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• What Is Leadership?
• Theories
• Charismatic Leadership and Transformational Leadership
• Authentic Leadership: Ethics and Trust
• Leading for the Future: Mentoring
• Challenges to the Leadership Construct
• Finding and Creating Effective Leaders
• Summary and Implications for Managers
What is Leadership?

• Leadership is the ability to influence a group towards the achievement of a

vision or set of goals.
• Not all leaders are managers nor are all managers leaders.
• Strong leadership and strong management are needed for optimal


• Trait theories of leadership focus on • Initiating structure-the extent to
personal qualities and which a leader is likely to define
characteristics. and structure his or her role and
• The search for personality, social, those of employees in the search
physical, or intellectual attributes for goal attainment.
that differentiate leaders from • Consideration is the extent to which
nonleaders goes back to the earliest a person's job relationships are
stages of leadership research. characterized by mutual trust,
• Another trait that may indicate respect for employees' ideas, and
effective leadership is emotional regard for their feelings.
intelligence (EI). • The employee-oriented leader
• A core component of El is empathy. • The production oriented leader


• The Fiedler Model THEORY
• Situational Leadership Theory • A theory that supports leaders’ creation of in-groups
and out-groups; subordinates with in-group status
• Path–Goal Theory will have higher performance ratings, less turnover,
• Leader-Participation Model and greater job satisfaction.
Charismatic Leadership and Transformational

• Charismatic leadership theory is a leadership theory that states

that followers make attributions of heroic or extraordinary
leadership abilities when they observe certain behaviors.
• Transformational leaders are Leaders who inspire followers to
transcend their own self-interests and who are capable of having a
profound and extraordinary effect on followers.
Key Characteristics

• Charismatic leader has a vision— • Transformational Leader provides

expressed as an idealized goal—that vision and sense of mission, instills
proposes a future better than the pride, gains respect and trust.
status quo; and is able to clarify the
importance of the vision in terms that • Communicates high expectations, uses
are understandable to others. symbols to focus efforts, expresses
important purposes in simple ways.
• Willing to take on high personal risk,
incur high costs, and engage in self • Promotes intelligence, rationality, and
sacrifice to achieve the vision. careful problem solving.
• Perceptive of others’ abilities and • Gives personal attention, treats each
responsive to their needs and feelings. employee individually, coaches,
• Engages in behaviors that are
perceived as novel and counter to
How Do They Work?

• The charismatic leader • Transformational leadership

engages in emotion-inducing engenders commitment on the
and often unconventional part of followers and instills
behavior to demonstrate greater trust in the leader.
courage and conviction about Transformational leaders
the vision. Followers “catch” improve performance by
the emotions their leader is building consensus among
conveying. group members.
Authentic Leadership: Ethics and Trust

Authentic Leadership:
• Leaders know who they are
• Know what they believe in and value
• Act on those values and beliefs openly and candidly
Authentic Leadership: Ethics and Trust

Ethics and Leadership Trust and Leadership

• Transformational leaders foster • Trust is a psychological state that
moral virtue exists when you agree to make
• When they try to change the yourself vulnerable to another
because you have positive
attitudes and behaviors of followers. expectations about how things are
• Unethical leaders use their charisma going to turn out.
to enhance power over followers, • Trust is a primary attribute
directed toward self- serving ends. associated with leadership.
• An example, when leaders give • When trust is broken, it can have
themselves large bonuses while they serious adverse effects on a group's
seek to cut costs by laying off long- performance.
time employees.
Leading for the Future: Mentoring

• A mentor is a senior employee who sponsors and supports a less-

experienced employee, a protégé. Successful mentors are good
teachers. They present ideas clearly, listen well, and empathize
with protégés’ problems. Mentoring relationships serve both
career functions and psychosocial functions.
Challenges to the Leadership Construct

• Much of an organization's success or failure is due to factors outside the influence

of leadership. In many cases, success or failure is just a matter of being in the
right or wrong place at a given time.
• The attribution theory of leadership says leadership is merely an attribution
people make about other individuals.
Challenges for Online Leadership
• Needs research.
• Today's managers and employees are increasingly linked by networks rather than
• proximity.
• Online leaders have to think carefully about what actions they want their digital
messages to initiate.
• Writing skills are likely to become an extension of interpersonal skills.
Finding and Creating Effective Leaders

Selecting Leaders
Organizations fill management positions by identifying effective leaders through knowledge, skills, and
abilities. Personality tests identify leadership traits like extraversion, conscientiousness, and openness to
experience. High self-monitors and candidates with high emotional intelligence have an advantage.
Experience is a poor predictor of leader effectiveness, but situation-specific experience is relevant.
Organizations should plan for leadership succession, as Apple's board is concerned with Steve Jobs'
Training Leaders
Organizations spend billions on leadership training and development, including executive
programs, sailing experiences, and business schools. To maximize effectiveness, managers shoul
focus on high self-monitors, implementation skills, trust building, mentoring, situational-
analysis, charismatic leadership, and transformational leadership skills. These trainings can lead
to improved financial performance and effectiveness in organizations.
Summary and Implications for Managers

Knowing what makes a good leader should thus be valuable in

improving group performance.
• Search for universal leadership traits failed.
• Behavioral approach's contribution was narrowing leadership into
task-oriented (initiating structure) and people-oriented
(consideration) styles.
• Research leadership has made contributions to our understanding
of leadership effectiveness.
• Tests and interviews help identify people with leadership

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