Command Cen- x x
Center Agent ter, NCR Aloha
Online Site Agent
Radiant Command NCR Command Cen- x x
Center Service ter
Watcher Service
Radiant Support Man- NCR Command Cen- x x
ager ter, NCR Aloha
Online Site Agent
Radiant Heartbeat NCR Command Cen- x
ter, NCR Aloha
Restaurant Guard
Pvnc NCR Command Cen- x x
Aloha Enterprise NCR Aloha Insight x
Redirector Service
Aloha FTP NCR Aloha Insight x
Pollcheck NCR Aloha Restau- x
rant Guard
Stored Value BOH NCR Aloha Stored x
Service Value
Stored Value Update NCR Aloha Stored x
Service Value
Aloha Guest Manager NCR Aloha Guest x
Device Host Manager
Aloha GuestManager NCR Aloha Guest x
File Services Manager
AtgService NCR Aloha Transac- x
tion Gateway
AtgHelper NCR Aloha Transac- x x
tion Gateway
P15xxStats Radiant hardware x
POS DSHB v12.3 Implementation Guide Using This Guide to Meet PCI Requirements 1 - 13
Service Products BOH FOH Notes
P15xx MSR Keyboard Radiant hardware x Will not be present on any hard-
ware running Gen 3 driver set
(P1230, P1515, P1560) and will
be removed if using a Radiant
Encrypted MSR (EMSR) with a
Gen 2 driver set (P1220, P1510,
P1550, P1520) or if you selected
Radiant as the MSR type.
ICD Service Radiant ICD hard- x
HASP License Man- NCR Aloha Suite x HASP keys
Cryptographic Service NCR Aloha Suite x x x
DCOM Service Pro- NCR Aloha Suite x x x
cess Launcher
Event Log x x x Windows events for audit log-
Remote Procedure NCR Aloha Suite x x x
Call (RPC)
Print Spooler NCR Aloha Suite x x
SQL Server (SQLEX- NCR Aloha Suite x x
Message Queuing NCR Aloha Suite x x Used with OrderPoint
Message Queuing NCR Aloha Suite x x Used with OrderPoint
Distributed Transac- NCR Aloha Suite x x Used with OrderPoint
tion Coordinator
FPSSRVR Radiant hardware x Used with Fingerprint scanner
MenuLink Verifone NCR MenuLink x Used with MenuLink when a site
Synchronization is clock in/out via a VeriFone
separately from the POS.
We suggest disabling the following services: FTP Publishing, HTTP SSL, IIS Admin, Indexing
Service, Internet Authentication, Microsoft POP3, Network New Transfer Protocol, Remote
Registry, Simple Mail Transfer Protocol, Simple Network Management Protocol, SSDP Discov-
ery Service (required for Windows 7 and higher), System Restore, Telnet, Universal Plug and
Play Device Host (required for Windows 7 and higher), Wireless Zero Configuration (unless
wireless communication is used)
• Use standard user name and complex password procedures to log in to the Aloha file server. Do
not, under any circumstances, use ‘auto-logon’ to access this computer. Refer to “Managing
Windows Auto-Logon” on page 1-28 for more information about how to disable and remove
auto-logon, if you have used it at any time on your Aloha file server.
• Disable the ‘Guest’ account on all computers in the Aloha network.
• Install Aloha on all servers and terminals within a folder beneath the drive root, as in ‘C:\Boot-
Drv\Aloha(QS)’ or ‘D:\POS\Aloha(QS).’ This strategy imposes a directory above the Aloha(QS)
program directory to serve as the ‘BootDrv’ shared directory, thus preventing the sharing of the
entire drive. Shared drives are much more vulnerable to external attack, especially the boot, or
C: drive. The former standard of installing Aloha directly under the root, as in ‘C:\Aloha(QS),’
resulted in sharing the entire drive, an unacceptable security risk in the environment we face
1 - 14 Using This Guide to Meet PCI Requirements POS DSHB v12.3 Implementation Guide
• Remove the ‘Everyone’ group from the share permissions on all shared folders, particularly the
BootDrv share on the Aloha file server, and all FOH terminals. Instead, configure the share to
only allow access to those users that specifically require access, such as the account being used
by FOH terminals for logon, e.g. the ‘AlohaService’ account, and any users who log on to the
BOH file server to use the configuration management tool (New Aloha Manager or Configuration
Center) and EDC.
• Configure the file permissions for the folder shared as BootDrv, on the Aloha file server, to per-
mit access only to specific users, controlling this access primarily by user group membership.
For example, add all Aloha-related accounts to a ‘Power Users’ group, and only grant the ‘Power
Users’ and ‘Administrators’ groups access to the files in the BootDrv folder.
• Configure the file permissions for the EDCProcPath directory to only allow access to the AlohaS-
ervice account and members of the Administrators group. This configuration prevents unautho-
rized users access to EDC files on the BOH file server. When you use the EDCProcPath feature,
the EDC files are no longer stored under the BootDrv share, so they are not accessible from the
Aloha network.
• Change user rights for all Aloha services, e.g. EDCSvr, CTLSvr, RFSSvr, to run under a dedicated
network account with Administrative access. This account requires registry access, but normal
BOH users do not.
• Require all administrative personnel to log in to Windows using unique accounts with appropri-
ate security levels. Disable accounts for staff that are no longer employed, to prevent unautho-
rized access.
• Never give the passwords to the AlohaService or FOH Aloha login to unauthorized staff. Rotate
passwords periodically (every 90 days at most), and use complex passwords.
• Configure the local security policy for password policies, to enforce the following:
Do not use group, shared, or generic accounts and passwords.
Change passwords at least every 90 days.
Passwords must be a minimum of seven characters in length.
Require passwords to contain alphabetic and numeric characters.
Disallow using the immediate previous four passwords, to prevent repeats.
Lock out a user ID after no more than six unsuccessful attempts to log in.
Set the lockout duration to a minimum of 30 minutes, for locked out IDs, to
prevent ‘hammering’ attacks.
• Enable audit logging, in Windows, for all Aloha folders, as well as log on and log off attempts, to
provide information about who is logging in to folders and files, and what user names are tried,
successfully and unsuccessfully, to gain access to computers attached to the Aloha network.
• If you are using a wireless network, you must configure the network to exclude access to cus-
tomers in the restaurant, or in adjacent businesses. If you provide wireless Internet access to
customers in your restaurant, you must configure customer access as entirely separate from
the Aloha network. You must use WPA2 as a minimum standard for your security method; WEP
and WPA are now not sufficiently secure for use in the current environment. You must purchase
hardware and configure it to comply with the IEEE 802.11i wireless security standard, to secure
your wireless network.
• Configure Windows to purge the paging file at shutdown. Although this change may slow the
shutdown procedure slightly, it causes Windows to purge any residual data remaining in the
Windows paging file at the time of shutdown, effectively removing credit card numbers or other
customer data on the rare occasion when Windows writes this type of data to the paging file.
Refer to the following Microsoft Knowledge Base documents for more help with this change:
• “How to Clear the Windows Paging File at Shutdown,” Microsoft Knowledge Base article
number 314834.
• “Windows shuts down slowly when it is set to clear the virtual memory pagefile on shut-
down,” Microsoft Knowledge Base article number 320423.
• “You may receive a “Stop 0x0000000A” error message when you shut down or restart a
computer that is running Windows Server 2003,” Microsoft Knowledge Base article number
POS DSHB v12.3 Implementation Guide Using This Guide to Meet PCI Requirements 1 - 15
• Configure Windows to discard debugging information during an unexpected program or com-
puter shutdown, or ‘crash.’ In the most common operating systems, the option is available in
System Properties > Advanced tab > Startup and Recovery section. Click ‘Settings,’ and select
‘None’ from the ‘Write debugging information’ drop-down list.
• Disable System Restore on the Aloha file server, and on all terminals, to prevent Windows from
saving sensitive information as part of the routine system-restoration process. In Windows XP,
select Start > Settings > Control Panel > System > System Restore tab. Select the ‘Turn off
System Restore’ check box to disable this feature.
• Disable Remote Desktop on the Aloha file server, and on all terminals, to prevent Windows from
giving access to unauthorized external requests for control. In Windows XP, select Start > Set-
tings > Control Panel > System > Remote tab. Clear the check box labeled ‘Allow users to con-
nect remotely to this computer.’ If it is consistent with your support structure, you may also
clear the check box labeled ‘Allow Remote Assistance invitations to be sent from this computer,’
in this same location.
NCR Corporation terminated support for operating systems older than Windows XP, because there are
no security patches available for them that will make them compliant with the new requirements.
Although it is possible to upgrade the encryption level in these operating systems, their inherent secu-
rity features render them unsafe in the current operating environment. For this reason, we strongly
suggest that you upgrade any computer in your network still using any of these operating systems.
At the store level, one of the main security concerns is to keep the BOH file server locked or logged off
when it is not in use, and protect it with a Windows user name and a complex password. If the site also
includes one or more computers separate from the BOH file server for use by managerial staff, ensure
that these computers are also left locked, logged off, or powered off when not in use.
1 - 16 Using This Guide to Meet PCI Requirements POS DSHB v12.3 Implementation Guide
Prohibited Communication Technologies
It is important to understand that Aloha uses fully encrypted technology for communication with pro-
cessors. At no point does Aloha use ‘end-user’ methods of communication, such as e-mail, instant mes-
saging, chat, or any other non-secure means of transmitting information in any way related to
transactions. Refer to “Aloha Cryptography” on page B-1 for more information about the encryption and
communication technology, and key management the Aloha system uses to protect cardholder data.
Beginning with Aloha EDC versions 6.4 and later, EDC adopted a policy of assured backwards
compatibility with NCR Aloha Suite versions 6.1.23 and later, 6.2.16 and later, and 6.4.7 and
later. Generally speaking, you can upgrade to a newer version of EDC to take advantage of
new features, and to comply with new processor requirements, without having to upgrade the
POS. However, some new features require an upgrade to both the EDC and POS products.
Refer to RKS document 10265 for more information about features requiring dual upgrades.
Although you must upgrade your HASP key to Aloha v12.3 to run Aloha EDC v12.3, this
change in license status does not require you to upgrade the POS to Aloha v12.3.
1. Settle all pending transaction batches, before continuing with this procedure.
2. Create a new path for EDC outside the \Bootdrv file structure on the EDC server (typically the
Aloha file server). For example, if the current file structure is C:\Bootdrv\Aloha\EDC, you could
use C:\AlohaEDC\EDC.
3. Log in to Aloha EDC and select File > Stop POS Processing.
4. Log out, and close Aloha EDC, and close any remote instances of EDC running on other com-
puters on the network, such as a manager workstation.
5. Stop the EDCSvr Windows service.
6. Create a new environment variable, EDCProcPath, specifying the new location for the EDC
folder created above.
7. Move the contents of the old EDC folder to the new location, leaving the old EDC folder and the
EDC.ini in place.
8. Start the EDCSvr Windows service.
9. Open and log in to Aloha EDC.
10. Select File > Start POS Processing.
When you configure the system in this manner, the system (Aloha FOH, BOH, or Aloha EDC) writes all
authorization request files (.req) to the default EDCPath, and the transaction (.txn) and settlement
(.stl) files to the new EDCProcPath location. The system writes answer (.ans) files to the EDCPath loca-
tion. The FOH deletes .ans files from EDCPath after processing the response, so the file remains in the
POS DSHB v12.3 Implementation Guide Using This Guide to Meet PCI Requirements 1 - 17
shared path for only a short time. The system writes .stl and .txn files solely to the EDCProcPath loca-
tion. EDCSvr reads the EDC files in the EDCProcPath location, and monitors the current EDCPath loca-
tion for incoming .req files.
The Aloha system assumes %Iberdir%\EDC as the default location for the environment vari-
able, EDCPath. It is not necessary to create this variable, as Aloha assumes this location if you
do not. If you want to use a path different from the default for EDCPath, create the new folder,
and create a new environment variable, EDCPath, to match the new location. The EDCPath
folder must be within the \Bootdrv location. This path is in contrast with the EDCProcPath
environment variable, discussed above, which you will define in a location outside the \Boot-
drv shared folder.
We recommend you use Aloha v12.3, as this version takes advantage of 128-bit encryption, along with
AES 256-bit encryption when cardholder data may be stored on disk. The Aloha system encrypts card-
holder data, and purges non-essential data, such as track data, after completing the authorization pro-
Although support for 128-bit encryption begins with Aloha v6.0, we recommend you always
use the latest version of Aloha validated against the applicable data security standards, and
configure it for maximum security, as discussed in this document.
1 - 18 Using This Guide to Meet PCI Requirements POS DSHB v12.3 Implementation Guide
At the next data refresh, employees assigned to this security role can view credit or debit card numbers
and expiration dates in the Audit report. When an employee accesses credit card information in the
audit report, Aloha details this activity in a message inserted in Debout.txt. All other employees with
access to the Audit report see these numbers in masked format.
Also beginning with Aloha v6.4, only employees with pre-existing edit rights in Store Settings can mod-
ify security settings, in the manner described above. Refer to “Accessing The Configuration Manage-
ment Tool” on page 30 for more information about access control to the Aloha system.
Up-to-date wireless routers advertised as conforming to ‘IEEE 802.11 a/b/g/n’ conform to the
‘i’ standard.
POS DSHB v12.3 Implementation Guide Using This Guide to Meet PCI Requirements 1 - 19
After obtaining and installing appropriate wireless hardware, use the following section as a guide to
securing the wireless portion of your network:
• Along with the wireless router, install a perimeter firewall between the wireless portion of your
network and the cardholder data environment. Configure this firewall to deny or appropriately
control any traffic from the wireless environment into the Aloha network.
• Change the default password on the wireless router, to prevent unauthorized reconfiguration of
the router. Change any SNMP string used in the router, as well, as it will come with a well-
known public value (often installed as ‘public’).
• Change the default password on any wireless access points also used in the installation.
• Establish a new encryption key before actually using the wireless network. Change this key if
anyone with knowledge of it changes jobs within or leaves the company.
• Verify router and access point firmware is up to date, to support strong encryption.
• Research wireless router and access point equipment, to identify and change any other defaults
applicable to security.
• Restrict physical access to wireless routers and access points, to prevent tampering or outright
• Create and maintain extensive, separate documentation, detailing all restrictions and other
configuration established in your wireless network, including manually created encryption keys,
and your plan for their management.
• Test for unauthorized wireless access points at least quarterly, to include WLAN cards, USB
devices, and other wireless devices connected directly to network ports or devices. Use physical
inspections, in conjunction with network scanning, to detect unauthorized devices.
• If the site uses automated testing for unauthorized wireless devices, verify the testing software
or device is capable of and configured to generate alerts, if unauthorized devices are found.
• Verify the Incident Response Plan includes detailing unauthorized wireless device detection
results, if devices are found.
Allowing an unencrypted wireless network is a critical security violation, surpassed only by placing the
Aloha file server directly on the Internet without a firewall. You must avoid an unencrypted configura-
tion, as it dramatically increases the possibility of unauthorized file access by intruders. If the restau-
rant wishes to provide wireless Internet access to customers, install an isolated wireless access point
(AP), configured outside the Aloha network, thus preventing customers from reaching the Aloha file
server or the FOH terminals. As a best practice, you should also use sensing software to detect other
wireless networks active in your immediate area, and select a relatively unused channel for your own
network. Sensing software will also help you to detect other access points brought in to your restaurant
for the purpose of illegally ‘joining’ your Aloha network.
Remember to replace any default passwords or user names installed by the manufacturer of
the wireless access point with your own, before you place it in service. Default user names
and passwords are readily available on the Internet for all peripherals, when applicable.
You must exercise great care to purchase up-to-date wireless equipment that is
capable of using the WPA2 security standard. Older standards, such as WEP and
WPA are no longer secure in the current wireless environment, and no longer
acceptable for PCI DSS compliance. You must use the WPA2 security standard.
• Change default or previous keys immediately upon initiation of the wireless network.
1 - 20 Using This Guide to Meet PCI Requirements POS DSHB v12.3 Implementation Guide
• Change immediately when an employee with knowledge of the keys leaves the company.
• Change immediately when an employee with knowledge of the keys changes positions within
the company.
• Change default SNMP community strings on all wireless devices.
• Change all other security-related wireless vendor defaults, as applicable.
Encryption Requirement
You must also implement strong encryption in all cases where any of the following are broadcast wire-
lessly within the restaurant:
• Cardholder data
• Authentication data
An extensive discussion of wireless network security is beyond the scope of this document. Consider-
able information is available from numerous public sources about wireless network security.
• Configure a firewall or personal firewall product for proper data security, if connecting via VPN
or other high-speed connection.
• Activate remote-access technologies only when you need them for downloading updates from
applicable vendors.
• Deactivate remote-access technologies immediately after all downloads are complete.
In conjunction with establishing encryption support in the operating system, and also by installing the
latest version of Aloha available that has been validated as meeting PA-DSS requirements, you must
also ensure that you use secure encryption transmission technology, such as IPSEC, VPN, or SSL/TLS,
for all operations involving communication across public networks for the purpose of handling payment
card transactions.
POS DSHB v12.3 Implementation Guide Using This Guide to Meet PCI Requirements 1 - 21
Protect Cardholder Data
This requirement addresses the need to keep cardholder data safe from unauthorized access.
Enable ‘Use Magnetic Cards ONLY’ to prevent manual credit card entry without manager approval. This
setting helps to prevent unauthorized use of credit card account numbers at the site.
Required Settings:
1 - 22 Using This Guide to Meet PCI Requirements POS DSHB v12.3 Implementation Guide
CleanPAN, and often require deletion. Information in all of these files is encrypted using AES 256 bit
encryption. Each file resides in a Windows share protected by Windows share level security. Files that
may require deletion are as follows:
When files require deletion, whether they are on the Aloha file server or on the terminals, you must use
a manual method, as CleanPAN deletes data within the files, not the files themselves. Even if you are
removing the files to removable storage media for offsite storage, you must still securely ‘delete’ the
removed files from the spaces they previously occupied, to prevent possible recovery.
POS DSHB v12.3 Implementation Guide Using This Guide to Meet PCI Requirements 1 - 23
Files may require secure deletion as part of a scheduled data retention policy, or they may be remnants
left on terminals as the result of redundancy events. Regardless, you must establish a method and a
schedule for identifying and securely deleting these files, to obtain and retain PCI DSS certification at
the site level. Summarizing from the list above, you must establish a positive method for securely
deleting Trans.log files in dated subdirectories, and any other backup log files on terminals, as well as
settlement files in both locations. We recommend the following process for addressing the issue of
secure file deletion:
1. Select a secure file deletion utility from the many available, some of which are available at no
cost. Regardless of the utility you decide to use, we recommend verifying the utility actually
deletes files securely, before you use it with your Aloha installation.
2. Define a data retention policy for data on the BOH file server. You must establish a time frame,
usually 30 days, for CleanPAN to skip over before beginning its work, and you must determine
the maximum amount of time you will retain copies of files before deleting them. We recom-
mend the bare minimum of retention time required to support your business. If you determine
that you must archive dated subdirectories or other files for extended periods of time, we rec-
ommend you arrange for secure off-site storage of this data. If you use off-site storage, you
must verify the procedures in use at this facility are also in compliance with industry standard
best practices.
3. When the retention time expires on a given set of files, delete the files manually, then execute
the secure deletion utility to securely remove the files from the server or terminals.
If your company data retention policy requires saving specific files to removable media, you must exer-
cise great care to adhere to the following, to ensure PCI DSS compliance, per requirement number 3.1:
• Never move files to removable media if there is the possibility that they may contain cardholder
data. Only move files from which this data has already been removed by the CleanPAN utility. If
you set aside an exclusion period for CleanPAN, never move any of the excluded files to remov-
able media.
• Document the files removed, and the nature and disposition (location) of the removable media
used for file storage.
• Ensure the removable media are held securely against unauthorized access of any kind, while in
• Specify, in accordance with pre-determined policies, a time when the removable media must be
destroyed, or otherwise rendered unreadable.
• Ensure that removable media are, in fact, destroyed per established policies.
• Select and delete specific files securely, by removing the files and completely clearing the
spaces from which they were removed.
• Securely clear deleted files or file remnants from blank disc space.
• Verify file deletions are complete.
1 - 24 Using This Guide to Meet PCI Requirements POS DSHB v12.3 Implementation Guide
Deleting Sensitive Data Storage Related to Troubleshooting
When it becomes necessary to troubleshoot difficulties customers experience with payment card trans-
actions, the process often involves storing files that can contain sensitive authentication data. If permit-
ted to persist, these files can constitute a considerable data security risk, as this type of data may
include magnetic stripe data, card validation codes or values (security codes), or PIN block data. Spe-
cific guidelines are in effect for support personnel to use for this type of file storage:
• Prevent access to troubleshooting data by anyone other than personnel troubleshooting the
• Collect this type of information only when you need it to solve a specific problem.
• Exercise great care to collect no more information than is necessary to solve the problem.
• Store these files in an encrypted state, in specific, known, highly secure locations.
• Securely delete these files immediately after they are no longer needed. Refer to “Deleting Files
Securely” on page 22 for more information about deleting files securely.
Aloha v12.3 automatically suppresses printing the payment card number, except the last four digits,
and is not capable of printing or displaying the expiration date, per Federal law. Although no options are
available to modify this behavior, you can optionally suppress printing the cardholder name. Select
Maintenance > Business > Store > Store Settings tab > Credit Card tab > Voucher print settings group
bar to access this option.
POS DSHB v12.3 Implementation Guide Using This Guide to Meet PCI Requirements 1 - 25
Suggested Settings:
Federal law (Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act of 2003, or FACTA) prohibits printing
the expiration date of payment cards. By default, Aloha v12.3 is not capable of printing or dis-
playing expiration dates, once entered. Aloha stores this information in an encrypted format
for the brief time required for authorization. Suppressing the cardholder name on printed
vouchers is not required by Federal law as of the time of publication.
However, if the user elects to print this report, Aloha will print the report exactly as it appears on-
screen. We strongly suggest never printing the Audit report with card numbers visible, due to multiple
types of security risks. If it becomes necessary to print the report, you must first disable Windows print
spooling, to prevent storing critical cardholder data, including credit card numbers and expiration dates,
on disk.
1 - 26 Using This Guide to Meet PCI Requirements POS DSHB v12.3 Implementation Guide
Maintain a Vulnerability Management
This section addresses the following PCI DSS requirements:
To address this area of the PCI DSS, you must establish what you intend to do, then execute that plan.
Once complete, establish a process of constant maintenance, to ensure your hard work is not undone
by inaction over time. The best practices in this area are as follows:
• Install and implement known, well-respected antivirus software on all server and terminal com-
puters. Establish a routine to update this software several times each week. Daily is not too
often, as new antivirus updates may become available at any time.
• Similarly, install and implement an antispyware program that detects and prevents or removes
spyware, adware, and other malware. Establish a routine to search for and install updates for
this program on a regular basis. We suggest a weekly interval for this type of software, as
updates tend to become available at irregular intervals, and may be less frequent than for anti-
virus programs.
• Due to the vulnerability implied by a direct Internet connection, you must obtain antivirus and
antispyware program updates from the manufacturers as downloadable components, and
install them on the BOH file server and terminals. Although this process can be admittedly cum-
bersome, it is the best way to safely update these programs.
• Locate and install all available updates and security patches for devices installed on the Aloha
network, such as routers, network switches, hardware firewall devices, wireless access points,
computers, and more.
• Establish a program to routinely look for updates and security patches for all devices installed
on the Aloha network.
You may find it helpful to create a checklist that you can mark each time you search for a security
update for your programs. Make sure the checklist contains all required components, and use it faith-
POS DSHB v12.3 Implementation Guide Using This Guide to Meet PCI Requirements 1 - 27
Implement Strong Access Control
This section addresses PCI DSS requirements relating to access to the NCR Aloha Suite, as follows:
The Aloha system automatically prevents granting permissions in excess of your own, thus preventing
the creation of security roles with excessive access by an unauthorized employee.
To assist you in managing the Windows auto-logon feature, NCR offers a utility called ‘EncryptAu-
tologon.’ To use it simply create your autologon entries in the registry in clear text in the HKEY_LO-
CAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon section with the following
Once you create these keys, exit out of regedit, then run the EncryptAutoLogon.exe. The utility will
both encrypt and hide the registry entries. Reboot the computer and it should autologon with the cor-
rect credentials.
1 - 28 Using This Guide to Meet PCI Requirements POS DSHB v12.3 Implementation Guide
Use the following guidelines with regard to using the auto-logon feature on an Aloha system:
• NEVER configure the Aloha file server to use an auto-logon feature. If the file server is cur-
rently, or has ever been set to use auto-logon, edit the registry and remove the keys listed
• Configuring a Front-of-House (FOH) terminal to use auto-logon is an accepted configuration;
however, it is still necessary to remove the clear text user name and password. You can accom-
plish this in the following ways:
1. If you are using Radiant hardware with Radiant Auto Loader (RAL), install RAL version or later. RAL will move the information to a secure area and store it in an encrypted
2. If you are using Radiant hardware without RAL or are not using Radiant hardware, run
EncryptAutoLogon.exe on each terminal to move the information to a secure area and store
it in an encrypted format.
Remember, PCI DSS security requirements apply to all system components, not just the Aloha software
and its configuration. It is your responsibility to configure your systems in a secure manner; ensuring
you are using the above ‘best practices’ regarding the auto-logon feature is a must.
For more information on configuring terminals to meet security requirements, refer to the
Managing Separate User Accounts on FOH Terminals Hardware Guide.
POS DSHB v12.3 Implementation Guide Using This Guide to Meet PCI Requirements 1 - 29
Accessing The Configuration Management Tool
Access to the configuration management tool, and all applications configured from within it, is con-
trolled using complex passwords, with rules clearly stated upon notification of the requirement to
change the password. Rules of access, and most other aspects of password configuration, are not avail-
able for corporate or user modification, as they are part of the program itself. New installations require
a password change upon first login. Rules governing the nature of the password itself are hard-coded,
and not available for modification.
The configuration management tool also allows users to a configure security question in the event a
user forgets their password. The user must enter the exact answer as they entered when they selected
the security question.
1 - 30 Using This Guide to Meet PCI Requirements POS DSHB v12.3 Implementation Guide
Some aspects of the login process are available for modification in Maintenance > Labor > Security
Roles > Security Role tab > Identification group bar.
Required Settings:
You must change these settings for each Security Role record listed in the header. This capability makes
it possible for you to make some security roles more or less strict than the recommended, depending
on the role of the employees assigned to them.
POS DSHB v12.3 Implementation Guide Using This Guide to Meet PCI Requirements 1 - 31
Configuring FOH Passwords
FOH passwords are numeric, usually set as the employee ID number until the employee changes it, or
until the system requires a change. We recommend configuring the FOH to use mandatory, expiring
passwords, as a ‘best practice,’ although this is not a PCI DSS requirement. To configure FOH pass-
words, select Maintenance > Business > Store > Store Settings tab > Security tab > POS Password
group bar.
Suggested Settings:
As with any computer system, we recommend you specifically discourage all employees at all
levels from writing down and leaving their passwords lying around or sharing them with oth-
ers in any way.
Select Maintenance > Business > Additional Features > Employee Maintenance group bar, to
define the Employee Number Length. Suggested length is three or four digits.
1 - 32 Using This Guide to Meet PCI Requirements POS DSHB v12.3 Implementation Guide
Requiring Expiration of FOH Passwords
After establishing the requirement for a password in the FOH, you must also establish a time interval
for the expiration of passwords. Select Maintenance > Labor > Jobcodes > Financial tab > Security
group bar, and set passwords to expire at reasonable intervals, e.g. 30 or 45 days. You must complete
this configuration for every job code.
Required Settings:
You can configure the system to make passwords mandatory, and still use magnetic cards or
fingerprint scanners at the FOH. When you configure passwords to expire after a specific time
interval, magnetic cards, and fingerprint images do not expire after the same time interval.
POS DSHB v12.3 Implementation Guide Using This Guide to Meet PCI Requirements 1 - 33
Using Alternative Security Devices Instead of Passwords
You can increase security considerably for accessing the FOH terminals by requiring employees to use
magnetic stripe cards, or fingerprint scanners. Select Maintenance > Labor > Employees > Employee
tab > POS Security Options group bar, to configure these devices.
You can use magnetic stripe cards and fingerprint scanners at the same time, depending upon your
business needs, and installed equipment. These two security devices are not mutually exclusive, but if
you configure the system as shown in Figure 1 - 9, employees must clock in and log in to the FOH using
the fingerprint scanner.
Refer to the Aloha Fingerprint Scanner Feature Focus Guide for more information about how to
configure employee records for use with fingerprint scanners.
Refer to the Quick Service or Table Service Reference Guides for more information about how
to configure terminals using magnetic card readers or fingerprint scanners.
Suggested Settings:
All mention of fingerprint scanners in the previous section is intended to refer to hardware
supplied by NCR Corporation, as part of Radiant terminals, or provided as separate devices.
Non-Radiant hardware does not work with the settings in the Aloha system, or with the under-
lying software environment.
1 - 34 Using This Guide to Meet PCI Requirements POS DSHB v12.3 Implementation Guide
Requirement 9: Restrict physical access to
cardholder data.
To ensure data security, ensure that employees only have physical access to the file server, and other
potentially sensitive equipment appropriate to their work requirements. Prevent access to all other
forms of data storage, if archived external to the file server, to all employees except the most trusted.
This type of storage may include, but is not necessarily limited to, flash drives, CDs, or backup tapes.
Restrict all such access to employees, visitors, contractors, repair technicians, or other personnel who
may be present on site premises. Maintain a log of people entering and leaving areas where this type of
data storage is maintained. Establish full audit trails for on-site storage, off-site transport and storage,
and for destruction of physical data storage media, such as paper, flash drives, or CDs.
The specific risk, when speaking of the BOH file server, is through use of small, removable data storage
devices. These devices can include, but are not limited to, Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs), laptops,
flash drives, and other removable storage media. It is critical to prevent access to external ports and
removable-media drives on the file server.
Refer to the ‘Command Center Quick Reference Guide’ for information about how to obtain,
install, configure, and use NCR Aloha Command Center.
If remote access to the Aloha network is necessary, and you are not using NCR Aloha Command Center,
you must require a two-factor authentication mechanism, such as RADIUS, TACACS with tokens, or VPN
with individual certificates.
POS DSHB v12.3 Implementation Guide Using This Guide to Meet PCI Requirements 1 - 35
Remote access applications, such as pcAnywhere, are of special concern, in that they inject another
layer of vulnerability into the security equation. If you are using a program like this, you must take
extra precautions to ensure the integrity of the network. In this scenario, there are multiple opportuni-
ties for security breaches, requiring specific actions in each case. The requirements for correct configu-
ration and operation of remote access applications are as follows:
• Change default settings in the remote access software. For example, change default passwords
and use unique passwords for each customer.
• Allow connections only from specific (known) IP/MAC addresses.
• Use strong authentication and complex passwords for logins according to PCI DSS requirements
8.1, 8.3, and 8.5.8 through 8.5.15.
• Enable encrypted data transmission according to PCI DSS requirement 4.1.
• Enable account lockout after a certain number of failed login attempts according to PCI DSS
requirement 8.5.13.
• Configure the system so a remote user must establish a Virtual Private Network (VPN) connec-
tion via a firewall before access is allowed.
• Enable the logging function.
• Restrict access to customer passwords to authorized reseller/integrator personnel.
• Establish customer passwords according to PCI DSS requirements 8.1, 8.2, 8.4, and 8.5.
• Disable all remote access applications when not in use.
None of these security measures, however, is capable of rendering a computer completely safe from
attack. For this reason, you must not store cardholder information on a server connected directly to the
Internet. As a best practice, we recommend upgrading to the latest version of Aloha available validated
against applicable data security standards, and use the CleanPAN utility to clear this type of information
from the Aloha file server. If possible, use a separate computer for obtaining updates for operating sys-
tems, security software, and firmware for hardware devices, to limit the amount of time the Aloha file
server is connected to the Internet for purposes other than authorization and settlement.
1 - 36 Using This Guide to Meet PCI Requirements POS DSHB v12.3 Implementation Guide
Regularly Monitor and Test Networks
Requirement 10: Track and monitor all access to
network resources and cardholder data.
Logging EDC and Configuration Management Tool Program Activity
The secure operation of EDC and the configuration management tool is of vital importance. For this rea-
son, these programs record all program activities, including employee log in, date, time, terminal num-
ber (if applicable), program actions, and log out. It is not possible to modify or disable these logging
functions. Attempts to modify or disable EDC or the configuration management tool logging functions
violate the requirements of the PCI DSS security standards.
EDCSvr captures EDC program activity information and stores it in the EDC debout file. As a related
function, Aloha also logs a message to Debout.txt, detailing employee access to the POS Audit report,
when the employee elects to view credit card account numbers. Select Utilities > POS > View Debug-
ging File to review (but not modify) the contents of these log files.
CFCSvr captures the configuration management tool program activity, and records it in CFCAudit.log.
The contents of this file are available in the same manner as the EDC debout file.
Refer to “Aloha Log Files, Locations, and Contexts” on page D-1 for more information about
log files, their contents, and their locations.
Another component to logging EDC activity relates to troubleshooting EDC when problems occur. When
configured to do so, EDCSvr captures even more detailed information in the EDC Debout file. To prevent
storing this type of information, select Maintenance > System Settings > Debug Event. Troubleshooting
POS DSHB v12.3 Implementation Guide Using This Guide to Meet PCI Requirements 1 - 37
group bar, and clear these settings. As a best practice, under the ‘Debug Event Terminals’ group bar we
recommend that you clear Active or remove the debug event unless you are actively troubleshooting
problems, and that you disable these functions as soon as possible.
Suggested Settings:
1 - 38 Using This Guide to Meet PCI Requirements POS DSHB v12.3 Implementation Guide
Viewing Debugging (Debout) Files
You can quickly access debugging files for the purpose of viewing their contents. Select Utilities > POS
> View Debugging File to access the list of files available:
Single-click a file you want to view and click View, or double-click the file, to open the file in an appro-
priate viewer. When a user accesses a log file, the configuration management tool Audit report shows
the user who accessed it, and Aloha records the file accessed in Debout.txt.
The Debout.inst file, which records events related to Aloha Update processes, is not viewable
through this utility. This file resides in the same directory as the Aloha Update .msi, and is
directly viewable by using applications such as Windows Notepad. This file contains no sensi-
tive cardholder data, as it only details installation or rollback events.
POS DSHB v12.3 Implementation Guide Using This Guide to Meet PCI Requirements 1 - 39
Requirement 11: Regularly test security systems
and processes.
After configuring your networks and software systems for maximum security, you must establish a pro-
gram to regularly test and verify the configuration is still secure. This section contains some sugges-
tions in this area.
1 - 40 Using This Guide to Meet PCI Requirements POS DSHB v12.3 Implementation Guide
Maintain an Information Security Policy
Requirement 12: Maintain a policy that addresses
information security for all personnel.
After completing all necessary installation and configuration requirements, your data security efforts
are nearly complete. The next step in the PCI DSS (Section 12), is to formalize your data security pro-
gram into a policy that you publish to your employees. You must state the specific goals of your data
security policy, including all of the steps you expect to take, on an annual basis, to verify that your site
is still secure. Specify the area of responsibility each type of employee has in your data security pro-
gram, and implement a formal security awareness program to emphasize and enforce these responsi-
You must also implement an incident response plan, in the event of a system breach. Specify response
procedures, business continuity processes, and data backup strategies and processes. Make specific
lists of people and authorities to contact, both within the company and outside the company, to include
law enforcement and transaction processors. You are required to provide training to employees on the
proper procedures to follow, in the event of a system breach.
To summarize these requirements in a more common-sense way, you must make a list of what you
need to do, on an annual basis, to make sure all of your hard work is still effectively protecting your site
from data security breaches. You must make a list of who to call and what to tell them, in case there is
a security breach. You must be careful about who you hire, performing background checks on new
employees whenever possible, and you must make sure employees only have access to the parts of the
system necessary for them to perform their job functions. You must publish your security plan to your
employees, and provide them with training about what to do to avoid security breaches, and what to do
if one occurs, including areas and degrees of responsibility.
POS DSHB v12.3 Implementation Guide Using This Guide to Meet PCI Requirements 1 - 41
1 - 42 Using This Guide to Meet PCI Requirements POS DSHB v12.3 Implementation Guide
Upgrading Client
As technology advances, NCR Corporation continue to focus and build upon the security aspects of our
products to introduce increasingly more secure features, while retaining previous levels of security. As
the result of this process, we recommend that anyone accepting credit card payments upgrade to Aloha
version 12.3, for the following reasons:
• This version uses AES 256-bit encryption for sensitive data both within the Aloha system and
for data transmission over public networks for authorizations and approvals.
• This version gives you a new method of using EDC that considerably enhances the security of
cardholder data. Beginning with v6.1, EDC supports a new environment variable, EDCProcPath,
which moves all sensitive EDC files outside the shared Bootdrv folder. Refer to “Configuring EDC
for Secure Data Storage” on page 1-17 for more information about safeguarding these files.
• This version provides enhanced security in various areas, as compared to previous versions,
and closes unpublished access methods to the system, under normal, operational conditions.
Upgrading clients to the latest version of Aloha, however, is not sufficient, by itself. You must periodi-
cally verify the configuration of the program is correct, site by site, to maximize the ability of each cus-
tomer to pass site certification requirements. Local configuration changes can inadvertently circumvent
security requirements. You can minimize or eliminate changes of this sort by careful configuration of
your Windows environment, and by using Back Office Security Levels, in the configuration management
tool, to limit employee access to specific features, with specific permission levels for specific functions.
The Aloha system often exists in an environment shared with other programs that can also impact
security at the most basic levels, such as pcAnywhere. You must also verify, site by site, that these pro-
grams, although not directly related to the Aloha system, are configured for maximum security.
Although you may upgrade to a validated version of Aloha, sensitive authentication data and cardholder
information, including credit card numbers, may still be available in plain text in the dated subdirecto-
ries, or in files retained in directories related to EDC or processors. You must remove this information,
as part of your responsibility for complying with data security requirements. You can use the CleanPAN
utility to clear this information, depending on the version of Aloha used to create existing dated subdi-
rectories. You can obtain this utility from the Aloha Update Web site.
For this reason, you must use the CleanPAN utility, possibly in conjunction with the early version of the
DelTrack utility, as part of your upgrade process. These utilities clear sensitive authentication and card-
holder data from files stored by Aloha on the BOH file server, thus reducing the risk of a data compro-
mise. The process for using CleanPAN and DelTrack, however, is different, depending on whether you
have dated subdirectories created with Aloha v5.2.8 or earlier, or if your dated subdirectories are from
a newer version. The data is stored differently, depending on the version of Aloha used.
The documents describing the early version of DelTrack and CleanPAN provide much more information
about how to use them, when conducting an upgrade, but a summary of this process is as follows:
1. Ensure that all transactions are complete, that all EDC batches are settled, and that EOD has
run successfully.
2. Run DelTrack v1.0.2 to remove all track data from the dated subdirectories created by the older
version of Aloha. (Skip this step, if all of your subdirectories have been created with Aloha
v5.3.1 or later.)
3. Upgrade Aloha to the latest version of Aloha available that has been validated against the data
security standards.
4. Regrind all dated subdirectories, if you are upgrading from Aloha v5.2.8 or earlier. This process
upgrades them to the new version of Aloha.
Refer to the Aloha Manager Utilities Guide for more information about how to configure and
run the Regrind Subdirectories utility.
5. Run CleanPAN against all dated subdirectories that are older than any ‘exclusion’ period you
may establish, e.g. 30 days. You may need to run CleanPAN manually, and configure it to ignore
existing ‘CleanPAN’ marker files.
Refer to the Aloha CleanPAN Feature Focus Guide for more information about this utility, and
how to configure and use it.
After successfully upgrading Aloha, we also recommend, as a ‘best practice,’ that you continually verify
that you continually, and securely delete all dated subdirectories and settlement files created beyond
your data retention policy date.
Although the Payment Card Industry Security Standards Council and NCR Corporation recom-
mend retaining dated subdirectories no longer than 90 days, you must establish a data reten-
tion policy consistent with your business needs. Your responsibility for deleting cardholder
data extends to any and all data you may retain, regardless of its nature or location.
You can obtain a copy of the PCI Data Security Standards document at the following location:
As such, the new standard contains IT security requirements and guidelines for all major credit card
issuers, including Visa, MasterCard, American Express, JCB, and Discover. These card issuers joined
forces to develop the new requirements as part of an industry-wide standard for protection of cardhold-
ers’ credit card account and transaction information, and to make the use of credit or debit cards a
safer process for cardholders and merchants alike.
Each credit card issuer will continue to maintain their own program identity name for internal purposes
within their operating rules and regulations, such as VISA CISP, MasterCard SDP, etc. However, you can
now refer to all of these programs by referring to ‘the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards,’
or simply ‘PCI DSS.’
• Consumer Confidence — Consumers want security and assurance that their financial informa-
tion and identity is safe.
• Minimized Threat to a Customer’s Reputation and Financial Health — Financial and
resource outlay is minimal compared to the costs associated with the reactive hiring of security
and public relations specialists, or the loss of significant revenue and customer goodwill that
can result from a compromise.
• Potential Fines — In the event of non-compliance, the card associations and the federal gov-
ernment can assess fines, and impose restrictions and other penalties, and can bring other
legal actions.
If you accept payment cards, credit or debit, in your establishment, PCI DSS applies to you.
* Level 4 merchants must comply with PCI DSS; however, the acquirer determines the nature of com-
pliance validation for merchants in this category. The acquirer is the bankcard association member that
initiates and maintains relationships with merchants that accept Visa or MasterCard cards.
Install and maintain a firewall, to prevent external computers from accessing cardholder infor-
mation. Limit traffic from un-trusted networks to web protocols, system administration proto-
cols, and other protocols required for business. You should disable all other traffic in your router
Also implement Internet Protocol (IP) masquerading in order to prevent internal addresses from
being translated and revealed on the internet.
Mask the credit card information printed on customer receipts and credit card vouchers.
Upgrade the NCR Aloha Suite to the latest version available. NCR Aloha encrypts the credit card
track information, from the time the system reads the credit card to the time the system
receives authorization from the credit card processor. The system deletes the track information
following the authorization.
Verify all additional installed NCR Aloha Suite modules are at the latest versions available, and
that they are configured for maximum security. Examples may include, but are not limited to,
NCR Aloha Takeout, NCR Aloha Guest Manager, or NCR Aloha Insight.
NCR Corporation recommends that you install an antivirus application on all computers on the
POS network. Update virus definitions on a frequent, and regular basis. Update security patches
for all installed software within one month of release.
All logins to the computer should be unique to the individual user. This includes the Windows
logins, Aloha logins and pcAnywhere logins. Train users to log out of Windows and Aloha when
not using the computer. In addition, configure the Windows screen-saver to automatically lock
the computer after a period of inactivity, in case the user fails to log out. Disable any default
users, passwords, and automatic logins provided by hardware and software vendors.
Assign a unique BOH login for each Aloha user. This enables you to track each user’s activity.
You should delete any default users and passwords provided from Aloha by NCR Corporation.
Restrict access to view or delete the audit logs, including the Debugging-Output-Files (debouts)
created by the Aloha application software.
If you use pcAnywhere for Remote Administration, ensure that the sessions are secured. While
pcAnywhere has its own built-in security features, you should use the Operating System’s secu-
rity measures for the highest level of security. Symantec provides details on how to secure the
system on their Web site in Chapter 7 of the ‘Symantec’s pcAnywhere Administrator’s Guide.’
Please review the guide and implement pcAnywhere security at your sites:
Document security polices for access control, application and systems development, and opera-
tional and network securities. Develop a response plan for security incidents. Communicate to
all system users and maintain signed acknowledgements of the program.
In addition to the above, more specific requirements are applicable to payment card application manu-
facturers, as summarized in the Payment Application Best Practices (PABP), and the Payment Applica-
tion Data Security Standards (PA-DSS), available from the following sources:
Refer to the following table for detailed information about validated versions of Aloha, and the require-
ments against which they were validated. The following table represents the status of these versions at
the time of this publication table. Please refer to the PCI SSC’s web site for the current status as it may
have changed.
Refer to the PCI PA-DSS FAQ on the following Web site for answers to frequently asked questions
regarding the plans for grandfathering PABP-validated payment applications:
As PCI Security Standards continue to evolve, NCR Corporation is committed to continuously increasing
security to protect cardholders and merchants. We strongly encourage clients to adopt the most recent
market ready Aloha release to stay current with security-related enhancements.
Q) What version of the NCR Aloha Suite has been validated stating it meets the standard
requirements for a Payment Application?
A) Several versions up to and including v12.3 have been validated as complying with the PA-DSS
requirements, and are included in the list of Payment Card Industry Security Standards Council vali-
dated solutions. Although Aloha versions 5.3.15 and later contain many features that address PA-DSS
requirements, Aloha v12.3 is the latest validated version available, meeting the requirements in effect
as of the time of its validation (June, 2012).
Q) What enhancements to the NCR Aloha Suite have been implemented to meet PA-DSS
A) NCR Corporation will continue to enhance the NCR Aloha Suite software with each release to con-
tinue to strengthen security. The following list includes a few of the security enhancements recently
added to Aloha Quick Service and Table Service:
• Credit card numbers are encrypted and masked in historical data files.
• Credit card numbers are encrypted and secured in the Electronic Data Capture (EDC) files.
NCR will continue to review requirements for Payment Applications to meet industry best practices.
Q) How often will the NCR Aloha Suite be reviewed for compliance?
A) Versions previously validated can remain on the list of validated POS applications, if they remain
unchanged, and if NCR Corporation submits a letter to this effect annually, signed by an Officer. New
versions must be independently validated, prior to being listed as ‘validated.’
Remember, PCI DSS security requirements apply to all ‘system components,’ defined as every network
component, server, or application included in the cardholder data environment. This can include, but is
not limited to, firewalls, switches, routers, wireless access points, network appliances, and other secu-
rity related appliances and applications.
As always, if you need more assistance with any of these items or more information, please contact
your NCR representative.
• CleanPAN.exe Utility:
Obtain a valid user name and password, then obtain this utility from Aloha Update.
• Visa CISP
• MasterCard SD
• Discover DISC
This section includes two checklists designed to help you configure your site for PCI DSS compliance.
The PCI DSS Configuration Checklist provides a relatively detailed list of configuration steps, designed
to help you configure your computers and your networks for basic compliance.
The Site Checklist for PCI DSS and FACTA Compliance is designed as a separately printable ‘leave-
behind’ checklist to help a site administrator perform a quick evaluation as to the compliance status, or
lack thereof, of a specific site.
System Configuration:
Begin configuring your Aloha installation for PCI DSS compliance at the most basic level, initial installa-
Install the latest version of Aloha validated against the applicable data security standards. Contact
a member of the NCR team to identify the latest validated version of the NCR Aloha Suite.
Obtain and run the CleanPAN utility, page 1-22, to remove any residual customer data remaining in
your installation, after upgrading to a PCI DSS validated version of Aloha.
Configure alternate security devices for use on the FOH terminals, such as fingerprint scanners,
when installed. Activate fingerprint scanners in Maintenance > Hardware > Terminals > Readers tab,
page 1-34.
Verify Windows is configured to purge the paging file each time you restart the BOH file server.
Information about how to do this is available in the Microsoft Knowledge Base, page 1-15.
Disable the ‘Guest’ user in Control Panel. Procedures for doing this vary slightly from one operating
system to another, page 1-14.
Disable and remove ‘auto-logon’ on the BOH file server, if currently in use. Remove residual config-
uration for auto-logon, if it has ever been used on the BOH file server, page 1-14 and page 1-28.
Install antivirus software, and obtain updates for it routinely and often, page 1-27. Daily is not too
Change all default passwords in routers, remote administrative software, or other third-party
hardware or software, as appropriate, page 1-36 and page 1-20.
Ensure procedures are in place to prevent opening a direct Internet connection from any computer
on the Aloha network, page 1-16.
Create a Windows user account specifically for use in the Aloha network, independent of any other
network requirements, page 1-16.
Use Local Security Policy to block the Aloha network-specific user from logging on to the system
page 1-16.
Configure CtlSvr, EDCSvr, RFSSvr, and any other Aloha related service, devices, and BOH user
accounts to use the network user account created specifically for this purpose, page 1-17.
Delete any default Windows user accounts provided by NCR Corporation or affiliated companies for
use in initial configuration, page 1-19.
Configure Aloha EDC to use an alternate path, outside the BootDrv share, by creating a new envi-
ronment variable, EDCProcPath, and moving the contents of the current EDC folder to the new location,
page 1-17.
Disable the System Restore feature in Windows. Refer to “Configuring the Windows Network” on
page 1-12 for information about how to disable this feature.
Disable Remote Desktop in Windows. Refer to “Configuring the Windows Network” on page 1-12 for
information about how to disable this feature.
Create secure payment card tenders, by requiring the use of the card itself for transactions, in
Maintenance > Payments > Tenders > Type tab > Options settings group bar, page 1-22.
Require and configure passwords for use on the Front-of-House (FOH) terminals, in Maintenance >
Business > Store > Store Settings tab > Security tab > POS Password group bar, page 1-29.
Stop excessive EDC event logging, in Maintenance > Business > Store > Store Settings tab > Sys-
tem tab > Troubleshooting group bar, page 1-37.
Configure Security Roles that provide no more access than required for each employee type, in
Maintenance > Labor > Security Roles, page 1-28.
Require each employee to use passwords, and set them to expire regularly, in Maintenance > Labor
> Job Codes > Job Code tab, page 1-28.
If you are a qualified configuration technician, use the more complete checklist in Appendix A, and the
broader document for help in correcting any flaws discovered when you use this checklist, and to more
thoroughly prepare a site for compliance. This checklist, as well as the rest of this document, is by no
means intended to represent a definitive list of things you can do to guarantee compliance, and is in no
way intended as legal advice. Please contact your legal counsel for more help in these areas.
If you are not a qualified technician, use this checklist as a preliminary evaluation tool, and then contact
your NCR representative for help in configuring your site for security compliance.
Only the last four digits of the primary card account number appear in print (mandatory).
The card expiration date does not print (mandatory).
Name of the cardholder is not present (optional). Although it is currently possible to exclude the
cardholder name, it is not mandatory as of publication date.
Reprint the transaction both from FOH and BOH, to verify the security configuration remains con-
stant in both locations.
Perform this configuration check for every credit and debit card type you support in your
store, to confirm that all payment cards are configured for security. This requirement does not
apply to gift cards, or other, similar cards.
Open the Audit report showing the transaction you just processed. Verify the primary account
number is masked.
Open the EDC Batch report, and find the transaction you just processed. Verify the primary
account number is masked.
Order Point version 12.1 introduces SHA-256 encryption of the customer hash when using MyMenu
functionality. This hash is applied to the Card_Number field in the Express Order > dbo.EO_ExpressOr-
der database table.
The following table summarizes the cryptographic methods used in the NCR Aloha suite, beginning with
version 6.0:
Key Maintenance
Key management is automatic, taking place in the NCR Aloha Suite, relieving site personnel of any key
management requirements. All versions of the NCR Aloha Suite, beginning with v6.0, fully encrypt the
credit card track data using the encryption mechanism supported by the version in use. The application
maintains all public keys associated with the encryption process; they are not published to the cus-
tomer, and the customer is not required to manage key rotation. Because of the encryption techniques
in place, and the dynamic method of key management performed by the Aloha application itself, there
is no need for Aloha customers to manage encryption key rotation and disposal.
Communication Methods
Aloha communicates securely with processors using SSL 3.0/TLS. When using SSL is automatic, does
not change, and is not within the control of users at any level.
The accompanying diagrams illustrates the flow of data through, out of, and back into the NCR Aloha
Suite, beginning with the first swipe of a payment card.
Master terminal accepts transactions from all EDC server removes track data, retains
terminals, including itself. other card data, writes answer file back to
the terminal (encrypted). Terminal deletes
track data from Trans.log upon receipt of
answer file.
Aloha sends data to EDC server. EDC settles with processor, creating .stl files
EDC server sends authorization request to Use secure deletion software to delete .stl
processor (encrypted, using SSL). files manually, in accordance with data
retention policies.
Aloha has a robust logging system to support security and troubleshooting needs. Log files are available
for inspection, but not for editing, in Aloha Manager by selecting Utilities > POS > View Debugging
Files. The following table lists the most important of these files. In the Location column, ‘BOH’ refers to
the Back-of-House file server, and ‘FOH’ refers to the POS terminals, collectively. The term ‘Iberdir\Tmp’
refers to the Tmp subdirectory, immediately beneath the Aloha or AlohaQS directory.
POS DSHB v12.3 Implementation Guide Aloha Log Files, Locations, and Contexts D - 1
File Name Location Purpose
Aloha Manager Assembled from The Aloha Manager Audit report does not contain sensitive cardholder
Audit Report information in data, but tracks log-in activities and program modifications related to
database and data security.
log files, then
discarded upon
PCI DSS v2.0 requirements now mandate archiving log files to a centralized logging environment. More
information about these requirements is available in PA DSS Requirement 4.4 and PCI DSS Require-
ment 10.5.3. These requirements state that audit trail log files must be promptly backed up to a cen-
tralized log server or to media that is difficult to alter.
The Aloha POS and Aloha Manager facilitate this archiving process by storing the log files listed in the
accompanying table in the specified locations, making them easily accessible for backup purposes, per
the following:
• Log files containing events related to the Aloha POS are stored in the %Iberdir%\tmp directory.
• Log files containing events related to primary program activities, such as log-in and log-out
events, are stored in the %Bootdrv%\CFC\Log directory.
• The Debout.inst file resides separately from the above locations. When you download and run
an Aloha Update .msi file, this log file resides in the same directory in which you placed and
executed the Aloha Update file.
You can satisfy these requirements by performing one or all of the following:
• Purchase a third-party product that makes use of the logs and reports stored for centralized
logging purposes.
• Establish a process whereby the log files are routinely collected and copied to media that is dif-
ficult to alter.
• Create and adhere to a schedule for running and exporting Aloha POS and Aloha Manager Audit
reports. Select the file format (.csv, .xls, or .txt) appropriate for your centralized logging envi-
D - 2 Aloha Log Files, Locations, and Contexts POS DSHB v12.3 Implementation Guide
E Aloha File
This section provides an overview of the Aloha program file structure, and the general functions for
each directory. The location of Each directory is beneath the primary Aloha directory, within the ‘Boot-
Drv’ share. For example, each directory is located within C:\Bootdrv\Aloha or C:\Bootdrv\Alo-
haQS. Any of the directories listed are possible in a given installation, but it is almost impossible that
any installations will contain all directories listed.
The exception to the location of these directories is the EDCProcPath. For security purposes, this direc-
tory is located outside the BootDrv structure, as detailed elsewhere in this document.
About P2PE
Effective with NCR Aloha POS v12.3 and EDC v12.3, or later, Point-to-Point Encryption (P2PE) provides
sites regulated by Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (PCI DSS) with the potential to
reduce their compliance obligations. Using P2PE removes cardholder data from your environment by
encrypting the data at the moment of capture, without the ability to decrypt. When the data is sent to a
secure on-premises vault or the payment processor, Format-Preserving Encryption (FPE) is enforced. In
the case of First Data, (CES), a token is provided to the Aloha system in place of the cardholder data.
Once you implement P2PE functionality, guests and employees can only process credit, debit, and EBT
payment cards with the PIN pad device. Any attempt to slide one of these cards with an MSR attached
to a POS terminal, or directly in EDC, results in an error that guides you to use the PIN pad device
instead. For other types of payment cards, such as gift cards, you still use a magnetic stripe reader
Should you decide to implement P2PE, it is necessary to work with TSYS or First Data CES to ensure all
requirements are in place and you order and receive the PIN pad devices preloaded with encryption
software specific to your sites. If you currently pass payment information to the Aloha POS from
another Aloha application, such as Aloha Orderman, you cannot implement a P2PE solution at this time.
P2PE functionality is certified with the following processor and hardware combinations within the Aloha
Acronym Term
P2PE Point-to-Point Encryption
PCI DSS Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards
FPE Format-Preserving Encryption
PAN Primary Account Number
AES Advanced Encryption Standard
While P2PE is in use, guests and employees cannot slide or tap a card, or manually enter any card-
holder data on the POS terminals or within Aloha EDC directly. You must enter all cardholder data on
the iPP350 device. If the guest or employee attempts to swipe a card at the POS terminal, an error
appears, instructing them to use the PIN pad device instead. Cardholder data is never in clear text in
the Aloha environment. Only TSYS can decrypt the cardholder data for further processing.
Keep in mind, this is not a PCI P2PE validated solution; however, the merchant’s PCI QSA or
the acquirer shall determine the PCI scope reduction. Refer to the NCR Aloha POS Data Secu-
rity Implementation Guide for more information regarding this solution. We encourage Aloha
customers to read it prior to implementation.
Voltage Security offers an FPE that keeps credit card numbers protected without the need to modify or
alter their format or structure. FPE is a form of strong encryption that uses the Advanced Encryption
Standard (AES) algorithm to protect cardholder data according to industry standards, while preserving
the original data syntax and thus minimizing the impact on existing systems. Voltage uses AES FFX-
mode encryption to protect data.
Voltage provides a software development kit (SDK) to NCR Aloha that allows the use of two encryption
methods: TEP1 (whole track encryption) and TEP2 (structure preserving encryption). Aloha uses TEP2
to allow card processing through Aloha EDC and for reporting purposes.
Keep in mind, this is not a PCI P2PE validated solution; however, the merchant’s PCI QSA or
the acquirer shall determine the PCI scope reduction. Refer to the NCR Aloha POS Data Secu-
rity Implementation Guide for more information regarding this solution. We encourage Aloha
customers to read it prior to implementation.
TransArmor and VeriFone offer an FPE that keeps cardholder numbers protected without the need to
modify or alter their format or structure. FPE is a form of strong encryption that uses an Advanced
Encryption Standard (AES) 128-bit algorithm to protect cardholder data according to industry stan-
dards, while preserving the original data syntax and thus minimizing the impact on existing systems.
First Data partners with VeriFone to provide merchants a format-preserving encryption, which secures
cardholder data on a tamper-resistant device before it enters your environment in a format that other
applications interpret as valid cardholder data.
The Ingenico iPP350 is used with the Voltage TSYS P2PE solution.
1. Select Maintenance > Business > Store > Store Settings tab.
2. Select the Credit Card group at the bottom of the screen.
3. Under the ‘EDC Setup’ group bar, select either Voltage or TransArmor from the ‘Enable point
to point encryption and disable credit card entry on all POS terminals’ drop-down list.
4. Click Save and exit the Store function.
4. Select either Ingenico IPP350 or Verifone VX820 from the ‘Type’ drop-down list.
5. Select the port to use for the PIN pad device.
6. To assign a unique terminal ID, select the EDC Settings tab.
6. Select Not Applicable from the ‘Credit card provider’ drop-down list.
7. Click Save and exit the Tenders function.
1. Select Maintenance > Screen Designer > Quick Service Screen Designer.
2. Select Work with Panels.
3. Select Panel > Open Panel and select a panel containing your tenders.
4. Select Panel > New Button.
5. In the Properties dialog box, select Tender from the ‘Action’ drop-down list.
6. Select the P2PE tender from the ‘Tender’ drop-down list.
7. Configure the remaining options, such as appearance, font and color, as you would for any
other tender.
8. Click Panel > Save Panel.
9. Exit the Screen Designer function.
6. Refresh Data
After all settings are in place, you must select Utilities > Refresh POS & All Products to transfer the
new information to the FOH terminals, or wait for the End-of-Day (EOD) process to accomplish the data
refresh for you. After the data refresh is complete, all new settings become operational across the
Aloha network.
3. Under the ‘Point to point encryption’ group bar, select Enable point to point encryption and
disable credit card entry in EDC.
4. If the processor is CES, perform the following:
a. Type the VSP domain provided by CES.
b. Type the VSP brand provided by CES.
c. Type the Token ID provided by CES.
5. If the processor is TSYS (VisaNet), type the authentication code provided by TSYS.
6. If you are configuring the processor for the first time, complete the remaining options as you
would for any other processor.
7. Click Save and exit the Processor function.
You must perform a refresh prior to activating P2PE on a VeriFone PIN pad on the FOH.
1. Start a check.
2. Add and order items on the check.
3. Access your tender screen.
4. Select the PIN Pad tender configured for P2PE. The tender screen appears with the sales
amount populated in the ‘Amount’ prompt.
5. Confirm the amount by touching OK. The PIN pad takes over and the guest or employee must
complete the transaction using the PIN pad device.
6. Follow the prompts on the PIN pad to manually enter the data, or slide or tap the card across
the PIN pad reader.
7. Enter the tip amount, if necessary.
8. Touch OK to approve the amount of the transaction. The system sends the transaction to the
appropriate vault or issuing bank for further encryption. If you are using First Data (CES), a
token is inserted in the cardholder number.