RF Steel

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November 2008

Additional Module

Stress Design of
Surfaces and Members

Program Description

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© Dlubal Engineering Software

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Program RF-STEEL © 2008 Dlubal Engineering Software


Contents Page Contents Page

1. Introduction 4 3.3.9 Parts List by Set of Members 50

1.1 Additional Module RF-STEEL 4 4. Evaluation of Results 51
1.2 RF-STEEL Team 5 4.1 Selection of Stresses 52
1.3 Using the Manual 6 4.2 RF-STEEL Surfaces 54
1.4 Starting RF-STEEL 6 4.2.1 Results on RFEM Model 54

2. RF-STEEL Surfaces 8 4.2.2 Stresses of Load Cases 55

2.1 Input Data 8 4.3 RF-STEEL Members 57

2.1.1 General Data 8 4.3.1 Results on Cross-section 57

2.1.2 Materials 10 4.3.2 Results on RFEM Model 59

2.1.3 Surfaces 14 4.3.3 Result Diagrams 62

2.2 Calculation 15 4.4 Filtering of Results 63

2.2.1 Stress and Stress Ratio 15 5. Printout 65

2.2.2 Design Details 17 5.1 Printout Report 65
2.2.3 Start Calculation 20 5.2 Print RF-STEEL Graphics 65
2.3 Results 21 5.2.1 Results on RFEM Model 65
2.3.1 Stresses by Surface 21 5.2.2 Results on Cross-section 67
2.3.2 Stresses by Grid Point 24 6. General Functions 69
3. RF-STEEL Members 25 6.1 RF-STEEL Design Cases 69
3.1 Input Data 25 6.2 Cross-section Optimization 71
3.1.1 General Data 25 6.3 Units and Decimal Places 73
3.1.2 Materials 27 6.4 Export Results 73
3.1.3 Cross-sections 31 7. Example 75
3.2 Calculation 34 7.1 Design Values 75
3.2.1 Stress and Stress Ratio 34 7.2 Base and Principal Stresses of RFEM 76
3.2.2 Design Details 37 7.2.1 Surface Top Side 76
3.2.3 Start Calculation 40 7.2.2 Surface Bottom Side 77
3.3 Results 41 7.2.3 Surface Center 79
3.3.1 Stresses by Cross-section 41 7.3 Stresses of RF-STEEL Surfaces 80
3.3.2 Stresses by Set of Members 44 7.3.1 Surface Top Side 80
3.3.3 Stresses by Member 44 7.3.2 Surface Bottom Side 80
3.3.4 Stresses by x-Location 45 7.3.3 Surface Center 81
3.3.5 Stresses at Every Stress Point 46 7.3.4 Membrane Stresses 82
3.3.6 Governing Internal Forces by Member 47 A Literature 83
3.3.7 Governing Internal Forces by Set of B Index 84
Members 48
3.3.8 Parts List by Member 49

Program RF-STEEL © 2008 Dlubal Engineering Software

1 Introduction

1. Introduction
1.1 Additional Module RF-STEEL
RF-STEEL does not run as a separate program, but is firmly integrated in the interface of the
program RFEM. This module is divided into two parts: RF-STEEL Surfaces serves for stress
analyses of surface and shell elements, whether RF-STEEL Members designs members. We
introduce both module parts in this manual.

In both additional modules, the specific input data of the structure and the internal forces
are automatically available from the main program RFEM. Vice versa, it is possible to graph-
ically display and evaluate in the RFEM work window the results calculated in the RF-STEEL
modules and even to incorporate them in the global printout report.

General stress analyses are carried out in the RF-STEEL module by the so-called elastic-elastic
method. The design stresses are calculated and are subsequently compared to the limit
stresses. The program uses an extensive library of cross-sections and an expandable library
of materials with standardized limit stresses. Stress points are defined on every member
cross-section. They represent the basis for the stress design and also for the graphic evalua-
tion of the results.

The maximum stresses of surfaces, members and set of members are calculated during the
stress analysis, and the governing internal forces are determined of every member. The
module RF-STEEL Members also offers an automatic optimization of cross-sections and the
option to export the modified cross-sections to RFEM.

Individual design cases in both modules of RF-STEEL facilitate a flexible stress analysis. The
design is supplemented with a parts list including data on the quantity and weight.

Essential innovations in RF-STEEL include the

• calculation of transversal shear stresses in the surface centers after KIRCHHOFF, MINDLIN
or according to user’s specification,
• differentiated control of the stress design for load combinations,
• results tables with colored relation bars,
• connection of tables in the RF-STEEL module with the RFEM work window, which
highlights the current objects of the tables in the background graphics,
• option to change the model preview in the background graphics of RFEM,
• quick info on the fulfilled or failed stress design,
• diagrams of stresses and stress ratios on the cross-section,
• display of stresses and stress ratios in the rendered model,
• graphic evaluation of stress ratios and utilizations of stress components σ, τ and σ v ,
• direct data export to MS Excel.

We wish you much success when working with RF-STEEL.


4 Program RF-STEEL © 2008 Dlubal Engineering Software

1 Introduction

1.2 RF-STEEL Team

The following people participated in the development of the RF-STEEL program:

Program Coordinators
Dipl.-Ing. Georg Dlubal
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Younes El Frem

Ing. Zdeněk Kosáček Ing. Roman Svoboda
Mgr. Petr Oulehle Dis. Jiří Šmerák
David Schweiner Lukáš Tůma

Library of Cross-sections and Materials

Ing. Ph.D. Jan Rybín
Jan Brnušák

Design of Program, Dialogs and Icons

Dipl.-Ing. Georg Dlubal Ing. Jan Miléř
MgA. Robert Kolouch

Testing and Technical Support

Ing. Robert Michalovič Dipl.-Ing. (BA) Andreas Niemeier
Ing. Martin Vasek Dipl.-Ing. David Röseler
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) André Bergholz Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Walter Rustler
Dipl.-Ing. Rafael Ceglarek Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Frank Sonntag
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Matthias Entenmann Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Christian Stautner
Dipl.-Ing. Frank Faulstich Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Robert Vogl
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) René Flori Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Anke Voggenreiter

Manuals, Documentation and Translations

Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Robert Vogl Mgr. Michaela Kryšková
Ing. Dmitry Bystrov Ing. Petr Míchal
Jan Jeřábek Ing. Robert Michalovič
Ing. Ladislav Kábrt Mgr. Petra Pokorná

Program RF-STEEL © 2008 Dlubal Engineering Software

1 Introduction

1.3 Using the Manual

All general topics such as installation, user interface, results evaluation and printout report
are described in detail in the manual to the main program RFEM, hence we omit them in
this manual. On the contrary, we focus the concentration on the typical features of the add-
on module RF-STEEL.

During the description of both RF-STEEL parts, we use the sequence and structure of the in-
put and output masks. Chapter 2 is devoted to the module RF-STEEL Surfaces, chapter 3 to
RF-STEEL Members. General functions are described in the subsequent chapters.

We feature the described icons (buttons) in square brackets, e.g. [Details]. The buttons are
simultaneously displayed on the left margin. The names of dialogs, masks and particular
menus are marked in italics in the text so that they can be easily found in the program.

We also put into this manual the index for the fast finding of some terms. If you should not
find the requested ones, please use the search function at www.dlubal.com that offers to
browse the FAQ list.

1.4 Starting RF-STEEL

It is possible to initialize the additional module RF-STEEL in several ways.

Main Menu
We can call up RF-STEEL by the command from the main menu of the program RFEM:

Additional Modules → Design - Steel → RF-STEEL Surfaces or RF-STEEL Members.

Figure 1.1: RFEM main menu: Additional modules → Design - Steel → RF-STEEL Surfaces or RF-STEEL Members

6 Program RF-STEEL © 2008 Dlubal Engineering Software

1 Introduction

Further, it is possible to start both parts of the RF-STEEL module from the Data navigator by
clicking on the item
Additional Modules → RF-STEEL Surfaces or RF-STEEL Members.

Figure 1.2: Data navigator: Additional modules → RF-STEEL Surfaces or RF-STEEL Members

The item RF-STEEL in the navigator above will start the calculation of the current load case
resp. open the Results navigator in RFEM to directly display category Surfaces → Stresses.
Further information can be found in chapter 4.2.2 on page 55.

If there are available results from the module RF-STEEL for the structure, it is possible to set
the design case of this module in the list of load cases. The stresses and stress ratios will be
displayed in the graphic window using the button [Results on/off].

The button [RF-STEEL Surfaces] or [RF-STEEL Members] is now displayed in the panel by
which we can initialize the module RF-STEEL.

Figure 1.3: Button RF-STEEL Surfaces in panel

Program RF-STEEL © 2008 Dlubal Engineering Software

2 RF-STEEL Surfaces

2. RF-STEEL Surfaces
2.1 Input Data
The data to define design cases is entered in three masks.

After having initialized the module RF-STEEL Surfaces, a new window is displayed. We can
see the navigator for the access to all existing masks in its left part. The list of all already en-
tered design cases is located above the navigator (see chapter 6.1, page 69).

If RF-STEEL Surfaces is called up in a structure of RFEM for the first time, then the following
important data are loaded automatically:

• Surfaces
• Load cases, load groups and load combinations
• Materials
• Surface thicknesses
• Internal forces (in the background – if calculated)

We can switch among the masks either by clicking on individual navigator items of RF-STEEL
or by using the buttons as seen to the left. The function keys [F2] and [F3] also serve to
browse the masks in both directions.

We save entered data by the button [OK] and close the module RF-STEEL Surfaces, while by
the button [Cancel] we terminate the module without saving the data.

2.1.1 General Data

In mask 1.1 General Data, surfaces and actions are selected for the design. The design stan-
dard will be defined in mask 1.2 because it is related to the material characteristics.

Figure 2.1: Mask 1.1 General Data

8 Program RF-STEEL © 2008 Dlubal Engineering Software

2 RF-STEEL Surfaces

Design of
For the design in this module we can select Surfaces with the thickness type ’Constant‘ or
’Variable‘. If only selected surfaces shall be designed, it is necessary to deactivate the check
box All. By doing so, the input box is accessible and it is possible to enter the numbers of
particular surfaces. By the button [Pick] we can select surfaces even graphically in the RFEM
work window. The list of default surface numbers can be quickly selected by double-clicking
it and then rewriting it manually.

It is possible to design both plane and curved surfaces in the RF-STEEL module.

Existing Load Cases/ Load Groups and Load Combinations

All RFEM load cases, load groups and load combinations that can be designed are listed in
these two sections. By the button [X], we can insert selected load cases or combinations to
the list on the right Selected for Design. Individual items can be also selected by double-
clicks. The button [XX] simultaneously transfers all items to the list.

Selected for Design

Loads selected for the design are listed in the right column. By the button [W], we can re-
move selected load cases or combinations from the list. Here the selection can also be ex-
ecuted by double-clicks. The button [WW] erases the entire list.

The design of an enveloping Or load combination is usually faster than the overall design of
all generated load cases or load groups. In case of load combinations we recommend
checking the Calculation Type of Shear Stress in the Details dialog (chapter 2.2.2, page 17).

Here the user can record a note on the current design case.

Program RF-STEEL © 2008 Dlubal Engineering Software

2 RF-STEEL Surfaces

2.1.2 Materials
This mask is divided into two parts. Materials for the analysis are listed in the upper section,
including the limit stresses. In the section Material Properties, the characteristics of the cur-
rent material are displayed, i.e. of the material whose line was selected in the upper section.

The material properties, which are necessary for the calculation of internal forces in RFEM,
are described in detail in chapter 5.3 of the RFEM manual. Material characteristics that are
important for the design are stored to the global material library and are automatically set
as default. They can be edited in this mask of RF-STEEL.

Units and decimal places of material properties and stresses can be modified via menu
Options → Units and Decimal Places…

Figure 2.2: Mask 1.2 Materials

Material Description
Materials defined in RFEM are set as default. If the stated Material Description matches any
entry in a library of materials, RF-STEEL automatically loads the material properties that are
necessary for the analysis.

A material can be selected from the list: we place the cursor in column A and click on the
button [T] or press the key [F7]. The list as seen to the left is opened. As soon as we select
a required material, important properties are taken over to other boxes in a given line.

This list includes only steel materials. In principle it is possible to analyze any materials for
which design normal, shear and equivalent stresses will be compared with allowable
stresses. For example, aluminum or stainless steel components can be designed in this way.
Of course, appropriate standard rules must be taken into account additionally.

If limit stresses are not available for the material (e.g. aluminum), they will be highlighted in
a different color. However, the user can enter the limit stress by activating the function
Manually in the column D and completing values of allowable stresses to the columns E to
G. The red marking then disappears.

The import of materials from the library is described further below.

10 Program RF-STEEL © 2008 Dlubal Engineering Software

2 RF-STEEL Surfaces

Safety Factor γ M
This value quotes the safety factor for the calculation of design values of the material
strength. The characteristic value of the yield strength f yk to calculate the limit normal stress
σ R,d (see Equation 2.1) and the shear stress τ R,d (Equation 2.2) are reduced by the factor γ M .

Hence the factor γ M enters the analysis two times if the calculation proceeds after 2nd order
or large deformation analyses: Firstly it is necessary to take into account the effect of de-
formations by the 10% reduction of rigidity according to e.g. DIN 18800 Part 2, El. (116),
secondly the design values of strength must be reduced by the safety factor γ M during the
analysis of the load capacity.

Yield Strength f yk
The yield strength gives the limit of material strain without its permanent deformation.
Characteristic values of different steel materials are quoted e.g. in EC 3, Section 3 or in
DIN 18800 Part 1.

Limit Stresses
In case of materials stored in the global material library, the limit stresses are loaded auto-
matically and cannot be modified in the table.

If we want to modify the limit stresses we can either use the button [Edit Material…] and
change material properties (see below, page 13) or switch to a manual mode by ticking the
box Manually.

If we activate this box, the limit stress can be entered manually in the following columns.
Modified materials will be listed in the column Material Description with an asterisk.

Limit σ x
The limit normal stress sets the allowable stress for the combined stress by axial force and
bending. It is stated according to e.g. DIN 18800 Part 1, El. (746) on the basis of the
characteristic value of the yield strength that is divided by the partial safety factor γ M .

σ x ,R,d =
Equation 2.1

Limit τ
The limit shear stress gives the allowable shear stress due to the shear force and torsion.
According to e.g. DIN 18800 Part 1, El. (746), the partial safety factor γ M enters the
equation term for the calculation of the limit shear stress, too.

τ R,d =
γM ⋅ 3
Equation 2.2

Limit σ eqv
The limit equivalent stress represents the allowable comparative stress for the simultaneous
action of several stresses. It is stated e.g. by Equation 2.1 according to DIN 18800 Part 1,
El. (746), too.

Program RF-STEEL © 2008 Dlubal Engineering Software

2 RF-STEEL Surfaces

Yield Strength Subject to Component Thickness

The relation between the characteristic yield strength f yk and the component thickness t
exists at some materials. Max. Component Thickness for particular ranges is displayed with
the appropriate yield strength in the bottom part of the table Material Properties.

The assignment of the yield strengths follows the standards. By the button [Edit Material…]
we can control and edit the component thicknesses and the assigned stresses (cf page 13).

Import Material from Library

A considerable amount of materials is stored in the library. We open the library via menu

Edit → Material from Library…

or by clicking on the button as seen to the left.

Figure 2.3: Dialog Material Library

In the section Filter Choice the material category Steel is set as default. In the list Material
to Select that is located on the right we can select a particular material, and in the bottom
part of the dialog we can check its characteristic values. After clicking on [OK] or pressing
the key [↵], the material is imported into the current line of RF-STEEL mask 1.2.

Chapter 5.3 of the RFEM manual describes in detail how materials can be filtered, added to
the library or newly classified.

If we want to select some other material category than Steel, it is necessary to realize that
we can only analyze materials at which the design normal, shear and equivalent stresses will
be compared with the allowable stresses. For example, aluminum or stainless steel compo-
nents can be designed in this way.

If we adapt a material to the mask 1.2 for which no limit stresses are defined (e.g. glass),
the line of this item will be highlighted in a different color. After ticking the box Manually
in the column D the user can enter the limit stress. As soon as we fill allowable stresses in

12 Program RF-STEEL © 2008 Dlubal Engineering Software

2 RF-STEEL Surfaces

the columns E to G, the red marking of line disappears. However, it is necessary to point
out on the fact that the stress analysis of e.g. glass surfaces will not be complete because
the standard sets various criteria which are followed in the add-on module RF-GLASS.

Edit Material…
Yield strengths and limit stresses of the current material can be edited after clicking on the
button displayed on the left. The following dialog will open:

Figure 2.4: Dialog Modify Material

The characteristic values of the yield strength f yk , defined in column C in the section below,
are reduced by the factor γ M which can be defined in section Partial Safety Factor. The limit
stresses calculated using Equation 2.1 and Equation 2.2 on page 11 will loaded to the col-
umns D to E.

In the section Yield Strengths and Limit Stresses Subject to Component Thicknesses we can
modify the range of each Component Thickness. The number of ranges is stated by the
standard, but the limits between particular ranges can be shifted manually in column B. The
column A is changed automatically at the same time. The appropriate Yield Strength f yk can
be assigned to every range.

If we want to define the limit stress independently, we need to tick the box User-defined,
Independent Definition of Limit Stresses. Hence the columns D to E are accessible and the
user can define values manually there.

Modified materials will be marked by an asterisk in mask 1.2 Materials.

Program RF-STEEL © 2008 Dlubal Engineering Software

2 RF-STEEL Surfaces

2.1.3 Surfaces
This mask manages the surfaces that are considered for the design.

Figure 2.5: Mask 1.3 Surfaces

Thickness - Type
The types of surface thicknesses used in the program RFEM are set as default in this mask
and the assigned numbers of materials as well.

In the module RF-STEEL Surfaces, the design is restricted to the thickness types ’Constant‘
and ‘Variable‘. The design of other types, e.g. of orthotropic surfaces, has not been taken
into account so far. If we still wish to design such a surface, it is possible to change its
thickness type in this mask to ’Constant ‘: Place the cursor to the corresponding line, click
on the button [T] or press the key [F7] and select the ’Constant‘ thickness from the list.

Thickness d
In this column, the surface thicknesses entered in RFEM are displayed. We can modify them
any time by clicking on the input box. The new value can be entered either manually or us-
ing the spin buttons.

It is necessary to refer to the fact that during the modification of surface thicknesses the in-
ternal forces are not recalculated automatically. In fact, the internal forces can differ consi-
derably as a result of the change in surface thicknesses, thus also in a structure rigidity.
Therefore we recommend modifying the thicknesses in RFEM after the first design, too.
Then the surfaces can be designed again in the module RF-STEEL Surfaces.

In this column, references are stated to footnotes that can be found below the surface list.

If the remark appears 1) Surface will not be designed because it is ’Orthotropic‘, we can try
to change the thickness type to ’Constant ‘. We click on the input field in column B and
open the list of surface types via the button [T].

14 Program RF-STEEL © 2008 Dlubal Engineering Software

2 RF-STEEL Surfaces

2.2 Calculation
The stress analysis is carried out with the internal forces calculated in the program RFEM.
Before the [Calculation] we should check the detailed setting for the design. We open the
appropriate dialog by clicking on the button [Details…]. The dialog is described in detail in
chapter 2.2.2 on page 17.

2.2.1 Stress and Stress Ratio

In the results masks 2.1 and 2.2, the normal stresses σ (Rankine), shear stresses τ (Tresca)
and equivalent stresses σ eqv (H-M-H) are displayed by default. The single stress components
can be selected by the button [Select stresses to show...].

The general state of the body stress can be described using the following stresses:

• Normal stresses σ x , σ y , σ z
• Shear stresses τ xy , τ xz , τ yx , τ yz , τ zx , τ zy

We can represent them as the stress tensor:

⎡σ x τ xy τ xz ⎤
⎢ ⎥
σ = ⎢τ yx σy τ yz ⎥
⎢τ τ zy σ z ⎥⎦
⎣ zx
Equation 2.3

The stress tensor is simplified in case of the plane stress condition:

⎡σ x τ xy ⎤
σ=⎢ ⎥
⎣⎢τ yx σ y ⎦⎥

Equation 2.4

The characteristics of many materials are stated on the basis of tensile tests. Besides the
elastic modulus, the tensile strength of the material is determined that can be compared
with the actual stress condition. The equivalent stress serves for that case. The real multi-
axial stress condition will be thus represented by one single stress which causes the same
stress as the multi-axial stress condition. Various hypotheses exist to the theme of the
equivalent stresses.

Normal Stresses Sigma (RANKINE)

This hypothesis of the equivalent stress is also known as hypothesis of normal stress or as
”equivalent stress after LAMÉ“. It results from the thesis that the maximum principal stress
leads to the failure.

σx + σy ±
) (σ x − σ y )2 + 4 τ xy2
Equation 2.5

Explicitly the principal stresses are calculated by this equation which represent the eigenva-
lues of the stress tensor by definition. If we calculate the eigenvalue of the stress tensor ac-
cording to Equation 2.4, we just obtain Equation 2.5.
The stress rate τ xy is marked as σ xy in the program RFEM.

Program RF-STEEL © 2008 Dlubal Engineering Software

2 RF-STEEL Surfaces

Shear Stresses Tau (TRESCA)

The hypothesis of shear stress that is also known as ”equivalent stress after TRESCA“ results
from the assumption that the failure is caused by the maximum shear stress.

σ= (σ x − σ y )2 + 4τ xy2
Equation 2.6

Regarding the fact that this hypothesis is suitable especially for brittle materials, it is often
applied in machine engineering.

Equivalent Stresses Sigma-eqv (H-M-H)

This hypothesis of equivalent stress is also known as the hypothesis of shape change or as
”equivalent stress after HUBER-MAXWELL-HENCKY-VON MISES“. It assumes that a material will fail
if the energy of shape change exceeds a certain limit. The energy of shape change presents
the energy that leads to the distortion of deformation of the body.

σ = σ 2x + σ 2y − σ x σ y + 3τ xy

Equation 2.7

The equivalent stress after the hypothesis of shape change seems to be the best-known and
the most frequently applied hypothesis of the equivalent stress. It is suitable for all mate-
rials with the exception of brittle ones. Thus, common steel constructions make an impor-
tant sphere of its application.

This hypothesis is not suitable for the hydrostatic stress condition with identical principal
stresses in all directions, because the equivalent stress is equal to zero in this case.

Stress Ratio
The rate of the design and limit stress is calculated during the stress analysis.

The stress ratio of the surface in the corresponding FE node or grid point is determined for
every stress type mentioned above. The results are displayed separately for the top and bot-
tom surface sides and also for the middles (neutral axes) of the surfaces. If the limit stress is
not exceeded, the stress ratio will be less or equal to 1 and the stress design is considered
as fulfilled.

σ Rankine
σ R,d
Equation 2.8: Verification for normal stresses

τ Tresca
τ R ,d
Equation 2.9: Verification for shear stresses

σ von Mises
σ R,d
Equation 2.10: Verification for equivalent stresses

16 Program RF-STEEL © 2008 Dlubal Engineering Software

2 RF-STEEL Surfaces

2.2.2 Design Details

The dialog to control the settings of various design parameters can be opened from every
mask of RF-STEEL Surfaces by clicking on the [Details…] button.

Figure 2.6: Dialog Details

Calculate Additionally
Stresses in Neutral Axes of Surfaces
The stresses in the neutral axis of each surface (in ”centers of mass“) are also displayed by
default, together with other results. If we do not wish to display these values or we do not
require them, this option can be deactivated by removing the check. Then only the stresses
on the top and bottom sides of each surface are displayed in the results masks.

Membrane Stresses only due to Axial Loading

If we activate this option, the stresses due to axial forces are displayed in the results masks,
i.e. without the contribution of bending moments (see Figure 2.9, page 21).

The membrane stresses for the various hypotheses of the equivalent stresses as described in
chapter 2.2.1 are calculated as following:
• Normal Stresses Sigma (RANKINE)

σ m = max σ m

σm =
σ x,m + σ y,m ± )
(σ x,m − σ y,m )2 + 4 τ xy2 ,m
where σ x ,m = x
σ y,m = d: surface thickness
n xy
τ xy,m =
Equation 2.9

• Shear Stresses Tau (TRESCA)

σm = (σ x,m − σ y,m )2 + 4τ xy2 ,m

Equation 2.10

Program RF-STEEL © 2008 Dlubal Engineering Software

2 RF-STEEL Surfaces

• Equivalent Stresses Sigma-eqv (HUBER-MAXWELL-HENCKY-VON MISES)

σ m = σ 2x ,m + σ 2y,m − σ x ,m σ y,m + 3τ xy

Equation 2.11

Calculation Type of Shear Stress

If we calculate the stresses also in the neutral axes of the surfaces (see above), the
transversal shear stresses can be calculated via three following methods:

τ x = 1.5 ⋅
τ y = 1.5 ⋅
Equation 2.12

τ x = 1.0 ⋅
τ y = 1.0 ⋅
Equation 2.13

The user can define a Factor that shall be used for the calculation of the transversal shear
stresses τ x and τ y (see Equation 2.12 and Equation 2.13).

Display Results Tables

In this dialog section we can specify which results masks shall be displayed. There are only
two output tables available: Maximum Stresses by Surfaces and Stresses in Grid Points.

Analysis Method for Load Combinations

During the design of load combinations we can control the method of stress calculation to
some extent. The Mixed Method is set as default. This method examines before the analysis
whether it is more useful to apply the Enumeration or the Envelope method.

Enumeration Method
According to this method, the internal forces from RFEM are evaluated line by line and con-
sequently are combined in a corresponding way. It is a precise method which considers all
possible combinations.

The disadvantage of the enumeration method is that the number of combinations to be

considered when processing line by line grows exponentially with the number of load cases.
The following relation is given:
Number of possible combinations = 2
where n = number of load cases
It means: The more load cases, the more time is required for the stress design. The results
include all the possibilities, though.

18 Program RF-STEEL © 2008 Dlubal Engineering Software

2 RF-STEEL Surfaces

Envelope Method
In this method, only extreme values of general stresses of every load case are analyzed and
are combined consequently. Therefore, it may happen that in this method the most unfa-
vorable combination will not be detected, contrary to the procedure line by line. However,
in case of a larger number of load cases in a load combination, the processing time does
not exceed a tolerable extent.

Regarding the fact that only the maximum values are analyzed, the stress design via this
method need not lead to absolutely reliable results. In general, structures with load cases
whose actions are effective in orthogonal directions may be critical. In this case, we recom-
mend checking on the results by the enumeration method.

Mixed Method
In the mixed method, it is found out before the actual analysis how many possible combi-
nations exist at a current number of load cases (see the paragraph on the enumeration me-
thod). If e.g. a load combination includes seven load cases, it is necessary to analyze
27 = 128
possible combinations. Regarding the fact that this number exceeds the default number
100 possibilities, the analysis will be executed by the envelope method.
We can influence the selection of the method in the input field where the upper limit for
the number of possible combinations that would be still designed by the precise enumera-
tion method is entered.

The Mixed Method thus presents a compromise between result accuracy and design speed
that should be suitable in most cases.

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2 RF-STEEL Surfaces

2.2.3 Start Calculation

In all three input dialogs of RF-STEEL Surfaces we can start the calculation by clicking on the
button [Calculation].

At first, RF-STEEL searches for results of selected load cases, groups and combinations. If
they are not found, the calculation of the governing internal forces in RFEM will be started.
The calculation parameters entered in RFEM are used for this calculation.

The calculation of the RF-STEEL Surfaces results can be also started from the RFEM interface.
All add-on modules are displayed in the dialog To Calculate, just as load cases or groups.
We open this dialog in RFEM via the main menu

Calculate → To Calculate…

Figure 2.7: Dialog To Calculate

If the design cases of RF-STEEL Surfaces are missing in the list Not Calculated, it is necessary
to tick the check box Show Additional Modules.

By the button [X] we can transfer selected design cases to the list on the right. Then we
start the calculation by the button [Calculate].

The calculation of a specific RF-STEEL design case can also be directly started in the toolbar.
Set the relevant design case in the list and then click on the button [Results on/off].

Figure 2.8: Direct calculation of RF-STEEL Surfaces design case in RFEM

20 Program RF-STEEL © 2008 Dlubal Engineering Software

2 RF-STEEL Surfaces

2.3 Results
The mask 2.1 Stresses by Surfaces is displayed immediately after the design has finished.
The second results mask 2.2 Stresses by Grid Points includes the stresses and stress ratios in
grid points that were defined by the user. The results masks are accessible via the RF-STEEL
navigator. To scroll between the masks we can also use the buttons displayed on the left or
the function keys [F2] and [F3].

[OK] saves the results and closes the module RF-STEEL Surfaces.

We will present both masks in this chapter. Chapter 4 Evaluation of Results describes how
to evaluate and utilize the results.

2.3.1 Stresses by Surface

Figure 2.9: Mask 2.1 Stresses by Surface

This mask presents the maximum stresses calculated on the basis of load cases, groups and
combinations for every designed surface. The stresses are listed by surface numbers, and
the thicknesses will be quoted for information. If it is a surface with a variable thickness, it
will be marked accordingly.

The stress components according to the settings in the Stresses - Filter dialog (cf Figure 4.3,
page 52) are displayed in column F Stress Type. This dialog can be called up by clicking on
the button as seen to the left.

Point Coordinates X/Y/Z

In these three columns, the coordinates of the governing FE nodes are quoted in the global
coordinate system XYZ. Grid points that were defined by the user for the surfaces are irrele-
vant here; hence we can read the exact points of the maximum stresses or stress ratios in
this mask.

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2 RF-STEEL Surfaces

The stresses are displayed for every surface on the following locations by default:
• Top side
• Middle surface (neutral axis)
• Bottom side
The specification of the Top and Bottom side follows the routine convention of RFEM. If the
global axis Z points down, the bottom side makes the positive surface side, i.e. it is the side
in the direction of positive local surface axis z. The top side then is the side in the direction
of the negative local axis z. However, if the global axis Z points up, the definition is reverse:
the bottom side lies on the negative side of the local surface axis z, and the top side is the
side in the direction of positive surface axis z.

To check the surface axes, we can activate the local surface axes in the Display navigator of

Figure 2.10: Display of surface axis systems in Display navigator

If we do not wish or do not consider as necessary to display the stresses in the neutral axes
of the surfaces, we can hide them via the Details dialog in the section Calculate Additionally
(see Figure 2.6, page 17).

If we activate in the Details dialog the option Membrane Stresses only due to Axial Loading,
too, the stress components Membrane are also displayed in mask 2.1. Those originate from
the axial forces.

The membrane stresses are calculated according to the hypothesis of the equivalent stress,
using Equation 2.11, Equation 2.12 or Equation 2.13 (see chapter 2.2.2, page 18) and are
constant along the whole surface thickness.

Load Case
The number of the load case, load group or load combination whose internal forces invoke
the corresponding maximum stresses is displayed in column E.

22 Program RF-STEEL © 2008 Dlubal Engineering Software

2 RF-STEEL Surfaces

Stress Type
Three hypotheses of the equivalent stress are set as default for every surface. The stresses
were calculated after them. Those are the following stress types:
• Sigma (RANKINE)
• Tau (TRESCA)
• Sigma-eqv (H-M-H)
These three hypotheses of the equivalent stress for the multi-axial stress condition are de-
scribed in chapter 2.2.1 on pages 15 and 16.

In the dialog Stresses - Filter (cf. Figure 4.3, page 52) that can be opened via the button as
seen to the left, we can set the stress types whose results are to be displayed in the results

Stress - Existing
The extreme values of design stresses are displayed in this column that were calculated by
the equations quoted on pages 15 and 16.
The maximum (positive) and minimum (negative) stress values are determined during the
calculation and then their absolute values are compared. The greater one is consequently
written as the positive maximum value in column G.

If the stresses in the module RF-STEEL Surfaces do not match the results that were displayed
for the corresponding load case in the main program RFEM (see Figure 4.8, page 56), then
this supposed error has the following reason: RFEM displays extreme stress values only on
the top and bottom sides of surfaces. By contrast, RF-STEEL Surfaces also determines the
equivalent stresses in the neutral axes (middle) of the surfaces. If these results are greater,
then the extreme stresses of RF-STEEL exceed those of RFEM.

Stress - Limit
The limit stress of mask 1.2 (see chapter 2.1.2, page 10) is again displayed in this column.
To be specific, there are the following stresses:

• Limit normal stress σ x as allowable stress due to bending moments and axial forces
• Limit shear stress τ as allowable shear stress due to shear force and torsion
• Limit equivalent stress σ eqv as allowable equivalent stress for the simultaneous effect
of several stresses

Stress Ratio
The rate of the design and limit stress is calculated for every stress component. If the limit
stress is not exceeded, the stress ratio will be less or equal to 1.00 and the stress design is
considered as verified.

This column enables to quickly analyze the utilization of the surfaces.

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2 RF-STEEL Surfaces

2.3.2 Stresses by Grid Point

Figure 2.11: Mask 2.2 Stresses by Grid Point

The maximum stresses arranged after individual grid points are displayed in this mask. The
grid points present another option to display the results independently of the FE mesh. Here
the results are displayed for the grid points that were user-defined in regular spacing. The
number of these points and their arrangement can be set in the Edit Surface dialog, register
Grid of the RFEM program.

Especially for smaller surfaces, only few grid points – or even only one in the grid origin –
may exist due to the default grid size of 0.50 m. In this case we mostly do not get the max-
imum values in mask 2.2 because the result grid is not refined enough. Hence the distance
of grid points should be adapted to the surface dimensions in order to create more grid

The maximum stress ratio quoted on the bottom margin of this mask is always related to
the stress in the nodes of the FE mesh. At a certain grid arrangement it may happen that
the stress ratios of the individual lines above will not reach this maximum value.

The individual columns are described in detail in the previous chapter 2.3.1.

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3 RF-STEEL Members

3. RF-STEEL Members
3.1 Input Data
The data to define design cases is entered in three masks. For members and sets of mem-
bers, the function [Pick] is also available for the direct selection in the graphic window.

After the initialization of the module RF-STEEL Members, a new window is displayed. We
can see a navigator to access all existing masks in its left part. The list of all available design
cases is located above the navigator (see chapter 6.1, page 69).

If RF-STEEL Members is opened for the first time in a RFEM structure, the following design-
related data are loaded automatically:

• Members and sets of members

• Load cases, load groups and load combinations
• Materials
• Cross-sections
• Internal forces (in the background - if calculated)

We can switch among the masks either by clicking on individual navigator items in RF-STEEL
or by clicking on the buttons as seen to the left. The function keys [F2] and [F3] also serve
to browse the masks in both directions.

We save all entered data by the button [OK] and close the module RF-STEEL Members, while
[Cancel] terminates the module without saving the data.

3.1.1 General Data

In mask 1.1 General Data, members and actions are selected for the design. The design
standard will be defined in mask 1.2 because it is related to the material characteristics.

Figure 3.1: Mask 1.1 General Data

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3 RF-STEEL Members

Design of
We can select both Members and Sets of Members for the design. If only some objects shall
be designed, it is necessary to deactivate the check box All. By doing so, the input boxes be-
come accessible and we can enter the numbers of the selected members or sets of members
there. With the button [Pick], we can select members or sets of members graphically in the
RFEM work window. The list of default member numbers can be quickly selected by double-
clicking it and rewriting it manually.

In no sets of members have yet been defined in RFEM, we can enter them via the button
[Create New Set of Members…] directly in RF-STEEL Members. The familiar RFEM dialog to
create a new set of members opens where we can enter the relevant data.

Designing sets of members has the advantage that selected members can be analyzed to
determine the total maxima of their stresses and stress ratios. In this case, the results masks
2.2 Stresses by Sets of Members and 3.3 Parts List by Sets of Members are displayed, too.

Existing Load Cases/ Load Groups and Load Combinations

All design-relevant load cases, load groups and load combinations that have been defined
in RFEM are listed in these two sections. The button [X] moves the selected load case or
load combination to the list Selected for Design. Individual items can be also selected by
double-clicking them. The button [XX] transfers the entire list to the right.

Load cases that are marked with an asterisk (*), e.g. load cases 6 and 7 in Figure 3.1, are
excluded from the design. In this case no loads were assigned to them or they contain only
imperfections as in the example above.

Selected for Design

The actions selected for the design are listed in the right column. By the button [W] we can
remove the selected load case or load group from the list. As before, the selection can be
executed by double-clicks. The button [WW] removes all items from the list.

Generally, the calculation of an enveloping Or load combination is faster than analyzing all
contained load cases or load groups. On the other hand, we can less retrace the effects of
individual contained actions during the design of the overall load combination: The maxi-
mum and minimum stresses of each load case or load group are used for the design which
are superimposed according to the relevant code. For load combinations, we recommend
checking the Method of Stress Calculation in the Details dialog (cf chapter 3.2.2, page 37).

This input field can be used to add a note on the current design case of RF-STEEL Members.

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3 RF-STEEL Members

3.1.2 Materials
This mask is divided into two parts. The materials for the design are listed in the upper sec-
tion, including their limit stresses. The section Material Properties lists the properties of the
current material, i.e. the material whose line has been selected in the upper section.

Details on the material properties necessary for the calculation of the internal forces can be
found in chapter 5.3 of the RFEM manual. The design-relevant material characteristics are
stored in the global material library and are set automatically as default. They can be mod-
ified this mask.

The units and decimal places of the material constants and stresses can be edited via menu
Options → Units and Decimal Places…

Figure 3.2: Mask 1.2 Materials

Material Description
The materials defined in RFEM are set as default. If the stated Material Description corres-
ponds to an entry in the material library, RF-STEEL Members automatically imports the
design-relevant material properties.

A material can be selected from the list: We place the cursor in column A and then click on
the button [T] or press the function key [F7]. The list is opened that is visible to the left. As
soon as we have chosen the material, the relevant parameters are entered in the remaining
field of the row.

This list includes only steel materials. In principle, it is possible to analyze any material with
a stress concept based on the comparison of the existing axial, shear and equivalent stresses
with the limit stresses. In this way, the design of aluminum or stainless steel sections can al-
so be carried out. Of course, the appropriate standards have to be considered as well.

If no limit stresses are available for the material (e.g. timber), then the entries of this row
will be highlighted. However, the user can enter the limit stress by activating the function
Manually in column D. After having completed the values of the allowable stresses in col-
umns E to G, the highlighted display disappears.

It is described further below how to import materials from the library.

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3 RF-STEEL Members

Safety Factor γ M
This value states the safety factor for the calculation of the design values of the material
strength. Therefore, the index M is used. The characteristic value of the yield strength f yk for
the determination of the limit axial stress σ R,d (see Equation 2.1) and of the limit shear stress
τ R,d (Equation 2.2) is reduced by this factor γ M .

Hence the factor γ M enters the analysis two times if the calculation is carried out according
to 2nd order or large deformation analyses: Firstly, the stiffness is reduced by 10 % to ac-
count for the influence of the deformations when determining the internal forces according
to e.g. DIN 18800 Part 2, El. (116). Secondly, the design values of material strength must be
reduced by the safety factor γ M for the load capacity design.

Yield Strength f yk
The yield strength describes the limit of material strain without its permanent deformation.
The characteristic values of different steel grades are contained e.g. in EC 3, section 3 or in
DIN 18800 Part 1, section 4.

Limit Stresses
In case of materials stored in the material library, the limit stresses are loaded automatically
and cannot be modified in the table.

If we want to modify the limit stresses, we can either use the button [Edit Material…] and
change the material properties (cf page 30) or switch to manual mode by ticking Manually.

If we activate this box, the limit stresses can be entered manually in the following columns.

Modified materials will be listed with an asterisk (*) in column Material Description.

Limit σ x
The limit normal stress represents the allowable stress for the loading due to bending and
axial force. It is stated according to e.g. DIN 18800 Part 1, El. (746) by the characteristic
value of the yield strength that is reduced by the partial safety factor γ M .

σ x ,R,d =
Equation 3.1

Limit τ
The limit shear stress specifies the allowable shear stress due to shear force and torsion.
According to e.g. DIN 18800 Part 1, El. (746), the partial safety factor γ M is also contained in
the equation to determine the limit shear stress.

τ R,d =
γM ⋅ 3
Equation 3.2

Limit σ eqv
The limit equivalent stress represents the allowable comparative stress at the simultaneous
action of several stresses. It is defined e.g. by Equation 3.1 according to DIN 18800 Part 1,
El. (746).

28 Program RF-STEEL © 2008 Dlubal Engineering Software

3 RF-STEEL Members

Yield Strength Subject to Component Thickness

For some materials, the characteristic yield strength f yk is related to the thickness t of the
member components. The Max. Component Thickness for particular ranges including the
corresponding yield strength is displayed in the lower section of table Material Properties.

The assignment of the yield strengths follows the standards, e.g. DIN 18000 Part 1, Table 1.
By the button [Edit Material…] we can check and, if needed, edit component thicknesses
and the assigned stresses (cf page 30).

Import Material from Library

Many materials are stored in a library already. We open the library via menu

Edit → Material Library…

or by clicking on the button displayed on the left.

Figure 3.3: Dialog Material Library

In section Filter Choice, the material category Steel is set as default. In the list Material to
Select which is located on the right we can select a particular material, and in the bottom
part of the dialog we can check its characteristic values. After clicking on [OK] or pressing
the [↵] key, the material is set in mask 1.2 of RF-STEEL Members.

Chapter 5.3 of the RFEM manual explains in detail how materials can be filtered, added to
the library or newly classified.

If we want to select some other material category than Steel, it is necessary to realize that
we can only design materials with a stress concept that is based on the comparison of the
existing normal, shear and equivalent stresses will the allowable stresses. In this way, alu-
minum or stainless steel sections can also be designed.

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3 RF-STEEL Members

If we import a material to the mask 1.2 for which no limit stresses are defined (e.g. timber),
the entries of this row are highlighted in a different color. However, after ticking the box
Manually in column D, the user can enter the appropriate limit stresses. As soon as we have
filled in the allowable stresses in columns E to G, the marking of row disappears. However,
it is necessary to point out that the stress analysis e.g. for timber cross-sections can only be
carried out incompletely because the relevant codes require different criteria which are con-
sidered in the add-on module TIMBER Pro.

Edit Material…
The yield strengths and limit stresses of the current material can be edited after clicking on
the button displayed on the left. The following dialog appears.

Figure 3.4: Dialog Edit Material

The characteristic values of the yield strength f yk that are defined in column C in the section
below are reduced by the Partial Safety Factor γ M . The limit stresses, calculated according to
Equation 2.1 and Equation 2.2 on page 11, will be loaded to the columns D to E.

In section Yield Strengths and Limit Stresses Subject to Component Thicknesses, we can
modify the ranges of the Component Thickness t. The number of the ranges is set by the
codes, but the limits between particular ranges can be shifted manually in column B. Col-
umn A will be adjusted automatically. A specific Yield Strength f yk can be assigned to every

If we want to define the limit stress independently, we need to tick the box User-defined,
Independent Definition of Limit Stresses. The columns D to E then become accessible and
for user-defined entries.

Modified materials are marked by an asterisk (*) in mask 1.2.

30 Program RF-STEEL © 2008 Dlubal Engineering Software

3 RF-STEEL Members

3.1.3 Cross-sections
This mask controls the cross-sections that are considered for the design. Also the parame-
ters for the optimization can be stated here.

Figure 3.5: Mask 1.3 Cross-sections

Cross-section Description
When we open the mask, the cross-sections used in RFEM are set as default including the
assigned material numbers.

The cross-sections can be changed any time for the design. The description of a modified
cross-section will be marked in blue in column B.

In order to edit a cross-section, the new description can be entered in the corresponding
line, or the new cross-section is selected from the library. We open the library by clicking on
the button [Import Cross-section from Library…]. Alternatively, we place the cursor in the
relevant row and click on the button [...] or press the function key [F7]. The library which is
already familiar from RFEM appears (cf following figure).

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3 RF-STEEL Members

Figure 3.6: Cross-section Library

The selection of cross-sections from the library is described in detail in chapter 5.13 of the
RFEM manual.

If the cross-sections are different in RF-STEEL Members and RFEM, both sections are shown
in the graphic window to the right of the table. The internal forces from RFEM are then
used for the stress design of the modified RF-STEEL cross-section.

Tapered Member
In case of tapered members with different cross-sections at the member start and member
end, both cross-section numbers are quoted in two lines following the definition in RFEM.
RF-STEEL Members carries out the design of tapered members as long as the following con-
dition is fulfilled: An equal number of stress points is required at both member ends.

For example, the normal stresses are calculated from the moments of inertia and from the
centroidal distances of the stress points. If the start and the end sections of the tapered
member have different numbers of stress points, it is not possible to interpolate the inter-
mediate values. This will bring about the following error in RFEM.

Figure 3.7: RFEM error for incompatible cross-sections

In the cross-section graphics in the right part of this mask, we can display the stress points
of the cross-section including their numbering. Detailed information on the stress points
can be found in chapter 3.3.1 on page 42.

It is necessary, therefore, to create the same number of stress points on both sides for the
successful design. We can achieve it, for example, by modeling the taper as a copy of the in-
itial cross-section and then modifying only the geometrical parameters. If required, the two
cross-sections should be defined as parameterized (”welded“) sections. Especially for tapers,
the IVU types - Welded Cross-sections, I-Section plus Bottom Flange are recommended.

32 Program RF-STEEL © 2008 Dlubal Engineering Software

3 RF-STEEL Members

Maximum Design Ratio

We can decide on the optimization on the basis of this column. It will be displayed as soon
as a design has been carried out. The ratio of design and the color relation scales show
which cross-sections have a low design ratio and therefore will be oversized resp. are over-
strained and therefore will be too weak.

Every cross-section can be optimized. During the optimization process, the cross-section
within the same group of cross-sections is determined on the basis of the internal forces
from RFEM which is closest to the maximum stress ratio of 1.00.

If we want to optimize a certain cross-section, we tick the corresponding box in column D.

Recommendations on the optimization of cross-sections can be found in chapter 6.2 on
page 71.

In this column, comments are quoted as footnotes that are explained below the list of
If the note appears 1) The cross-section will not be designed because the cross-section data
are not defined, then it is an unknown cross-section, i.e. a section that is not registered in
the cross-section library. It might be user-defined section or a cross-section that was not
calculated in the module SHAPE-THIN. In this case, we should return to RFEM and complete
the necessary data e.g. for the stress points (see chapter 5.13 of the RFEM manual, section
Create User-defined Cross-section).

Cross-Section Graphics
The current cross-section is displayed in the right part of mask 1.3. The buttons beneath the
image have the following functions.

Button Function

The dimensioning of the cross-section is switched on and off.

The principal axes of the cross-section are switched on and off.

The stress points are displayed or switched off.

The numbering of the stress points is switched on and off.

Table 3.1: Buttons in the cross-section graphics

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3 RF-STEEL Members

3.2 Calculation
The stress analysis is carried out with the internal forces that have been calculated in RFEM.
Before starting the [Calculation], we should check the detailed settings for the design. We
open the corresponding dialog by clicking on the [Details…] button. This dialog is described
in chapter 3.2.2 on page 37.

3.2.1 Stress and Stress Ratio

The normal stresses σ Total , τ Total and σ eqv are displayed in masks 2.1 to 2.5 by default. The
individual stress components can be switched on via the buttons [Select Stresses to Show…]
and [Show or Print Cross-section Values and Extended Stress Diagram].

Normal Stresses
According to the usual conventions, tensile stresses have positive signs and compressive
stresses negative ones.

The analysis is carried out for every single stress point. Thus, it is usually not correct to add
all single components of the maximum stresses for the combined evaluation (e.g. σ Total ): In
most cases, those are related to different stress points. We can combine only the stress
components for every corresponding stress point.

The following table lists all components of the normal stresses σ.

Stress due to axial force N

σN σ=
where A: cross-section surface

Stress due to bending moment M y

σ= ⋅ ez
α pl,y ⋅ I y
σ M-y
where α pl,y : plastic shape factor
Iy: 2nd moment of area with reference to principal axis y
ez: centroidal distance of stress point in direction z

Stress due to bending moment M z

σ=− ⋅ ey
α pl,z ⋅ I z
σ M-z
where α pl,z : plastic shape factor
Iz: 2nd moment of area with reference to principal axis z
ey: centroidal distance of stress point in direction y

Stress due to bending moments M y and M z

σM My Mz
σ= ⋅ ez − ⋅ ey
α pl,y ⋅ I y α pl,z ⋅ I z

Tensile stress due to axial force N and bending moments M y and M z

σ Tensile N My Mz
σ= + ⋅ ez − ⋅ ey
A α pl,y ⋅ I y α pl,z ⋅ I z

Compressive stress due to axial force N and bending moments M y and M z

σ Compressive N My Mz
σ= + ⋅ ez − ⋅ ey
A α pl,y ⋅ I y α pl,z ⋅ I z

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3 RF-STEEL Members

Maximum difference between normal stresses of the individual load cases,

σ Delta
e.g. for the fatigue design

Total normal stress due to axial force N and bending moments M y and M z
σ Total N My Mz
σ= + ⋅ ez − ⋅ ey
A α pl,y ⋅ I y α pl,z ⋅ I z

Table 3.2: Normal stresses σ

The local member axis system influences the signs of the internal forces and stresses.

Figure 3.8: Positive definition of internal forces

The bending moment M y is positive when tensile stresses occur on the positive member
side (i.e. in direction of the local z-axis). M z is positive when compressive stresses occur on
the positive member side (in direction of the local y-axis). The signs of torsional moments,
normal and shear forces follow the routine conventions: The internal forces are positive if
they act in the positive direction on the positive side of the cross-section.

Shear Stresses
The following table lists all components of the normal stresses τ.

Stress due to shear force V y

Vy ⋅ Q z
Iz ⋅ t
τ V-y
where Qz: 1st moment of area with reference to principal axis z
Iz: 2nd moment of area with reference to principal axis z
t: governing thickness of cross-section

Stress due to shear force V z

Vz ⋅ Q y
Iy ⋅ t
τ V-z
where Qy: 1st moment of area with reference to principal axis y
Iy: 2nd moment of area with reference to principal axis y
t: governing thickness of cross-section

Stress due to shear forces V y and V z

τV Vy ⋅ Q z Vz ⋅ Q y
τ=− −
Iz ⋅ t Iy ⋅ t

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3 RF-STEEL Members

Stress due to torsional moment M T for open cross-sections

τ= ⋅t
τ M-T,St.Venant I T,St.V.

where I T,St.V. : torsional constant due to Saint Venant

t: governing thickness of cross-section

Stress due to torsional moment M T for hollow cross-sections

τ M-T,Bredt 2 ⋅ Am ⋅ t
where Am: surface enclosed by center lines of cross-section
t: governing thickness of cross-section

Stress due to torsional moment M T

τ= ⋅ t or τ =
I T,St.V. 2 ⋅ Am ⋅ t

Total shear stress due to shear forces V y and V z and torsional moment M T
τ Total
τ = τ V + τMT

Table 3.3: Shear stresses τ

As we can see from the equations, for the calculation of shear stresses due to the shear
forces the statical moments are used, not the shear areas of the cross-sections.

In case of shear stresses due to torsion, the following must be considered:

• If a cross-section is only partially open and contains a hollow cell, then the entire sec-
tion will be classified as hollow. In this case, the shear stress is calculated exclusively
according to BREDT’s formula. Thus, no combined design will be carried out as in the
SHAPE-THIN program where the ratio M T,St.Venant and M T,Bredt is considered accordingly.

• Stresses due to warping torsion are not considered in RF-STEEL Members. The design
– like the calculation of the internal forces in RFEM – is restricted to the primary tor-
sional moment. If the warping stresses due to the secondary torsional moments or
bimoments cannot be neglected, then the additional module FE-LTB is recommended.

Equivalent Stress
The equivalent stress σ eqv is determined as follows (cf e.g. DIN 18800 Part 1, El. (748)).

Equivalent stress resulting from normal stresses σ and shear stresses τ

σ v = f1 ⋅ σ 2Total + f2 ⋅ τ 2Total
σ eqv
where f1: factor for normal stresses
f2: factor for shear stresses

Table 3.4: Equivalent stress σ eqv

We can define the factors f 1 and f 2 in the Details dialog. The factors f 1 = 1.00 and f 2 =
3.00 according to DIN 18800 Part 1, El. (748) are set as default.

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Stress Ratio
The quotient of the existing stress and the limit stress is calculated during the stress design
as shown e.g. in DIN 18800 Part 1, El. (747).

The stress ratio of the cross-section in the selected stress point can be read for every com-
ponent of the internal forces (cf chapter 4.1, page 52). The stress ratios due to axial, shear
and equivalent stresses are set by default for the tabular output data. If the limit stress is
not exceeded, the stress ratio is less or equal to 1.00 and the stress design is considered as

σ R ,d
Equation 3.3: Design condition for normal stresses

τ R ,d
Equation 3.4: Design condition for shear stresses

σ R ,d
Equation 3.5: Design condition for equivalent stresses

3.2.2 Design Details

The dialog to check the calculation parameters can be opened by the [Details…] button
from every mask of RF-STEEL Members.

Figure 3.9: Dialog Details

Display Results Masks

We can specify in this section which results masks are to be shown.

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3 RF-STEEL Members

Mask 2.5 Stresses in Every Stress Point is deactivated by default because the cross-section
graphics with the stresses also allows for browsing the results in the stress points. However,
if we want to check the stresses in detail, it is useful to switch on the display of this mask.

The values in mask 3.1 Governing Internal Forces are usually related to the equivalent stress
σ eqv . It is possible to choose some other stress type in the list.

Plastic Approximate Calculation

Allow Local Plastification
Optionally, the user can Allow Local Plastification according to DIN 18800 Part 1, El. (749)
for the design. In this case, the equivalent stress σ eqv is permitted to exceed the allowable
limit stress by 10 % in small areas. RF-STEEL Members will check if the following conditions
as described in El. (749) to assume ‘small areas’ are fulfilled:

σ N + σ M y ≤ 0.8 ⋅ σ R,d

Equation 3.6

σ N + σ M z ≤ 0.8 ⋅ σ R,d
Equation 3.7

If these two conditions are satisfied, the limit stress for the analysis of σ eqv will be increased
by the quoted percentage.

Plastic Shape Factors α pl

Additionally, there is the possibility to reduce the stress by the Plastic Shape Factors α pl as
described in DIN 18800 Part 1, El. (750). This option is related to the normal stresses σ M
due to the bending moments M y and M z .

My Mz
σM = ± ⋅ ez ± ⋅ ey
α pl,y ⋅ I y α pl,z ⋅ I z

Equation 3.8

If this option is to be applied, RF-STEEL uses the shape factors α pl,y = 1.14 and α pl,z = 1.25
as suggested by the standard. Please note that the allowance for local plastifications is only
valid for rolled I-shape cross-sections.

Method of Stress Calculation

It may happen in certain circumstances that for stresses due to biaxial bending the maxi-
mum stress of the member internal forces cannot be calculated for load combinations. One
load case, for example, with vertical loads contains moments M y and no moments M z , and
a different load case with horizontal loads contains moments M z and no moments M y . The
two load cases are superimposed within a load combination as “variable“ actions. In table
3.5 Members - Internal Forces of RFEM, the moment M z will classified as not corresponding
to the maximum moment M y because the horizontal loads do not increase the moment due
to the vertical loads. If the design of the Stresses from Internal Forces is carried out for the
maximum moments M y and M z , the simultaneous influence of both internal forces during
the combined analysis of bending stresses is not taken into account.

Stresses from Internal Forces

The results of the RFEM table 3.5 Members - Internal Forces will be utilized for the design
method Stresses from Internal Forces. The maximum and minimum results are processed
row by row for every extreme value including the corresponding internal forces.

38 Program RF-STEEL © 2008 Dlubal Engineering Software

3 RF-STEEL Members

The advantage of this design method is the possibility to directly utilize the results of load
combinations and thus to reduce calculation time. Moreover, the designed internal forces
are transparent because the RF-STEEL mask 3.1 Governing Internal Forces reflects the results
of the RFEM table 3.5 Members - Internal Forces.

Calculate Stresses of Load Cases in CO and then Combine Stresses

This design method is set as default for load combinations. Initially, the normal and shear
stresses of the contained load cases are determined. These stresses are then superimposed
according to the relevant combination criterion. In this way it is ensured that the above-
described effects for exclusively uniaxial actions will not result in undersized stress ratios.

The design is carried out for every stress point. The compressive, tensile and shear stresses
from the individual load cases are added accordingly and the results are then presented in
the results masks. The only exception is related to the equivalent stress σ eqv , however. It is
calculated from the rates σ Total and τ Total . Superimposing the equivalent stresses from the
single load cases would not be correct and would lead to oversized stress ratios.

This design method may be more time-consuming. Additionally, the values that are pre-
sented in mask 3.1 Governing Internal Forces are more difficult to retrace if they are related
to equivalent stresses.

Regarding the fact that pure uniaxial bending hardly ever occurs in more complex spatial
models, both design methods of the stress ratio should in principle lead to the same results.

Calculation of Equivalent Stress Sigma-eqv

In this dialog section, we can modify the factors for the calculation of the equivalent stress.

σ v = f1 ⋅ σ 2Total + f2 ⋅ τ 2Total

where f1: Factor for normal stresses

f2: Factor for shear stresses
Equation 3.9

The factors f 1 = 1.00 and f 2 = 3.00 quoted in DIN 18800 Part 1, El. (748) are set as default.

Eccentric Lateral Loads on I-Beams with Large Depths

If transversal loads act on the top flange of a girder, their influence on the bending stresses
in the bottom flange decreases with growing depth of the cross-section. Therefore for high
I-shape cross-sections there is a possibility to simplify the eccentric action of lateral loads:
For every (!) rolled or welded symmetrical I-shape section that is to be designed in the cur-
rent RF-STEEL case, the stresses due to the bending moment M z are calculated only on the
top flange. An effective cross-section with half the moment of inertia I z will be used for this

The advantage of this option is that the loads can be entered in RFEM with respect to the
centroid to avoid torsion. As this check box affects all rolled and symmetrical I-shape cross-
sections of the design case, it is recommended to design all I-beams with large depths in a
separate RF-STEEL case.

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3 RF-STEEL Members

3.2.3 Start Calculation

In all three input masks of the module RF-STEEL Members we can start the design by click-
ing on the button [Calculation].

At first, RF-STEEL searches for the results of the load cases, groups or combinations that are
to be designed. If these are not found, the calculation of internal forces is started in RFEM
at which the RFEM calculation parameters are used.

If the optimization of the cross-sections (cf chapter 6.2, page 71) is to be carried out, the
required cross-sections will be determined first, and consequently their stresses.

The RF-STEEL Members design can be also started from the RFEM interface. All additional
modules are listed in the dialog To Calculate, like load cases or load groups. We open this
dialog in RFEM by the command from menu

Calculate → To Calculate…

Figure 3.10: Dialog To Calculate

If the design cases of the module RF-STEEL Members are missing in the list Not Calculated,
it is necessary to tick the box Show Additional Modules.

By the button [X] we transfer selected design cases to the list on the right. Then we start
the calculation by the button [Calculate].

The calculation of a certain RF-STEEL Members design case can be also started directly from
the toolbar. We set the specific design case in the list and then click on the [Results on/off]

Figure 3.11: Direct calculation of RF-STEEL Members design case in RFEM

40 Program RF-STEEL © 2008 Dlubal Engineering Software

3 RF-STEEL Members

3.3 Results
The mask 2.1 Stresses by Cross-section is displayed immediately after the calculation. In the
results masks 2.1 to 2.5, the detailed list of stresses and stress ratios is shown. The follow-
ing masks 3.1 to 3.3 contain the governing internal forces and a parts list. The result masks
are accessible via the navigator of RF-STEEL Members. For browsing the masks we can also
use the buttons as seen to the left or the function keys [F2] and [F3].

The button [OK] saves the results and closes the module RF-STEEL Members.

We will describe the individual masks in this chapter one after the other. The following
chapter 4 Evaluation of Results is devoted to the interpretation and checking of results.

3.3.1 Stresses by Cross-section

Figure 3.12: Mask 2.1 Stresses by Cross-section

The maximum stresses calculated on the basis of load cases, groups and combinations are
displayed in this mask for all designed members. The listing is sorted by cross-sections. For
tapered members, both cross-section descriptions appear in the line of the section number.

The stress components that are displayed in column E Stress Type depend on the settings in
the Stresses - Filter dialog (see Figure 4.5, page 53). We open this dialog by clicking on the
button as seen to the left.

Member No.
The number of the member with the highest stress ratio is quoted for every cross-section.

Location x
The location x along the member where the maximum stress value occurs is displayed in
this column. The following locations x are taken into account for the tabular output:
• Start and end nodes
• Internal nodes according to possible user-defined member division
• Extreme values of internal forces

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3 RF-STEEL Members

S Point No.
The analysis is carried out at so-called Stress Points of the cross-section. These represent the
locations on the cross-section that are defined by the centroidal distances, statical moments
and component thicknesses. The design using the equations of Table 3.2 and Table 3.3 can
be carried out on the basis of these cross-section properties.

All standard cross-sections of the library as well as the SHAPE-Thin and SHAPE-Massive sec-
tions are already equipped with stress points on the design-relevant locations of the cross-
sections. In case of user-defined cross-sections it is necessary to enter these parameters ma-
nually or to import them.

We can switch on the display of the stress points including their numbering in the picture
on the right side of this mask. The current stress point (i.e. the stress point in the line of the
cursor position) is highlighted in red.

After clicking on the button [Info about Current Cross-section…] we can check the values
assigned to each stress point. At first the dialog Info about Cross-section with the list of all
cross-section values opens. The button [Details of Stress Points…] that is located below the
picture on the right of this dialog allows accessing the details of the stress points.

Figure 3.13: Info about cross-section: Stress Points

The columns Coordinates y and z contain the centroidal distances e y resp. e z , the columns
Statical Moments of Area list the 1st moments of area Q y and Q z in reference to the princip-
al axis y resp. z. The Thickness t represents the material thickness in a given stress point. The
values in the columns Warping are not relevant for the RF-STEEL design.

42 Program RF-STEEL © 2008 Dlubal Engineering Software

3 RF-STEEL Members

The stress analysis is carried out for every single stress point; hence for the combined analy-
sis (e.g. σ eqv ) it is not possible to add the ratios of maximum stresses in most cases as those
are usually related to different stress points. We must combine the stress components that
act at the same stress points instead. The results at single stress points can be evaluated in
mask 2.5 (cf chapter 3.3.5, page 46) or the Cross-section Characteristics and Stress Diagram
window (cf Figure 4.10, page 58).

Load Case
For every type of stress, the load case, load group or load combination whose internal
forces causes the maximum stress is quoted in column C.

Stress Type
The normal stresses σ Total , shear stresses τ Total and equivalent stresses σ eqv are shown in the
list by default. The calculation of these stresses is explained in Table 3.2, Table 3.3 and Table
3.4 on pages 35 to 36.

For checking purposes we can activate the display of more stress components as we can see
in the following Figure 3.14. We can select the individual components in the Stresses - Filter
dialog (cf Figure 4.5, page 53) that we open by clicking of the button as seen to the left.

Existing Stress
The extreme values of the design stresses, calculated according to the equations quoted on
pages 35 to 36 in Table 3.2, Table 3.3 and Table 3.4, are presented in this column.

Limit Stress
We find in this column the limit stresses from the mask 1.2 (see chapter 3.1.2, page 27). To
be specific, these are the following stresses:
• Limit normal stress σ x as allowable stress for the loading due to bending and axial
• Limit shear stress τ as allowable shear stress for shear force and torsion
• Limit equivalent stress σ eqv as allowable equivalent stress for the simultaneous action
of normal and shear stresses

Stress Ratio
The rate of the existing design stress and the limit stress is calculated for every stress com-
ponent. If the limit stress is not exceeded, the stress ratio is less or equal to 1.00 and the
stress design is considered as verified.

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3 RF-STEEL Members

3.3.2 Stresses by Set of Members

Figure 3.14: Mask 2.2 Stresses by Set of Members

This mask is displayed if at least one set of members was selected for design. The maximum
stresses are listed according to sets of members.

The numerical output by sets of members has the advantage that the stress design of a
complete structural group (e.g. a frame) is presented in a single results mask.

The individual columns are described in the previous chapter 3.3.1. Additionally, in column
Member No. the number of the member with the highest stress ratio within each set of
members is shown.

3.3.3 Stresses by Member

Figure 3.15: Mask 2.3 Stresses by Member

44 Program RF-STEEL © 2008 Dlubal Engineering Software

3 RF-STEEL Members

In this results mask, the maximum stresses are arranged according to member numbers.
The Location x at which the maximum stress value was found is quoted for every member.

The description of the individual columns can be found in chapter 3.1.1 on page 25.

3.3.4 Stresses by x-Location

Figure 3.16: Mask 2.4 Stresses by x-Location

This results mask lists the maximum stresses of every member at the following locations x
according to the division defined in RFEM:
• Start and end nodes
• Internal nodes according to user-defined member division
• Division points according to number for member results as defined in register
Options of the Calculation Parameters dialog in RFEM
• Extreme values of internal forces

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3 RF-STEEL Members

3.3.5 Stresses at Every Stress Point

Figure 3.17: Mask 2.5 Stresses at Every Stress Point

Regarding the fact that the evaluation by single stress points is generally not required, this
mask is not displayed by default. However, we can activate its display in the Details dialog
(see Figure 3.9, page 37) which we can open via the corresponding button in every mask.

A considerable amount of data is displayed in mask 2.5. As the maximum stresses and thus
also the governing stress points are determined automatically, it is usually not necessary to
display this mask. Moreover, we can evaluate the results in detail at the stress points in the
previous masks via the [Show or Print Cross-section Values and Extended Stress Diagram…]
button. In the Cross Section Characteristics and Stress Diagram dialog (cf Figure 4.10, page
58), we can browse the graphical and numerical results for every stress point.

The stresses in this list are arranged for every member according to Location x and by Stress
Point. The individual table columns are described in chapter 3.1.1 on page 25.

46 Program RF-STEEL © 2008 Dlubal Engineering Software

3 RF-STEEL Members

3.3.6 Governing Internal Forces by Member

Figure 3.18: Mask 3.1 Governing Internal Forces by Member

The decisive internal forces that lead to the maximum stress ratio of every member are dis-
played in this mask. They are referred to the equivalent stress σ eqv , which is set by default
but can be modified in the Details dialog (see Figure 3.9, page 37). This dialog is opened via
the [Details] button. There we can relate the internal forces to a different stress component.

The design option Calculate Stresses from Single Load Cases in CO and then Combine
Stresses according to CO Criteria makes it impossible to directly use the rows of the RFEM
results table 3.5 Members - Internal Forces. The compressive, tensile and shear stresses from
the individual load cases are added according to the combination criterion and the resulting
stresses are then displayed in the output masks of RF-STEEL. By contrast, the equivalent
stress σ eqv is calculated from the components σ Total and τ Total so that the values of this mask
3.1 may not be transparent immediately.

Location x
The location x on the member where the maximum stress ratio occurs, is quoted for every

Load Case
The numbers of the load case, load group or load combination whose internal forces cause
the maximum stresses are stated in this column.

Forces / Moments
The governing normal and shear forces and also the torsional and bending moments are
displayed for every member.

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3 RF-STEEL Members

3.3.7 Governing Internal Forces by Set of Members

Figure 3.19: Mask 3.2 Governing Internal Forces by Set of Members

This mask is available if at least one set of members was selected for the design. The output
by for sets of members allows for a specific evaluation of the internal forces that are deci-
sive for an entire structural group (e.g. a frame).

The individual table columns are described in the previous chapter 3.3.6.

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3 RF-STEEL Members

3.3.8 Parts List by Member

Figure 3.20: Mask 4.1 Parts List by Member

Finally, the list of all cross-sections is displayed that are considered in the given design case.
This list contains only designed members by default. If we want to include all members of
the structure, we can modify this in the Details dialog (cf Figure 3.9, page 37) that we open
using the [Details] button.

Part No.
Part numbers are automatically assigned to identical types of members.

This column contains the cross-sections descriptions.

Number of Members
The number of identical members is quoted for each “part”.

The length of the individual member is displayed in this column.

Total Length
This column represents the product of values quoted in the two previous columns.

Surface Area
The surface area, related to the total length of the corresponding part, is quoted in this col-
umn. It is calculated on the basis of the value A Surf of each cross-section which we can
check after clicking on the [Info about Current Cross-section...] button in masks 1.3 to 2.5.

The volume of every part is calculated on the basis of the surface area and the total length.

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3 RF-STEEL Members

Unit Weight
The Unit Weight of a cross-section represents the mass with reference to a standard length.
In case of tapered cross-sections, the mean value of both cross-sections is determined.

The values in this column are calculated as the product of values in columns C and G.

Total Weight
The total weight of each part is displayed in the last column.

The sums of the values in the individual columns are quoted in the final row below the list.
In the cell Total Weight we see the total required amount of steel.

3.3.9 Parts List by Set of Members

Figure 3.21: Mask 4.2 Parts List by Set of Members

The last mask of the module RF-STEEL Members is available only in case that at least one set
of members was selected for the design. The output by for sets of members allows for a
specific parts list of a complete structural group (e.g. a frame).

The individual table columns are described in the previous chapter 3.3.8. If there are differ-
ent cross-sections within the set of members, the mean values of surface area, volume and
unit weight are calculated.

50 Program RF-STEEL © 2008 Dlubal Engineering Software

4 Evaluation of Results

4. Evaluation of Results
After the design, there are different options how to evaluate the results. The buttons shown
in the results masks beneath the image are very useful in the RF-STEEL Members module.
These buttons are described in detail below. They are also available in the lower part of the
results masks in the RF-STEEL Surfaces module, albeit in a limited number.

Figure 4.1: Buttons to evaluate results in RF-STEEL Members

These buttons have the following functions:

Button Name Function

Show stress Switch on/off the graphic display of stresses on the

diagram cross-section

Show diagram of Alternatively switch on/off the graphic display of the

stress ratio stress ratios

Switch on/off the values in the graphic display of the

Show values
stresses or stress ratios

Show cross-section
Display the contour of the cross-section in the picture

Switch on/off the stress points in the graphic display

Show stress points
of the cross-section

Show numbering
Switch on/off the numbering of stress points
of stress points

Open the Info about Cross-section dialog with the

Cross-section info
properties of the current cross-section

Show member Open the dialog Result Diagram on Member

result diagrams € Chapter 4.3.3, page 62

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4 Evaluation of Results

Show color
Switch on/off the color bars in results masks
relation scales

Show rows with Show only rows with stress ratios greater than 1 and,
ratio > 1 accordingly, failed design

Select stresses Open the Stresses - Filter dialog

to show € Chapter 4.1, page 52

Show or print Open the Cross-section Values and Stress Diagram

extended stress dialog
diagram € Chapter 4.3, page 57

Display the stress graphics again completely

Show all graphics
(zoom +/- with scroll wheel, move via drag & drop)

Jump to graphics Go to RFEM work window in order to arrange a

to change view different view

Pick member/sur- Select member resp. surface in the RFEM work window
face in graphics by clicking on the object to set its stresses in the table

Table 4.1: Buttons in RF-STEEL Results Masks 2.1 - 2.5

4.1 Selection of Stresses

RF-STEEL Surfaces
After the design, the following three stress types are displayed by default:
• Sigma (RANKINE)
• Tau (TRESCA)
• Sigma-eqv (H-M-H)

Via the button [Select stresses to show...], the user can cancel the display of certain stress

Figure 4.2: Button [Select stresses to show…] in RF-STEEL Surfaces

The following dialog appears:

Figure 4.3: Dialog Stresses - Filter

52 Program RF-STEEL © 2008 Dlubal Engineering Software

4 Evaluation of Results

We can deactivate the display of specific stress types in this dialog. It will influence not only
the contents of the results masks but also the printout report.

The different stress hypotheses are described in 2.2.1 on page 15.

RF-STEEL Members
The display of the following stress types is set as default in the module RF-STEEL Members:
• Normal stress σ Total
• Shear stress τ Total
• Equivalent stress σ eqv

Via the button [Select Stresses to Show…], the user can activate additional stress types that
can be used to check on the individual stress components of the total stresses.

Figure 4.4: Button [Select Stresses to Show…] in RF-STEEL Members

The following dialog appears:

Figure 4.5: Dialog Stresses - Filter

We can select the relevant stress components in this dialog. The individual stresses are ex-
plained in Table 3.2 and Table 3.3 on pages 35 and 36.

This dialog contains two buttons that make the selection easier:

Button Name Function

Select all Selects all types of stresses

Deselect all Deselects all types of stresses

Table 4.2: Buttons in dialog Stresses - Filter

The design is carried out for every single stress point. Hence, for the combined analysis (e.g.
σ Total ) it is usually not correct to add all components of the maximum stresses as those
stresses are mostly located at different stress points. We can add only stress components of
identical stress points.

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4 Evaluation of Results

4.2 RF-STEEL Surfaces

4.2.1 Results on RFEM Model
We can use the RFEM work window to evaluate the results of the design. The RFEM graph-
ics display in the background can be useful if we want to check the location of a specific
surface in the model: The surface that is selected in the results mask of RF-STEEL Surfaces is
highlighted in the selection color in the RFEM background graphics. Additionally, an arrow
marks the location of the selected row on this surface.

Figure 4.6: Identifying Surface and current Point Coordinates on surface in RFEM model

If we do not get a favorable view even by moving the RF-STEEL window, we can apply the
so-called View Mode by clicking on the button [Jump to Graphics to Change View]. The
RF-STEEL Surfaces window is hidden and the view can be changed within the RFEM inter-
face. In this mode, only the functions from the menu View are available, e.g. zoom, move
or rotate the view.

On the other hand, the stresses and stress ratios can be displayed directly in the structural
model. Using the button [Graphic], we close the module RF-STEEL Surfaces. The design re-
sults are then displayed graphically in the RFEM work window, comparable to the internal
forces of a load case.

The items of the Results navigator are adapted to the design results of RF-STEEL Surfaces.
There we can select particular types of stresses and stress ratios according to the various
stress hypotheses.

54 Program RF-STEEL © 2008 Dlubal Engineering Software

4 Evaluation of Results

Figure 4.7: Results navigator of RF-STEEL Surfaces

As for the internal forces of RFEM, we can activate or deactivate the display of the design
results by the button [Results on/off]. The button [Show Result Values] controls the display
of the numerical values in the graphics.

Regarding the fact that the RFEM tables are irrelevant when evaluating the RF-STEEL results,
we can deactivate them via the button as seen to the left.

The particular design case can be selected as usually from the list in the RFEM toolbar.

For the display of the results on the surfaces and of the result values, there are all options
available that are offered in the main program RFEM. These functions are described in detail
in chapter 10.4 of the RFEM manual.

We can return to the module RF-STEEL Surfaces any time via the [RF-STEEL Surfaces] button
in the control panel.

4.2.2 Stresses of Load Cases

We can browse the stresses of individual load cases, load groups or load combinations even
directly in RFEM without using the module RF-STEEL Surfaces. Not only the deformations
and internal forces of the surfaces are calculated, but their stresses as well.

In the list of the toolbar the relevant load case, load group or load combination is set. The
stresses are also shown in the Results navigator among the item Surfaces, but only in case
that we own the license to the module RF-STEEL Surfaces. The tables 3.13 to 3.16 with the
numerical result values will then also available.

The Data navigator also includes an option to directly access the surface stresses in RFEM:
Double-clicking on the first item among Additional Modules RF-STEEL - Stresses in Surfaces
(cf Figure 1.2, page 7) opens the Results navigator with the list of stresses.

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4 Evaluation of Results

Figure 4.8: Surface stresses σ eqv,max,Mises of a load group

This extended navigator makes it possible to evaluate certain stress types in detail. The cal-
culation of the individual stresses is described in detail in the chapters 9.13 to 9.16 of the
RFEM manual on pages 289 to 295.
If the stresses in the module RF-STEEL Surfaces do not match the results that are displayed
for the corresponding load case in RFEM, then this supposed error has the following reason:
RFEM displays the extreme stress values only on the top and bottom sides of the surfaces,
whereas RF-STEEL Surfaces also calculates the equivalent stresses in the neutral axes (the
“middles”) of each surface. If the results in the neutral axes are decisive, then the resulting
stresses will be greater in RF-STEEL Surfaces than in RFEM.

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4 Evaluation of Results

4.3 RF-STEEL Members

4.3.1 Results on Cross-section
The list of stresses in the mask is supplemented by the graphic display of the stresses in the
right part of the window. These are dynamical graphics because they show the stresses at
the current location x resp. stress point of the cursor position in the table. The current stress
point is highlighted in red.

Figure 4.9: Distribution of axial and bending stresses on cross-section

We can zoom in/out the view with the scroll wheel or move the view to a different location
via drag & drop. The button as seen to the left restores the general view.

The meaning and functions of buttons that are located below the picture are explained in
Table 4.1 on page 52. We can specify by these buttons whether the picture shows the

• diagrams of stresses or stress ratios including the values,

• cross-section outlines,
• stress points with numbering.

The button [Show or Print Cross-section Values and Extended Stress Diagram] is useful for a
specific stress evaluation at every stress point. The Cross-section Values and Stress Diagram
dialog is called up.

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4 Evaluation of Results

Figure 4.10: Dialog Cross-section Values and Stress Diagram

In the dialog section Position, the current Member No. and the location x are stated. Of
course, we can select other members or x-locations from the list.

The section Stress Points lists all stress points of the cross-section. The columns Coordinates
shows the centroidal distances e y and e z , the column Statical Moments presents the 1st
moments of area Q y and Q z . The Thickness t of the component that is relevant for the cal-
culation of shear stresses is quoted in the last column.

The section Stresses below lists the individual stress components at the current stress point,
i.e. the point that is selected in the section above. Here too, we can select specific stress
components by mouse clicks that are then displayed dynamically in the right-hand graphics.

The buttons beneath the picture are almost the same as those of Table 4.1 on page 52. If
we stop the cursor for a while on any button, short information on its function is shown.
Very important is the [Print…] button which enables you to print the current stress display
of the cross-section. Further information can be found in chapter 5.2.2 on page 67.

58 Program RF-STEEL © 2008 Dlubal Engineering Software

4 Evaluation of Results

4.3.2 Results on RFEM Model

For the evaluation of analysis results, we can also use the RFEM work window. The RFEM
graphics in the background is useful if we want to check the location of a certain member
in the model: The selected member in the results mask of RF-STEEL Members is highlighted
the selection color in RFEM background graphics. Additionally, an arrow marks the location
x on the member which is selected in the current table row of RF-STEEL.

Figure 4.11: Identifying a Member and the current Location x in the RFEM model

If we do not get the required view even by moving the RF-STEEL Members window, we can
switch to so-called View Mode by pressing the button [Jump to Graphics to Change View]:
The RF-STEEL window will be hidden so that we can change the view in the RFEM work
window. In this mode, only the functions of the View menu are available, e.g. zooming,
moving or rotating the model.

Alternatively, the stresses and stress ratios can be displayed directly in the structural model.
The button [Graphic] closes the module RF-STEEL Members. The design results are then dis-
played graphically in the RFEM work window, just like the internal forces of a load case.

Program RF-STEEL © 2008 Dlubal Engineering Software

4 Evaluation of Results

The Results navigator is adapted to the RF-STEEL Members results. It contains all individual
stress components and associated stress ratios.

Figure 4.12: Results navigator of RF-STEEL Members

As for the internal forces of RFEM, we can activate or deactivate the display of the design
results by the button [Results on/off]. The button [Show Result Values] controls the display
of the numerical results in the graphics.

Regarding the fact that the RFEM tables are of secondary relevance for the RF-STEEL results,
we can deactivate them via the button as seen to the left.

The particular design case can be selected as usual from the list in the RFEM toolbar.

We can control the presentation of the member results in the Display navigator in the item
Results → Members. The stresses and stress ratios are displayed Two Colored by default.

60 Program RF-STEEL © 2008 Dlubal Engineering Software

4 Evaluation of Results

Figure 4.13: Display navigator: Results → Members

Even in the two colored display, the stresses are shown with their signs: Positive stresses are
drawn in blue color at the positive side of the member (positive direction of member axis z),
negative stresses are drawn in red at the opposite side. In case of discontinuities e.g. due to
single loads, the member stress diagram can change the sign and, thus, color and side.

If we select the Colored display of the results, the control panel becomes available with var-
ious options to set the multicolor display. The panel functions are described in detail in
chapter 4.4.6 on page 77 of the RFEM manual. As for the member internal forces, we can
set the scale factor for the display of the designs results in register Factors. If we enter the
factor 0 in the input field Member Diagrams, the stresses and stress ratios are shown with
an increased line thickness.

Figure 4.14: Stress ratios due to bending moment M y with display type Cross-sections

These graphic views of the stresses can also be incorporated in the global printout report of
RFEM (see chapter 5.2.1, page 65).

We can return to the module RF-STEEL Members at any time by clicking on the button
[RF-STEEL Members] in the panel.

Program RF-STEEL © 2008 Dlubal Engineering Software

4 Evaluation of Results

4.3.3 Result Diagrams

If the user wants to view the result diagram of one or more selected members, the graphs
of results can be used. We select the member(s) or set of members in the results mask of
RF-STEEL Members and then activate the graph of results via the button displayed on the
left. It is located below the picture of the cross-section stresses.

Alternatively, the result diagrams are available in the RFEM graphics via menu

Results → Result Diagrams on Selected Members…

or the corresponding button in the RFEM toolbar.

A new window is opened in which the result diagrams on the selected member(s) or set of
members are shown.

Figure 4.15: Dialog Result Diagrams on Member

In the navigator on the left, we can set the stresses and stress ratios that are to be displayed
in the result graph. We can select a particular design case from the list in the toolbar.

The description of the dialog Result Diagrams on Member can be found in chapter 10.5 of
the RFEM manual on page 309.

62 Program RF-STEEL © 2008 Dlubal Engineering Software

4 Evaluation of Results

4.4 Filtering of Results

In addition to the RF-STEEL masks whose structure allow for selecting results according to
certain criteria, we can use the filter functions as described in the RFEM manual to graphi-
cally evaluate the RF-STEEL design results.

Firstly, we can use already defined partial views (cf RFEM manual, chapter 10.9, page 320)
that group certain objects in a favorable way.

Secondly, we can set the stresses and stress ratios as a criterion to filter the results in the
RFEM work area. For this, the so-called control panel is to be displayed. If it is not visible,
we can switch it on by the command in menu

View → Control panel

or by clicking on the corresponding button in the Results toolbar.

This panel is described in Chapter 4.4.6 of the RFEM manual on page 77. The settings to fil-
ter the results are defined in register Color Spectrum. As this register is not available in the
case of a two colored stress display, it can be switched on by selecting the display options
Colored or Cross-sections in the Display navigator.

Figure 4.16: Display navigator: Results → Members → Colored

For a colored view of the stresses, we can set in the panel e.g. the distinct display of
stresses greater than 100 N/mm2. Simultaneously, we can adjust the color spectrum so that
one color range covers exactly 10 N/mm2 (see Figure 4.17 on the following page).

Program RF-STEEL © 2008 Dlubal Engineering Software

4 Evaluation of Results

Figure 4.17: Filtering equivalent stresses with adjusted color spectrum

Filtering of Surfaces and Members

In the register Filter of the control panel, we can enter the numbers of the members or sur-
faces whose stresses are to be shown exclusively in the graphics. This function is described
in chapter 4.4.6 of the RFEM manual on page 80.
In contrast to partial views, the complete structure is displayed here as a line or solid model.
The following figure shows the normal stresses in an inner frame of a structure. The remain-
ing members are also displayed in the model but are without stresses.

Figure 4.18: Filtering members: Normal stresses of inner frame

64 Program RF-STEEL © 2008 Dlubal Engineering Software

5 Printout

5. Printout
5.1 Printout Report
For the design results of both RF-STEEL modules, a printout report can be created that can
be amended by graphics and comments. We can also make a selection among the results
masks of RF-STEEL that are to be included in the printout report.

The printout report is described in detail in the RFEM manual. In particular, chapter
Select Data of Add-on Modules on page 334 deals with the selection of the input and out-
put data for all additional modules.

For very large structures, we recommend to split the data into several printout reports. If a
separate report is created for the RF-STEEL design data only, this printout report can be
processed quickly.

The stress components that have been set in the corresponding design case for the display
in the results masks will also be shown in the printout report. Thus, if e.g. the stresses due
to the normal forces are to be contained in the printout, the stresses σ N must have been
previously activated in the RF-STEEL Members module. This function is explained in chapter
4.1 Selection of Stresses on page 53.

5.2 Print RF-STEEL Graphics

The stresses and stress ratios displayed on the RFEM model and on the cross section (in case
of RF-STEEL Members) can be printed, too. We can include images in the printout report or
send them directly to the printer. Chapter 11.2 of the RFEM manual describes in detail how
graphic views can be printed.

5.2.1 Results on RFEM Model

Like in RFEM, every image that is displayed in the graphics of the main program can be in-
corporated in the printout report. We can also add the result diagrams of sections and of
members by clicking on the [Print] button in the respective windows.

The current RF-STEEL graphics in the RFEM work window can be printed via menu

File → Print…

or by clicking on the corresponding button in the toolbar.

Figure 5.1: Button Print in RFEM toolbar

Figure 5.2: Button Print in toolbar of Result Diagram window

Program RF-STEEL © 2008 Dlubal Engineering Software

5 Printout

The following dialog opens.

Figure 5.3: Dialog Graphic Printout, register General

This dialog is described in detail in chapter 11.2 of the RFEM manual on page 352. The two
other registers Options and Color Spectrum are also explained there.

In the printout report, the inserted RF-STEEL image can be moved to a different location by
drag & drop. It is also possible to adjust the image subsequently: We right mouse click the
corresponding item in the report navigator and then select Properties in the context menu.
The Graphic Printout dialog is again displayed with several options to edit the image.

Figure 5.4: Dialog Graphic Printout, register Options

66 Program RF-STEEL © 2008 Dlubal Engineering Software

5 Printout

5.2.2 Results on Cross-section

In the module RF-STEEL Members, the print function is indirectly accessible in the dialog
Cross-section Values and Stress Diagram (see Figure 4.10, page 58). This dialog can be
called up in the results masks 2.1 to 2.5 via the button [Show or Print Cross-section Values
and Extended Stress Diagram].

Figure 5.5: Button Show or Print Cross-section Values and Extended Stress Diagram below image in results masks

In the Cross-section Values and Stress Diagram dialog, we set the relevant member, location
x and stress type whose diagram we wish to print. By the button [Print] in the right bottom
corner we then open the print dialog.

Figure 5.6: Dialog Print Info about Cross-section

In the dialog section Print Type, the user has the following options:
• Direct to Printer prints the current graphics immediately.
• To Printout Report inserts the graphics in the printout report.
• To Clipboard makes the graphics available for other applications.

Program RF-STEEL © 2008 Dlubal Engineering Software

5 Printout

If several reports have already been created, we can select the number of a specific report
from the list next to the selection field To Printout Report.

The section Printout Selection controls which items of the cross-section will be shown in the
printed image and in a numerical table. The objects of Create Graphics of Cross Section do
not require any additional explanation. If we tick the option Cross-section Properties, the
cross-section properties are printed tabularly that can be completed with Graphics on the
margin. In the same way, the properties of the Stress Points and (c/t) Parts as well as the
Stresses in All Stress Points can be included in the printout.

After closing the dialog with [OK], the printout report will be opened by default. If we want
to incorporate a larger number of graphics successively, we should deactivate the check box
Show Printout Report on [OK].

Figure 5.7: Stress Graphics in printout report

68 Program RF-STEEL © 2008 Dlubal Engineering Software

6 General Functions

6. General Functions
This chapter describes the commonly used functions of the menu as well as the export
options of the design results.

6.1 RF-STEEL Design Cases

The user has the option to group the surfaces or members in separate design cases. With
these, it is possible e.g. to design separately certain structural parts or to assign specific
design parameters such as limit stresses, partial safety factors, optimization etc.

A surface, member or set of members can be analyzed in different design cases without any

The design cases of both RF-STEEL modules are included in the list of load cases in the tool-
bar of the RFEM work window.

Create New RF-STEEL Case

A new design case can be created via the RF-STEEL Surfaces resp. RF-STEEL Members menu

File → New Case…

The following dialog opens.

Figure 6.1: Dialog New RF-STEEL Surfaces Case

In this dialog, we need to fill in a (not yet used) Number and a Description of the new de-
sign case. After closing the dialog with [OK], the RF-STEEL mask 1.1 General Data is dis-
played where we can define the new data for the design.

Rename RF-STEEL Case

The description of a design case can be changed via the RF-STEEL menu

File → Rename Case…

The dialog Rename RF-STEEL Case is opened.

Figure 6.2: Dialog Rename RF-STEEL Surfaces Case

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6 General Functions

Copy RF-STEEL Case

The input data of the current design case can be copied via the RF-STEEL menu

File → Copy Case…

The dialog Copy RF-STEEL Case opens where it is necessary to enter the number and de-
scription of the new design case to which the data of the selected case will be copied.

Figure 6.3: Dialog Copy RF-STEEL Surfaces Case

Delete RF-STEEL Case

The user has the option to delete design cases via the RF-STEEL menu

File → Delete Cases…

In the dialog Delete Cases, we select a specific design case from the list of Available Cases
that is deleted after clicking on [OK].

Figure 6.4: Dialog Delete Cases

70 Program RF-STEEL © 2008 Dlubal Engineering Software

6 General Functions

6.2 Cross-section Optimization

The module RF-STEEL Members offers the possibility to optimize cross-sections during the
design. For this, we select the cross-section that we want to optimize in column D of mask
1.3 Cross-sections by ticking the box (cf Figure 3.5, page 31).

We can also start the optimization of a cross-section via the context menu of the results

During the optimization, RF-STEEL Members examines which cross-section within the same
cross-sections series satisfies the design “optimally“, i.e. closest to the maximum stress ratio
of 1.00. The required moments of inertia are calculated on the basis of the internal forces of
RFEM. After this, the cross-section is chosen from the relevant group of cross-sections that
satisfies the design with the highest possible stress ratio. As a result, two cross-sections are
shown graphically in mask 1.3 (see Figure 3.5, page 31) – the original cross-section of RFEM
and the optimized cross-section of RF-STEEL Members.

In case of parameterized cross-sections from the cross-section library, the following dialog
is displayed after having ticked the optimization box.

Figure 6.5: Dialog Welded Cross-sections - I Symmetric: Optimize

At first, we select in column Optimized the parameter(s) that we want to modify. Hence,
the columns Minimal and Maximal become accessible where the upper and lower limits of
the optimization parameter in question can be defined. The column Increment controls in
which intervals the parameter dimensions vary during the optimization process.

If we want to Keep the Current Side Proportions, we tick the corresponding box in the low-
er part of the dialog. Additionally, it is necessary to tick all parameters for the optimization.

There is not possibility to carry out the optimization for combined rolled cross-sections.

We need to keep in mind that during the optimization the internal forces will not be recal-
culated automatically on the basis of the modified cross-sections. It depends on the user’s
decision when and which cross-sections to adapt in RFEM for a new analysis. The internal
forces calculated with the optimized cross-sections can differ considerably due to the
changed rigidity within the structural model. Thus, we recommend recalculating the inter-
nal forces after one optimization run and then optimizing the cross-sections once more.

It is not necessary to manually transfer the modified cross-sections to the RFEM program.
We open the mask 1.3 Cross-sections and select menu
Edit → Export All Cross-sections to RFEM.

Program RF-STEEL © 2008 Dlubal Engineering Software

6 General Functions

The option to export the modified cross-sections to RFEM is also contained in the context
menu of mask 1.3.

Figure 6.6: Context menu of mask 1.3 Cross-sections

Before the cross-sections will be transferred to RFEM, a query is shown because exporting
also implies deleting the results. If we then start the [Calculation] in RF-STEEL Members, the
internal forces of RFEM and the stresses of RF-STEEL are calculated in one calculation run.

Figure 6.7: Query before exporting modified cross-sections to RFEM

In a similar way, we can reload the original cross-sections from RFEM to RF-STEEL Members
using the corresponding functions in menu Edit or the context menu. Please note that this
option is only available in mask 1.3 Cross-sections.

If we want to optimize a tapered member, the cross-sections of the member start and of
the member end will be optimized. After this, the moments of inertia are linearly interpo-
lated on the intermediate locations of the member. As those are taken into account by the
power of four, the stress design may be inaccurate for big differences in height of the start
and end cross-sections. In these cases, we recommend dividing tapers into several members
whose start and end cross-sections do not show such big differences.

72 Program RF-STEEL © 2008 Dlubal Engineering Software

6 General Functions

6.3 Units and Decimal Places

The units and decimal places are centrally managed for RFEM and all its additional modules.
In RF-STEEL, we open the dialog to set the units via menu

Settings → Units and Decimal Places…

The familiar RFEM dialog is shown. The module RF-STEEL Surfaces resp. RF-STEEL Members
is already set.

Figure 6.8: Dialog Units and Decimal Places

The settings can be stored as user profile and applied later in different structures. Details on
this function can be found in chapter 12.6.2 of the RFEM manual on page 442.

6.4 Export Results

The results of the stress design can be transferred to other programs in different ways.

Selected cells of the RF-STEEL results tables can be copied to the clipboard via [Ctrl]+[C] and
then be inserted via [Ctrl]+[V] e.g. to some text processing program. The headers of the ta-
ble columns will not be exported.

Printout Report
The RF-STEEL data can be printed to the printout report (cp. chapter 5.1, page 65) and then
be exported by the command in the printout report menu

File → Export to RTF File or BauText…

This function is described in chapter 11.1.11 of the RFEM manual on page 347.

Both RF-STEEL modules facilitate the direct data export to MS Excel. We call up this function
via menu

File → Export to MS Excel…

Program RF-STEEL © 2008 Dlubal Engineering Software

6 General Functions

The following export dialog is opened.

Figure 6.9: Dialog Export - MS Excel

As soon as we have selected the required parameters, we can start the export by clicking on
[OK]. Excel does not need to run in the background, it will be started automatically before
the export.

Figure 6.10: Results in Excel

74 Program RF-STEEL © 2008 Dlubal Engineering Software

7 Example

7. Example
The stress design by RFEM and the module RF-STEEL Surfaces will be presented on the basis
of a small example.

7.1 Design Values

Model and Loads
A steel plate (thickness 10 mm, steel S 235) with hinged supports at three sides is charged
by self-weight, a surface load of 2 kN/m2 and a triangular load at its unsupported edge with
a maximum load ordinate of 50 kN/m. The following view displays the structural model.

Figure 7.1: Steel plate and loads

Internal Forces according to Linear Static Analysis

A linear static analysis is carried out. It results in the following distribution of the internal
forces n x .

Figure 7.2: Distribution of internal forces n-x and grid point results at unsupported edge center

Program RF-STEEL © 2008 Dlubal Engineering Software

7 Example

In this rather simple example, the results of the grid point are analyzed which is located at
the center of the unsupported line.

The following base internal forces have been determined by RFEM:

m x = 0.035 kNm/m v x = -0.464 kN/m n x = -51.049 kN/m

m y = 3.141 kNm/m vy = 0 n y = -38.507 kN/m

m xy = 0 n xy = 0

7.2 Base and Principal Stresses of RFEM

The stress components are calculated for the top and bottom sides of the surface and also
for the surface center (where: 1 kNm/m = 1000 Nmm/mm und 1 kN/m = 1 N/mm).

To make the values of the program transparent, the intermediate results will also be given.

7.2.1 Surface Top Side

6 ⋅ (− m x ) n x 6 ⋅ (− 35) − 51.049 N
σx = 2
+ = + = −2.10 − 5.10 = −7.205
d d 10 2 10 mm 2

σy =
6 ⋅ − my ) + ny =
6 ⋅ (− 3141)
− 38.507
= −188.46 − 3.85 = −192.311
2 2
d d 10 10 mm 2

σ xy =
6 ⋅ m xy ) + n xy =0
2 d

In the RFEM model, the top side represents the negative side of the surface because the lo-
cal z-axis of the surface points downwards. If you want to check on the stresses of the load
case, those stresses have to be selected in the Display navigator which have the suffix ”-“,
therefore (cf Figure 4.8, page 56).

Figure 7.3: RFEM stress distribution σ y of surface top side and grid point results

76 Program RF-STEEL © 2008 Dlubal Engineering Software

7 Example

The base stresses are transformed into the directions of the principal stresses.
2 2
σx + σy ⎛ σx − σy ⎞ − 7.205 − 192.311 ⎛ − 7.205 + 192.311 ⎞
σ1 = + ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ + σ xy 2 = + ⎜ ⎟ +0 =
2 ⎝ 2 ⎠ 2 ⎝ 2 ⎠

= −7.205
mm 2

2 2
σx + σy ⎛ σx − σy ⎞ − 7.205 − 192.311 ⎛ − 7.205 + 192.311 ⎞
σ2 = − ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ + σ xy 2 = − ⎜ ⎟ +0 =
2 ⎝ 2 ⎠ 2 ⎝ 2 ⎠

= −192.311
mm 2

As there is no torsional moment at this grid point, the principal axes coincide with the sur-
face axes. The principal stresses are identical to the base stresses.

Max/Min Stresses
For the following design the add-on module RF-STEEL Surfaces, the extreme values of the
stresses will be used that result with consideration of the greatest difference (i.e. zero).

σ max = max (σ1, σ 2 ,0 ) = 0

σ min = min (σ1, σ 2 ,0 ) = −192.311
mm 2

7.2.2 Surface Bottom Side

6 ⋅ mx n x 6 ⋅ 35 −51.049 N
σx = 2
+ = 2
+ = 2.10 − 5.10 = −3.005
d d 10 10 mm 2

6 ⋅ my ny 6 ⋅ 3141 − 38.507 N
σy = 2
+ = + = 188.46 − 3.85 = 184.609
d d 10 2 10 mm 2

6 ⋅ m xy n xy
σ xy = 2
+ =0
d d

In the RFEM model, the bottom side represents the positive side of the surface because the
local z-axis of the surface points downwards. In order to check on the bottom side stresses
of the load case, the “+” results have to be selected in the Display navigator, therefore.

Program RF-STEEL © 2008 Dlubal Engineering Software

7 Example

Figure 7.4: RFEM stress distribution σ x of surface bottom side and grid point results

The base stresses are transformed into the directions of the principal stresses.

2 2
σx + σy ⎛ σx − σy ⎞ − 3.005 + 184.609 ⎛ − 3.005 − 184.609 ⎞
σ1 = + ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ + σ xy 2 = + ⎜ ⎟ +0 =
2 ⎝ 2 ⎠ 2 ⎝ 2 ⎠

= 184.609
mm 2

2 2
σx + σy ⎛ σx − σy ⎞ − 3.005 + 184.609 ⎛ − 3.005 − 184.609 ⎞
σ2 = − ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ + σ xy 2 = − ⎜ ⎟ +0 =
2 ⎝ 2 ⎠ 2 ⎝ 2 ⎠

= −3.005
mm 2

Due to the missing torsional moment m xy , the principal stresses are identical again to the
base stresses.

Max/Min Stresses
For the following design the add-on module RF-STEEL Surfaces, the extreme values of the
stresses will be used that result with consideration of the greatest difference (i.e. zero).

σ max = max (σ1, σ 2 ,0 ) = 184.609
mm 2
σ min = min (σ1, σ 2 ,0 ) = −3.005
mm 2

78 Program RF-STEEL © 2008 Dlubal Engineering Software

7 Example

7.2.3 Surface Center

The stresses in the surface centers – the ”neutral axis“ of the surface – are determined from
the membrane and shear forces.

nx −51.049 N
σ x ,m = = = −5.105
d 10 mm 2

ny − 38.507 N
σ y,m = = = −3.850
d 10 mm 2

n xy
σ xy,m = =0

1.5 ⋅ v x 1.5 ⋅ (−0.464) N

τx = = = −0.070
d 10 mm 2

1.5 ⋅ v y
τy = =0

Those values are also shown when displaying the stresses of the RFEM load case.

Figure 7.5: RFEM stress distribution τ x and grid point results

Program RF-STEEL © 2008 Dlubal Engineering Software

7 Example

7.3 Stresses of RF-STEEL Surfaces

The module RF-STEEL Surfaces processes all stresses that have been determined in the pre-
vious chapter. The extreme values are then displayed in the results masks and also in the

7.3.1 Surface Top Side

( )
σ = max σ max , σ min = max ( 0 , − 192.311 ) = 192.311
mm 2

σ max −σ min 0 − (−192.311) N

τ= = = 96.156
2 2 mm 2

σ v = σ x 2 + σ y 2 − σ x ⋅ σ y + 3 ⋅ σ xy 2 = (−7.205) 2 + (−192.311) 2 − (−7.205) ⋅ (−192.311) + 0 =

= 188.812
mm 2

In the second results table of RF-STEEL Surfaces, those stresses are also shown at the grid
point 119.

Figure 7.6: RF-STEEL mask 2.2, stresses Top

7.3.2 Surface Bottom Side

( )
σ = max σ max , σ min = max (184.609 , − 3.005 ) = 184.609
mm 2

σ max −σ min 184.609 − (−3.005) N

τ= = = 93.807
2 2 mm 2

σ v = σ x 2 + σ y 2 − σ x ⋅ σ y + 3 ⋅ σ xy 2 = (−3.005) 2 + 184.609 2 − (−3.005) ⋅ 184.609 + 0 =

= 186.130
mm 2

80 Program RF-STEEL © 2008 Dlubal Engineering Software

7 Example

The results mask of RF-STEEL Surfaces includes those stresses at the grid point 119, too.

Figure 7.7: RF-STEEL mask 2.2, stresses Bottom

7.3.3 Surface Center

σ = max σ

σ x ,m + σ y,m (σ x,m − σ y,m )2 + 4 ⋅ σ xy,m 2

σ= ± =
2 2

− 5.105 + (−3.850) (− 5.105 − (−3.850))2 + 0

= ± =
2 2

= −4.478 ± 0.628 = − 3.850 / − 5.106
mm 2

σ max − σ min 0 − (−5.105) N

τ= = = 2.553
2 2 mm 2

2 N
σ v = σ 2x + σ 2y − σ x σ y + 3σ xy = (−5.105) 2 + (−3.850) 2 − (−5.105) ⋅ (−3.850) + 0 = 4.608
mm 2

Those stresses appear in the results table of RF-STEEL Surfaces as well.

Figure 7.8: RF-STEEL mask 2.2, stresses Middle

Program RF-STEEL © 2008 Dlubal Engineering Software

7 Example

7.3.4 Membrane Stresses

If the calculation of the membrane stresses only due to axial loading has been activated in
the Details dialog (cf Figure 2.6 on page 17), one extra row is inserted for each stress hypo-

There are no resp. only very small shear stresses due to shear forces at this grid point. Thus,
the membrane stresses equal the stresses in the center of the surface. The tiny difference
becomes noticeable if three decimals are set.

Figure 7.9: RF-STEEL mask 2.2, stresses Membrane

The maximum stresses Sigma, Tau und Sigma-eqv are also shown graphically in the RFEM
work area. The location of each maximum stress (i.e. the surface side) cannot be detected
there, however.

Figure 7.10: RF-STEEL Surfaces stress distribution σ eqv and grid point results

82 Program RF-STEEL © 2008 Dlubal Engineering Software


A Literature
[1] DIN 18 800 Teil 1: Stahlbauten, Bemessung und Konstruktion, 1990
[2] DIN 18 800 Teil 2: Stahlbauten, Stabilitätsfälle, Knicken von Stäben und Stabwerken,

[3] Erläuterungen zu DIN 18 800 Teil 1 bis 4, Beuth-Kommentar, Beuth Verlag,

2nd Edition 1994
[4] Eurocode 3: Design of steel structures – Part 1-1: General Rules and Rules for
Buildings, 2005
[5] PETERSEN, Chr.: Stahlbau, Vieweg und Sohn, Braunschweig/Wiesbaden,
3rd Edition 1993
[6] SCHNEIDER Bautabellen, Werner Verlag, 17th Edition 2006
[7] Stahlbau Handbuch, Band 1, Stahlbau-Verlagsgesellschaft mbH, Köln 1993
[8] ZIENKIEWICZ, O. C., CHEUNG, Y.K.: The Finite Element Method in Structural and
Continuum Mechanics, McGraw-Hill, New York/London, 1967

[9] KOLÁŘ, V. et al.: Berechnung von Flächen- und Raumtragwerken nach der Methode
der finiten Elemente, Springer Verlag, Vienna/New York, 1975
[10] TIMOSHENKO, S.P. and WOINOWSKI-KRIEGER, S.: Theory of Plates and Shells, 2nd Edition,
McGraw-Hill, New York, 1959

[11] KOLÁŘ, V., NĚMEC, I.: Finite Element Analysis of Structures. United Nations Develop-
ment Program, Economic Com. for Europe, Workshop on CAD Techniques, June
1984, Prague/Geneva, Vol. 1, 248 pp.

[12] BERGAN, P.G. - FELIPPA, C. A.: A Triangular Membrane Element with Rotational Degrees
of Freedom. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 50 (1985),
25 - 69

[13] ZIENKIEWIC, O.C.: The Finite Element Method in Engineering Science, McGraw - Hill,
London 3rd Edition, reprinted 1979, 787 pp., Chapters 18 - 19 (Nonlinear Problems)

[14] ŠEVČÍK, I., 3D Finite Element with Rotational Degrees of Freedom,

FEM-Consulting s.r.o., Brno

[15] MANG, H., HOFSTETTER, G.: Festigkeitslehre, Springer Verlag, Vienna/New York, 2000

Program RF-STEEL © 2008 Dlubal Engineering Software


B Index
A Export Results............................................... 73

Aluminum ........................................ 10, 27, 29 F

Analysis Method .......................................... 18 Filter ....................................................... 53, 63

B Filter Surfaces and Members ........................ 64

Background Graphics............................. 54, 59 G

Bottom Side ................................................. 22 General Data ............................................ 8, 25
Buttons ........................................................ 51 Glass............................................................. 13

C Govering Internal Forces .............................. 47

c/t Parts........................................................ 68 Governing Internal Forces ............................ 48

Calculation ........................... 15, 17, 20, 34, 40 Graphics ...........................................54, 59, 61

Close RF-STEEL ......................................... 8, 25 Graphics Cross-section ................................. 33

Color Spectrum ............................................ 63 Grid Point ..................................................... 24

Comment ................................................. 9, 26 H
Component Thickness .... 12, 13, 29, 30, 42, 58 Hypotheses of Equivalent Stresses ......... 15, 16
Constant Thickness ...................................... 14 I
Control Panel ............................................... 63 Installation ..................................................... 6
Coordinates Stress Point .............................. 58 Internal Forces ........................................ 14, 71
Cross-section Description............................. 31
Cross-section Library .................................... 32
Kirchhoff ...................................................... 18
Cross-section Values .................................... 67
Cross-sections .............................................. 31
Length .......................................................... 49
Limit τ ........................................11, 23, 28, 43
Decimal Places ................................. 10, 27, 73
Limit σ eqv ....................................11, 23, 28, 43
Design ..................................................... 9, 26
Limit σ x ......................................11, 23, 28, 43
Design Case ............................... 55, 60, 69, 70
Limit Stress ........ 10, 11, 12, 23, 27, 28, 30, 43
Design Details ........................................ 17, 37
Load Case .....................................9, 22, 26, 43
Design Ratio ................................................ 33
Load Combination ........... 9, 18, 26, 38, 39, 47
Design Standard ...................................... 8, 25
Location ....................................................... 22
Details .................................................... 17, 37
Location x ............................................... 41, 45
Display Navigator .................................. 60, 63
Manual Limit Stresses ............................. 11, 28
Eccentric Lateral Loads ................................ 39
Masks ....................................................... 8, 25
Enumeration Method .................................. 18
Material ......................................10, 13, 27, 30
Envelope Method ........................................ 19
Material Description ............................... 10, 27
Equivalent Stress .......................................... 15
Material Library ...................................... 12, 29
Equivalent Stress σ eqv ...................... 36, 39, 47
Material Properties ................................. 10, 27
Equivalent Stresses H-M-H ............... 16, 18, 23
Members ...................................................... 26
Evaluation of Results ................................... 51
Membrane Stresses ................................ 17, 22
Excel ............................................................ 73
Method CO Design ....................................... 38
Export Cross-section .................................... 72
Middle Surface ....................................... 22, 56

84 Program RF-STEEL © 2008 Dlubal Engineering Software


Mindlin ........................................................ 18 Signs ...................................................... 35, 61

Mises ............................................... 16, 18, 23 Stainless Steel...................................10, 27, 29
Mixed Method ............................................. 19 Start Calculation ..................................... 20, 40
Multicolor Stresses....................................... 63 Start RF-STEEL ................................................ 6

N Statical Moment ..................................... 42, 58

Navigator ................................................. 8, 25 Stress Components ..........................53, 56, 60

Neutral Axis ..................................... 17, 22, 56 Stress Design ................................................ 16

Normal Stresses ..................................... 15, 34 Stress Diagrams ............................................ 67

Stress Graphics ............................................. 57
Stress Point ................... 32, 42, 46, 53, 57, 68
Optimization .......................................... 33, 71
Stress Ratio...........................16, 23, 37, 43, 54
Orthotropic Surface ..................................... 14
Stress Tensor ................................................ 15
Stress Type .................................23, 43, 53, 60
Panel ...................................................... 61, 63
Stresses . 15, 21, 23, 34, 35, 41, 43, 44, 54, 55
Parameterized Cross-section ........................ 71
Stresses of Load Case ................................... 55
Part .............................................................. 49
Stresses on Cross-section ............................. 67
Partial View.................................................. 63
Stresses Rendering ....................................... 63
Parts List ................................................ 49, 50
Sum .............................................................. 50
Plastic Calculation ........................................ 38
Surface Area ................................................. 49
Point Coordinates ........................................ 21
Surface Axes ................................................. 22
Print ....................................................... 65, 67
Surfaces .................................................... 9, 14
Print Graphics .............................................. 65
Switch Masks ........................................... 8, 25
Printout Report ............................................ 65
Printout Selection ........................................ 68
Taper ................................................32, 41, 72
Tau Tresca ........................................16, 17, 23
Rankine ........................................................ 15
Thickness ...................................................... 14
Remark .................................................. 14, 33
Thickness Type.............................................. 14
Result Diagram ...................................... 62, 65
Timber .......................................................... 30
Results ................................................... 55, 60
Top Side ....................................................... 22
Results Mask .............................. 18, 21, 37, 41
Torsion ................................................... 36, 39
Results Navigator ................................... 54, 60
Transversal Shear Stresses ............................ 18
RFEM Graphics ............................................. 65
Tresca ........................................................... 16
RFEM Work Window .............................. 54, 59
RF-STEEL Case ........................................ 69, 70
Unit Weight .................................................. 50
Units .................................................10, 27, 73
Safety Factor γ M ..................................... 11, 28
User-defined Cross-section ........................... 42
Scale Factor ................................................. 61
Section ......................................................... 65
Values .................................................... 55, 60
Select Stresses........................................ 52, 53
Variable Thickness .................................. 14, 21
Set of Members ......................... 26, 44, 48, 50
Verification ....................................... 23, 37, 43
Shape Factor α pl .......................................... 38
View Mode ............................................. 54, 59
Shear Stresses .................................. 15, 18, 35
Visualization ........................................... 54, 59
Sigma Rankine ................................. 15, 17, 23
Volume ......................................................... 49

Program RF-STEEL © 2008 Dlubal Engineering Software


Warping Torsion .................................... 36, 42 x Location ..................................................... 45
Weight ......................................................... 50 Y
Yield Strength f yk .......... 11, 12, 13, 28, 29, 30

Program RF-STEEL © 2008 Dlubal Engineering Software


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