Questions Based On X Bar and R Chart

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vue 2. The following table gives the sample means and ranges for 1:Q. samples \ of size 6, in the production of certain component. Construct me control cst for mean and range and comment on the nature of control. Sample.No.| 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 | 9 Mean X | 37.5 | 49.8| 515| 59.2] 547 | 347] sia] o14| 707 RangeR | 95 | 128] 100| 91| 78 | 58| 145| 28 | 37 = 5 xt Solution. Mean of means ¥ == ES mh . = 375+4984515459.2454.7434.7 451.44 61.4470.7+753 3-27.54 498451.54592454743474 5144 61447074953 10 546.2 j ATH 5402. Central line) From the table of control chart, for sample size of 6 1 \“ = 0483, D, = 0, D, = 2.004 } given : D a0) quality Contro! Methods (Contro} Charts) ical rol limits of % — Chart 2 UCL. = X+A,R = 54.62 + (0.483) (8,4) = X-A,R 447 58.677 LCL. = 54.62 — (0.483) (8,4) = 50.563 CHART RaZR _95+12.8410049.147.8+5.8414.542.843.748,0 =840i- 9g Ucentrod. i 10 10, lina) From table dD, = 2.004, D, $ Control limits of R Chart uct 1, = 2.004-x 8.4 = 16.834” LCL=D,R ated tion to. i 50 Introduc Engineering Mathomates_ Solution. _ Here, we have Bo 6 | 7 es Sample No. | 1 [| 2.| 3 | 4 oy 3 130 | 50 | 48 | 47 | 52 | 49 [55 Observed . | 55 1, 3] 53. 1.53, fe 49. S5a) 49). | 1 58 demauemeltsl Se SB KAS. [ook de eo Me Alen sf 3° 4 | 46 | 52 | 50 | 44] 56°] 53 | 53 s3_|so | a7 | 53 | 45 | 50 | 45 | 57 EX 260 | 250 | 250 | 255 | 235 | 260 | 245 | 270 52 50 50 SI 47 52 49 ‘54 R |s5-49] 53-46] 53-47 [53-48] 50-44] 56-47] 53-45] 57-50 2e|27| =6.| =5,1-26 |. =9-]_= 27 Ex 7” 52450+50451447 +524 49454451454 « 10 Mean of the means X = Control Limits for X - chart: UCL -=.X4A, R= 51.0 + (0.577) 6.5 = 54.7505 LCL = X-A,R = 51.0 - (0.577) 6.5 = 47,2495 Construction of control chart for Mean Step 1. Sample numbers are taken along x- axis and mean, values along y-axis. Step 2. Draw the lines for control limits y'= 54.75 upper control limit Step 3. Plot the points to represent the means and join them by straight lines. x, 55| 54 53 52| 51 ‘Sample Mean X 50} 49) Since X5 = 47 < LCL and this value lies outside the control limits ‘and hence the process is out of control. Metta S cal Quality Control Methods (Control Charts) ini statis chart . From the table D, = 0, D, = 2.115 ER _O+74+6+54+04948474744 _ se Se From the table, for sample size of 5, A, = 0.577, 65 UCL =D, R = 2115 x 6.5'= 13.7475 R =0 Lak =65 Construction of control chart for R sep 1. Sample Nos, are taken along x-axis and mean values of R on axis, Step 2. Draw the lines of control limits y"= 6.5, upper control limit y = 13.7475 and lower limit y = 0, Step 3. Plot the points to represent the R and join them by st. lines, r UCL = 13.75 8 Sample Range R 2 © 1203 4 5 6 7.8 9 10 ‘Sample Number All values of R lie between the control limits 13.7475 and 0, Hence, the variability is under control, Still the process is out of control due to X chart, bape Fie table given below gives the measurements obtained in 10 samples. Construct control charts for mee “an and the range, Discuss the nature of control. Sample No,| 1 2 3 4 5 6 7] 8 | 9 | 10 62 | 50 | 67 | 64 [49 | 63 | 6 | 03 | 48] 70 Measurements) 68 | 58 | 70 | 62 | 9g 75.| 71 | 72] 79 | $2 x 66 | 52 | 68 | 57 | os | 62 | 66} or | 53] 62 % | 58 | 56 | 62 | 64 | sa | 69] 53] or | 50 73 | 65 | 61 | 63 | 66 | 68 | 77| 55] 49} 6 58 | 66 |.66 | 74 | 64 | 55 | sz | 57 | 56 | 2 452 Introduction to Engineering Mathematigg fy Solution. Here, we have BompleWo| 12 1 aS ee ee 62 | so | 67 | 64 | 49 | 63 [or [5 Measurements) 68 | 58 | 70 |. 62 | 98 | 75 | 1 | 79 x 66 | 52 | 68 | 57 | 65 | 62 | 66 | 6; 68 | 58 | 56 | 62 | 64 | se | 69 | 53 73 | 65 | 61 | 63: | 66 | 68 | 77 | 55 68 | 66 | 66 | 74 | 64 | 55 | 53 | 57 EX | 405 | 349 | 388 | 382 | 406 | 381 | 397 | 361 58.2 | 64.7 | 63.7 | 67.7] 63.5°'| 66.2 | 60.2 For sample size of 6, A, = 0.483, A, = 0.483 Control limits for ¥- chart: ‘Sample Mean X UCL LCL ¢ CLy 75 73 nm 69 67 65 63 61 59 57 55 53. ay ol 10 = FAR = 63.19 + (0.483) «29.6 = 74.1058 4 5 6 Sample Number Quality Control Methods (Control Charts) 453 auithe means of the samples lie between UCL and LCL 52.59 UCL¥ =2.8. Also X,

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