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International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews, Vol 3, no 7, pp 4035- 4037, July 2022

International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews

Journal homepage: www.ijrpr.com ISSN 2582-7421

A Study on Effectiveness of E-Recruitment.

Ms. Chandini M.R

Department of MBA Dr. Ambedkar Institute of Technology, Bangalore, Karnataka, India


This research study is mainly on effectiveness of E-Recruitment effective utilization of internet technology to improve efficiency as well as effectiveness of the
recruitment process. The Title of the study is effectiveness of E-Recruitment. E-recruitment is a mode for selecting one of the companies’ human resources through
technology. The study was based on collecting the data from various sources like Primary data secondary data and structuring. The statistical tools used such as
one-way anova test and descriptive test is used. The statistical software SPSS was used to analyze the data. The findings of the research survey discovered that

Keywords: Recruitment, HR recruitment, Effectiveness, Social media, E-recruitment.


Project is about a study on effectiveness of E-Recruitment. The advancement of technology plays an important role in organizations functioning and over
all development of India. As our country is a developing nation and it has set its mission to be digitalized in every arena, the organization used various
sources to recruiting, different job agencies and soon.

Those sources are also recognizes as traditional recruitment sources. But now along with those sources many other sources have been added to this list
because of the sources which added with traditional recruitment which is known as e-recruitment. E-recruitment is a mode for selecting one of the
companies’ human resources through technology.

According to technological acceptance model, the uses of online sources for job searching have been impressively increased. It is considered to be
effective because it saves time, efforts and moreover it can ensure that suitable person is hired for a particular position. So the main purpose of our study
is to identify about how e-recruitment and internet is influencing there recruitment process of an organization.

The project is an excellent chance for students to get valuable knowledge about the firm. It is also beneficial for students to grasp the corporate
environment. It helps in a very efficient manner with appropriate guidelines provided by the guide. The 12-weeks project was undertaken on a study on
effectiveness of E-Recruitment.


• To supply suitable suggestion to boost E-Recruitment.

• To explore the technical skills for e- recruitment.
• To analyze the effectiveness of e recruitment.
• To analyses trust worthiness of employees to the job seekers through e-recruitment.

Nafia Sultana, Nahida Sultana (2018)

“Analyzing the effectiveness of online recruitment: case study on recruiters of research gate publications 2018,vo;ume 7(2), ISSN 2305-8730, pp. 79-84,
this paper is about present organizations that become more online-department while dealing the human resource management activities. Their search not
only identified the efficacy of online recruitment but also discover the stage of recruitment during which organizations get more benefits through using
the web.

Piana Monsur Mindia, Md. Kazimul Hoque (2018)

Effects of E-Recruitment and internet on recruitment process: An empirical study on multinational companies, International journal of research and
management (IJSRM), volume 06, Issue 01, 2018,ISSN (e):2321-3418, this journal concluded that the recruitment process is externally much crucial to
every organization, because it’s the oldster that will contribute strategically and make difference within the work place.
International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews, Vol 3, no 7, pp 4035-4037,July 2022 4036

Mr. Muhammad Assadul Mujtaba, Dr. Muhammad Shaukat Malik (2018)

“Effectiveness of E-Recruitment on effectiveness of HR Department private sector, International journal of human resource studies, 20189, volume 8(2),
ISSN 2162-3058, This research paper aims at exploring the impact of latest technological; development within the context of recruitment and also the
way it’s facilitated the fashionable day managers. There as proved that E-Recruitment has significant effectiveness on effectiveness of HR department
private sector.

Prakash Yadao Khillare, Smita Kashinath Shirsale (2017)

“A Study on Effectiveness of E-Recruitment in Current Business Scenario”, International Journal of Research in Management, Economics and Commerce,
2017, Volume 07(1), ISSN2250-057X, pp.35, this paper aims to debate the concept, nature, problems, benefits, methods and trends and conditions
permanently electronic recruitment.

Anand Jand Dr. Chitra DeviS(2016)

“The Effectiveness of E- Recruitment and challenges faced by HR Professionals”, International Journal of Applied Research, 2016, volume 2(3), ISSN
2394-7500, pp.410- 413, the study is about the electronic recruitment that's prevailing within the HR professionals. Many organizations intentionally in
evaluating e-recruitment for his or her growth and feasible, to source right person for right time with right cost.


The research design used in the study is descriptive type of research. The descriptive type research is typically determining frequently with which
something occurs or how variables vary together. Structured data is collected to design the Primary data secondary data. The sampling method used is
probability simple random method for the survey. The survey conducted from HR managers and employees.

Hypothesis for the study

H0: There is no association between e-recruitment process and recruitment effectiveness.

H1: There is an association between e-recruitment process and recruitment effectiveness.
H0: There is no association between e-recruitment and quality of the hired candidates.
H1: There is an association between e-recruitment and quality of the hired candidates.


The online recruitment media should advance their tools by providing some auto filtration techniques so that perfect candidates can be chosen quickly
and easily. The organizations should practice the use of e-recruitment in all stages of recruitment process. There should be a clear feedback system
between the recruiters and applicants while using online media of recruitment.


Effectiveness was defined in terms of the quantity and quality of applications. Highlighted within research on recruitment source effects has been a range
of design differences across studies internet as a recruitment sources were introduced into this study to address two primary gaps identified in the research.

The assessment of the pre-hire criteria of the quantity and quality of applications was approached by developing two studies to examine different
perspectives, on at the applicant level and the second at the organizational level. The relationships between source and applicant perspectives were
subsequently theorized to impact on the dependent variable of applicant intention to pursue the job.


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