Xpcie010en-Y Psa PDL
Xpcie010en-Y Psa PDL
Xpcie010en-Y Psa PDL
1 General Information
1 General Information
The main aim of this list is to help you find required parts as fast as possible. To profit best from its structure
please read the following introduction.
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For information on prices for local service support or sales and service qualification trainings refer to the
corresponding document on the extranet Documents/General/General/Service Information.
In 2017 Anton Paar expanded its particle characterization portfolio by acquiring the PSA laser diffraction
product line from the French company CILAS. CILAS pioneered this technology, releasing the first ever laser
diffraction-based particle size analyzer in 1967. They endured on the market ever since thanks to the further
development of the product line and to the instruments’ solid reputation for robustness and reliability.
Particle Size Analyzer (PSA) is an instrument for the determination of particle size distribution using laser
diffraction. It is based on the observation that the angle of light diffracted by a particle bears a direct
correspondence to its size.
There are three PSA models: PSA 990, PSA 1090, and PSA 1190,1 each characterized by a different size
range – the PSA 1190 model having the widest (see Fig. 1). In addition, each model comes in three possible
configurations: liquid (L), dry (D) and liquid/dry (L/D), depending if the instrument has liquid, dry or both
dispersion units.
Thus, Anton Paar commercializes a total of 9 different PSA models. Useful dedicated accessories such as
the Small Volume Unit (for the liquid mode), the Alcohol Regenerator (for the liquid mode) and the
Autosampler (for liquid or dry modes) round up the offer.
Fig. 1: Particle size measurement ranges (in µm) for the different PSA models. Grey bars indicate the
measurement range using liquid dispersion, green bars are the ranges using dry dispersion.
1.PSA 920, PSA 1064 and PSA 1180 are referred to as "former generations" in this manual.
Kalliope is PSA’s accompanying software. The user sees all important information on a single clear display,
including input parameters, results, and final calculated values, as well as expert advice. Results can be
presented in customizable reports and/or exported to an Excel file for further processing and analysis.
Please note that the software is not part of the standard PSA delivery and must be additionally quoted and
purchased. For PSA, order one of the two PSA Software Packages1 described thereafter:
• PSA SOFTWARE PACKAGE PROFESSIONAL (Mat. No. 191753). Includes a license2 for 3
software activations.
• PSA SOFTWARE PACKAGE UNLIMITED (Mat. No. 191756). Includes a license for unlimited
software activations.
If Pharma compliance is required, the Kalliope Software Module 21 CFR Part 11 (Mat. No. 218627) must be
ordered in addition to one of the Kalliope software licenses. Only the combination of a Kalliope license
(Kalliope Professional or Unlimited) and of the 21 CFR Part 11 module will enable the user to activate
Kalliope’s pharma compliance functions. (The number of possible pharma activations is indicated by the
Kalliope package ordered - Kalliope Professional: 3 software activations, Kalliope Unlimited: unlimited
Kalliope Demo License: There is a demo license for Kalliope available on the Extranet. A demo license can
only be used once on a PC for 5 days. After the license has expired it is necessary to get a new license key.
If a longer demo period than 5 days is required, please contact the factory support.
Reminder: In order to setup Kalliope’s Pharma compliance, do not forget to order the Kalliope Software
Module 21 CFR Part 11 (Mat. No. 218627) in addition to one of the PSA Software Packages.
The documentation is issued for each instrument with an individual serial number and customer details to
ensure the traceability of the documentation. The completed Pharma Pre-Fill Sheet (Document Number
XPAIR001, available for download from the Extranet) must be submitted to [email protected]
at the time of placing the order, or in advance.
1.4.1 PSA Pharma Qualification Package (Mat. No. 195334)
To assist customers in the pharmaceutical, food and cosmetics industries who wish to qualify their
instruments, Anton Paar GmbH offers the PSA Pharma Qualification Package (PQP), containing most
relevant documents for instrument qualification. The documentation uses a risk-based approach and
complies with the relevant pharmaceutical regulations, such as GMP, GAMP 5, USP <1058> and 21 CFR
Part 11. It includes chapter reports for every qualification step, a Risk Analysis, a Traceability Matrix, a 21
CFR Part 11 Check List and an SOP Word template.
The PQP is structured into the following qualification steps:
- QI - Qualification Instruction
- DQ - Design Qualification
- IQ - Installation Qualification
- OQ - Operational Qualification
- PQ - Performance Qualification
- FQ - Final Qualification
The installation of the PQP must be performed by a certified Anton Paar person who has completed the
Pharma Installation Training and the PSA Training. Order one package per instrument.
1.One PC may be connected to one or more PSA instruments. Still, due to technical restrictions, only one PSA instru-
ment may be switched on and operated at a time.
2.A software activation means that your copy of Kalliope is installed and registered on a single device using the license
code. Please note, that operating system or hardware-level changes to a computer may invalidate an activation.
We offer requalifications on request. We will create a unique requalification documentation, depending on the
reason for the requalification and the needs of the customer. The basis is the first Anton Paar Qualification,
so requalifications can only be performed for instruments with an existing PQP. To ensure that the
documentation meets the customer’s requirements, the pharma department needs sufficient information
(serial number, Pre-Fill Sheet, reason for requalification, list of testpoints that should be redone) to
[email protected]. The installation of the requalification must be performed by a certified Anton Paar
person who has completed Pharma Installation Training and the PSA Training.
This part number (Mat. No. 195335) includes the Pharma Requalification Documentation in a hard copy
folder, no installation or traveling time. Order one package per instrument.
2 Recommended Configurations
2 Recommended Configurations
The following configuration is recommended for measuring cement particles in non-laboratory conditions
The following configuration is recommended for dry samples in non-laboratory conditions in mines and
minerals industries:
The following configuration is recommended for measuring a wide range of particle sizes in liquid and dry
samples, in pharmaceutical and food industries:
The following configuration is recommended for measuring liquid samples in the petrochemical industry.
Note that for most petrochemical applications the standard internal PSA tubing (silicone) should be replaced
by Viton® tubing.
The following configuration is recommended for measuring chocolate samples with molten carrier liquid (e.g.
cocoa butter) in liquid mode.
The following configuration is recommended for samples to be measured in aggressive solvents. Please note
that the chemical resistance of the tubing should be checked (appendix A) as Chem-Durance®tubing might
be replaced by Viton®tubing.
3 Basic Configuration
3 Basic Configuration
The basic configuration below is recommended for standard particle size measurements across all
When planning a PSA installation at a customer’s site, note that you will need some additional materials and
documents. Refer to appendix A and appendix B for details.
The following table presents the PSA instruments and the parts supplied with every delivery.
The following table lists required parts to operate the PSA. Do not forget to order them separately.
(An extra installation can be added by purchasing
Kalliope Professional Single Extension).
Is comprised of:
• Kalliope Professional Unlimited, with a license
for unlimited software activations
• Drivers for the CCD camera and USB adapter
• Calibration files
• NIST-traceable polydisperse particle standard
10-100 µm
• 10 x 1 g of certified reference material for PSA
validation according to ISO 13320
• For liquid mode validation of PSA 990 and
PSA 1090
• For dry mode validation of PSA 990, PSA 1090
and PSA 1190
• NIST-traceable polydisperse particle standard
10-100 µm
• 10 x 0.5 g of certified reference material for PSA
validation according to ISO 13320
• For liquid mode validation of PSA 1190
Compulsory accessory for PSA instruments with dry mode. Collects powder samples after the mea-
surement, at the end of the jet stream.
ATTENTION: All vacuum cleaners are delivered together with a special adapter cable for their connection to the
PSA. Never attempt to connect the vacuum cleaner to the mains using this adapter!
Order one of the following:
• 230 V A/C.
• Non-ATEX: not suitable for measuring
flammable powders
• Delivered with adapter cord C19 - C20
16 A/230 V 30 cm (Mat. No. 239518) for
connection to the PSA.
• HEPA filter bags available (Mat. No. 199002)
The requirements for the computer running the Kalliope software are:
• Dual core system (or better)
• 2 GB RAM (Windows 7 - 32 Bit) / 4 GB RAM (Windows 7 - 64 Bit) (or better)
• Windows 7 - Service pack 1 (or better)
• 5 GB HDD
• Minimum 1 free USB port for PSA 990 / PSA 1090, Minimum 2 free USB ports for PSA 1190
This table lists the main non-compulsory PSA accessories. For a full list of accessories and consumables,
please refer to the section PSA Accessories and Consumables.
4 Directory of Parts
4 Directory of Parts
The following table details the characteristics of the different PSA models and versions. For a detailed
description of the parts supplied with every PSA, please refer to the “PSA and Supplied Parts“ section from
chapter 2
240235 HOSE 12X18 ETFE • The hose has an ETFE core and is
LIQUID SUPPLY resistant against the most aggressive
(IN + DRAIN) solvents.
• For the liquid supply of the PSA.
• The outer surface is made of PU.
• Price per meter.
• Order min 4 m to equip one PSA (2 m
for inlet, 2 m for drain)
A General
D Alcohol Regenerator
4 Directory of Parts
E External Sonicator
4 Directory of Parts
198483 WATER COARSE Housing for the coarse filter of the Water
FILTER HOUSING Filter Kit (Mat. No. 199674).
LA 1T • Inlet/outlet connection: 3/4" external
• Fits the Water Coarse Filter Cartridge
LA 1T (Mat. No. 198484).
198486 WATER FINE FILTER Replacement fine filter cartridge for the
CARTRIDGE P3 Water Filter Kit (Mat. No. 199674).
Replacement recommended after every
11,000 L.
198485 WATER FINE FILTER Holder for the fine filter of the Water Filter
HOLDER P3 Kit (Mat. No. 199674).
• Inlet/outlet connection: 3/8" internal
• Fits the Water Fine Filter Cartridge P3
(Mat. No. 198486).
7445 Q-TIPS EXTRA LONG Extra long cotton buds for optical purposes
H Upgrades L to LD
A Vacuum Cleaner
E Upgrades D to LD
4.2.5 Autosampler
Validation material is used for checking the instrument regarding accuracy and repeatability according to the
ISO-norm ISO 13320.
We highly recommend PS414 (Mat. No. 264870) and PS415 (Mat. No. 266062) for validation of the PSA
instruments as these standards are also used for instrument qualification.
Validation of Laser Diffraction instruments with monosized particles or particles with a very narrow PSD is not
compliant to the ISO 13320 ("General requirements for the reference material suitable for laser diffraction […]
The width of the PSD (x90,3 / x10,3 ratio) shall be in the range of 1,5 to 10."). The material should provide a
shelf life of at least 2 years after production without measurably changing its physical properties. Hence,
those standards shall only be used on customers' request and reference.
A Overview
The PSA service tool kit (Mat. No. 184484) is available for purchase or rent. Please note that:
• Its use should be reserved for service engineers.
• In addition to the kit, a USB power and energy meter PM100USB (Mat. No. 168140, see Spare
Parts) is necessary to service the PSA.
26813 HEX DRIVER WITH Hex driver, 3 mm, with T-handle, length
T-HANDLE NO. 3, 200 MM 200 mm.
188697 HEX DRIVER 1.2 X 200 Hex driver, 2.5 mm, with T-handle, length
109611 SCREW DRIVER WITH Screw driver with torque control 0.5 Nm
191742 PSA CABLE FOR Cable to connect the PSA Firmware pro-
FIRMWARE grammer (Mat. No. 191440) to the PSA
185416 PSA TRANSPORT Transport packaging for the secure ship-
PACKAGING ping of the PSA.
168140 USB POWER AND USB power and energy meter PM100USB
ENERGY METER NOTE: Annual recalibration by local
PM100USB Thorlabs distributor recommended
The following table lists the PSA spare parts. Note that these parts may only be ordered/replaced by qualified
service engineers.
189380 SUPPLY AND CONTROL BOX PSA supply and control box.
4.4.2 Fuses
4 Directory of Parts
255414 PSA UPGRADE KIT FOR PSA upgrade kit for aggressive sol-
Includes a stainless steel tank sealing
should be paired with resistant hoses
(refer to appendix A).
Includes stainless steel tank sealing,
glass liquid level sensor, and FFKM
Chemraz O-rings.
188806 MAGNETIC VALVE LIQUID PSA fast-filling magnetic valve.
necessary screw and allen key are
NOTE: Price per 1 piece.Order 2 x to
replace the whole unit.
231721 PSA CONIC PINION STIRRER PSA conic pinion stirrer for former
5 MM generation PSA instruments. The
necessary screw and allen key are
NOTE: Price per 1 piece. Order 2 x to
replace the whole unit.
3872 GREASE 5 ML Grease Isoflex NBU 15; 5 ml
186138 PSA CLEANING VALVE PSA cleaning valve. Used for the
cleaning of the measurement cell in
dry mode.
219397 PRESSURE REGULATOR SMC Air pressure regulator (D and L/D mod-
0.9 MPA els only).
186856 SMALL VOLUME BOARD PSA Electronic board for the Small Volume
Unit (SVU) accessory.
190908 PSA PUMP MOTOR FOR PSA Pump motor 24 V, 15 W for the repair
990/1090/1190/SVU of the Small Volume Unit (SVU) acces-
sory and the pump unit in every PSA
990/1090/1190 L/LD model (2 pcs. per
191801 PSA SVU CABLE SET Cable set for the Small Volume Unit
(SVU) accessory.
221029 PERISTALTIC PUMP 150 RPM Peristaltic pump 150 rpm, for PSA
Autosampler (Mat. No. 184479).
221034 TOOTHED BELT 134 TEETH Replacement belt with 134 teeth, for
PSA Autosampler (Mat. No. 184479).
221035 TOOTHED BELT 350 TEETH Replacement belt with 350 teeth, for
PSA Autosampler (Mat. No. 184479).
* PSA instruments operating under 110 V with serial numbers lower than 82636241 and different from 82633806
require the use of a PSA vacuum cleaner kit 110 V 15 A (198476) to operate an Anton Paar vacuum cleaner. If you do
not have access to the instrument’s serial number, perform a visual check of the instrument’s rear connection panel. If
the vacuum cleaner connection panel is similar to Fig. 2a (former instruments), the PSA vacuum cleaner kit is required.
If the panel is similar to Fig. 2b (current instruments), the kit is not required (and should not be used).
4 Directory of Parts
Fig. 2: The vacuum cleaner connection panel, at the back of the PSA. [Left] Former version, on PSA
instruments with serial number smaller than 82636241 (except 82633806): the PSA Vacuum Cleaner Kit
110 V 15 A (198476) is necessary; [Right] Current version, on PSA instruments with serial number
82633806 as well as 82636241 and above: no upgrade kit is necessary.
Dispersion Unit
The PSA is delivered with high performance peroxide-cured silicone tubing (Masterflex®), but Viton®, Chem-
Durance® or platinum-cured silicone tubing is also available. The Small Volume Unit accessory (SVU,
Mat. No. 183957) is equipped with Viton® tubing as standard, but a Chem-Durance® tubing assembly is
available optionally (Mat. No. 210076).
The following table details the chemical compatibility of the PSA liquid dispersion unit and the SVU to the
most commonly used solvents, as a function of the tubing type with which they are fitted.
IMPORTANT_1: The sample-wetted stainless steel parts of both PSA and SVU are resistant to all the
solvents listed below. However, the level sensor of the PSA main tank, which is made of polysulphone, is
NOT resistant to the solvents marked with an asterisk (*) in the table below. These solvents are therefore not
compatible with the main tank. However, these solvents can be used to perform liquid measurements with
the SVU, as the SVU tank does not have a level sensor.
IMPORTANT_2: PSA standard orders are delivered with 2 peristaltic pumps designed for L/S® 24 size tubing
(Mat. No. 185156). When ordering a replacement pump or tubing, always check if the tubing size matches
the pump head. Please also note that pump replacement can only be performed by a qualified service
Chemical compatibility:
: Good, can be used with normal maintenance.
: Moderate, frequent maintenance required.
: Poor, do not use the tubing with this solvent.
Check chemical compatibility for overflow tubing and tank sealing with "PSA Sample Wetted Parts"
* Not compatible with the PSA liquid level sensor (Mat. No. 188754). Use the PSA Liquid Level Sensor
Glass (Mat. No. 230443).
** The use of the ChemDurance® hose requires Chemraz O-rings.
§ Solvent can cause significant damage to the tank sealing. Use extreme caution when filling the tank man-
Alcohol Regenerator
The PSA Alcohol Regenerator is compatible with a limited range of primary and secondary alcohols, and with
water. It is delivered with reinforced UHMWPE tubing which is highly resistant to all alcohols listed below.
However, when the PSA Alcohol Regenerator is used either with methanol or hexanol, its O-rings need to be
exchanged on a monthly basis (see the PSA Alcohol Regenerator Instruction Manual for details).
Please note that the internal tubing of the PSA might need to be exchanged in order to use some of the
compatible alcohols. The table below details the combined compatibility of the PSA’s internal tubing and the
PSA Alcohol Regenerator to the solvents.
Chemical compatibility:
: Good, can be used with normal maintenance.
: Moderate, frequent maintenance required.
: Poor, do not use with this solvent.
Congratulations, you are about to install a new PSA at a customer’s site. This appendix is designed to inform
you about the materials you will need to take with you (in addition to the instrument and its accessories) to
successfully install the instrument.
Validation being a compulsory part of the installation process, the reference materials used for the IQ/OQ
protocol might be billed to the customer.
PARTICLE SIZE STANDARD PS415 KIT (Mat. No. 266062): For all models except PSA 1190 L. A kit
contains 10 vials of PS415 certified reference material. You will need a minimum of 1 vial per installation, we
recommend taking 5 vials with you.
PARTICLE SIZE STANDARD PS414 KIT (Mat. No. 264870): For PSA 1190 L and PSA 1190L/D models
only. A kit contains 10 vials of PS414 certified reference material. You will need a minimum of 1 vial per
installation, we recommend taking 5 vials with you.
PSA instruments are calibrated before they leave the production plant, so the initial instrument validation
should be successful. However, in some rare instances, the IQ/OQ protocol might return out-of-bound
values. In that case you will have to perform an in-field calibration of the instrument. We kindly require that
you do not bill the materials used for this procedure to the customer.
PSA CALIBRATION KIT 1190 LIQUID (Mat. No. 222059): ISO calibration kit for PSA 1190 L and
PSA 1190 L/D models only. A kit contains 2 x 10 vials. We recommend taking the full kit content with you.
PSA CALIBRATION KIT 990/1090 LIQUID (Mat. No. 222060): ISO calibration kit for PSA 990 and
PSA 1090, L and L/D models only. A kit contains 2 x 10 vials. We recommend taking the full kit content with
PSA CALIBRATION KIT 990/1090/1190 DRY (Mat. No. 222063): ISO calibration kit for all PSA models in
version D and L/D. A kit contains 2 x 10 vials. We recommend taking the full kit content with you.
C.3: Documents
Appendix C: What Do I Need To
The instrument will be delivered with up-to-date versions of the instruction manuals (IMSI in hard copy,
Reference Guide as electronic version on the USB stick). The additional documents and protocols needed
to perform the installation are available on the Anton Paar Extranet.
PSA Pre-Installation Guide (Doc. No. E27IB007): Summarizes the requirements for the installation of the
PSA (bench space, environmental requirements, computer requirements, electricity, air and water supply).
Available on "Extranet > Documents > Browse by product line > Particle Size Analyzers > PSA
Series > Manuals".
Installation and Operation Qualification Record: This is the IQ/OQ protocol, which is compulsory for every
new installation. Available on "Extranet > Documents > Browse by product line > Particle Size
Analyzers > PSA Series > Service Information". Available under Doc. No. E27IQ005.
Reproducing Particle Size Results from Other Instruments with a PSA: If the customer is upgrading her/his
PSA, or switching laser diffraction instrument from another manufacturer, it is likely that you will have to
create an SOP enabling the PSA to reproduce the results of the instrument it is replacing. This step-by-step
document will help you to achieve that. Available on “Extranet > Documents > Browse by product
line > Particle Size Analyzers > PSA Series > Manuals”.
The most common reason for failed validation is a soiled instrument (circuit, sample cell, lens...). Although
our instruments are thoroughly checked and cleaned before shipping, accidental soiling of some PSA parts
might still occur during transport and installation. The following supplies are destined to perform some basic
cleaning procedures on the PSA. You can find a detailed description of these procedures in the PSA
instruction manuals (IMSI or Reference Guide), in the “Maintenance” chapter.
Cleaning strips for PSA Measurement cell (Mat. No. 188968): Necessary to clean the measurement cell.
A set of flat-head screwdrivers: required for clamping the tubing. Buy locally.
Lens paper: Necessary to clean the optics. Buy locally.
Absolute ethanol: Necessary to perform some cleaning procedures. Buy locally.
A concentrated liquid detergent: Necessary to clean the liquid system. Use a detergent for laboratory
instruments using sonication (e.g., Micro-90®, Liquinox™...). Make sure to select a detergent that is free
rinsing and non corrosive. Buy locally.