Daluang Colorimetri

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02/05/2023 14:35:45



0.8 540


0.6 500


0.2 480

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

White Yellow
100 100

80 80
556. 6 , 41. 343

60 60
Green v*




0 -100
Black -100 -50 0 50 100 400 500 600 700
Blue u* Wavelength (nm )

Scan Analysis Report

Report Time : Tue 02 May 02:24:04 PM 2023
Batch: C:\Users\Public\Documents\Agilent\Cary WinUV\2023\Mei 2023\kozo import.DCL
Software version:

Instrument Parameters
Instrument Cary 60
Instrument Version 2.00
Start (nm) 780.0
Stop (nm) 380.0
X Mode Nanometers
Y Mode %R
UV-Vis Scan Rate (nm/min) 600.000
UV-Vis Data Interval (nm) 5.00
UV-Vis Ave. Time (sec) 0.1000
Beam Mode Dual Beam
Baseline Correction On
Baseline Type Baseline correction
Baseline File Name
Baseline Std Ref File Name
Cycle Mode Off

Color Calculations
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02/05/2023 14:35:45

Date 02:24:17 pm 02 May 2023

Method Name
Wavelength Range 380 to 780 nm
Interval 5 nm
Observer Angle 2 Degrees

Sample name sample1

File name not saved

Illuminant = CIE A
Tristimulus X = 81.8619 Y = 73.1568 Z = 21.6508
Chromaticity x = 0.4634 y = 0.4141 z = 0.1225
CIELAB L* = 88.5225 a* = 2.7856 b* = 10.7348
CIELUV L* = 88.5225 u* = 8.3053 v* = 5.6452
Metric L* = 88.5225 C* = 11.0903 h = 75.4529

Illuminant = CIE B
Tristimulus X = 72.0913 Y = 72.3024 Z = 51.3319
Chromaticity x = 0.3683 y = 0.3694 z = 0.2623
CIELAB L* = 88.1139 a* = 0.8942 b* = 10.7040
CIELUV L* = 88.1139 u* = 7.2461 v* = 13.0431
Metric L* = 88.1139 C* = 10.7413 h = 85.2248

Illuminant = CIE C
Tristimulus X = 70.2595 Y = 71.9428 Z = 70.7949
Chromaticity x = 0.3299 y = 0.3378 z = 0.3324
CIELAB L* = 87.9410 a* = -0.6271 b* = 10.6333
CIELUV L* = 87.9410 u* = 6.2709 v* = 16.6663
Metric L* = 87.9410 C* = 10.6517 h = 93.3753
Whiteness WI = 19.3052
Yellowness ASTM E313-00 YI = 20.4723

Scan Analysis Report

Report Time : Tue 02 May 02:25:32 PM 2023
Batch: C:\Users\Public\Documents\Agilent\Cary WinUV\2023\Mei 2023\kozo import1.DCL
Software version:

Instrument Parameters
Instrument Cary 60
Instrument Version 2.00
Start (nm) 780.0
Stop (nm) 380.0
X Mode Nanometers
Y Mode %R
UV-Vis Scan Rate (nm/min) 600.000
UV-Vis Data Interval (nm) 5.00
UV-Vis Ave. Time (sec) 0.1000
Beam Mode Dual Beam
Baseline Correction On
Baseline Type Baseline correction
Baseline File Name
Baseline Std Ref File Name
Cycle Mode Off
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02/05/2023 14:35:45


Scan Analysis Report

Report Time : Tue 02 May 02:27:38 PM 2023
Batch: C:\Users\Public\Documents\Agilent\Cary WinUV\2023\Mei 2023\daluang coklat.DCL
Software version:

Instrument Parameters
Instrument Cary 60
Instrument Version 2.00
Start (nm) 780.0
Stop (nm) 380.0
X Mode Nanometers
Y Mode %R
UV-Vis Scan Rate (nm/min) 600.000
UV-Vis Data Interval (nm) 5.00
UV-Vis Ave. Time (sec) 0.1000
Beam Mode Dual Beam
Baseline Correction On
Baseline Type Baseline correction
Baseline File Name
Baseline Std Ref File Name
Cycle Mode Off

Color Calculations
Date 02:27:50 pm 02 May 2023
Method Name
Wavelength Range 380 to 780 nm
Interval 5 nm
Observer Angle 2 Degrees

Sample name Daluang coklat1

File name not saved

Illuminant = CIE A
Tristimulus X = 90.6895 Y = 77.3697 Z = 20.7244
Chromaticity x = 0.4804 y = 0.4098 z = 0.1098
CIELAB L* = 90.4915 a* = 10.0398 b* = 16.5820
CIELUV L* = 90.4915 u* = 23.7943 v* = 6.9111
Metric L* = 90.4915 C* = 19.3845 h = 58.8068

Illuminant = CIE B
Tristimulus X = 78.3360 Y = 75.1448 Z = 49.1088
Chromaticity x = 0.3867 y = 0.3709 z = 0.2424
CIELAB L* = 89.4608 a* = 7.7147 b* = 15.4990
CIELUV L* = 89.4608 u* = 20.8465 v* = 17.2172
Metric L* = 89.4608 C* = 17.3128 h = 63.5379

Illuminant = CIE C
Tristimulus X = 75.5645 Y = 74.2943 Z = 67.7019
Chromaticity x = 0.3473 y = 0.3415 z = 0.3112
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CIELAB L* = 89.0614 a* = 5.5319 b* = 15.0566

CIELUV L* = 89.0614 u* = 18.6184 v* = 22.0998
Metric L* = 89.0614 C* = 16.0407 h = 69.8262
Whiteness WI = 1.3543
Yellowness ASTM E313-00 YI = 33.3518

Scan Analysis Report

Report Time : Tue 02 May 02:30:29 PM 2023
Batch: C:\Users\Public\Documents\Agilent\Cary WinUV\2023\Mei 2023\Daluang CaOH.DCL
Software version:

Instrument Parameters
Instrument Cary 60
Instrument Version 2.00
Start (nm) 780.0
Stop (nm) 380.0
X Mode Nanometers
Y Mode %R
UV-Vis Scan Rate (nm/min) 600.000
UV-Vis Data Interval (nm) 5.00
UV-Vis Ave. Time (sec) 0.1000
Beam Mode Dual Beam
Baseline Correction On
Baseline Type Baseline correction
Baseline File Name
Baseline Std Ref File Name
Cycle Mode Off

Color Calculations
Date 02:30:54 pm 02 May 2023
Method Name
Wavelength Range 380 to 780 nm
Interval 5 nm
Observer Angle 2 Degrees

Sample name Daluang CaOH

File name not saved

Illuminant = CIE A
Tristimulus X = 75.9572 Y = 68.9915 Z = 23.8910
Chromaticity x = 0.4499 y = 0.4086 z = 0.1415
CIELAB L* = 86.4998 a* = 0.3315 b* = 1.5931
CIELUV L* = 86.4998 u* = 1.0882 v* = 0.8989
Metric L* = 86.4998 C* = 1.6272 h = 78.2458

Illuminant = CIE B
Tristimulus X = 68.2724 Y = 68.8796 Z = 57.2013
Chromaticity x = 0.3513 y = 0.3544 z = 0.2943
CIELAB L* = 86.4444 a* = 0.0061 b* = 1.6224
CIELUV L* = 86.4444 u* = 0.9181 v* = 2.0615
Metric L* = 86.4444 C* = 1.6224 h = 89.7848
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Illuminant = CIE C
Tristimulus X = 67.3907 Y = 68.8317 Z = 79.1476
Chromaticity x = 0.3129 y = 0.3196 z = 0.3675
CIELAB L* = 86.4206 a* = -0.2478 b* = 1.6270
CIELUV L* = 86.4206 u* = 0.7659 v* = 2.6328
Metric L* = 86.4206 C* = 1.6458 h = 98.6581
Whiteness WI = 60.6408
Yellowness ASTM E313-00 YI = 3.2224

Scan Analysis Report

Report Time : Tue 02 May 02:32:21 PM 2023
Batch: C:\Users\Public\Documents\Agilent\Cary WinUV\2023\Mei 2023\Daluang NaOH.DCL
Software version:

Instrument Parameters
Instrument Cary 60
Instrument Version 2.00
Start (nm) 780.0
Stop (nm) 380.0
X Mode Nanometers
Y Mode %R
UV-Vis Scan Rate (nm/min) 600.000
UV-Vis Data Interval (nm) 5.00
UV-Vis Ave. Time (sec) 0.1000
Beam Mode Dual Beam
Baseline Correction On
Baseline Type Baseline correction
Baseline File Name
Baseline Std Ref File Name
Cycle Mode Off

Color Calculations
Date 02:32:38 pm 02 May 2023
Method Name
Wavelength Range 380 to 780 nm
Interval 5 nm
Observer Angle 2 Degrees

Sample name Daluang NaOH

File name not saved

Illuminant = CIE A
Tristimulus X = 91.1763 Y = 82.6115 Z = 27.9783
Chromaticity x = 0.4519 y = 0.4094 z = 0.1387
CIELAB L* = 92.8441 a* = 0.7369 b* = 3.0651
CIELUV L* = 92.8441 u* = 2.2971 v* = 1.7104
Metric L* = 92.8441 C* = 3.1525 h = 76.4813

Illuminant = CIE B
Tristimulus X = 81.6506 Y = 82.3681 Z = 66.8305
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Chromaticity x = 0.3537 y = 0.3568 z = 0.2895

CIELAB L* = 92.7371 a* = 0.0228 b* = 3.1565
CIELUV L* = 92.7371 u* = 1.8144 v* = 4.0330
Metric L* = 92.7371 C* = 3.1565 h = 89.5861

Illuminant = CIE C
Tristimulus X = 80.4188 Y = 82.2666 Z = 92.3898
Chromaticity x = 0.3153 y = 0.3225 z = 0.3622
CIELAB L* = 92.6924 a* = -0.5063 b* = 3.1815
CIELUV L* = 92.6924 u* = 1.4705 v* = 5.1891
Metric L* = 92.6924 C* = 3.2215 h = 99.0421
Whiteness WI = 67.2144
Yellowness ASTM E313-00 YI = 5.8682

Scan Analysis Report

Report Time : Tue 02 May 02:33:43 PM 2023
Batch: C:\Users\Public\Documents\Agilent\Cary WinUV\2023\Mei 2023\Daluang NaCO.DCL
Software version:

Instrument Parameters
Instrument Cary 60
Instrument Version 2.00
Start (nm) 780.0
Stop (nm) 380.0
X Mode Nanometers
Y Mode %R
UV-Vis Scan Rate (nm/min) 600.000
UV-Vis Data Interval (nm) 5.00
UV-Vis Ave. Time (sec) 0.1000
Beam Mode Dual Beam
Baseline Correction On
Baseline Type Baseline correction
Baseline File Name
Baseline Std Ref File Name
Cycle Mode Off

Color Calculations
Date 02:34:0 pm 02 May 2023
Method Name
Wavelength Range 380 to 780 nm
Interval 5 nm
Observer Angle 2 Degrees

Sample name Daluang NaCO

File name not saved

Illuminant = CIE A
Tristimulus X = 93.2387 Y = 84.0328 Z = 26.8738
Chromaticity x = 0.4567 y = 0.4116 z = 0.1316
CIELAB L* = 93.4647 a* = 1.5784 b* = 6.5969
CIELUV L* = 93.4647 u* = 4.9172 v* = 3.6205
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Metric L* = 93.4647 C* = 6.7831 h = 76.5437

Illuminant = CIE B
Tristimulus X = 82.8900 Y = 83.4808 Z = 63.9729
Chromaticity x = 0.3599 y = 0.3624 z = 0.2777
CIELAB L* = 93.2245 a* = 0.2815 b* = 6.6624
CIELUV L* = 93.2245 u* = 4.1606 v* = 8.3747
Metric L* = 93.2245 C* = 6.6684 h = 87.5806

Illuminant = CIE C
Tristimulus X = 81.2626 Y = 83.2472 Z = 88.3346
Chromaticity x = 0.3214 y = 0.3292 z = 0.3494
CIELAB L* = 93.1225 a* = -0.7293 b* = 6.6589
CIELUV L* = 93.1225 u* = 3.5195 v* = 10.7158
Metric L* = 93.1225 C* = 6.6987 h = 96.2504
Whiteness WI = 51.8694
Yellowness ASTM E313-00 YI = 12.2530

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